Eindhoven University of Technology MASTER The relevance of newly available big data and urban heritage tourism investigating the popularity of urban heritage areas in Amsterdam using Flickr data Karayazı, S.S. Award date: 2019 Link to publication Disclaimer This document contains a student thesis (bachelor's or master's), as authored by a student at Eindhoven University of Technology. Student theses are made available in the TU/e repository upon obtaining the required degree. The grade received is not published on the document as presented in the repository. The required complexity or quality of research of student theses may vary by program, and the required minimum study period may vary in duration. General rights Copyright and moral rights for the publications made accessible in the public portal are retained by the authors and/or other copyright owners and it is a condition of accessing publications that users recognise and abide by the legal requirements associated with these rights. • Users may download and print one copy of any publication from the public portal for the purpose of private study or research. • You may not further distribute the material or use it for any profit-making activity or commercial gain THE RELEVANCE OF NEWLY AVAILABLE BIG DATA AND URBAN HERITAGE TOURISM INVESTIGATING THE POPULARITY OF URBAN HERITAGE AREAS IN AMSTERDAM USING FLICKR DATA SEVIM SEZI KARAYAZI EINDHOVEN UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY (TU/E) | CONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENT AND ENGINEERING (CME) 2017-2019 This page is intentionally left blank COLOPHON TitlE: ThE rElEvancE of nEwly availablE big data and urban hEritagE tourism Sub-titlE: Investigating thE popularity of urban hEritagE arEas in AmstErdam using Flickr data DocumEnt: Master thEsis Date: 15/08/2019 Author: SEvim SEzi Karayazı StudEnt numbEr: 1281941 UnivErsity: EindhovEn UnivErsity of TEchnology (TU/E) Faculty: DepartmEnt of Built EnvironmEnt Program: Construction ManagEmEnt and EnginEEring (CME) Chairman: Prof. Dr. B. dE VriEs 1st supErvisor: Dr. G.Z. DanE 2nd supErvisor: Dr. T. FEng 3rd supErvisor: Prof. Dr. T.A. ArEntzE 1 This page is intentionally left blank 2 PREFACE This thEsis is writtEn in thE contExt of graduation projEct for Construction ManagEmEnt and EnginEEring (CME), followEd at EindhovEn UnivErsity of TEchnology (TU/E). This rEport is a complEtion mark of my mastEr study. Studying at TU/E as an intErnational mastEr studEnt has beEn a very important ExpEriEncE for mE. It was a rEal lEarning procEss and challEnge to carry out thE complEtE rEsEarch. I would likE to ExprEss my gratitudE to pEoplE who hElpEd mE during my mastEr graduation thEsis. First of all, I would likE to thank Dr. GamzE DanE for hEr unconditional support not only thE thEsis, but also for daily life. I know that the door to GamzE is always opEn whEnEvEr I nEEd, without you I would not finish the thesis. It is not rEally possiblE to ExprEss how it makEs you feEl to havE such a grEat person as a supervisor. I would also likE to thank Prof. Dr. BaukE dE Vries for giving me the opportunity to study at thE CME master track within his group. In addition, I would likE to thank in particular my supErvisors Dr. Tao FEng and Prof. Dr ThEo ArEntzE for thEir support during thE graduation procEss. In addition, I am thankful to Assoc. Prof. Ali Tolga OzdEn, hEad of thE DEpartment of ArchitEcturE in CanakkalE OnsEkiz Mart UnivErsity. HE always supports and EncouragEs me from TurkEy. I considEr mysElf lucky, bEcausE I have a grEat friEnd in Eindhoven, PhD(c) OzlEmnur Ataol who madE my lifE EasiEr at all times. So glad I met you hErE. Many pEoplE providEd support during my studiEs. I am thankful to my lifelong friEnds Mihriban GEnc, Esra Bozbas and ZEynep Burcin Kaykac EgilmEz from USA and UK. AnothEr spEcial thanks go to AysE DidEm Akman and IrEm SavascihabEs to thEir hElp. I wish to ExprEss thanks to ThE REpublic of TurkEy Ministry of National Education “Study Abroad Programme” that supports mastEr and doctoral studiEs of Turkish StudEnts abroad. This scholarship enabled me to finish my mastEr study and will makE it possiblE to continuE my rEsEarch as a PhD. Finally, I must ExprEss my vEry profound gratitudE to my parEnts who EncouragEd and hElpEd me at EvEry stagE of my pErsonal and acadEmic lifE. This achiEvEment would not havE bEEn possiblE without them. Thank you. Last but not lEast, I am thankful to Ozan Karayazi for EvErything hE has donE for mE, I havE such a grEat lifE partnEr. SEvim SEzi Karayazı EindhovEn, 2019 3 TABLE OF CONTENTS COLOPHON.............................................................................................................................1 PREFACE .................................................................................................................................3 SUMMARY ..............................................................................................................................7 ABSTRACT ..............................................................................................................................9 LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS .......................................................................................................10 LIST OF TABLES .....................................................................................................................11 LIST OF FIGURES ...................................................................................................................12 1. INTRODUCTION .............................................................................................................13 1.1. PROBLEM DEFINITION AND OBJECTIVE ...................................................................................13 1.2. RESEARCH QUESTION(S) ....................................................................................................15 1.3. RESEARCH DESIGN ............................................................................................................15 1.4. READING GUIDE ...............................................................................................................16 2. LITERATURE REVIEW ......................................................................................................17 2.1. THE NEWLY AVAILABLE BIG DATA AND URBAN STUDIES ...............................................................17 2.2. BIG DATA AND URBAN HERITAGE TOURISM .............................................................................18 2.2.1. ONLINE TEXTUAL DATA....................................................................................................20 2.2.2. ONLINE PHOTO DATA ........................................................................................................21 2.3. EXISTING STUDIES AND RELEVANT WORKS ...............................................................................22 2.4. CONCLUSION ..................................................................................................................25 3. METHODOLOGY .............................................................................................................27 3.1. DATA COLLECTION ............................................................................................................27 3.1.1. FLICKR DATA COLLECTION ................................................................................................27 3.1.2. NATIONAL MONUMENT (RIJKMONUMENTEN) DATA ...............................................................29 4 3.1.3. AMSTERDAM CITY DATA ..................................................................................................30 3.2. METHOD .......................................................................................................................31 3.2.1. CLEANING FLICKR DATA ...................................................................................................31 3.2.2. PROCESSING OF THE DATA SETS .........................................................................................32 3.3. CONCLUSION ..................................................................................................................37 4. RESULTS .........................................................................................................................39 4.1. PROCESSING FLICKR DATASET ..............................................................................................39 4.2. TEMPORAL DISTRIBUTION OF ALL PHOTOGRAPHS ......................................................................40 4.3. CLUSTER (POI) ANALYSIS FOR DETERMINING ATTRACTIVE AREAS PER USER GROUPS ........................42 4.3.1. TOURISTS AND POI ANALYSIS ...........................................................................................44 4.3.2. LOCALS AND POI ANALYSIS ..............................................................................................47 4.4. ANALYSIS OF HERITAGE TYPES WITHIN POI’S ............................................................................50 4.4.1. ANALYSIS OF HERITAGE TYPES FOR TOURISTS .........................................................................52 4.4.2. ANALYSIS OF HERITAGE TYPES OF LOCALS .............................................................................57 4.5. COMPARISON OF PROMOTED TOURIST MAP AND CLUSTERS .........................................................62 4.6. RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN URBAN HERITAGE AREAS AND URBAN FACILITIES ......................................64 4.7. CONCLUSION ..................................................................................................................64
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