Wofford College Digital Commons @ Wofford Alumni Bulletins Campus Publications 1-1-1917 Wofford College Bulletin, Alumni Issue, January 1917 Wofford College. Alumni Office Follow this and additional works at: http://digitalcommons.wofford.edu/alumnibulletin Recommended Citation Wofford College. Alumni Office, "Wofford College Bulletin, Alumni Issue, January 1917" (1917). Alumni Bulletins. Paper 3. http://digitalcommons.wofford.edu/alumnibulletin/3 This Book is brought to you for free and open access by the Campus Publications at Digital Commons @ Wofford. It has been accepted for inclusion in Alumni Bulletins by an authorized administrator of Digital Commons @ Wofford. For more information, please contact [email protected]. I ,... Entered at the Postoffice at Spartanburg, S. C., as second class I I matter, May 17, 1916, under Act of Congress Aug. 24, 1912. fI ~o.. .ao~~~-..~r.a&.r&.~ BAND .. WHITE, f'IUNTE!11$1 Sf'ARTANBURO, $. C. I Wofford College Bulletin ALUMNI ISSUE JANUARY, 1917 No. I S OF ALUMNI ASSOCIATION, 1916-17 Vol. II OFFICER Columbia, S. C. d t J W Kilgo '81.. .......................................................... Florence, S. C. Prest e~ - . :d t-T. G. Herbert, '90 ......................... G enwood, S. C. ALUMNI REORGANIZATION-IMPORTANT First Vice-Prest en McGhee '95 .................... re FEATURES. -President-S. H. ' , Spartanburg, S. C. Secon d Vice A G Rembert, 84 ·············· At the regular meeting of the Alumni Association at the com­ Secretary and Treasurer- . ·········································· *Alumni Orator-························_··--- mencement of June, 1915, a reorganization was effected with a view to bringing the former students of the college into closer EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE . touch with one another and into more frequent touch with the d Treasurer, Ex-Officio. "d t Secretary an b S C college. President, Vice-Prest en s, ··················-···················Spartan urg, · · e '78 .................... Florence, S. C. In the new constitution adopted the following features are Warren D u P r ' ········ ·································· S C R '98 ····································· Spartanburg, · · deserving of special note: ~- ~- ;;::s~. ·oz.".".. ."."."."."............................... ................................ 1. Membership.-Any former student of the college, whether a graduate or not, may regard himself as a member. RY OF COUNTY ASSOCIATIONS 2. Annual Dues.-There shall be a fee of two dollars, pay­ DIRECTO S C. Secretary and . S L Prince, Anderson, . ' able annually to the Secretary arid Treasurer. This fee is a -President, · · s C An d erson F lkel Anderson, · · t voltmtary one. Treasurer, F. W. e 'w N. kels Greenwood, S. C.; Secre ary "d t W . IC ' C 3. Alumni Bulletin.-A Quarterly Alumni Bulletin shall be Greenwood-Prest en ' . antzler Greenwood, S. and Treasurer, 0. M. D ' S C . Secretary and Treas- issued and sent, free of charge, to all who pay the annual dues . W H Dial, Laurens, · · • Laurens-President, . S C of the Association. E F Lucas, Spartanburg, . S C . Secretary and 4. Class Organization.-( l) Every class shall elect a perma­ urer, · · . T B Hamer, Manon, · ·• . D"llon-Pres1dent, . S C nent officer, known as Class Secretary and Treasurer, who shall Mar;;:~s~rer, T. C. Easterling, 1~arion, ~r . S. C.; Secretary and have charge of working up reunions and caring for and applying . d t J C Covington, to, Marlboro-Prest en ' . M Coll S C. to their proper use any funds under the direction of the class. Moore, c • · S Secretary Treasurer, J· C · Gl Orangeburg, · c ·; "d t W L aze, C (2) The Class Secretary shall have authority to appoint the Orangeburg-Prest enW S~m~ers, Orangeburg, S. necessary committees to assist him. and Treasurer, A. · (3) In case of vacancy in the office of Class Secretary and Treasurer, the Secretary and Treasurer of the Alumni Associa­ tion shall appoint a Class Secretary and Treasurer to hold office until the next reunion of the class and the election of his suc­ cessor. 5. Class Reunions.-( l) Each class shall hold reunions at commencement, one, three, and five years, respectively, after ·n be unable to mak• the ker finds that be W1 making to eee1ll8 graduation, and every fifth year thereafter. All members of ---.-- table that Profes.sor Wannaroat Arrangements are now ~It JS regret the coming coromencemen . aluJillll address a .. weaker. 4 WOFFORD COLLEGE BULLETIN ALUMNI ISSUE 5 classes, at any time during their course, are expected at these Among 'Wofford Men." To make this sect· f II . reunions, irrespective of whether graduates or not. ion u vaned d (2) Every class shall, upon the twenty-fifth anniversary of accurate, the co-operation of every reader of the Bu ' an_ needed and urged. How beautiful the spi"r·t d LLETIN is its graduation, make some suitable gift to its Alma Mater. , 1 rea Y to note d news about one s fellows and how passing b . f 00 6. Local and County Organization.