University of Oklahoma College of Law University of Oklahoma College of Law Digital Commons American Indian and Alaskan Native Documents in the Congressional Serial Set: 1817-1899 4-26-1884 Supplemental list of claims allowed. Letter from the Secretary of the Treasury, transmitting a supplemental list of claims allowed by accounting officers of the Treasury, under appropriations which are now exhausted. Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalcommons.law.ou.edu/indianserialset Part of the Indian and Aboriginal Law Commons Recommended Citation H.R. Exec. Doc. No. 144, 48th Cong., 1st Sess. (1884) This House Executive Document is brought to you for free and open access by University of Oklahoma College of Law Digital Commons. It has been accepted for inclusion in American Indian and Alaskan Native Documents in the Congressional Serial Set: 1817-1899 by an authorized administrator of University of Oklahoma College of Law Digital Commons. For more information, please contact [email protected]. 48TH CoNGRESS, t HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. Ex. Doc. 1st Session. f { No.144. TREASURY DEPARTMEN'l', } Document No. 576. Secretary-W., E., & A. SUPPLEMENTAL LIST OF CLAIMS ALLOWED. LETTER FROM THE SECRETARY OF THE TREASURY, TRANSMITTING A supplemental list of claims allowed by accounting officers of the Treasury, under appropr·iations which are now exhausted. APRIL 26, 1884.-Referred to the Committee on Appropriations and ordered to be printed. TREASURY DEPARTMENT, April 26, 1884. SIR: I have the honor to transmit herewith a supplemental list of claims allowed by the several accounting officers of the Treasury Department since January 25, 1884, under appropriations, the balances of which have been exhausted or carried to the surplus fund under the provisions of section 5 of the act of June 20, 187 4, amounting to $191,055.20. Very respectfully, OHAS. J. FOLGER, Secretary. Ron. JOHN G. G.ARLISLE, Speaker House of Representatives. CLAIMS. ~ AJIOUNTS ALLOWED BY TEE ACCOUNTING OFFICERS OF THE TREASUR Y DE PA RTMENT. ALLOWED BY THE FIRST COMPTROLLER, UNDER SECTION 4, ACT OF .JUNE 14, 1878. No. of Fiscal year in certifi­ . which the cate or N arne of claimant. I Appropriation from which payable. !'xpenditure Amount. Total. R emarks. 00 claim. l was incuiTed. ~ '"d DEPARTMENT OF STATE. I I ~ I I t;j FOREIGN INTERCOURSE. t;ja:: 99582 F. C. Zimmerman, vice-consul at Chern· Salaries, consular service, 1883 .......... 1 1883 .......... *$494 44 nitz. ~ 100763 H. R. de la Reintre, late vice consul- Salaries, consular service, 1881 and prior 1868-'69 ...••.. ! *$2, 533 30 ~ general a~ Havan_a. years. 1 ~ 100771 Thomas Kukpatnck, late consul at ..... _do .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. • .. .. .. .. .. .. 1866 .. .. .. • .. 1, 003 00 ---- ~ Nassau. 1 • 3, 536 30 ~ 100076 .Justus Gruner, late vice-consul at Bre- Allo:vance for consular clerks, 1881 and 1876 ......... *65 93 1 --~ 00 men. priOr years. ~ 9<!036 Allan ~!cCaskie, vice-consul at Leith ..· ..•.... do·_ ....... :. • . 1881. • . 200 00 265 93 0 100477 A. Destruge, vice-consul at Guayaquil.. S:1laries, consular officers not citizens, 1883 ! 1883 ..... -· ... *794 20 l'%j - ~ = ~ 100476 ..... do _................. _..... __ .. ... SalarieR, consular ofticers not citizens, 1882 1 1882 ........... -.......... ·1 *1, 500 00 100475 ...... do . .. .. .. .. .. • .. .. .. .. .. .. .. • .. Salllnes, consulnr officers not citizens, 1881 1880-'81 . • • • .. *967 40 a and prior years . I t" 100074 1 I_ .Justus Gruner,latevice-consulatBre- ..... do ................................... 1876 ........... ~121 00 e; men. 1 ---- 1, 088 40 100702 *156 51 ~ A. B. Cobb, late nee consul-general at Contmgent expenses Umted States con- 1882 ..................... -- ~ Calcutta. sulate><, 1882. I 00 100678 Georg(• C. Tanner, consul at Vervicrs Contingent expenses United States con- 1881. .. .... .. *24 00 and Lil•g(l. sulates, 1881 and pr·ior years. I I ~ 100075 .Ju8tus Gruner, late vice-consul at Bre- ..... do .......... ........................ 1876. .... .. ... *37 28 ~ ---- llJ('D. 61 28 0 100300 B. F. Bt'rt")". master American bark Reliefaudprotecti.onofAmericanseamen, 1880........... 10 00 1\Johican. 1881 and prior· years. ~ 100772 ThoDtas Kirkpatrick, late consul at ...... do ............... ........ , 1869 ........... , __201 94 t;j Nassau. 211 94 ~ Total Department of State, ......................... ...... ,............... 1 8,109 oo eigu intercomse. for- ~ TREASURY DEP .ARTMENT. I ,--1 1 . l!\TRRNAL REVgNuE. 40666 I L1pphardt, \Vuguer & Co.............. Retlemphon of stamp s, p nor t o J uly 1, 1881 . -· 100 00 1 1881. ~ ....... .... ~ 399861 Dr. D. Jayne & Son •.••......... -... -... I .Allowance or drawback, prior to July 1, 1881. ....... 90 72 1881. 40216 M.Berliner ................................... do ...•. 