June 2013 The Journal of Japanese Botany Vol. 88 No. 3 191 J. Jpn. Bot. 88: 191–193 (2013) a, b c Lokesh R. SHAKYA *, Xiao-Hua JIN , Keshab R. RAJBHANDARI and Hiroshi d IKEDA : Robiquetia succisa (Orchidaceae)––A New Record for Nepal a,*Department of Botany, Amrit Campus, Tribhuvan University, Thamel, Kathmandu, NEPAL; bInstitute of Botany, Chinese Academy of Sciences, 20, Nanxinchun, Xiangshan, Beijing, CHINA; cG. P. O. Box 9446, Kathmandu, NEPAL; dThe University Museum, The University of Tokyo, 7-3-1, Hongo, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo 113-0033, JAPAN. *Corresponding author: [email protected] Summary: Robiquetia succisa (Lindl.) Seidenf. & can be easily identified as R. succisa by their Garay (Orchidaceae) is reported from Nepal for the long stems, emarginate, leathery leaves distantly first time. This is also the first record of the genus attached along the stem, and long, branched from Nepal, and the western-most locality for the infructescence. These specimens represent new distribution of the species. records for R. succisa in Nepal, for both the species and the genus. The collection locality of Robiquetia Gaudichaud (Orchidaceae) the specimens also represents the westernmost consists of about 40 species, characterized by a distribution of the species. rather long stem, a spurred lip, the column foot lacking or indistinct, and pollinia more or less but Robiquetia succisa (Lindl.) Seidenfaden & not completely cleft or split (Seidenfaden 1988, Garay in Bot. Tidsskr. 67: 119 (1972) – Icon. Pearce and Cribb 2002). Robiquetia is mainly Cormophyt. Sin. 5: 765 (1976) – Bot. Inst. distributed from Indonesia to Australia and the Guangdong, Fl. Hainan 4: 260 (1977) – S. Y. Hu Pacific, with two species, R. spathulata (Lindl.) in Gen. Orchid. Hong Kong: 116 (1977) – Inst. J. J. Smith and R. succisa (Lindl.) Seidenfaden Bot. Kunming. Acad. Sin., Index Fl. Yunnan. 2: & Garay, extending farther north into Sikkim 2073 (1984) – Hegde & A. N. Rao in J. Econ. and Bhutan (Pearce and Cribb 2002). The genus, Tax. Bot. 4(2): 389 (1983) – G.-H. Zhu, Fl. however, has not been recorded from Nepal (see Reipubl. Popularis Sin. 19: 368, t. 55, f. 1 & 2 Hara et al. 1978, Banerji and Pradhan 1984, (1999) – Pearce & Cribb, Orchids Bhutan: 554 Press et al. 2000, Rajbhandari and Dahal 2004, (2002) – Kress & al., Checkl. Pl. Myanmar: 88 2010). (2003) – X.-Q. Chen & Wood in Z.-Y. Wu & During preparation of an account of the Raven, Fl. China 25: 476 (2009) – A.-L. Zhang Orchidaceae for the Flora of Nepal (see Pendry in Z.-Y. Wu & Raven, Fl. China Illust. 25: t. 617, and Watson 2012), we discovered two specimens f. 1 & 2 (2010). [Fig. 1] of Robiquetia succisa in the Herbarium of the Sarcanthus succisus Lindl., Bot. Reg. 12: t. University of Tokyo (Fig. 1). The specimens 1014 (1826). were collected in Ilam District, eastern Nepal, Oenoclades paniculata Lindl., Gen. Sp. by the Japan-Nepal Botanical Expedition team Orchid. Pl.: 236 (1833). in 1963 (see Hara 1966). They were tentatively Saccolabium parvulum Lindl. in Proc. Linn. identified as Sarcanthus in Dr. Takasi Tuyama's Soc. Bot. 3: 36 (1859), nom. nud. handwriting, but not listed in the enumeration Saccolabium buccosum Rchb. f. in Gard. of the plants collected in 1963 (Tuyama 1966). Chron. 1871: 938 (1871) – J. D. Hooker, Fl. Brit. Although the specimens bear only fruits, they India 6: 58 (1890) – King & Pantl. in Ann. Roy. 192 植物研究雑誌 第 88 巻 第 3 号 2013 年 6 月 Fig. 1. Specimen of Robiquetia succisa (Lindl.) Seidenf. & Garay collected in Ilam, east Nepal (H. Hara & al. s.n., 8 Dec. 1963, TI). June 2013 The Journal of Japanese Botany Vol. 88 No. 3 193 Bot. Gard. Calcutta 8: 224, t. 298 (1898). Himalaya. J. Cramer, Vaduz. Cleisostoma virginale Hance in J. Bot. 15: 38 Chen X.