Vol. XXXII, No. 3 State College Station, Raleigh, N. 0., Sept. 28,1951 Offices: 10 and 11 Tompkins Ball Committee Never Saw Scholarship Funds States Dean Clays! 1. File Social Events! No Information Offered By Vann . All student organizations expect- On Details Of Grant ing to hold dances or other social Distribution» events during the fall term should By PAUL FOGHT file their requests at the earliest possible date. Fifteen per cent of the profit from the operation of the Forms for these requests may be Student Supply Stores has been marked for use by the secured at the Dean of Students' student body, but the exact disposition of the remainder Office. This office is now located on the ground floor, North end of was not disclosed by a thorough investigation made by Holladay Hall. - the TECHNICIAN Request for all- socials must be 0 The original purchase contract filed at least two weeks before the for the Stores states that the date requested. profit is to go into a scholarship Wataugan Succumbs fund. Dean of Students E. L. Cloyd, chairman of the committee ‘re- Despite repeated warnings by many campus organizations Gibson Civilian Head lo Fees Anemia, sponsible for the disposition ofthe and our student government, the first positive result of wide- college's scholarship funds, stated , spread student disinterest in college affairs has been mani- Military Training The non-Academic Fees Commit- Tuesday that he had never received tee has failed to appropriate any any funds from the Stores ‘to dis- I fested in the untimely passing of the WATAUGAN. money for the 1951-’52 scholastic tribute as scholarships. He further Upon Army Retirement i Like any student publication, the WATAUGAN reflected year, toward the State College stated that he had no information Appointed By Prexy humor magazine, the WATAUGAN. concerning the holders" of -‘ the t the different staffs which published it through the years, but This summer during a meeting scholarships, the way in which it was one publication which enjoyed very widespread circu- Appointment of Col. Samuel A. of the Non-Academic Fees Com- they are distributed, or the quali- lation not only here but on many other campuses about the Gibson as the civilian head of the mittee it was decided that money fications necessary to obtain a Division of Military Training at previously appropriated to the WA- scholarship from the Stores' funds. state, and in all cases it was a reading circulation. State College upon his retirement TAUGAN be used for the future Not “scholarships" State College Student Union. With- Assistant Comptroller We sincerely miss the WATAUGAN as we feel do all the from the 'U. S. Army on September J. G. Mann. 30 was announced last Saturday by out this appropriation the WATAU- told the TECHNICIAN that the students on campus, for our rivalry was a rivalry between Chancellor J. W. Harrelson. GAN will be unable to operate. “scholarships” were actually friends. The campus is now completely devoid of any possible Colonel Gibson, a California na- grants-in-aid. He stated that the Wataugan Highly Rated amount of the grant may range outlet for the literary outlet which the WATAUGAN afforded. tive and a 1913 graduate of the The WATAUGAN, highly rated U. S. Military Academy, has been from $100 to $300, dependent upon This1s a most unhealthy condition. the country over as a humor maga- individual requirements. However, professor of military science and rated as the best tactics here since 1946. zine, has been Vann offered no information as to We would urge the students to turn their words to action college humor publication in North the number of grants made each and their feelings to inspiration so that the WATAUGAN His appointment to the new posi- Carolina. year, the holders of the tion has been approved by President grants, or ., 'is returned to the presses and to its prominent position in In annual competition held by the method of deciding which stu- Gordon Gray and the executiv’e the North Carolina Collegiate Press dents were neediest. Neither did he l. 1 student life. This is one of the rare moments when life-giving committee of the board of trustees Association the WATAUGAN has offer any suggestions as to how a ’. power is in your reach, use it. upon the recommendation of Chan- held first place for the past two student might apply cellor Harrelson. for such as- i years. The competition included, sistance. DEM Local ROTC Largest in State among others, such well known Vann also stated that the $68,- In the new post, Colonel Gibson humor magazines as Carolina’s 000 sum quoted in the TECHNI» will coordinate the work of the TARNATION and Duke’s DUKE CIAN last week as the. 1949-50 Fire! Fire! local Army and Air Force ROTC AND DUCHESS. profit of the Student Supply Stores . War Scare Fails in units, which comprise the largest Competition for the best short was not exact, but was