St. Mary’s College of Maryland St. Mary’s campus weekly • 48th year, No. 22 April 29, 1997 • St. Mary’s City, MD 20686 Lil’palooza to return this weekend as outdoor event JOHN MCDONALD Ska, and the Country Gentlemen, as well staff w riter as local favorites Julius Bloom and This weekend marks the return of a Drumfish. beloved institution, Lil’palooza, to St. However, security remains a large con­ Mary’s College. The all-day concert, tra­ cern for the College. It will be provided ditionally held outdoors, was drastically this year by off-campus personnel, Cofield changed last year in order to accommo­ went on to explain. “We’re going to have date the MTV sensation Jewel. This sheriff deputies, I believe, patrolling the decision, and concerns over security, area. And... they have arresting power.” forced the concert inside, much to the This added security stems from the con­ annoyance of many students. cern of the administration that past Noting student opinion, this year the Lil’paloozas have been large alcohol-filled organizers eschewed the cost of a head­ bastions of debauchery. “What we want liner in favor of some of the bands that to do, basically, is advertise this as a non­ have graced the Lil’palooza stage in years alcoholic event,” Cofield said. past. As Rod Cofield, a Student Develop­ Whether or not this increased police ment events coordinator, stated, “We presence will serve to dampen the spirits wanted to bring it [Lil’palooza] back to of the college community remains to be tradition, on the admissions field... with seen. Student opinion has been divided. lots of local and college bands.” These Senior Alex Harmon was adamant in sup­ bands include, from the College, Scooby porting the increased security. “I’m glad Groove, A1 Skapone and the Gangsters of Continued on LILPALOOZA, page 7 Rosemont named to first ever endowed chair at convocation KARIE LEW is a highly respected member of the Col­ staff w riter lege faculty and winer of theDodge Teach­ Philosophy Professor Henry Rosemont ing Excellence award. SGA President-elect Rod Cofield speaks at the candidate forum held was named to the College’s first ever Upon receiving the award, Rosemont before last week’s elections endowed professorship at Wednesday’s confessed that such a moving moment Awards Convocation. President O’Brien’s demanded his reliance on notes to help surprise announcement of the George B. him through his brief acceptance speech and Willma Reeves Endowed Chair in the so that he “would not stumble too badly in Liberal Arts constituted the crowning delivering” it. First addressing Willma event of the ceremony recognizing out­ Reeves, he expressed his deep gratitude standing academic and service achieve­ for her generosity in establishing the en­ Mosley, Jean-Mary round out Exec Board winners ments. dowed chair and his desire to “do my Sophomore Rod Cofield won a nar­ he will appoint Junior Mat Gulick as vice The $ 1.2 million Reeves Endowed Chair utmost, with the help of my colleagues, to row victory over Junior Ervan Hancock president for administration and Sopho­ was established to support the work of a be worthy of the honor you have bestowed for the presidency of next year’s SGA, more Keandra Bell as parliamentarian. distinguished scholar with broad exper­ on the College.” in elections held last Monday and Tues­ Student Trustee-in-training Heather tise in classical civilization: an eminent When Rosemont addressed his com­ day. In other races, Freshman Andrew Davis rounds out the executive board. scholar and a gifted teacher of humani­ ments to his colleagues, he emphasized the Mosley topped Shane Finnerin and Cofield was elected on a platform of ties. lasting benefit that the endowed chair Leena Ghim for the SGA treasurer posi­ improving student services such as food, Trained in the history of Eastern and would bestow upon the College: “What is tion, and Junior Guirlane “Joujou” Jean- safety, and the Health Center. He is Western philosophy, linguistics, logic and most humbling to me today is the realiza­ Mary beat Freshman Kevin Frank for enthusiastic about the potential of the specializing in early Chinese thought, tion that the George B. and Willma Reeves the vice president of programming spot. newly elected exec board members to Asian and comparative philosophy, and Chair in the Liberal Arts belongs to this Cofield indicated in his campaign that Continued on SGA, page 7 contemporary Chinese politics, Rosemont Continued on ROSEMONT, page 7 Faculty endorse master plan, question Environmental Concentration Inside NEIL IRWIN faculty, and the Board of Trustees. month. Concentrations in women’s stud­ news editor The committee recommends expanding ies and African studies are in the works. In a victory for proponents of college the student body by about 200 over the Opposition centered on what some fac­ expansion, the faculty overwhelmingly next ten years, with commensurate expan­ ulty decribed as a lack of common learn­ endorsed the report of the