-Q. and Wood J. J. 2009. Robiquetia Gaudichaud. In: Wu Z.-Y. and Raven P. H. (eds.), Flora of China (1877). 25: 475 & 476. Science Press, Beijing, and Missouri Pomatocalpa virginale (Hance) J. J. Smith in Botanical Garden Press, St. Louis. Nat. Tijdschr. Ned.-Ind. 72(1): 107 (1912). Hara H. (ed.) 1966. The Flora of Eastern Himalaya. Robiquetia paniculata (Lindl.) J. J. Smith in University of Tokyo Press, Tokyo. Bull. Jard. Bot. Buitenzorg ser. 2, 9: 114 (1912). Hara H., Stearn W. T. and Williams L. H. J. (eds.) 1978. An Enumeration of the Flowering Plants of Nepal. Vol. 1. Sarcanthus henryi Schltr. in Repert. Spec. British Museum (Natural History), London. Nov. Regni Veg. Beih. 4: 77 (1919). Hooker J. D. 1890. Flora of British India. Vol. 6. L. Reeve Uncifera buccosa (Rchb. f.) Finet ex & Co., London. Guillaumin in Bull. Soc. Bot. Fr. 77: 333 (1930). Kress W. J., DeFilipps R. A., Farr E. and Daw Yin Yin Kyi 2003. A Checklist of the Trees, Shrubs, Herbs and Distribution: Nepal (Ilam Distr.), NE India Climbers of Myanmar. Contr. U. S. Nat. Herb. 45: (Sikkim, Assam), Bhutan, S & SW China (Hong 1–590. Kong, Fujian, Guangdong, Guangxi, Hainan, Pearce N. and Cribb P. 2002. The Orchids of Bhutan. Flora Yunnan), Thailand, Laos, Cambodia, Vietnam, of Bhutan. Vol. 3(3). Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh Myanmar (after Hooker 1890, Zhu 1999, Pearce and Royal Government of Bhutan. Pendry C. and Watson M. 2012. Report on the fourth and Cribb 2002, Kress et al. 2003, Chen and editorial meeting of the Flora of Nepal. Newslett. Wood 2009). Himal. Bot. no. 46: 16–23. Specimens examined: E NEPAL. Ilam District: Illam Press J. R., Shrestha K. K. and Sutton D. A. 2000. – Jog Mai – Ranga Pani, 400–1200 m (H. Hara, H. Kanai, Annotated Checklist of the Flowering Plants of Nepal. S. Kurosawa, G. Murata, M. Togashi & T. Tuyama s.n., 8 The Natural History Museum, London. Dec. 1963, TI). Ranga Pani – Chisa Pani – Loohya Mai, Rajbhandari K. R. and Dahal S. 2004. Orchids of Nepal: a 400–700 m (H. Hara, H. Kanai, S. Kurosawa, G. Murata, checklist. Botanica Orientalis 4(1): 89–106. & M. Togashi s.n., 9 Dec. 1963, TI). Rajbhandari K. R. and Dahal S. 2010. Orchidaceae. In: Rajbhandari K. R. and Baral S. R. (eds.), Catalogue We thank Dr. David E. Boufford, Harvard of Nepalese Flowering Plants – I. Gymnosperms and Monocotyledons. pp. 43–77. Department of Plant University, for checking the English grammar of Resources, Kathmandu. the manuscript. This study was partly supported Seidenfaden G. 1988. Orchid genera in Thailand XIV. by a Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (A), Fifty-nine vandoid genera. Opera Bot. 95: 223–227. no. 23255005 (to H. I.) from the Japan Society Tuyama T. 1966. Orchidaceae. In: Hara H. (ed.), The Flora of Eastern Himalaya. pp. 424–452. University of Tokyo for the Promotion of Science. Press, Tokyo. Zhu G.-H. 1999. Robiquetia Gaud. In: Tsi Z.-H. (ed.), Flora References Reipublicae Popularis Sinicae 19: 367–370. Science Banerji M. L. and Pradhan P. 1984. The Orchids of Nepal Press, Beijing (in Chinese). L. R. Shakyaa,金 効華 b,K. R. Rhajibhandaric,池 d 田 博 : Robiquetia succisa(ラン科),ネパールに産 す 東京大学植物標本室 (TI) から,ネパール新産となる Robiquetia 属としてもネパールから初めての報告とな ラン科 Robiquetia succisa (Lindl.) Seidenf. & Garay を る.また,2 点が採集された地点は,この種の最も西の 見出した.発見された標本は 2 点で,ともに 1963 年に 分布に当たる. 東ネパール・イラム地域で採集されたものである.標本 (a ネパール・トリブバン大学アムリットキャンパス, は果実をつけたもので,長い茎に全縁で革質の葉が離 b 中国科学院植物研究所, れてつくこと,長く枝分かれする果序をつけることに c ネパール・カトマンズ 私書箱 9446 号, より Robiquetia succisa と同定された.今回の発見は, d 東京大学総合研究博物館).
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