PAGE TW ENTY^FOUR- MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. Manchester, Conn., Thurs.. Oct. 5,1972 Cockpit Photo The FAA said thb pilot who The Weather sent in the cUpplni Mkojl Do Something SinuSf Poor Planning Or Both Stirs Up whether the pilot of McGovew • Cloudy with rain Uktiy - ^ pbne was vlolitlni rafulatloni Say Jaycees ilaturl|FatFr lEtipmng llFTalb the km in Uw BOi. 'nw Prop-Wash Hgainit allowlni a Saturday In the km OOi vrith i Cause Re-Juggling Of Schedule quaUfled as a Jet pilot to control a See Page 5 ending Saturday night. WASHINGTON (AP) - The Jet aircraft. ByJAYSHARBUTT said they weren’t able to put the time purchases for 30-mlnute FMeral Aviation Administration An FAA “ “ ‘f*** MANCHESTER, CONN.. FRIDAY, OCTOBER 6,1972 VOL. X a i, No. 5 MANCHESTER — A City o f Village Charm TWENTY-FOUR PAGES - TWO SECTIONS p r i c e P IP r E E N C E N I t AP TELEVISION WRITER program together in time,” said shows about Nixon. has said it is investigating is a maximum penalty of | I,W NEW YORK (AP) - Because an ABC official. Uda apparent lack of firm deci­ published reports that for each such violation. Ha added of a sinus infection, poor plan­ “ Mr. Connally has a bad sinus sion on when and where half- Democratic presidential can­ that he beUeved a penalty also ning, or both, the first 30 minutes infection,” said a spokeswonun hour campaign spots will be didate Sen. George McGovern could be appUed to the p « io n of ABC’s "Julie Andrews Show” for the committee, which is shown isn’t limited to the Nixon was allowed to take over the assuming control without Cooperation Of Congress Necessary wasn't taken up Wednesday night headed by a prominent forces. controb of a Jet airliner in flight. qualification to do so. by a paid Democratic ad for Democrat, former Treasury Ihe first 30-mlnute ad for Sen. F ^ ld en t Nixon. The FAA said it h u received Secretary John B. Connally. George McGovern, D-S.D., aired Instead, the entire Andrews from an airline pilot a newspaper She explained that the former Sunday "night on C0S. But only RUMMAGE and show scheduled lor Wednesday clipping saying McGovern, a Texas governor had planned to after his campaign committee WHITE ELEPHANT night was indeed shown, even World War H bomber pilot, was tape the special half-hour made a last-minute time change though this particular program allowed at the controls of a program for Wednesday night to avoid pitting it against "Love had been rescheduled to appear until he was laid low by illness Boeing 727 on a recent flight from President Pledges No Story" on ABC. SALE the night of Oct. 11. and forced to cancel out. New York to Sioux Qty, Iowa. If this is confusing, imagine The uncertainty of it all b Hie Rocky Mountain News, The cancellation gives the UNITED METHODIST what it is for the guys at the three regular GOP campaign com­ making life extremely hectic for Denver, abo reported that a television networks who have to mittee the first 30-niinute televi­ network programming people United Air Lines pilot faced db- CHURCH clear time slots purchased by the sion salvo on behalf of the Presi­ and the special sales units all ciplinary action for allowing RT. 44A BOLTON Democratic and Republican dent. three networks have set up to McGovern to pose for V presidential campaign com­ It’s happening tonight at 9 p.m. handle political time purchases photographs at the controb of a OCT. 7th, SATURDAY New Increase In Taxes mittees. on ABC, where the first half of until Nov. 7. chartered jet on a New York- 10:00 A.M.— 1:00 P.M. m By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS During a news conference m ceiling he has requested. McGovern said the Vietnam wtr Wednesday night may prove to “ The Men” will be replaced by Are the sales units dealing with Washington flight Monday. said there would be no tax in­ Resident Nbcon pledges that hb Oval Office Thursday, the The President said that, “ if the temains “ the central affliction of be just an isolate case, but it was what a GOP spokesman calls “a coldly calculating politicoes who crease if Nixon b re-elected. “ there will be no tax increase in President said he was resUting Congress continues to pass bilb American foreign policy.” the kind of situation that'll give film documentary of the have well-conceived television ad Meanwhile, McGovern took up **************A*** 1973,” though hb aides have said hb no-tax-hike commitment but and send them to the President’s Nixon’s re-election would networks the willies right up until President’s record, both foreign campaigns to “ sell” their can­ the tax question while appearing that the full four years of a added that he could fulfill it only desk that exceed the budget, the mean "another four