(Akhalsofeli) in Kakheti Region State That the Qvevri Making Represents for Us a Historical and Ancestral Craft, the Knowledge of Which Was Transmitted to Us Orally

(Akhalsofeli) in Kakheti Region State That the Qvevri Making Represents for Us a Historical and Ancestral Craft, the Knowledge of Which Was Transmitted to Us Orally

0067000008 Annex to the Section 4b We, the Qvevri makers from village Gavazi (Akhalsofeli) in Kakheti Region state that the Qvevri making represents for us a historical and ancestral craft, the knowledge of which was transmitted to us orally. The Qvevri making is the source of our income. Over the centuries the knowledge has passed down for generations by father to son and reached us in such a way. Therefore, preservation ofthis field is of particular importance for our families and our country and we join the nomination initiative. Signatures: Zaal Chidrashvili Amiran Kurtanidze Zakhro Kikilashvili Annex to the Section 4b We, the Qvevri makers from village Vardisubani in Kakheti region, declare that we have inherited the Qvevri making technology from our forefathers. The Qvevri making is for us the key source of income, as well as the tradition and knowledge transmitted to us from our ancestors that was on the verge of disappearance in the recent past. This tradition, as the unique craft of Qvevri making shall be transmitted to future generations. Signatures: Gocha Kbilashvili Remi Kbilashvili lemal Kharaulashvili Davit Kharaulashvili Kakha Kharaulashvili Robert Kharaulashvili F'3J6, (flhnmoh P1;]oo(y)50h lj(Y'<nJ~ ~Fl(r,Q?oh'noc,>FidO 80h(Y)[JP1()oO dD;][JD3MDDon ;:Flob,',~Dom, M[~)8 'ao6,'l8DMvaD~(')ooh - 8DJaD3MD(')2h'l f)~w6m3nh ,,> «)0 h ~c'>MOO, M(Y)8~nG (3(ry~6,)O 8,)8,'l,j';'jMc'>Q? o,'lQ?8(Y)o3JO''>. 8a;]3J3MD(')o,', P'3;:)bm;}nll ,'lMoll, M(')('/')MO dOMO(),),',~O dD8(YJ1h'>3~oh Vl:J0M('), ob;:) vob,'>.JMDooll 6(Y')0~O(3')' P1(Y)8J~oG 'nd,'lb,,>hdb()~ Ja(Y)Of')~'aO o,'>D(Y)(Y)oob b,'ll[3(Y)(nbol\ LU,)!.U;"',,). Db C)(Y),)~o(3oc'>, (r,(Y)c/')(Y'JO do5,,>8(r,JV3J~[')o()b ~')(Y)o() d(J8~()(')8 m')(Y)0Do b. dc)homob 1'0000(,150b b(Y)<nD~ oc)3,)'hClo (,)b",~1)f'1<nD~o) lWl3MOoO 803303«)00°0 dMo,)hb05aom, 1'0('18 03D5cn3ob daJ3D3MDf()6,,, ,)Mob V05 ,),iM[]0011 8°DM ~,,,5'''(,)(')~PMO ~,"MOO, I'0(Y)d~oll 'hD.30MO dDd3[J31'0[JM(;," ,,,1'001, r,3[]50 (J[]dMb')3~ob Ij')'ZJ,l~1f)[][]6()h 0,,,58')3~(')6,)'dO 8",80%1,,,5 Cd3o~(hD o'"~'''~()(')~''' ,)11:) 8(Y)30~') f):Wb,)8~[]. ,,,80(')(')8"'(3 ~,)l'0oob °305,)1'000506,) 850(J35[]~(1)3,,,50t) f)3DbO pV~;;t)hDoolh" ~c) f13D50 33D:JbOh,,,cn3ob. 111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 0087000008 National Agency for Cultural Heritage Preservation of Georgia UNESCO intangible Heritage Committee The founders of the "Georgian Traditional Wine Foundation" are Georgian Apostolic Autocephaly Orthodox Church 3 bishops: Metropolitan David (Makharadze) Abba Alaverdeli - the Chairman of the Board of the Foundation; Metropolitan Andrew ofSamtavisi and Gori and Metropolitan Peter of Chkondidi - deputies ofthe Chairman of the Board of the Faoundation. The main goal of the Foundation is: reviving and popularization of the ancient technology of the Georgian traditional wine making. The founders of the Foundation make their efforts to popularize ancient method of qvevri