gfam SEE STORY BELOW Windy Cold, windy with chance' of HOME few snow flurries today. Hed Bank, Freehold f Clearing, colder tonight and tomorrow. Long Branch J FINAL -1 (Bet Settlla Pag» 2) Monmouth County's Home Newspaper for 90 Years VOL. 91, NO. 114 RED BANK, N. J., THURSDAY, DECEMBER 5,1968 46 PAGfS TEN CENTS U.S. Presses for Mideast Peace By JOHN M. HIGHTOWER article which touches on a not had evidence of compar- dor Abdul Hamid Sharaf were cern," McCloskey said, "over Israeli and Jordanian repre- WASHINGTON (AP) - The number pf points," McClos- able Soviet exertions in the summoned separately to the the situation in the Middle sentatives in New York and to United States is trying ur- key said. "What we are look- interest of peace. State Department Wednesday East presently. Violations of take the same line with them. gently through diplomatic ing for, however, is concrete Arms to Both afternoon and told of deep the cease-fire line by either JJ.N. Special Envoy Gunner pressure to prevent further evidence that the Soviets are The United States itself is U.S. concern over events in or both sides serve only to Jarring has recently arrived ' escalation of the Israel-Arab exerting their influence to- supplying arms to both Israel the Mideast. heighten tensions in the area in Cairo on a new round of and hinder the efforts of the border • clashes which have ward peace in the Middle and Jordan, which has tradi- U.S. officials indicated the peace making activities fol- intensified the Middle East East. Peace in the Middle tionally maintained relatively two ambassadors each Jarring mission in seeking a crisis in the past few days. East is in everybody's inter- close ties with the Western blamed the other side for peaceful solution. lowing conferences with Is- est." powers. starting the latest round of In addition to this action in raeli and Arab foreign "minis- The State Department ters attending the U.N. Gen- called in the Israeli and Jor- Officials added that Soviet McCloskey said that Israel strikes across the cease-fire Washington, U. S. representa- danian ambassadors sep- arms shipments into the area Ambassador Yitzhak Babin line. tives at U.N. headquarters eral Assembly meeting in arately late Wednesday to de- are continuing but they have and Jordanian Ambassa- "We expressed our con- were instructed to call in the New York this fall. clare that "violations of the cease fire, line by both sides \ in the past few days are a TEEN-AGER AT GEOGRAPHICAL CONGRESS — matter of serious concern to Arthur Bryan Cooper, 15-year-old high school junior us." (^ Up 27 Pet. Since Bomb Halt from New Shrewsbury, is shown in his New Delhi, Johnson administration of- India, hofel yesterday. He authored a scientific paper ficials privately expressed that was accepted for deliver/ at the International most concern over' Israel's use of planes Tuesday against Geographical Congress meeting Monday in the Indian targets in northwest Jordan capital. {AP Wirephoto) where Jordan and Iraqi forces are stationed. GIs'Death Toll Rises At the same time a State Department spokesman prod- SAIGON (AP) - The num- U.S. headquarters in its ment last week that "We in casualties, a U.S. spokes- This appears to be the ded the Soviet government to ber of Americans killed in weekly report said 228 Amer- must expect both hard bar- man noted that action ac- most critical area in South Nixoii to Talk use its .influence with the action during .the first month icans were killed in action gaining and hard fighting in celerated last week along the Vietnam now. Another U.S. Arab stares—for which it is of the halt in the bombing of last week. It was the high- the days ahead." After John- Cambodian border north of Command spokesman' said the major arms supplier—to North Vietnam increased 27 est weekly toll in two son announced the bombing Saigon, where the Commu- earlier today, that North Viet- try to move the situation to- per cent over U.S. combat months, and it raised to 681' halt, the U.S. Command an- nist command is reported to nam had pulled the bulk of ward a peaceful settlement. dead in October, figures re- the number of U.S. troops nounced that it was intensi- have 15,000 to 20,000 troops. its forces out of South Viet- With Harriman nam's northernmost province Press officer Robert J. Mc- leased by the U.S. Command killed in the four weeks af- fying ground operations in showed today. ter President Johnson halted . '"That would account for and the demilitarized zone matter of a Nixon representa- Closkey responded to inquiries South' Vietnam to keep the part of it," he said, pointing ; NEW YORK (AP) - Presi- the bombing of North Viet- Viet Cong and the North