Trans-Africa Division Vol. 72 No. 2 February 15, 1974 Registered at the G.P.O. as a Newspaper Graduation at Solusi College HONORARY DEGREE CONFERRED ON MUKOTSI MBYIRUKIRA A highlight of the Graduation cere- mony at Solusi College on Sunday De- cember 2 was the conferring of an honorary Bachelor of Theology Degree on our first African union president, Pastor Mokotsi Mbyirukira who, after forty-six years of outstanding service and faithfulness to the Church, has been appointed president of the Zaire Union. Ian Hartley, academic dean of Solusi College read to Pastor Mbyirukira the text of a Citation distilled from the story of his life and ministry reported below. The principal of the College, J. T. Brad- field, placed the hood on the pastor's Alk shoulders. Ian Hartley, academic dean of Solusi College, reads a prepared c'tation to Pastor Mbyirukira before the hood is placed on his shoulders by Principal James T. Bradfield. HONOUR THE BRAVE! Principal J. T. Bradfield reports on his interview with Pastor Mbyirukira at Solusi. M. Mbyirukira was born in Rwanda, near Rwankeri Mission, in the year 1914. Son of a cattle-owner, he commenced his education in the Rwankeri Mission School under the instruction of Pastor S. Monnier. Later at Gitwe Mission he studied under teachers Jones, Vail and Siepman. After two years as a teacher- evangelist and four years as the district leader at Rwankeri, he returned to Gitwe for further ministerial training under Pastors Tarr and Ambs. Pastor Mbyirukira returned to Rwankeri as district leader and was or- dained to the gospel ministry on May 22, 1943. Stalwart qualities of leadership .4,,,„ 4,111F ,.4r, soon began to show annselves in the life Fourteen students graduated, two from the Theology Diploma course, four from the Minister's and experience of this man whom God Diploma course, and eight from the Commercial Diploma course. The class aim and motto appear in the picture. (Continued on page 3) Across the President's Desk... God's Arith►netic by MERLE L. MILLS President, Trans-Africa Division CHRIST IS THE Fountainhead of of the principle of subtraction, for we subtracts those negative qualities that_ all truth, knowledge and science. This are told: "I will take away the stony are deleterious to the soul; He adds by being so He is then the Master Philo- heart out of your flesh." Ezek. 36:26. His Spirit those Christian virtues; then sopher, Teacher and Scientist of the This one act of the Master Mathemati- He divides both material and spiritual world. His position, especially as cian will make a complete change in blessings. Master Scientist, is of particular signifi- the modalities and mores of one's life. Multiplication: Through the process cance and relevance to man, for both Addition: The principle of of multiplication we will be given the physical and- spiritual forces are subtraction is important but it must be spiritual power. "Grace and peace be kept in balance by His power through followed by the principle of addition, multiplied unto you through the the application of arithmetical princi- otherwise a vacuum will be formed knowledge of God, and of Jesus our ples. These principles which form the and one cannot live in such a state. So Lord." 2 Peter 1: 2. This is the secret basis of mathematics are subtraction, the command is given: "Be filled with to victorious living—the impartation of division, addition and multiplication. the Spirit." Eph. 5:18. This calls for the righteousness of Christ through By these principles, Christ not only the process of addition which is made faith. But this involves a positive ac- guides the worlds through the vast possible as a result of Christ dwelling tion on our part. "It is not possible for realms of space but He also guides man in the heart. This subsequent act is us to drift into heaven. No sluggard through the spiritual darkness of this necessary in order to safeguard the can enter there. If we do not strive to sin-cursed world and restores him at effectuality of the rebirth of the soul, gain an entrance into the kingdom, if last to his lost dominion. You ask: for Christ warned "without me ye can we do not seek earnestly to learn what how do these principles relate to the do nothing." With the infilling of the constitutes its laws, we are not fitted spiritual life? Much in every way! Spirit we are thus in a position to for a part in it. Those who refuse to Subtraction: God's arithmetic must allow the Master Mathematician to add co-operate with God on earth would include the principle of subtraction or to our faith "virtue; and to virtue not co-operate with Him in heaven."