Washtenaw Int School District Payment Register From Payment Date: 7/1/2017 - To Payment Date: 6/30/2018 Reconciled/ Transaction Reconciled Number Date Status Void Reason Voided Date Source Payee Name Amount Amount Difference AP - Accounts Payable MILAF Check 189261 07/06/2017 Reconciled 07/31/2017 Accounts Payable CANN & ASSOCIATES, INC, F.H. $247.93 $247.93 $0.00 189262 07/06/2017 Reconciled 07/31/2017 Accounts Payable CHAPTER 13 TRUSTEE -PO BOX $2,087.70 $2,087.70 $0.00 2018 189263 07/06/2017 Reconciled 07/31/2017 Accounts Payable Employee Benefit Concepts, Inc $8,395.41 $8,395.41 $0.00 189264 07/06/2017 Reconciled 07/31/2017 Accounts Payable GREAT LAKES HIGHER $187.27 $187.27 $0.00 EDUCATION GUARANTY CORP 189265 07/06/2017 Reconciled 07/31/2017 Accounts Payable WASHTENAW UNITED WAY $473.00 $473.00 $0.00 189266 07/10/2017 Reconciled 07/31/2017 Accounts Payable ALLSTAR ALARM LLC $958.98 $958.98 $0.00 189267 07/10/2017 Reconciled 07/31/2017 Accounts Payable ANN ARBOR PUBLIC SCHOOLS $3,777.50 $3,777.50 $0.00 FOOD 189268 07/10/2017 Reconciled 07/31/2017 Accounts Payable ASSETWORKS INC $2,500.00 $2,500.00 $0.00 189269 07/10/2017 Reconciled 07/31/2017 Accounts Payable AUNT MILLIE'S BAKERIES $9.18 $9.18 $0.00 189270 07/10/2017 Reconciled 07/31/2017 Accounts Payable BALL, KELLY $65.60 $65.60 $0.00 189271 07/10/2017 Reconciled 07/31/2017 Accounts Payable BANKS, JENNIFER $117.49 $117.49 $0.00 189272 07/10/2017 Reconciled 07/31/2017 Accounts Payable BENTLEY, TABITHA $3,040.00 $3,040.00 $0.00 189273 07/10/2017 Reconciled 07/31/2017 Accounts Payable BOULARD, MEGAN $52.19 $52.19 $0.00 189274 07/10/2017 Reconciled 07/31/2017 Accounts Payable CAMPBELL, AUTUMN $600.00 $600.00 $0.00 189275 07/10/2017 Reconciled 07/31/2017 Accounts Payable CEO IMAGING SYSTEMS, INC. $7,322.00 $7,322.00 $0.00 189276 07/10/2017 Reconciled 08/31/2017 Accounts Payable COLLINS, ELETTE $77.04 $77.04 $0.00 189277 07/10/2017 Reconciled 07/31/2017 Accounts Payable DAVIS, NANCY $33.99 $33.99 $0.00 189278 07/10/2017 Reconciled 07/31/2017 Accounts Payable DEAF & HEARING IMPAIRED SVS, $9,161.34 $9,161.34 $0.00 INC 189279 07/10/2017 Reconciled 07/31/2017 Accounts Payable DENIG, MELISSA $99.55 $99.55 $0.00 189280 07/10/2017 Reconciled 07/31/2017 Accounts Payable DEVINE, KEVIN $200.00 $200.00 $0.00 189281 07/10/2017 Reconciled 07/31/2017 Accounts Payable DEXTER COMMUNITY SCHOOLS $414.34 $414.34 $0.00 189282 07/10/2017 Reconciled 07/31/2017 Accounts Payable DOUDNEY, CLAUDIA $66.73 $66.73 $0.00 189283 07/10/2017 Reconciled 07/31/2017 Accounts Payable EDDY, MARY, JEAN $125.39 $125.39 $0.00 189284 07/10/2017 Reconciled 07/31/2017 Accounts Payable ERHARDT-DOMINO, KAREN $382.48 $382.48 $0.00 189285 07/10/2017 Reconciled 07/31/2017 Accounts Payable EVANS, MICALA $100.00 $100.00 $0.00 189286 07/10/2017 Reconciled 08/31/2017 Accounts Payable FISCHER, ELLEN $345.48 $345.48 $0.00 189287 07/10/2017 Reconciled 07/31/2017 Accounts Payable FITZPATRICK, KATRINA $308.70 $308.70 $0.00 189288 07/10/2017 Reconciled 07/31/2017 Accounts Payable FOX, MYRA $448.39 $448.39 $0.00 189289 07/10/2017 Reconciled 07/31/2017 Accounts Payable FRAZIER , VICKI HAMES $40.61 $40.61 $0.00 189290 07/10/2017 Reconciled 