substantial— The Publications Board will spon- ROTC training center in North story of the year, from either a ly comet. The differences arose, sor a smoker to entertain prospec- Carolina. literary or a humor magazine, has he explained, from a variation in l Defer (allegiales tive staff members on Wednesday, The Division of Military Training also placed the WATAUGAN in the bookkeeping records of the October 10. All present staff mem- here at the college, which admini- first place. During the last two Stores and the State Auditor. American colleges and univer- bers, and all freshmen and upper- sters the functions of both the years a WATAUGAN short story Disbursements sities have experienced an enroll- classmen interested in campus pub- Army and Air Force units, was has placed first each year. V,.ann affirmed the statement ment drop of ten per cent over last lications are invited .to attend. Dr. (Continued on Page 2) (Continued on Page 2) (Continued on Page 2) year, causing serious financial Frank Jeter, President of the problems in some cases. This year Board, will speak to the smoke an estimated drop of 250,000 stu- filled YMCA parlor. dents was experienced. The 1,850 Something New Has Been Added colleges and universities will have pectedly large number of under- 2,250,000 students on. their cam- graduates to return to their college Editor Of Raleigh Sculptor Appointed Recent Hill Graduate puses this year. studies. An expected twenty per cent en- Wake Forest found their en- Daily Gives Course Roy Gussow, a native of Brook- Replaces Dean Wood .4. rollment drop for this year was rollment dropped only eleven per lyn, N. Y, has been appointed to cent over last years total enroll- Managing Editor Sam Ragan of the faculty of the State College Banks C. Talley has been ap- cut to ten per cent by deferments. been pointed as assistant dean of stu- The deferments allowed an unex- (Continued on Page 2) The News and Observer has School of Design with the rank of named to teach courses in intro- assistant professor, Dean Henry dents to replace W. Ned Wood ductory journalism at State College L. Kamphoefner announced Satur- while he is on leave from the col- during the current academic year; day. lege. Dean Wood was called back . Java, Now Students Come From Brazil Announcement: of Ragan’s ap- into military service during the pointment to the part-time duties Dean Kamphoefner said Gussow, summer. study. The first student to enroll who is a sculptor, will teach design A scholarship program for Bra- was made Monday by Dr. Lodwick courses for first-year students in Talley, ”whose home is Bennetts- zilian students in the School of under the new program is expected C. Hartley, head of the college’s ville, S. C., is a graduate of tin to register at North Carolina State the School of Design. He has al- Textiles at North Carolina State English Department. ready assumed his duties. University of North Carolina. He College aimed at the promotion of College in January, 1952. Ragan replaces Prof. Henry received his A.B. degree with the. ._ . 11 will between the United Firms appropriating the funds Harrison Jenkins, Jr., who resign- Appointment of Gussow has Class. of 1950. Talley, a vbteran, ’ States and Brazil, largest nation necessary for the operation of the ed the position to become a member been approved by President Gordon served two year’s in the Armed‘ 'n land area in the Western Hemi- scholarship program are the Saco- of the faculty of the School of Gray of the Consolidated Univer- Forces, one of which was in the . 7 sphere, was announced today by Lowell Shops, Boston, Mass.., Journalism at the University 'of sity of North Carolina, Chancellor Philippine Islands. J. W. Harrelson of State College, Dean Malcolm E. Campbell. Whitin Machine Works, Whiting. South Carolina in Columbia. After receiving his A.B. degree In addition to teaching, Pro- and the executive committee of the The scholarships, to be financed ville, Mass.; and the Draper Cor- at the University, he spent three by three United States textile poration, Hopedale, Mass. fessor Jenkins also was executive board of trustees. achinery companies, will be secretary of the college’s Board Gussow studied at the Institute quarters there as a special student Stipends will be paid to the of Student Publications, headed by of Design of the Illinois Institute in Education and then entered the named in honor of Euvaldo Lodi scholarship winners at the rate of graduate school where he has prae- , ‘ f Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, president Dr. Frank H. Jeter. This part of of Technology in Chicago and of $500 for each "of the three school Jenkins’ work is being handled worked under Archipenko, a noted tieally completed his work for his N f the Brazilian Confederation terms comprising an academic year Master’s Degree.
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