more yoaia the day the next president is and domestic.” didate? No way. says one THE RIGHT MAN before the Gevebnd City Club on second Nixon term would pass with the cooperation of Congress. in jail for these prisoners of w v elected. It worked this way; network veteran who declined to Congress .will have voted for a tax Thursday. Hie spokesman said no deci­ without a tax hike. “ There will be no presidential in Hanoi,” McGwern aiaetted. The "Democrats for Nixon” be identified. increase.” A man told the Democratic sion has been made yet on further Democratic challenger George tax increase,” Nixon said, adding committee ordered a half-hour of He promised to veto such bilb presidentbl nominee that many T h e Democratic vlet- McGovern says he doesn’t intend that avoiding a tax hike would be ABC time, from 10 to 10:30 p.m., and said he expeeb Congress to persons are concerned that, “ if presidential nominee, Sazgoqt to boost taxes for Americans who difficult if Congress does not for the year’s first 30-minute paid sustain the vetos. you're elected, their income Shriver, in every appearance live solely on wages. approve a $250-billion spending television commercial for the r e Last month, White House aides might be practically confiscated Thursday addres^ what be ft*!"!' called the corruption of the Nixon election of Nixon. and given to those who won’t ABC cleared the time and ^ Saint James Cemetery work.” admlnbtration. shifted the scheduled Julie An­ McGovern responded; “Of In California appearancM, drews show — which had Robert courae thb b the Republican line. Shriver discussed the "aroma” o f Goulet as its guest star — to next Manchester, Ddnnecticut Manchester GOP Picks It's pure poppycock.... If you live an admlnbtration be said was entirely on wages and sabries, Wednesday night. F a r Tke New DIatrlet marked by a flOfliilUon seeiet Then early this week, the jilt makes good sense for young families to ownS?; there is nothing in my tax campaign fund, oil m oney "Democrats for Nixon” com­ proposab that would increase i cemetery property “fore it is -needed. You. canMAW BILL BRONEILL New Assembly Candidate shipped secretly from Houston to your taxes.” Hilsman Campaigns Among Elderly mittee canceled its half-hour ispare your family distress and financial worry Deoieerat for State Re|ireaeatatlve O Washington, the ITT affair, and order. Whereupon ABC hastily Furthermore, the South the alleged bugging o f 5by selectii^x»/a burial site now. 12th Distiiet By SOL R. COHEN the Univenity of Connecticut man of the Committee to Re­ restored the Andrews-Goulet seg­ Dakota senator said, his Democratic national head- Roger Hilsman of Lyme, candidate for the Democratic nomination for Congress from the (Herald Reporter) School of Law, passed the sbte elect the President. All stressed ment to its original broadcast overhauled welfare proposab quarten. Second District, visit^ with residents of FYanklin Park in Vernon yesterday. Hilsman cited the Mrf^Higgins HE’S HIS OWN BOSS Manchester Republicans last bar examinations bst month and the youth angle and called atten­ date of Oct. 4. would give no assbtance to per­ McGovern has called the Nixon “role of the elderly” and their “ basic rights” as pertains to good health care, a decent income, Phom M cK em an 643-6713^ Sponsored by Wllllani Bronelll Campaign night named a new candidate for b now an attorney. He b serving tion to the vigorous campaigns Why was the order canceled? sons who are able to work. He admlnbtration the most corrupt and a chance to have a fulfilling retirement. Hilsman is seeking the post now held by Committee; Clarenee Foley« Treas. ‘4 0 . sbte representative from the as assbtant clerk of the Tolland pbimed by all local candi^tes. Two views prevail. said “ the only people entitled to and deceitful In history. 13th Assmbly Dbtrict. He b 27- County Superior Court. GOP Chairman M. Adler Republican Robert Steele of Vernon. (Herald photo by Pinto) “They (committee officials) k**************^* welfare” are those whose age, year-old HiUery J. Gallagher of The new candidate b married , Dobkin remarked, “ We aU are disabilities or family situation Questioned about the W’ 342 Center St. to the former Virginb DeHan, pleased to have someone with so prevent them from working. Democratic accusations, Nixon Gallagher, who was nominated daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William much enthusiasm and in hb age Nixon and McGovern also declined to discuu them and by acclamation, repbees John I. DeHan, neighbors of Garside on group as our candidate. We’re voiced more opposing views on said, “ 1 am not going to dignify State Labor Group Told Westminster Rd.
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