-' i . .■»srr^7'wrai . FRIpAY, jyLY 6, 19»« iKanrl;(St^^ lEti^ntng 1|»ra!U]i :— .* Bloodmbhile Unit Visits Center Cp,tirch Motiday, J.045 a, m. t&4:30p> ni. Mhmbera of the Manchester .port, Maine, arranged for ah amus- Rugsell F. Bernier syas able to Fim Department, will m'eet at the Pair at .Rogers Ing entertainm ent,, entitled Local Driver Held track down, the alleged, owner T" AboiitTown ■•Schooldays?” Gall Foster played through investigation. ' fire' headquarters. Main a t Hilli- AvetJ^r* Daily Net Press Run arti st., this ieveninc’ at 7;30 and Nfli^ed to Group I a flute solo, and instruiiiental On Evading Count A fter b(eing picked up by local ,'^Thd Weather The Rev. Stephen 8. Stry proceed’ to the .Walter t«clerc Fu­ imusic waq provided by several of police, Krol w ay turned over to ^ For tbs Week Eadcd rector of St. John’s ' Poltw Ns-, Forecast of C. B. Webtber Banes neral Home to pay their respects Two, oillciahr of -Rogers Corp. thb members present, .'S A'73'-'\’ear-old Manchester man, Det. G.eorge' GArrity of the East ■f ’ Jine Id, IMS tionsl Cstholie Chhrch, hss ' re­ 'to Felix Kasevi^, whose son is a Hartford Police Departirnffit. He ceived. S'request ' froth the Most Manchester and Rogers will par Frahk Krol of ^ Homestead St„ member. will be presented in that town’s Fair, eool toaight. Iii the low­ Rev, Kshop GroChowskl o f Strsn- UcipsU in A wcckrlong conference! tt| it«n f< iso m isxasr^i* was arrested by' local police laat court Jutv'20. 12,065 f t . ton, P«;, prime bishop o f ell Na-, on new ide^Iopm ei^ In manager-: ROASTING GHICKiNS er .se*s. Suoday, fair, wanMw in the case o f unfavorable' wea­ ial techpiquea to b«\ held next night at his imnie and turned over -'.Member o f the A n ^ ^ oh al Catholics, to prepare and ther this evening, closing exerCtia to East Hartford authorities who high 111 lower 80’s. ^Uyier the sermon in EhtgUsh at month at the- University of Con- F or Mis^ Carlson RANGE itacean Of drenUrtloa -Zion Vacation Bible! S^ool hecticut. are. charging him with evading re­ For hot w«ather nothing: is better than chicken and no M anchester^A City o^^^age Charm thV^PiOcesan Synod. July 10, in tined for the church lawn, will sponsibility. ' He was released un- St.' iH ^ 's Churchi Chicopee, Mass:’: K Sidney. Ai: Brown, vice president A shower irrhonor of illPs Shirley .der-,J200 bond.- ichicken is better than Oicott's, dean and eiui^deiicioiM ------------------------------------------------:------ -------- --------------------- n----------------------- :----- ' be held within the rhucch building. I ijEL Oil ■ The bisltqp will preside a ^ th e The program will begin at 7 p.m. of^knutacturhir at 'Rogers, and Carlson, M ^ ’a’ Ker S t, was given According to East Hartford pp- ''.nervice Jm jr-io and ii-.^^'^tpiacy Milton E. Veomaqs, personnel, di­ at the home of Mrs. Walter Carter, roasted, fried, broiled, barbecued, stewed «r any way VOI,. LXXV, Nd>2$« ' (TEN PAGES) MANCHESTER, CONN.,' S ^ ^ ^ D A Y , JULY 7,'^1956 (Classified Advertisliig ee. Fago 8) PRICB F iv e CCNTC ■ and at its close refreshments will tlce, on June 7, a car operated by G A iO tlN i Vnertblcki, chairman of the board be served in the assembly room: rector oft he firn^ will serve on 135 W^Middle T,:l'e., by itrs. Car­ Krol, skidded! w'Cnt-'over a 'cu rb ,i' chicken is eaten. Ten per cent discounM>n tfn or more, at At...,Jota's ISlilmh,; and Mrs. All are w'clcome. the conference’s planing com'mltr ter and Mrs. F^rank BUrtop of- ESast struck a tree and dicT conslderabfe delivery Friday morning. M i Walter tWdlnarowict; head of the tee. ' »■ IMrtford Monday evening. Fellow damag^ to. a laWn. and heclgp -at women's dodlety, alsp plan to at-- The conference, which' he '-braployes of Mias Curlsop'from the 32.5 Burnside Ave. The .gbcldent: You Vote tor Boss tend. Daughters o f‘ Liberty, No. 17, held during the week of Aug. l.P;' Hartford Special Machine Co. at­ BANTLY OIL LOLI, will meet at the Holmes occurred shortly after'2-'p.m. ' 'i X- is the annual Managenjent Con­ tended the shov,ieiv r, •, I , pm: \ , , , |\; Funeral Home, tohight at 7:l{i, to Police said'Krot left th'e scene Or Ray/ihe Penalty Members oSf -th* Bntrsfe.^jneMi. ference sponsored Jointly py thp Miss Cprlson, ^‘'tne daughter of withput reporting the' mishap to! K ROGER Oi^n conduct a rnefhoriat service. for University's School of Business ' ’ '1 ' \ I If: ! 