1881.. .. ---···· 20 74 111 4ti 40159 John D. Sanborn ....................... Punishment for violation of internal rev­ 1878. -··· ······•····-· -·-··· 49 681 Exhausted. enue laws, 1881 and prior years. 39885 James G. Saunuers ... .................. Salaries and expenses of agents and sub­ 1878 . ............•.... ··-··· 12 00 In surplus fund. ordinate officers of Internal Revenue, 1881 and prior years. 27481 D. S. Graves, executor estate of Thomas Refunding taxes illegally collected prior 331 51 '(TJ Wells. to July 1, 1881. q '"d Total Treasury Department, in­ 604 65 '"d t-4 ternal revenue. t;rj INTERIOR DEPARTMENT. a:: t;rj PUBLIC LANDS SERVICE. z 1-3 34718 L. D. F. Poore ...... -.... ................ · Cont-ingent expenses Land Offices, 1881 11881. .......••. 141_50 ~ and prior years. t-4 41312 Kansas City, Lawrence, and Southern ....•. do .... : .... _..... _...... _............ I 1881.. _.. ... 29 Railroad. t-4~ 41357 Dt:>nver and Rio Grande Railway Com- . __ ... do ...... _..... 1881. ..•..•••. 4 36 '(TJ pany. 1-3 41065 Kansas Pacific Railway Company .......•••.. do ..•.......... 1881. .......... 1 5118 197 33 In surplus fund. 0 14990 State of Maryland ................. -.- .. Act Sept. 4, 1841, distribution of proceeds ~~ 1, 869 88 ~ of public lands. 1881---··- · ··-- 1 40582 C. H. Hutchinson ..••... Depredations on public timber, 1881 and 336 00 Do. c prior years. t-4 ~ 41245 Frederick Driscoll, jr . ...... .. .\.ppraisment and sale of abandoned mili­ ::::::::::1:::::::::::: 33 90 Exhausted . ~ tny reservations. ~::~: a:: Total Interior Department, pub­ 2, 437 11 '(TJ lic land service. ~ DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE. t-4 t-4 JUDICIAL. 0 84455 C. H. Dexter, deceased (administrator of) Fees of <·ommissioners United States 1880 and 1881.. 20 40 :a courts, 1! '81 and prior years. tzj 844!'i9 C. 1,. Truett ....... ........ ................... do . _.. _.. ...... ___ .. ......... ..... 1880 ..•......•. 11 75 ~ 84697 T. B. F~Lulk .......... ...............•.....•.. do ............ 1878 ..•..... ... 10 76 84721 J.J.Davis ......... .. ... ................. do .... 1880 ... -.- ..•.. 20 40 84959 F.J.BurnLam ................... ....... ...... do ... ....... 1881. ······ ... 5 00 85229 J.Stout ............••...•............•........ do ............ .................... 1876 to 1880 ... 155 30 223 55 *The n Pcessary appropriation to cover these items does ~ot inv l ve tb.e payme:nt of li-llY money from the Treasury, being merely necessary for the purpose of affecting a proper settlement of tho accounts of the officers named, · · C)3 AMOUNTS ALLOWED BY THE ACCOUNTLNG OFFICERS OF THE TREASURY DEPARTMENT-Continued. ~ AI~LOWED BY THE FIRST COMPTROLLER, UNDER SECTION 4, ACT OF JUNE 14, 1878-Continued.--- No. of 1 certifi­ F~~~hef~ein cateor Name of claimant. .A.ppropri11tion from which payable. expenditure Amount. I Total. Remarks. claim. was incurred. UJ I ~ DEPARTMENT OJ<' .JUSTICE-Cont'd. I '"0 ~ .JUDICIAL-Continued. t;rj William.J.Phillips .................... Fees of witnesses United States courts, 11881. ......... a:: 84632 $28 20 I.---.------. Balanoo duo to hlln a. m"shal. tr:l 1881 and prior years. z 84884 .J.C. ................................... do ················-·····-············11880 ........... --~ ~ ·y Ulle~. 1-3 $32 70 Do. > 85066 .J. A.. McWilliams ....................... Support of prisoners United States courts, 1881. ..... ... 4 70 ~ 1881 and prior years. 1 84894 .J. C. Ullery . .. .. .. .. .... do . .. .. 1881. .. .. 1 00 / ~ ---- 5 H 70 Do. UJ 84580 F. A. Daingerfield..... .. Miscellaneous expens&s UJ...ited States 1 1880 and 1881 .. I 80 00 ............ .Jury commissioner. courts, 1?81 and prior years. 1-3 84840 .J. C. Ullery ............................. ...... do ................................... 1881. .......... 1 177 80 ............ Balance due to him as marshal. 0 84873 ...... do ....... ............................... do . .. .. .. 1 1880. .. .. 56 48 Do. 85665 A. T. Summy ................................. do ................................... 1881. ... .. .. 25 00 ............ .Jury commissioner. ~ ---- 339 2o I Q Total Department of Justice, ju- ....................................................................... 15 ~ - ~ --601 dicial. , >H I ~ -- - - - w. RECAPITULATION OF CLAIMS ALLOWED BY THE FIRST COMPTROLLER. > ~ ~ State Departmenrt- 0 Forei!!D inteconrse, as follows: Salaries, consular service, 1883......... ............. .. .. .. .. $494 44 ~ Salaries, consular service, 1881 and prior years .............................................................. 3, 536 30 t;rj .A.llowHnce for consular clerks, 18!:ll and prior years...... .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..... 265 P3 !=' Salaries, consular officers not citizens, 18R3 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 794 20 Salaries,
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