Boletín Sociedad Entomológica Aragonesa, n1 41 (2007) : 7–42. CONTRIBUTION TO THE KNOWLEDGE OF THE AGRIOTINI OF CHINA. GENERA AGRIOTES ESCHSCHOLTZ, ECTINUS ESCHSCHOLTZ, TINECUS FLEUTIAUX AND RAINERUS GEN. N. (COLEOPTERA, ELATERIDAE, AGRIOTINI) Giuseppe Platia Via Molino Vecchio, 21a, 47043 Gatteo (FC), Italia – [email protected] Abstract: The Agriotes Eschscholtz and Ectinus Eschscholtz of China are revised, with the descriptions, respectively, of 26 and 18 new species. Rainerus, gen. n. with 12 species (11 new), is separated from Ectinus Eschscholtz on the basis of mor- phological characters and particularly the shape of the sclerotic plates of the bursa copulatrix; it also includes two species from Taiwan, one from Myanmar and a new one from Laos. Tinecus Fleutiaux, described with four species from Vietnam, is recorded from China for the first time, with a new species; a further 3 new species are described from Myanmar, Thailand and Laos. Key words: Coleoptera, Elateridae, Agriotini, Agriotes, Ectinus, Tinecus, Rainerus, new genus, new species, new combination, synonyms, chorology, keys, China, Myanmar, Thailand, Laos. Aportación al conocimiento de los Agriotini de China. Géneros Agriotes Eschscholtz, Ectinus Eschscholtz, Tinecus Fleutiaux y Rainerus gen. n. (Coleoptera, Elateridae, Agriotini) Resumen: Se revisan los Agriotes Eschscholtz y Ectinus Eschscholtz de China, con las respectivas descripciones de 26 y 18 nuevas especies. El género Rainerus, gen. n., con 12 especies (11 nuevas), se separa de Ectinus Eschscholtz en base a ca- racteres morfológicos y en particular a la configuración de las piezas esclerotizadas de la bolsa copulatriz; incluye también dos especies de Taiwán, una de Myanmar y una nueva de Laos. Tinecus Fleutiaux, descrito sobre cuatro especies de Vietnam, se cita por primera vez de China, con nuevas especies; se describen otras tres nuevas especies de este género, de Myanmar, Tailandia y Laos. Palabras clave: Coleoptera, Elateridae, Agriotini, Agriotes, Ectinus, Tinecus, Rainerus, nuevo género, nuevas especies, nueva combinación, sinonimia, corología, claves, China, Myanmar, Tailandia, Laos. Taxonomy/Taxonomía: Agriotes baotianmanensis sp. n. A. weishanensis sp. n. E. yanmenensis sp. n. A. becvari sp. n. A. wudangshanensis sp. n. E. yunnanensis sp. n. A. erhaiensis sp. n. A. wuyishanensis sp. n. Rainerus gen. n. A. erhaiensis sp. n. A. xiachayuensis sp. n. R. benesi sp. n. A. intermedius sp. n. A. xinhuaensis sp. n. R. bocakorum sp. n. A. jingkei sp. n. Ectinus angelinii sp. n. R. erberi sp. n. A. kubani sp. n. E. anomalus sp. n. R. henanensis sp. n. A. kumingensis sp. n. E. businskyorum sp. n. R. holzschuhi sp. n. A. lijiangensis sp. n. E. catei sp. n. R. hubeiensis sp. n. A. longiusculus sp. n. E. krali sp. n. R. majori sp. n. A. maculatus sp. n. E. kucerai sp. n. R. mertliki sp. n. A. malipoensis sp. n. E. frontalis sp. n. R. tricolor sp. n. A. meilixuensis sp. n. E. funiushanensis sp. n. R. turnai sp. n. A. minusculus sp. n. E. gansuensis sp. n. R. zishanensis sp. n. A. nikodymi sp. n. E. lucongpoensis sp. n. R. laotianus sp. n. A. pseudobscurus sp. n. E. maculicollis sp. n. Tinecus agilis sp. n. A. schneideri sp. n. E. minimus sp. n. T. burmasiamensis sp. n. A. sinensis sp. n. E. niger sp. n. T. laotianus sp. n. A. subfasciatus sp. n. E. numerosus sp. n. T. thailandicus sp. n. A. taipoensis sp. n. E. riesei sp. n. A. tibetanus sp. n. E. shirenshanensis sp. n. Introduction The examination of many specimens of Agriotini from Chi- new) is the richest genus, followed by Ectinus with 21 spe- na, received for study from several colleagues and museums cies (18 new), Rainerus with 12 species (11 new) and Tine- (including important type material) and collected mostly in cus with 1 new species. The investigation of type material recent years in many Chinese provinces, gives me the op- (the type of Agriotes fusiformis Candèze, 1878 is unfortu- portunity to contribute to the knowledge of this tribe of nately lost) of previously described species was particularly click-beetles. The results of this work, the first general important for solving taxonomic problems (some of these study of the group from China, show that the fauna of this species were erroneously described in the genus Agoni- immense country is particularly rich in species, the majority schius Candèze). The study of the genitalia and particularly of them undescribed. In this paper I have treated the genera of the sclerotic plates of the copulatrix bursa (see figs.57- Agriotes Eschscholtz, Ectinus Eschscholtz, Tinecus Fleu- 103) has permitted me to distinctly separate the genera and tiaux and Rainerus n. gen. Agriotes with 40 species (26 to establish the new genus Rainerus, the copulatrix bursa of 7 which contains five sclerotic plates, only two of which are Key to the genera Agriotes, Ectinus, Tinecus and symmetrical (see key to genera). Another interesting choro- Rainerus n. gen. of China logic observation, derived from this study and considering 1. Suprantennal carinae reaching or not reaching anterior the geographical boundaries of this paper, is the distribution of the genera treated here: The genus Ectinus seems to be margin of frons ........................................................... 