wine making in their eparchies. One ofthe prior goals ofthe "Georgian Traditional Wine Foundation" is to encourage the qvevri-maker artisans. Initiated by the "Georgian Traditional Wine Foundation" and in cooperation with different organizations, 15-18 September, 2011 the first International Qvevri Wine Symposium was held in the Alaverdi Monastery. Taking into account all above mentioned, we are one of the initiators to present the nomination of "Ancient Georgian Traditional method of Qvevri Wine Making" for UNESCO. The Georgian nation attaches great significance to this issue. Signiatures: Metropolitan David (Makharadze) Abba Alaverdeli Metropolitan Andrew of Samtavisi and Gori Metropolitan Peter of Chkondidi / 3~(?>a)~O t56>~ooo~o ~JobOb ZJm~o Georgian Traditional Wine Fund b0d'')~()')3[J~l(Y)h J'Zl~O'Zl~'Zl~o 8[J8J30~~[J(Y)00 b ~0G30 h [J~(Y)36'Zl~0 hMO[J6o(Y) h! "J0~m'Zl~0 O~0~OG0'Zl~0 ~3060 b 93(Y)6~0 b" ~,')893'Zld6[J0~[Joo 0~006 h0J0~m3[J~(Y) h b08(Y)GoJ'Zl~(Y) 80~m~80~0~[J0[J~0 [JJ~[Jbooh lh')80 8~3~[J~8m030~0: 0000 0~03[J~~[J~0 800~(Y)')(Y)~OOO ~030mo (8,')b0~0d[J) - 93(Y)6~oh 0,')80[J(Y)00h m038~~(Y)80~[J, lh')8m'')3ohob0 ~b o(Y)~oh 80l~~(Y).3(Y)~oOo ,')6~~Ob (03b%b3b) ~l') ~tl(Y)6~0~[J~0 800~(Y).3(Y)~oOo .3[JO~[J (GM3''») - mb38~~(Y)8b~ob 8(y)b~00~[J[J00. 93(Y)6~0 h 80%6[J00b: db~m'Zl~O O~b~OG0'Zl~O ~3060 h ~btl[J6[J00 h 'Zld3[J~ [J bo O[JJ6(Y)~(Y)­ oooh 0~~0[J6b ~0 80ho ob3~Ga~[J00. 93(Y)6~0 h ~,')893'Zld6ao~[J00 mb3006m [J.30~ JoaodO ,)(Y).3'Zl~0~0%0GOb b 'ZlV[J3a 6 J3[J3~ dO ~3060 h ~,')tlD6()00 h 'Zld3[J~D h 8()m(Y)~ h. "Jb~m'Zl~o O~b~OG0'Zl~o ~3060h 93(Y)6~oh" D~m-[J~mo 860d36()~(Y)3b60 ,')8(Y)G06M 8()J3()3~D- b()~(Y) hbbmb bD~ dDVtJ(Y)Ob. 93(Y)6~ob 060G000030m ~b hb3,,)~bhb3b (y)~ob60%0GOaomb6 mb6,')8d~(Y)8~(Y)oom bbJb~­ m3D~(y)do 2011 v~oh 15-18 hDJOD80()~h b~'')3[J~~oh 8(Y)b0hO[J~dO ~l')Ol')~~l') "J3D3~oh ~306o h I 110D~m0 d(y)~O 1l(Y) 1l08.3(Y)%0'Zl8o". tJ(Y)3()~o3[J %[J8(Y)md8'Zl~o~0b 008(Y)8~06b~D' 3o~m D~m-[J~mo ObOG000(Y)~O, ~(Y)8 UNESCO-h b(Y)8obbGOb%D Vb~~o()h "J3[J3~oh ~3060h ~btW6[Jooh 'Zld3D~Dbo db~m'Zl~o O~b~OG0'Zl~o 8()m(Y)~o". ab hbJombo 'Zl'')~~Db0~ [J~(Y)3b'Zl~Ob ~b 86od36D~(Y)3b6o. 0660 0~03()0~()~0 Clo00{'),j{')~OOO ~03omo (Cl0b000d()) u0Clm030 UO U0 ~0 o{')00U Clo00{,)J{,)~oOO ,)5~000 (o3c~'<b030) ~ti{')5~o~()~0 aoo0{,)J{,)~OOO J()00() (00030) ~~(OjOl~O Cl(Ojb~oo~o ~ao60b 1Jf'I6~ Georgian TradItIonal Wine rund 1'6~ "'Dc::?"3" 2020, 3"tJ"'"'30"3Dc::?"b J. 8 8 Vajha·Pshavela Str. Telavi 2020, Georgia 03 IL Tel: +(995 99) 20 84 08 www.geowinefund.com \hniinr""'''",j\ J' N~5, 0102 O)()0C::;lo\.)o OOQ::',: 'r (995 32) 2505457 "' (995 32) 2505456 :r 400(04277) ~~ 012/21 o'j6JbJ(Ylb o(;)Ja0cxi:)O')~)'CJ<;)O d~)oJ::30Q?0)O(Y).oob J(YlaOCX)ClLJ, b~)::.10(Y)(J)3~)C;::'(Ylb 3'CJ~\~'CJ(Y)olJo Q?0 d~Jo~)oX) Q?0(33ob b0dof50b,y'w)b, b0d00)Q)::30~)('lb J~J~\a.)'CJ0i'CJ~)O 00d330 Q?0)::J(Yloob Q?:)(33 0b O(Y)(y135~'J~' b0000l5C)(y)b. 0lH')(30.JUn0 <j.)(;)(J)'CJ~'Cl ~305(')'' O0!3,)~ob\3of.\JbL (30EJJQ;')()06~)(,)(),)'do a~JC'I~3C) C)(>:),)(:.s)()(30~'J~)O 1.:?::3 nonb 3\CJ~lC)~'J6:)ob Q?0 o:,(J('IQ?ob oISnl)o.)(')o3 0 o!' 6)(y)0 "j;3830iO \..; ~305()b Q?:)~Ot)80()\..; 'CJd3::)~'J8bo d0(Y)(J)'CJ~)O C)C';i0Q?0(30'C)C;::'o El80)('1Q?O" (300)Q?O:J6n~) 0dl).)b l)(')(l000(300Q? 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