![Arxiv:1907.03363V5 [Hep-Th] 26 Apr 2020 Contents](https://data.docslib.org/img/3a60ab92a6e30910dab9bd827208bcff-1.webp)
JT Gravity and the Ensembles of Random Matrix Theory Douglas Stanforda;b and Edward Wittena a Institute for Advanced Study Einstein Drive, Princeton, NJ 08540 USA b Stanford Institute for Theoretical Physics Stanford, CA, 94305 USA Abstract We generalize the recently discovered relationship between JT gravity and double-scaled random matrix theory to the case that the boundary theory may have time-reversal symmetry and may have fermions with or without supersymmetry. The matching between variants of JT gravity and matrix ensembles depends on the assumed symmetries. Time-reversal symmetry in the boundary theory means that unorientable spacetimes must be considered in the bulk. In such a case, the partition function of JT gravity is still related to the volume of the moduli space of conformal structures, but this volume has a quantum correction and has to be computed using Reidemeister-Ray-Singer \torsion." Presence of fermions in the boundary theory (and thus a symmetry ( 1)F) means that the bulk has a spin or pin structure. Supersymmetry in the boundary means− that the bulk theory is associated to JT supergravity and is related to the volume of the moduli space of super Riemann surfaces rather than of ordinary Riemann surfaces. In all cases we match JT gravity or supergravity with an appropriate random matrix ensemble. All ten standard random matrix ensembles make an appearance { the three Dyson ensembles and the seven Altland-Zirnbauer ensembles. To facilitate the analysis, we extend to the other ensembles techniques that are most familiar in the case of the original Wigner-Dyson ensemble of hermitian matrices. We also generalize Mirzakhani's recursion for the volumes of ordinary moduli space to the case of super Riemann surfaces. arXiv:1907.03363v5 [hep-th] 26 Apr 2020 Contents 1 Introduction 2 2 Random Matrix Ensembles And Bulk Topological Theories 6 2.1 Random Matrix Ensembles . 7 2.2 The Purely Bosonic Cases . 9 2.3 Strategy For The Remaining Cases . 11 2.4 Including ( 1)F But Not T ................................ 12 − 2.5 Including Both ( 1)F And T ............................... 21 − 2.6 Including = 1 Supersymmetry . 36 N 3 Torsion 40 3.1 Analytic Torsion . 42 3.2 Combinatorial Torsion . 44 3.3 Gluing . 47 3.4 Computations For G = SL(2; R).............................. 49 3.5 Supersymmetry And The Torsion . 63 4 Loop Equations 75 4.1 Loop Equations For The β Ensembles . 76 4.2 Loop Equations For The (α; β) Ensembles . 85 5 Comparison To JT Gravity And Supergravity 90 5.1 Ordinary JT Gravity With Time-Reversal Symmetry . 93 5.2 Super JT Without Time-Reversal Symmetry . 95 5.3 Super JT With Time-Reversal Symmetry . 99 5.4 Ramond Boundaries In The Super Case . 104 5.5 Unbroken Supersymmetry And Ramond Punctures . 105 A Volumes Of Symplectic Supermanifolds 108 A.1 Preliminaries . 108 A.2 Computation . 111 A.3 Application . 113 A.4 Comparison To The Results Of Norbury . 116 A.5 Ramond Punctures And An Anomaly . 117 B Behavior Under N N + 4 118 ! C Super-Schwarzian Path Integrals For The Disk And Trumpet 120 D Mirzakhani's Recursion Relation And Its Superanalog 123 D.1 The Sum Rule . 123 1 D.2 The Recursion Relation . 125 D.3 More On Hyperbolic Geometry And Three-Holed Spheres . 127 D.4 Computation . 129 D.5 Some Supergeometry . 130 D.6 The Supersymmetric Recursion Relation . 132 D.7 Final Calculations . 135 E Comments On Nonperturbative Effects 138 E.1 The Bessel Curve . 138 E.2 More General Spectral Curves . 139 E.3 A Case Without The Oscillating Term . 141 E.4 Comments On Volumes . 141 F Comments On The Minimal String 142 1 Introduction Jackiw-Teitelboim (JT) gravity [1, 2] is a simple theory of two-dimensional quantum gravity that describes rigid hyperbolic spaces. It was used as a model for AdS2/CFT1 in [3], and more generally it describes the low-energy dynamics of any near-extremal black hole. The theory is so simple that it is almost trivial. On a closed Euclidean manifold Y , the path integral reduces to the volume of a finite-dimensional space { the moduli space of Riemann surfaces with the topology of Y . However, in most applications, it is interesting to consider JT gravity on a space Y with at least one asymptotic boundary. In this setting, one also has to do a path-integral over \wiggles" associated to each boundary [4, 5, 6]. These wiggles are governed by a solvable theory known as the \Schwarzian theory." This provides a link between JT gravity and the Sachdev-Ye-Kitaev (SYK) model [7, 8, 9], which reduces at low energies to the same Schwarzian theory [8, 9, 10]. For a review, see [11]. This correspondence has motivated much recent work on JT gravity.1 In [35] it was shown that the path integral of JT gravity on arbitrary orientable surfaces is computed