1 can Cliib will mset at ..tnCscluh- M r. and Mrs. Rudolph Carlson,will either police or 'the property own- j Quymon, Okla., July 7 UPi-^ heuse this evening'Sbt,-'7:30 Mrs. ^ r a h Holland,, life member 'Admlrilstraliori and the 'Northeast­ 403 West Center street X ' ■ Mitchell 3>7R5J be married to'Jack Reichenbsch. 20 ec. ■■ „ ; TEL MItcIwiI 9..1595 Texga County Sheriff Jim * if the lodge who died yesterday. ern -Re^on of the Society for the / leave ‘ for the Holmes' Funehsl Aahworth St.; Aug. t a 3 o’clsck: Only . Evidence found . at the i Tucker, said not even'hie de- ‘ Home to pay their respects tfr-Mrif:^ hters of Liberty No. 125 are A.dvancement of Management. TEL ROCKVIl ir 5.2177 iriviteavtp'join in this service. in the Emanuel i.,-;thera -Ct.itfclv scehe'was a hub cap, but Officer I las^B putiee supported him li^ hi* / Sarah RoUand, whose son, Davidi, I t ^ i l be ^^hiighted by lec- . ttqMccessful bid - for re^eigc'- la a member of-the club. tuceS''hn ne%y''phases of'mahage- A son was'borii'.to Mr. and Mrs. tiw . and he fired them. mmit techniques, by seminars cov- In ' Tuesday’s* prlm^jiy elec­ Rainbow Girts who dCsh4 to PsmL l^ary. 9SlW><^iddle TpKe., vs^rious topics, and by work 7 *N ew York City pay station to as- tion, Tucker ran laefln a field nu^e the bus trip to Misqtiamicut TuesdaiKln St. Frani sessions'devoted to actual case y y\ - Weatbury, N. Y., July - - "sure -the father, wholesale drug of six Candida]^-- seeking; the .-1 Sunday, are request.ed to notify prbWemS.' Besides servthj^pn the | (iP)—-Two men were held in Democratic nomination for Mrs. John McAllister or Mrs. Fred Nelson J'.\Sprague, son oi As odtiertiaea in La<to*Jtfw»c Jaunutlj Gpod Hotuekerpihg, My Baby, Parents' salesman .Murrla Weinberg^, that conference's planning committee. TOlice custody today as detec­ sheriff. , . A'’ -' ’ CbsWer by 10 smm. tomorrow. and Mrs. Hare],d S. „.(jj condutt'a case study' the baby w'aV alive and w»TBit aapd to St.i is attendlngx a tives pushed their search for up'the rahsbhi . price frppi,.-f2,()00 ' He eohfk.rmed yesterday he .'A , School's Out has fired, C. F. (Jake) Gib- Miss Elsie' Mae Mulnlte ot<tVind- ing course at T ^ a l i A ir Fwce 6-weeks-old Peter Weinberger to 86,000. -X Base, FIs., as part o f his reserve m^e kon, jaller>and Deputies Wr L. BOrvlUe, and Robert F. Lulirtsema NewlSl|ile Picked who was kidnaped, from his Hitchcook; and Bill John Of this town, will be pa r r ie d to- officer training at Texys A and M. mauds, . am awaiting your call,” College^ where he is -011 ROTC carnage on the Fourth Weinberger told the kidng-per in a Pugh. - ■ molrrow at 12 hoop 'In the First By F o ^ rJ F aiiiily "I figurk' the least iffy de­ IBt’aniPSlical . lartheran Church. cadet. • > - : July. , , pre-arranged message carried by ^Clothes Police were close-mouthed about puties could have -done was Rockville. / newspapers .ahd >q .nl^ht-(al^Uion. 'le w iHici mmaa.' to' go" (ff the polls" 'and vote - King David Lodge, No. , 31, William Welles-Foster of Orynd the two men except to admiF two news show. atnswea (or me," 'Dicker said.’ Gerard Menard, -son of Mr. And I(X)F. will have no meeting in Odd Island. N, Y., .was elected presi>-L wer, picked iip last night, ques­ Weinberger ksid ,^lie was con- . Mrs. Joseph Menard. 83 Ridge St. Fellowa Hall tonight. .Only two dent of the Foster Family Asan.. rM«nSs>U tioned during the night and were vincie4 the anonymous caller wM vvbo has been stationed at Jack- meeting! a month will be held dur­ which held, its 16th biennial re­ A*b-lMk lit. WMi tit. kept in .custody, • the kidnaper who snatched the boy As AtrLarge Choi soaviBe, Pla.. with the Navy, is ing July and August. The next union Wednesday; July. .4. a t the Are in r -E A ppllee department spokesman ftom hik carriage on the patio of Foster Farm In Wapping,..^with an. ' Rm CRiKk Mttfii. Nixon Arrives liome'xpn a'15-day furlough. K « meeting. Friday. July 13, .will be urn.*? yn quoted Chief of Detectives .Stuy- the Weinberger home in this fash­ will report on July 15 at Memphis. followed by a picnic' at the home attendance 01 137 memMrs, the vesant Pinnell as saying the two ionable suburb. $f Urj/-' -V By LEONARD ZEID^BKRCr Tenn. of Clinton W. Keeney, 695 Keeney largest since 'its organization. j , See Puf largc selection of. ■‘had. no direct connection with the ■ But police caiitior'ed against Other .officers elected include At-Taipiii for Conn^ticut Democrat.s today nominate U.S, Rep.
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