2 limited to China and Taiwan, while Agriotes, Rainerus and – Suprantennal carinae not reaching anterior margin of Tinecus are widespread also in Southeast Asia. The genus frons; median lobe of male genitalia notably longer than Rainerus contains, besides the species from China, two parameres; bursa copulatrix with three asymmetrical species from Taiwan, Rainerus birmanicus (Fleutiaux) from sclerotic plates (see figs. 57-83)... Agriotes Eschscholtz Myanmar and Rainerus laotianus n. sp. from Laos. The 2. Suprantennal carinae reaching or not reaching anterior genus Tinecus Fleutiaux included only four species of Viet- margin of frons; median lobe of male genitalia as long nam. Now it is known from China, and three other species as or just longer than parameres .................................. 3 are described from Myanmar, Thailand and Laos. Keys to – Suprantennal carinae reaching and connecting with the known species of Agriotes, Ectinus and Rainerus of anterior margin; median lobe of male genitalia notably China are given. longer than parameres, the latter not toothed; bursa co- pulatrix with two asymmetrical sclerotic plates (see figs. Material and methods 101-103) .......................................... Tinecus Fleutiaux Body measurements. Body length is measured along the 3. Second antennal article just longer or notably longer midline from the anterior margin of the frons to the apex of than third, elytral apicis always rounded; bursa copula- the elytra, body width across the broadest part of the beetle. trix with two symmetrical sclerotic plates (see figs. 84- Pronotal measurements. Pronotal length is measured 91).. .............................................. Ectinus Eschscholtz along the midline, pronotal width across the broadest part – Second antennal article subequal in length or shorter which is usually at the hind angles. than third; elytral apicis rounded, spiniform or weakly The descriptions of the species are fundamental, con- emarginate; bursa copulatrix with five sclerotic plates, sidering especially charachers that can be used to separate only two symmetrical (see figs. 92-100) ....................... the species of the different genera. ........................................................... Rainerus n. gen. Abbreviations. The names of institutions, museums and Agriotes Eschscholtz, 1829 collections containing the material studied, to which we are deeply indebted, are abbreviated as follows: Agriotes Eschscholtz, 1829: 34. Type-species: Elater sputa- tor Linnaeus, 1758. BMNH – London, British Museum Natural History (M. ● KNOWN SPECIES Kerley) CAF – Angelini coll., Francavilla Fontana (Italy) A. barkulensis Jagemann, 1942 CCW – Cate coll., Wien (Austria) Agriotes barkulensis Jagemann, 1942: 30; Gurjeva, 1972: CDZ – Dusanek coll., Zábřeh na Moravĕ, Kralove (Czech 874; 1973: 154; 1979: 380; Jiang, 1993: 152. Rep.) MATERIAL EXAMINED. Holotype ♀- China: Turkestan, CMHK – Mertlik coll., Hradec Kralove (Czech Rep.) Barkul-Chami (Jagemann coll, MZM) CPG – Platia coll., Gatteo (Italy) REDESCRIPTION. Female. Entirely yellow-ochraceous, co- CRG – Riese coll., Genoa (Italy) vered with dense, yellow-golden vestiture. CSO – Sitek coll., Ostrava (Czech Rep.) Frons convex, supra-antennal carinae not reaching anterior CSV – Schimmel coll., Vinningen (Germany) margin; punctures coarse, contiguous. Antennae not reach- DEI – Müncheberg, Deutsches Entomologisches Institut ing apices of posterior angles of pronotum; second and third (Dr. L. Zerche) articles subcylindrical, second a little longer than third, IRSNB – Bruxelles, Institut royal des Sciences naturelles together much longer than fourth; fourth-tenth subtriangu- de Belgique ( J. Constant) lar, about twice as long as wide. MCSNG – Museo Civico di Storia Naturale, Genoa (Ita- Pronotum as long as wide, widest at posterior angles, convex, ly) (Dr. R. Poggi) with median longitudinal depression at basal declivity, a mid- MZM – Brno, Moravské Zemské Muzeum, Jagemann longitudinal line apparent on middle of disc; sides subparallel coll. (V. Kubáň) for about two thirds of its length, posterior angles sharp, just TM – Termeszettudomany Museum, Budapest (Hungary) barely divergent, with a few apparent carina directed medial- (Dr. O. Merkl) ly; punctures on disc simple or slightly umbilicate
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