just above it. dent - elect Bichard' M. Nixon tive to come up today at a about an editorial in the So- But the monthly tolls were out that more than 700 of viet Communist party news- still only* about half what nam. The total in October Vietnamese from gaining an The total of 2,689 enemy has tentatively decided conference involving Nixon; was 536. advantage because of the the 2,689 enemy troops re- troops killed last week is against sending a personal Harriman; Dr. Henry A. Kis- paper Pravda saying that they were during fighting Moscow was interested in a earlier this year, particular- Statement Underlined halt in air attacks on North ported killed last week died as usual "subject to adjust- representative to the Paris singer, who will be Nixon's Vietnam. in fighting along a 100-mile ment" upward, the U.S. peace talks, but a conference" "assistant for national securi- political solution to the crisis. ly during enemy offensives in The increase underlined February, May and August. President Johnson's state- Asked about the increase stretch of the border area. spokesman said. For the pre- with Ambassador W. Averell ty affairs, and Bobert Mur- "We have noted the Pravda vious week of Nov. 17-23, the Han-Mian, chief U.S. negotia- phy, a retired diplomat serv- toll of enemy dead was put tor, at the talks.might change ing as Nixon's liaison man last Thursday at 2,175 but his thinking. ' with the Johnson administra- this was increased today to Ronald Ziegler, Nixon's tion. 2,706. press spokesman, said a neg- Harriman also ruled out Schools Get Pilot "We only report the signifi- ative idecision had been any. possibility that he or, his cant actions," the U.S. reached on sending a Repub- deputy at the talks,'Cyrus B. By DORIS KULMAN adult education schools the departments, according to department chairman. In her proposal, Mrs. Mur- spokesman . said. "Many lican observer to the talks Vance, would continue their TRENTON — Shore Region- state Division of Vocational guidance counselor Frank Mc- Robert Culp, a sociology phy noted that a.study she more are killed in small ac- aimed at ending the Vietnam roles after Nixon takes of- al High School students will Education recommended for Laughlin. teacher, came up with the did two years ago of sex dif- tions which we have hun- war. fice Jan. 20. be shooting movies of men at participation in the one-year Mr. McLaughlin said the academic games proposal at ferences and achievement in- dreds of every day. That's However, Harriman said in In a meeting with news- work, students at Rurhson- program, which will be sup- project will focus on those oc- Rumson-Fair Haven Region- dicated a significant differ- how they add up. There's no Washington yesterday that men after briefing President Fair Haven Regional High ported by $29,021 in state and cupations which involve the al. The project will develop ence between girls and boys real large battle primarily. such aft observer "would be Johnson on the talks, Harri- School wl}l be playing aca- federal funds. use of mathematics — engi- "games" which miniaturize vin language development, with It's a whole lot of. generally man said re-establishment of demic games, and some Rumson-Fair Haven Region- neering, accounting, book- organizations like the U.S. boys requiring greater moti- small and scattered action very welcome," and pointed across the country. Only a out that "the main burden of the demilitarized zone would fourth graders in Colts Neck al and the Colts Neck school keeping, carpentry, drafting, Congress and the United Na- vation and more instructional will learn to type. business — to demonstrate tions, and.simulate the condi- time and materials. third or fourth of the total the negotiations will fail on be a goal of the talks when system were awarded "mini- number of enemy killed come the next administration." they reach substantive issues. The state Board of Educa- grants" of $1,000 each for in- the many vocational possibili- tions which develop under a A typing station will be set particular set of circum- from the significant actions " Ziegler said he expected the (See NIXON, Pg. 2, Col. 3) tion yesterday awarded novative classroom projects ties. up in the school, according to reported." grants to those three Mon- under a $100,000 program es- Students will film men at' stances. The grant money Superintendent Dr, Roy Un- mouth County school districts tablished by the legislature work and the movie will be will be used for consultants, ger, and a selected group of Fighting Lags for innovative programs. this year to encourage and used in freshman classes to materials and field trips.
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