ARTICLE IN PRESS Journal of Crystal Growth 270 (2004) 121–123 Growth and characterization of LiF single-crystal fibers by the micro-pulling-down method A.M.E. Santoa, B.M. Epelbaumb, S.P. Moratoc, N.D. Vieira Jr.a, S.L. Baldochia,* a Instituto de Pesquisas Energeticas! e Nucleares, IPEN-CNEN/SP, Av. Prof. Lineu Prestes, CEP 05508-900, Sao* Paulo, SP, Brazil b Department of Materials Science, University of Erlangen-Nurnberg, D-91058, Erlangen, Germany c LaserTools Tecnologia Ltda., 05379-130,Sao* Paulo, SP, Brazil Accepted 27 May 2004 Available online 20 July 2004 Communicated by G. Muller. Abstract Good optical quality LiF single-crystalline fibers ranging from 0:5to0:8 mm in diameter and 100 mm in length were successfully grown by the micro-pulling-down technique in the resistive mode. A commercial equipment was modified in order to achieve suitable conditions to grow fluoride single-crystalline fibers. r 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved. PACS: 81.10.Fq; 78.20.Àe Keywords: A2. Micro-pulling-down method; A2. Single crystal growth; B1. Fluorides 1. Introduction oxide single-crystals have already been grown by the laser heated pedestal growth (LHPG) [2] and There is an increasinginterest in the production by the micro-pulling-down (m-PD) [3] methods. of single-crystalline fibers. Their unique properties However, the growth and hence the possible indicate their use for production of a variety of applications of fluoride single-crystalline fibers optical and electronic devices [1]. The final shape has not yet been investigated. of the single-crystalline fiber is already in a form As it is already known from other methods of suitable for optical testingand applications, fluoride growth, these materials are very sensitive reducingthe time and cost of preparation. Several to oxygen and water contamination. Even traces of fiber materials, as eutectics, semiconductors and humidity present in the growth chamber will react with the melt resultingin the production of *Correspondingauthor. Fax: +55-11-3816-9315. hydroxide ions in the grown crystals [4]. The E-mail address: [email protected] (S.L. Baldochi). moisture contamination diminishes the quality of 0022-0248/$ - see front matter r 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved. doi:10.1016/j.jcrysgro.2004.05.110 ARTICLE IN PRESS 122 A.M.E. Santo et al. / Journal of Crystal Growth 270 (2004) 121–123 the fluoride crystal leadingto significant losses in grown high-quality lithium fluoride (LiF) single- optical devices. The limitation to pull longand crystalline fibers from 0.5 to 0:8 mm in diameter homogeneous fluoride fibers by LHPG technique and 100 mm in length by the m-PD technique using was attributed to the inadequate purity of the feed- ohmic crucible heating, reported here for the first rod and to the technological difficulties to control time. Commercial m-PD equipment was adapted in the growth atmosphere in order to avoid this order to allow the pullingprocess under a carefully moisture contamination [5]. We have successfully controlled atmosphere. Fig. 1(a) shows the m-PD system and the Pt crucible in detail duringa LiF fiber growth experiment. In order to start the growth with high-purity material, commercial LiF powder (99.99%) was first purified by the zone meltingtechnique under HF atmosphere. The LiF zone meltingconditions were previously published [6]. Platinum crucibles were designed to pull fiber crystals with 0.5, 0.6 and 0:8 mm in diameter. The crucibles were made in our laboratory in appropriated shape and dimensions. The quartz growth chamber was thermally treated under vacuum (10À3 Torr) and finally back-filled with ultra-pure Argon gas previously dried in molecular sieve traps. The growth was carried out under a gas flow of 20 l hÀ1: Crystal fibers with lengths up to 100 mm were pulled from the nozzle with pullingrates in the range of 0.6–0:8 mm minÀ1: The first seeding was obtained by usingan [1 0 0] oriented LiF single crystal seed of approximately 1:5mm 1:5mm; cut from a Czochralski-grown single crystal. Thereafter, seeds were selected from previously pulled fiber crystals. The obtained LiF fibers are transparent, color- Fig. 1. m-PD equipment duringLiF fiber pullingwith Pt less, uniform in diameter and free of cracks along crucible in detail (a), and as-grown LiF fibers with a diameter of their length, as shown in the Fig. 1(b). The 600 mm (b). electronic microscopy image, Fig. 2(a), shows a Fig. 2. Scanning electron microscopy image of a LiF fiber cleaved surface (a), and Laue diffraction pattern of the same fiber (b). ARTICLE IN PRESS A.M.E. Santo et al. / Journal of Crystal Growth 270 (2004) 121–123 123 nearly cylindrical shape of the fiber with indication Acknowledgements of a 4-fold symmetry typical for the /100S cubic growth direction, which was confirmed by The authors are grateful to the State of Sao* Laue method obtained by back-scattered X-ray Paulo Research Foundation for the financial diffraction shown in Fig. 2(b). Moisture contam- support (FAPESP 00/00234-1, 01/7337-3 and ination was evaluated by infrared spectroscopy. CEPOF 98/14270-8). We also would like to thank The first LiF single-crystalline fibers grown under to the Brazilian Synchrotron Radiation Labora- inert gas flow resulted always in fibers with tory (LNLS) for SEM facilities and to the Crystal spurious OHÀ contamination. However, a pre- Growth Group of the Physics Institute of Sao* liminary thermal treatment of the growth chamber Carlos and to the Physics Institute of Sao* Paulo, under vacuum was very efficient to minimize such University of Sao* Paulo, for the structural analysis contamination. by X-Ray diffraction (Laue technique). In summary, the m-PD method has shown to be a fast and effective technique for the preparation of fluoride single-crystalline fibers. Highly trans- References parent and homogeneous LiF fibers with 100 mm in length and up to 0:8 mm in diameter were [1] R.S. Feigelson, Mater. Sci. Eng. B1 (1988) 67. successfully grown by m-PD technique under [2] R.S. Feigelson, Growth of fiber crystals, in: E. caldis (Ed.), well-controlled growth atmosphere. We expect Crystal Growth of Electronic Materials, Elsevier Science, that the procedure developed for the preparation Amsterdam, 1985, p. 127. [3] D.H. Yoon, I. Yonenaga, T. Fukuda, N. Ohnishi, J. Crystal of LiF single-crystalline fibers is also appropriated Growth 142 (1994) 339. for the growth of other fluoride fiber crystals. [4] S.L. Baldochi, S.P. Morato, Fluoride bulk crystals growth, Improvements to obtain this class of materials in: K.H.J. Buschow, R.W. Cahn, M.C. Flemings, B. with high crystal perfection could drive the Ilschner, E.J. Kramer, S. Mahajan (Eds.), Encyclopedia of miniaturization of fluoride laser systems. More- Materials: Science and Technology. Elsevier Science, Amsterdam 2001 pp. 3200–3205. over, m-PD can be an interestingand low cost [5] L.B. Shaw, R.S.F Chang, J. Crystal growth 112 (1991) 731. technique to evaluate the growth possibilities of [6] S.P. Morato, L. Courrol, L. Gomes, V. Kalinov, A. new fluoride materials. Schadarevitch, Phys. Stat. Sol. 163B (1991) K61..
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