07/31/2017 Accounts Payable FREY, RACHEL $194.87 $194.87 $0.00 189291 07/10/2017 Reconciled 07/31/2017 Accounts Payable GRADDY, KATHLEEN $396.44 $396.44 $0.00 189292 07/10/2017 Reconciled 07/31/2017 Accounts Payable HERSHBERGER, LINDSAY $900.00 $900.00 $0.00 189293 07/10/2017 Reconciled 07/31/2017 Accounts Payable HIERMAN, SARAH $73.30 $73.30 $0.00 189294 07/10/2017 Reconciled 07/31/2017 Accounts Payable HILL, MONICA $29.96 $29.96 $0.00 189295 07/10/2017 Reconciled 07/31/2017 Accounts Payable IGD SOLUTIONS CORPORATION $2,220.00 $2,220.00 $0.00 189296 07/10/2017 Reconciled 07/31/2017 Accounts Payable INGRAHAM, KIER MONIQUE $900.00 $900.00 $0.00 189297 07/10/2017 Reconciled 07/31/2017 Accounts Payable JPMORGAN CHASE BANK N.A. $190.00 $190.00 $0.00 189298 07/10/2017 Reconciled 07/31/2017 Accounts Payable JTC TECHNOLOGIES LLC $4,753.80 $4,753.80 $0.00 189299 07/10/2017 Reconciled 08/31/2017 Accounts Payable KEILS, NANCY $168.68 $168.68 $0.00 189300 07/10/2017 Reconciled 07/31/2017 Accounts Payable KELLEY, SCOTT $989.33 $989.33 $0.00 189301 07/10/2017 Reconciled 08/31/2017 Accounts Payable KWIK, WALTER $161.04 $161.04 $0.00 189302 07/10/2017 Reconciled 07/31/2017 Accounts Payable LENNON, YASMINE $94.86 $94.86 $0.00 189303 07/10/2017 Reconciled 07/31/2017 Accounts Payable LEVEL DATA INC. $660.00 $660.00 $0.00 user: Horning, Vanessa Pages: 1 of 114 Wednesday, December 19, 2018 Washtenaw Int School District Payment Register From Payment Date: 7/1/2017 - To Payment Date: 6/30/2018 Reconciled/ Transaction Reconciled Number Date Status Void Reason Voided Date Source Payee Name Amount Amount Difference 189304 07/10/2017 Reconciled 08/31/2017 Accounts Payable LISTENING AND LANGUAGE $2,578.00 $2,578.00 $0.00 CONNECTIONS LLC 189305 07/10/2017 Reconciled 07/31/2017 Accounts Payable LY, CARLY $3,645.00 $3,645.00 $0.00 189306 07/10/2017 Reconciled 07/31/2017 Accounts Payable LYNN GRAPHICS LLC $162.00 $162.00 $0.00 189307 07/10/2017 Reconciled 07/31/2017 Accounts Payable MC PEEK, DIANA $95.77 $95.77 $0.00 189308 07/10/2017 Reconciled 07/31/2017 Accounts Payable MCCARTHY, SARAH $55.20 $55.20 $0.00 189309 07/10/2017 Reconciled 07/31/2017 Accounts Payable MCKELVEY, PAUL $63.99 $63.99 $0.00 189310 07/10/2017 Reconciled 07/31/2017 Accounts Payable MI ASC OF SCHOOL ADM $425.00 $425.00 $0.00 189311 07/10/2017 Reconciled 07/31/2017 Accounts Payable MICHIGAN OFFICE SOLUTIONS, $1,880.24 $1,880.24 $0.00 INC 189312 07/10/2017 Reconciled 07/31/2017 Accounts Payable MICHIGAN SCH BUSINESS $1,941.00 $1,941.00 $0.00 OFFICIALS 189313 07/10/2017 Reconciled 07/31/2017 Accounts Payable MILAN AREA SCHOOLS $1,080.00 $1,080.00 $0.00 189314 07/10/2017 Reconciled 07/31/2017 Accounts Payable MURRAY, LISA $50.00 $50.00 $0.00 189315 07/10/2017 Reconciled 07/31/2017 Accounts Payable NAKON, ANNE $300.00 $300.00 $0.00 189316 07/10/2017 Reconciled 07/31/2017 Accounts Payable PHOENIX SERVICES LLC $1,035.53 $1,035.53 $0.00 189317 07/10/2017 Reconciled 08/31/2017 Accounts Payable PIONEER JANITORIAL SERVICES $2,014.00 $2,014.00 $0.00 189318 07/10/2017 Reconciled 07/31/2017 Accounts Payable PISANI, ANDREA $43.76 $43.76 $0.00 189319 07/10/2017 Reconciled 07/31/2017 Accounts Payable PRESSEL, AARON $265.06 $265.06 $0.00 189320 07/10/2017 Reconciled 07/31/2017 Accounts Payable RALLS, JOLEAN $516.28 $516.28 $0.00 189321 07/10/2017 Reconciled 07/31/2017 Accounts Payable RILEY, SANDRA $3,000.00 $3,000.00 $0.00 189322 07/10/2017 Reconciled 07/31/2017 Accounts Payable RODEFFER, CLARK $113.63 $113.63 $0.00 189323 07/10/2017 Reconciled 07/31/2017 Accounts Payable SCHAFFER, LAURA $96.09 $96.09 $0.00 189324 07/10/2017 Reconciled 07/31/2017 Accounts Payable SCHELKUN, PAMELA, LYNN $312.44 $312.44 $0.00 189325 07/10/2017 Reconciled 07/31/2017 Accounts Payable SKINNER, GINELLE $203.14 $203.14 $0.00 189326 07/10/2017 Reconciled 08/31/2017 Accounts Payable SPENCER, DEBRA $179.36 $179.36 $0.00 189327 07/10/2017 Reconciled 07/31/2017 Accounts Payable STADIUM HARDWARE $59.56 $59.56 $0.00 189328 07/10/2017 Reconciled 07/31/2017 Accounts Payable SUTTON, THERESA $148.20 $148.20 $0.00 189329 07/10/2017 Reconciled 08/31/2017 Accounts Payable SWART, RENEE $248.16 $248.16 $0.00 189330 07/10/2017 Reconciled 07/31/2017 Accounts Payable THE DANIELSON GROUP LLC $18,450.00 $18,450.00 $0.00 189331 07/10/2017 Reconciled 07/31/2017 Accounts Payable THORBURN, CATHY $142.84 $142.84 $0.00 189332 07/10/2017 Reconciled 07/31/2017 Accounts Payable THRUN LAW FIRM, P.C. $10,372.20 $10,372.20 $0.00 189333 07/10/2017 Reconciled 07/31/2017 Accounts Payable TRANSACT COMMUNICATIONS, $1,249.00 $1,249.00 $0.00 INC 189334 07/10/2017 Reconciled 07/31/2017 Accounts Payable TYLER TECHNOLOGIES INC $3,274.00 $3,274.00 $0.00 189335 07/10/2017 Reconciled 07/31/2017 Accounts Payable UNIV OF MI HEALTH SYSTEM - $57,130.00 $57,130.00 $0.00 OTOLARNGOLOGY DEPT 189336 07/10/2017 Reconciled 07/31/2017 Accounts Payable UNIVERSITY TRANSLATORS $183.21 $183.21 $0.00 SERVICES 189337 07/10/2017 Reconciled 07/31/2017 Accounts Payable UTEC $7,916.67 $7,916.67 $0.00 189338 07/10/2017 Reconciled 07/31/2017 Accounts Payable WEINMANN, JEFFREY, DAVID $82.86 $82.86 $0.00 189339 07/10/2017 Reconciled 07/31/2017 Accounts Payable WESTFALL, JEFFREY, THOMAS $263.76 $263.76 $0.00 189340 07/10/2017 Reconciled 07/31/2017 Accounts Payable WHITE, LAURA $315.49 $315.49 $0.00 189341 07/10/2017 Reconciled 07/31/2017 Accounts Payable WHITMORE LAKE PUBLIC $943.75 $943.75 $0.00 SCHOOLS 189342 07/10/2017 Reconciled 08/31/2017 Accounts Payable WITHAM, REBECCA $20.78 $20.78 $0.00 189343 07/10/2017 Reconciled 07/31/2017 Accounts Payable YPSILANTI COMMUNITY SCHOOLS $5,418.13 $5,418.13 $0.00 189344 07/10/2017 Reconciled 07/31/2017 Accounts Payable ZAM-NICHOLS, SUSAN $350.42 $350.42 $0.00 189345 07/10/2017 Reconciled 08/31/2017 Accounts Payable ASSOC FOR $275.00 $275.00 $0.00 EDUCATION/REHABILITATI 189346 07/14/2017 Reconciled 07/31/2017 Accounts Payable 3200 WEST LIBERTY LLC $14,940.00 $14,940.00 $0.00 user: Horning, Vanessa Pages: 2 of 114 Wednesday, December 19, 2018 Washtenaw Int School District Payment Register From Payment Date: 7/1/2017 - To Payment Date: 6/30/2018 Reconciled/ Transaction Reconciled Number Date Status Void Reason Voided Date Source Payee Name Amount Amount Difference 189347 07/21/2017 Reconciled 07/31/2017 Accounts Payable CANN & ASSOCIATES, INC, F.H.
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