-The officers of the ? passing the notice on to others ! Will not eauth1 uWthe1 habit of Alumni Association shall assist in and encourage the organization . k eac offord m keep an eye qmc to note such facts about h · f . an of county and other local associations. 11 what is of equal importance, a postal card re~~ etoow alum~1 and, 7. Executive Committee.-"The Executive Committee shall to the Secretary and Treasurer in Spartanbur Y " carry th~s fact consist of the President, Vice-Presidents, Secretary and Treas­ nullo discrimine agetur." The gener t" fg. Tros Tynusque urer, and three additional members, at least two of which addi. the elective· era will understand. a !On o students an t ed atmg· tional members shall be residents of the City of Spartanburg."­ In ~oncluding this comment-a comment like Article III, Section r, of Constitution. ofren m substance-it must be em h . d ly to be repeated P as1ze that th B cannot be made worthily to represent the histo e . ~LLETIN NOTES AND REMINDERS. college unless actively and systematical! su ry and spmt of the students, individually and through . Y . pported by former With this number, THE organization. The Bulletin gins its second year. The three issues As may be seen fr th . (January, July, and October) averaged Alumni Duea for 1917 tide AI . om e reprmted ar- one thousand each. Owing to mistakes in the mailing list and t on umm Reorganization, a volun- ary annual fee of tw d ll not seldom to the short circuit between the hand and the waste sessed upon each former stud t A 0 o ars has been as- en . nd unde th basket, many have failed of their object, i. e., to reach the hand student are included all wh r e term former . o once attended W ff d and gain the thoughtful attention of a Wofford man. This mail.. mterested m her growth and II b . 0 or and are yet . we - emg L t ing list doubtless yet has a few errors, but the large majority of and thirty responded with this fee T . as year, one hundred addresses have been written with the eye on the object. Please where. It makes for encourage . t hhe1r names are given else- . · men t at the pro rt" open and read your BULLETINS. paymg rapidly increased tow d th po wn of those There is, however, much cause for gratification. There is evi­ ~howing an equally rapid gr::th _e c:se of the_ ~ear, thereby dence of wider attention and growing interest. The alumni fees mterest. And the best is yet t b m t e awakenmg of alumni referred to below have come in with increasing frequency. No( Would it be expecting too ~uc~ t a few letters of encouragement, appreciation, and suggestimt the year 1917? o fix upon three hundred for have been received. Responses to the request of the Secretary Let each of those whop .d . are getting to be more prompt. Certainly to those who during th4 the current year, and urge a a;ik~n ;916 send at once their fee for past year made contributions to the content of the BULLETIN whom they come in direct t p omptness upon all others with \i\Tofford men have cause to be grateful. con act. Do not wait. Send now. But both in scope and in variety there is room, much room - AJ • During the · for improvement. Surely there should be abundant material unin1 Organization d commg year effort will be ma e to effect f give both fulness of content and keenness of interest to the sec fold o . as ar as possible a three- tion devoted to "Memories that Cling." Yet thus far there through the selection of I rgan1zat1on---0rganization by classes been but one voluntary contribution. ganization by counties cdasls president _and class secretary or- With this issue begins a section entitled "Here and The wh ere a sufficient b' an ocal orgamza t"ions m· commu ' .t. num er of Woffo d DI 1es r men can be found. µ ALUMNI IssuE 7 6 WoFFORD COLLEGE BULLETIN This is no small task. It is not likely that the.end of the year "The alumni movement of recent years will find it accomplished. But it is thoroughly worth while. And The Alumni Relation tends toward restoring something of the there are in nearly every part of this State and in not a few far status of early universities, when the very removed parts of this great country of ours men who love Wof­ word by its inclusiveness indicated that the whole scholastic body, ford College because they love and try to live her spirit, and who graduates as well as tutors and students, was viewed as one. In are prompt and strong to throw themselves ~nto any movement America the governing board in control of the property and the that may react to her credit and to her helpmg.
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