TheTheThe MessengerMessengerMessenger New Richmond High School, 1131 Bethel-New Richmond Road, New Richmond, Ohio 45157 Volume LXXV November 2014 Cafe owner combines consulting, restaurant careers Family, community most important to Bob Lees Lifetime New Richmond resi- cause I love it here. I restored a ers,” he said. causing customers to be happy, dent Bob Lees actually has two number of historic properties To be successful in these fields, having the opportunity to serve completely different businesses. and opened the Front Street Cafe Lees had some simple advice. our community,” he said. And “I am in International Business to provide a gathering place for “Love working with people and as with many of us, the worst Consulting (assisting US compa- our community to gather, do have a desire to make our com- thing about his field is the lack nies realize business opportuni- good things and to have fun!” munity and the world a better of time. “There don't seem to be ties internationally with empha- Communicating with US com- place.” enough hours in the day to do all sis on China, Japan and South- panies, UC, and a number of non When it comes to owning and of the things that I hope to do,” east Asia, and I own and oper- profit organizations, are all a part operating a business, Lees said, he said. ate with my wife, Yuko, the Front of a typical day for Lees. “Some Operating small businesses is When he first started the Cafe, Street Cafe in New Richmond,” of those organizations are na- challenging but personally so Lees said he did make at least he said. tional, others are in Cincinnati rewarding to do so “ one mistake. “I underestimated Lees said he got into this field and I consult on international Lees advised anyone thinking the challenges of opening and when he traveled to Asia in the issues and opportunities. In the about starting their own business operating a small business.” military. “I returned to study evening, I communicate with to understand what that takes. Lees said that he wants all his international economics and in- contacts in Asia.” But the day “Develop a business plan, expect customers to know one thing ternational relations at UC and doesn’t stop there, as Lees also to work hard, learn how to pick about his business. “That we are obtained an MBA in global busi- has New Richmond activities on yourself up, dust yourself off and here to serve them the very best ness at the Thunderbird School a daily basis. “I help to plan for get back at it when you experi- that we can, appreciate them and of Management in Arizona and daily activities for the Cafe and ence setbacks.” enjoy serving them!!” And fi- studied in Japan at the Institute am involved in a number of New There are many rewards, ac- nally, Lees emphasized ideals of International which led to my Richmond organizations includ- cording to Lees, in owning one’s that to him, are the most impor- career in international business ing RiverStage Theatre, New own business. “The indepen- tant: “Love of community, love and diplomacy.” Lees then re- Richmond Business Association, dence and happiness of build- of the work that one chooses to turned to New Richmond. “I RiverArts Festival, Cardboard ing businesses from scratch, see- do, giving back to the commu- came back to my home town be- Boat Race and Museum and oth- ing positive results for clients, nity, love of family.” NR graduate now owns Altimet Don’t always depend on plan A, have a plan B By Alexis Wilson Altimet is one of the largest re- Hamm’s advice for succeed- the most important thing to of time involved, “If you own cyclers in the area, and provides ing in business involves a Hamm is communicating a busi- your own business, you are al- total recycling for all kinds of couple of basic skills. “To suc- ness vision. “Everyone must be ways working. You must be avail- aluminum scrap. Their clients are ceed in this business you need on the same page for an organi- able 24/7. The business contin- typically large industries. “We good communication skills and zation to succeed,” he said. ues, whether you're sleeping or re-melt more than 14 million organization skills are critical,” When you are working at a on vacation.” pounds of aluminium per year,” stated Hamm. After being in job or owning a business, an When Hamm started the busi- stated Chris Hamm, the owner business for a while, Hamm outgoing personality is an im- ness, he said at first he lacked a and president of Altimet, which learned that people are the most portant attitude to have, accord- plan B. “When you write your is located in Batavia. Hamm important asset. ing to Hamm. “Just be honest business plan, you have faith graduated from New Richmond Hamm gives advice to people and diligent and all your custom- that a start-up will follow it High School and then from Ohio who are starting in Altimet or in- ers will respect you, no matter closely. Sometimes that hap- University. “ I took a position terested in starting their own what the issue,” he said. pens, sometimes not.” with Honda Trading America as business. “When starting a Hamm stated that the best Hamm would like people to an aluminium trader,” he said. business, be prepared to fail. You thing about owning your own know that you can depend on Hamm said that his typical learn more from failing than suc- business is, “watching your his business. “We are honest, day includes several different ceeding. Always have a plan B dreams become reality and diligent, and nimble,” said activities. “Most of my day in- and be prepared to sacrifice,” watching people grow and de- Hamm. volves management meetings, stated Hamm. velop.” The worst thing about problem-solving and strategy Many things go into creat- owning your own business in sessions,” stated Hamm. ing and managing a business but Hamm's opinion is the amount American Family agent appreciates support Joel Loyd also serves as NR volunteer coach that was ineffective and expen- New Richmond resident and focusing on auto, homeowner’s, complete annually. I hold numer- sive. I had no understanding that volunteer coach Joel Loyd has commercial and life insurance. ous insurance licenses and a return on investment (ROI) could been an American Family insur- We are the front line when you CLF designation. If you are go- be measured and managed. ROI ance agent for 14 years. need advice or guidance with ing to be successful in any busi- is a measurable, accountable Insurance was not the field your insurance needs. We close ness, you must continue to learn metric to be used in all facets of Loyd thought he’d enter when he the office at 5 pm. My clients can and grow,” he said. small business.” graduated from college. “I still contact me after hours via To anyone starting in the insur- Loyd said he wants customers graduated from Heidelberg col- email, cell phone, facebook ance field or just wanting to start to know that, “Insurance is a re- lege with my BA in comprehen- etc…, if the need arises.” a new business, Loyd said be lationship business. Prices will sive social studies/education. To be successful in this field, prepared to work hard and work fluctuate from year to year. We Opportunities in the field were Loyd said being patient, hard- long hours. “Do your homework strive to develop a relationship limited so I started working in working, understanding, in the industry you want to work. with all our customers and de- the automotive industry to make empathetic and a good listener Be willing to work 70-80 hrs a velop an insurance strategy that ends meet. I pent ten years in are essential. “If you want to week for the first few years. Have meets their coverage and finan- that industry before starting my own your own business or just a budget and do not go into debt. cial needs. Customer satisfac- own business. I opened an work in the insurance industry, Be willing to put your clients first. tion is very important to my busi- American Family Insurance you have to be reliable, compas- Find a career you enjoy and have ness. American Star measures agency in 2001 serving Clermont sionate, adaptable, ambitious, fun!!!” our satisfaction numbers through County and surrounding areas,” determined, honest, optimistic Loyd has developed a close random surveys. Currently we he said. and self-disciplined,” he added. relationship with his insurance have a 9.77 on a 10 point scale. On a typical day, Loyd said he Loyd said he learns something clients, which he says is his most We have numerous awards for begins by opening his office new every day in his field. “The important concern. “I provide customer satisfaction over the around 8am. “ We work with insurance industry changes daily. solutions to complex/difficult fourteen years we have been in clients protecting their assets, I have continuing education to situations. I protect my client’s business,” he added. most valuable assets. I make sure Loyd has close connections to my clients know I care about them the New Richmond school dis- and their families. I need to be at trict and has volunteered in the my best when they are at their schools for 20 years. He said he worst. Claims can be stressful, I is very appreciative of the com- work as an advocate for my cli- munity support.
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