Task Force on sion of faculty, on-campus housing, and ing experience in the proposed Environ­ Resources last Tuesday. classroom space. If approved by the Board mental Concentration like that to be found After briefly debating the meaning of a of Trustees, the plan would likely mean in the East Asian Concentration (for which section of the report recommending that one new dorm and an additional academic students must take two semesters of Chi­ ♦ S pringtime At S M C the Board of Trustees cap tuition increases, building. nese language) and women’s studies (for 1 Spring inspires reflections on the season. which there will be a required interdisci­ the report passed in a voice vote with only In other news from Tuesday’s faculty Page Two meeting, a proposed concentration in En­ plinary course). a few “nays.” Efforts to endorse the ♦ T ennis T o u r n a m e n t s report at a previous faculty meeting fell vironmental Policy hit a snag as faculty Biology Professor Bob Paul defended Men's tennis team places third in tournament short when insufficient attendance was members expressed concerns that the pro­ the proposal, arguing that such a core while women win record number of matches. found following a quorum count. posed concentration lacks a core educa­ course will be developed after instituting Page Eight The Task Force on Resources was tional experience. the concentration. OPINION............................................................2-3 formed this year to develop a long-term An Environmental Policy concentration The concentration failed to come to a ARTS & ENTERTAINMENT.......................... 4 strategic plan for the College. In Febru­ would be the second to be introduced to vote because by the time the question was N EW S.....................................................................7 FEATURES........................................................5-6 ary, administrators presented the the curriculum, following the East Asian called, a quorum was no longer present at SPORTS................................................................. 8 committee's recommendations to students, Studies Concentration approved early this the faculty meeting. ■ ^ The Point News 1 E d it o r ia l April 29, 1996 Senators should put aside petty pseudo-populism and The Point News St. Mary's College of Maryland Lower Charles Hall recommend stricter enforcement of parking rules Phone: (301) 862-0213 Rare is the issue that arises student ire and administrative indif­ they are not allowed—particularly, freshmen in lots other than Guam. Email: [email protected] ference to the extent that campus parking does. A specially formed So, in addition to recommending the expansion of several lots on Charles Sutton SGA committee has spent the better part of 1997 researching the campus, the committee recommends stricter collection of parking fines Editor-In-Chief issue—specifically, the problems that exist for students in finding a and mediation of consistently problematic violators through the Student Sarah Loff Assistant Editor reasonably close parking place. Affairs office, with power to revoke permits after a high number of Darren Buck Twice now, the SGA has stopped short of endorsing the report, ticketing incidents. Advertising Manager tabling the matter ostensibly for further research. Tabling the By establishing a policy of less tolerance for repeat parking violators, Neil Irwin report, though, has been more an act of pseudo-populist cowardice those who frequently take spaces illegally will be more inclined not to do News Editor on the part of senators concerned about a few necessary but so, leaving the spaces for the intended occupants. Ellen Scheible potentially controversial recommendations that would improve the SGA senators should put aside their tendencies to want to avoid Features Editor availability of parking on campus. controversy and get out of meetings early. While we would prefer Alisa Bralove A problem inherent in fitting the maximum number of cars into recommendations stronger than those contained in the report, the parking Editorial Editor a limited number of spaces is preventing people from parking where committee’s ideas are a step in the right direction. Amy Sehm an A & E Editor Matt Skillman Production Manager Elizabeth Rose LETTERS Erin Mannion Photography Editors Andrew Kitchenman Lack of sports coverage in Point News draws criticsm Benjamin Wyskida I’m writing about the sports coverage (rather, lack thereof) in the doubles team made it to the second round for the women. Again, I feel Editors Emeriti Point News. Sports are a very large part of student life here at SMC. congratulations are in order for this team. Dr. Robin Bates A d visor_______ I must admit that I’ve been very disappointed in coverage of sports I’m not as familiar with the lacrosse teams as I am with tennis, but I do this semester. I understand that you do not have a sports staff writer, know a little.
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