— else man would be forever lost. This knowledge; and to knowledge temper- Christ's Object Lessons, page 280. This process must first take away all those ance; and to temperance patience; and does not infer that we gain entrance to things which are harmful to the soul. to patience godliness; and to godliness the kingdom through our own strength You see, the root problem afflicting brotherly kindness; and to brotherly but it does reveal that we must co- everyone born into this world is sin. It kindness charity." 2 Peter 1:5:7. operate with heaven and utilize the vitiates the nature and hardens the power made available to us as to Christ heart of man. It is a spiritual malig- Division: Through the principle of when He was here upon earth. nancy. It is an insidious and beguiling division we see that God is interested influence, disguising itself in fine in both our physical and spiritual Heaven stands ready to put into apparel and putting on a façade of needs. The Holy Scripture avers: "He operation the principle of multiplica- respectability. Many times it is popular careth for you." Just as He provides tion by giving us grace, peace and and fascinating, but when the mask is for the creatures of the natural world, power. Only in this way can man rise removed it is repugnant, defiling, de- so He will do for us. When Christ was above his evil environment. But the bilitating and deadly. Human-inspired on earth He revealed a compassion for question is: are we willing to become a panaceas are incapable of saving man the physical needs of man. He demon- part of God's equation which is to from its consequences. Sin is a part of strated this when He fed the five redeem man from a life of misery, man's nature and the only hope of thousand. The Scripture says that He bitterness, disillusionment and deliverance is through the grace of broke the five loaves of bread and "the tragedy? Christ. "And ye know that he was two fishes divided he among them all." Friend of mine, God is anxious to manifested to take away our sins." Mark 6:41. The principle of division is solve your spiritual problem if you will 1 John 3:5. Here is revealed the divine revealed through this miracle. Should but submit to His arithmetical process principle of subtraction. Christ "takes it not encourage us to know we have a of subtraction, addition, division and away our sins." This process is a Father who will divide with us the multiplication. Will you submit to His miraculous act made possible through temporal and spiritual blessings that saving grace and let Him work in you the blood of Jesus Christ. It is are necessary to life? Why then should that which is well pleasing in His followed by still another application we fret about tomorrow? The Master sight? page 2 TRANS-AFRICA DIVISION OUTLOOK FEBRUARY 15, 1974 responsibilities because when the results TO SERVE HUMANITY were seen I was sent to other stations to promote Ingathering among the African Saticea )4tetcee4tiopt eaptec'acted workers and members. If I could meet that thirteen-year old boy now I would not have to keep silent when asked what I had done." The work in Masisi grew rapidly. In spite of years of unrest during the politi- cal disturbances the membership grew under Pastor Mbyirukira's leadership. Where there were 2 000 members in 1954 there were 14 000 members plus 9 000 in the Bible classes, in 1970. Now the Mukotsi Mbyirukira, membership exceeds 16 000 and Sabbath- M. P. Mabena and school attendance is more than 42 000. Timothy V. Gode, Education secretary Pastor Mbyirukira pays tribute to the of the TAD, were graduation speakers. missionaries who trained him and worked with him through the years. This senti- ment is mutual as missionaries testify that in times of emergency and danger, Pastor Mbyirukira fearlessly defended them and the cause. On one occasion when a rebel soldier threatened to shoot a missionary, our brave pastor stepped in between saying that the soldier would have to shoot him first. This show of courage and loyalty led the soldier to lower his gun and permit the men to go free. During an emergency hostile forces The class president, converged on the mission headquarters Claudius Wabata- where Pastor Mbyirukira was in charge. gore, receives his diploma from the He conducted himself with dignity and Principal, J. T. Brad- courage, setting an example to both the / field. The academic workers and believers. With others he was dean, Ian Hartley interned in the stockade but his Christian looks on. conduct soon attracted the attention of the authorities, including the governor, who ordered his release and the return of his car and personal property.
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