by a Hermitian matrix integral, with the dictionary β1H βnH Z (β ; : : : β ) Tr e− ::: Tr e− : (1.1) JT 1 n $ D E On the LHS, ZJT(β1; : : : ; βn) is the JT gravity partition function with n asymptotic boundaries with regularized lengths β1; : : : βn. On the RHS, the angle braces imply an average of H over an appropriate random matrix ensemble. The contribution of a particular topology to the path 1This has included many different derivations of the exact path integral [12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20], studies of the Hilbert space structure [21, 18, 22, 23], correlation functions [24, 25, 26], the physical symmetry charges [27], and the on-shell action [28]. Further work has included generalizations to include higher spin fields [29], supersymmetry [30], different topologies [31, 32, 23, 26], and de Sitter space [33, 34]. 2 integral on the LHS coincides with the contribution at a given order in the \genus expansion" of the matrix integral on the RHS. The crucial fact underlying (1.1) is the correspondence [36] between Mirzakhani's recursion relation for the volumes of moduli space [37] and Eynard-Orantin \topological recursion" [38] which gives the genus expansion of a Hermitian matrix integral [39]. In this paper, we will generalize this in multiple directions by studying JT gravity on unori- entable surfaces, by including a sum over spin structures, and by studying = 1 supersymmetric JT gravity [40, 41, 42, 30]. We also allow for the possibility of including a topologicalN field theory that weights crosscaps and/or spin structures in a particular fashion. All together, we will consider three bosonic theories, twelve theories with fermions and no supersymmetry, and ten supersym- metric theories. We will find evidence that all of these are related to matrix integrals. The relevant matrix integrals are characterized by two pieces of data: first, one has to spec- ify the \spectral curve," or equivalently the leading approximation to the density of eigenvalues (generalizing the Wigner semicircle). Second, one has to specify a discrete choice of one of ten different symmetry classes. These classes consist of the three Dyson β-ensembles [43] and the seven (α; β)-ensembles of Altland and Zirnbauer [44] (three of these were previously discussed by Ver- baarschot and Zahed in [45, 46]).2 Which symmetry class is appropriate depends on the algebra of the random matrix, the time-reversal operator T (if present) and the symmetry ( 1)F (if present). The genus expansion for each of these classes of matrix integrals can be analyzed− efficiently using the loop equations [47] in their modern form, following [39]. The basic task of this paper is as follows. For each of the various bosonic, fermionic and supersymmetric bulk theories, we determine the two pieces of data described above, thus specifying a candidate matrix integral dual. Then we check that the bulk theory and the matrix integral agree at higher orders (in some cases these checks are limited, and in some cases they are to all orders). In more detail, to match the leading approximation to the density of eigenvalues, one has to compute the bulk partition function on the disk topology. To match the discrete choice of symmetry class, one has to match anomalies in the discrete symmetries T and ( 1)F. Having fixed this data, to check agreement at higher orders, one can compare the JT path− integral on some higher topology space with the prediction of the matrix integral derived using the loop equations. We will find evidence that the three bosonic JT theories are dual to matrix integrals where the Hamiltonian H is drawn from one of the three Dyson β-ensembles. Similarly, the ten supersym- metric JT theories are dual to matrix integrals where H = Q2 and the supercharge Q is drawn from one of the three Dyson ensembles, or from one of the seven Altland-Zirnbauer ensembles. For the twelve theories involving spin structures but no supersymmetry, we show how to reduce the problem to the three bosonic cases. A summary of the different cases is as follows. Bosonic, orientable only: This was the case considered in [35]. The volumes of moduli space, and thus the JT path integral, are related to a β = 2 (GUE-like) matrix integral. Bosonic, orientable + unorientable (two subcases): In bosonic JT gravity, it is natural to consider a sum over not necessarily orientable manifolds. In the context of holographic duality, this is appropriate if the boundary theory has time-reversal symmetry. There are two versions of nc the sum, depending on whether or not we include a factor of ( 1) where nc is the number of crosscaps. These two choices amount to two different bulk theories,− and they correspond to β = 1 2We will use the notation β for the Dyson index, reserving β for the inverse temperature.
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