Page, 5 Classifieds, Page 10 Classifieds, v Entertainment, Page 6 v ‘Making Healthy Eating Opinion, Page 4 Easy and Accessible’ News, Page 3 Teaching Children Public relations manager Kyle Johannsen stands by some of Earth Fare’s colorful produce. The Fairfax store ‘It’s OK to be Different’ celebrated grand opening last week. News, Page 2 For Students Serious about Their Acting News, Page 8 Photo by Bonnie Hobbs/The Connection Photo January 18-24, 2018 online at www.connectionnewspapers.com News Teaching Children ‘It’s OK to be Different’ people to make this show,” he said. “And be- Ugly’s dad. “As his son finds out who he truly Fairfax Academy’s sides the vocals, this role is very physical, too.” is, Drake has to accept the consequences of Classmate Samantha Price portrays Ugly’s being a bad father, at first, and discourag- Musical Theatre mother, Ida, “She sees him as he really is ing Ugly’s uniqueness,” said Mayuga. “I and has unconditional love for Ugly,” said hope kids learn that, no matter what, beauty presents ‘Honk!’ Price. “When she loses him, she leaves her is going to be found on the inside and ev- family behind to look for her son.” erybody should be treated with the same By Bonnie Hobbs “This is my first lead and I’m loving it,” kind of respect.” The Connection she continued. “There’s more pressure, but He’s already gotten into the American it’s good because people depend on you. Musical and Dramatic Academy for its act- children’s show with a timely Photo Courtesy of Samantha Price And it gives you a greater sense of purpose. ing bachelor of fine arts program, but will message is the next production Grace, Ugly, Ida and the Cat look This is more work than anything I’ve done also audition for Norfolk State University’s Aof the Fairfax Academy’s Musi- toward bright futures once they’re so far because the energy and focus level musical theater program. cal Theatre Actors’ Studio. reunited and home at last. (From must stay so high. But it’s also more fun, “Honk!” will take the stage at Fairfax High left) are Tatiana Jones (Grace/ and this is definitely the role I wanted. The PLAYING MAUREEN, a moorhen who’s School for seven performances between Bullfrog), Craig Goeringer, show proves that it’s OK to be different and Ida’s best friend, is senior Samantha Jan. 25-28. Samantha Price and Eila Nash. that we should all stand up for each other.” Wallington. “One of Maureen’s closest It’s a musical-comedy version of Hans Playing the cat is senior Eila Nash. “The friends has just had a bunch of ducklings, Christian Andersen’s classic, “The Ugly PLAYING THE LEAD ROLE of Ugly is cat thinks the farm animals are kind of and Maureen tells Ida how wonderful it is Duckling.” In the story, a duckling called senior Craig Goeringer. “Ugly feels differ- gross, but also wants to eat them,” she said. to be a mom,” said Wallington. “But then Ugly is teased by his family and other barn- ent than all the other ducks and geese on “Then she meets Ugly and kidnaps and tries she says Ugly is a disgrace to her family. yard animals because of his looks. So he runs the farm,” he said. “One day, a cat comes in to eat him. And throughout show, the cat is The moral of the story is that it’s OK to not away, has adventures and meets other ani- and leads Ugly astray, and eventually Ugly scheming to eat Ugly, even after he figures fit in, because you’ll eventually find your mals who teach him that beauty is only skin gets lost and tries to find his way back home, out her scheme.” place, even though at first you might be deep and it’s what’s inside that matters. meeting a lot of different characters along Nash, who also does screenwriting and ostracized. You’ll always find another group “By the time he returns home, he’s the way who teach him about acceptance playwriting, said it’s been “really nice get- of friends.” turned into a beautiful swan,” said Direc- and loving himself.” ting to know new people from other schools Wallington plans to major in musical the- tor Mike Replogle. “The lesson is that we He said the show teaches children that that I otherwise would never have had the ater or vocal studies in college and has en- should look past the exterior and that we’re “it takes all sorts to make a world and it’s chance to work with. And it’s interesting to joyed rehearsals for this show. “It’s been all the same and beautiful on the inside important to love and accept others in the work with a director other than the one at busy,” she said. “But I’ve had fun working and we should be inclusive. And I think same way you wish to be accepted.” my base school because their styles are so with different people and a new cast of char- it’s an important message to remind people Goeringer said rehearsals have been fun. different.” acters that I wouldn’t have been able to if I of in today’s world.” “It’s been fantastic to work with such kind Classmate James Mayuga portrays Drake, weren’t part of the Fairfax Academy.” 2 ❖ Fairfax Connection ❖ January 18-24, 2018 www.ConnectionNewspapers.com Fairfax Connection Editor Kemal Kurspahic News 703-778-9414 or [email protected] Photos by Bonnie Hobbs Photos From left: Earth Fare President and CEO Frank Earth Fare spokeswoman Laurie Aker pictured A customer peruses some of the prepared foods Scorpiniti and Fairfax City Mayor David Meyer. by the store’s bulk herbs, spices and loose teas. and sandwiches at the deli counter. ‘Making Healthy Eating Easy and Accessible’ Earth Fare grocery store is now open in Fairfax. Rugiatu By Bonnie Hobbs Kaloko The Connection samples sushi ove over, Wegmans, Whole and Foods and other local gro- chicken Mcery stores. Earth Fare just salad at opened in the City of Earth Fairfax, and it’s already proving a big hit Fare’s with area residents. pre- “I think it’s great; they have a wide vari- opening ety of foods and choices,” said City resident party. Kingsley Brinkley. “And I love the layout; Photo courtesy of Bandy Carroll Hellige the displays are really beautiful. I think it’ll Mayor David Meyer (second from left) helps cut Earth Fare’s ribbon, Jan. be great to have some organic options close shape what’s in this store.” 10, with company officials, plus City Council members Ellie Schmidt, by.” The board recommended some things Jennifer Passey, Michael DeMarco and Janice Miller, and City Manager “It’s awesome – beautiful and bright – and residents wanted, such as grass-fed beef, Bob Sisson (at far right). everything seems so fresh,” agreed Fairfax’s Maryland crabs and grab-and-go foods. Rugiatu Kaloko. “I like that they can tell you Aker. “It’s a vibrant, growing community Economic Development Director Chris And, said Luckabaugh, “Because parents where everything’s from, and the sushi is with many families. Our goal is to make Bruno and Mayor David Meyer. want kids to have healthy foods and some amazing. It’s my first time in an Earth Fare healthy eating easy and accessible for ev- “Earth Fare is the grocery store of the 21st people have health issues, we talked about and I’m very impressed.” eryone, everywhere, and this is a great lo- century,” said Meyer. “It combines ethical, things like gluten-free options and squeez- The new, 20,000-square-foot store cation – we’re very happy about it. The com- corporate practices and food with a social able apple sauces. And this store also sup- opened last Wednesday, Jan. 10, in the site munity has been welcoming and seems ex- purpose. It offers healthy foods and fills a ports local vendors, which is another im- of the former Borders bookstore and, later, cited to have healthy options open to them.” niche here in the City of Fairfax that’s go- portant component.” Golfsmith, at Routes 50/29. Open daily ing to prove very popular.” Aker said Earth Fare buys seafood fresh from 7 a.m.-11 p.m., it’s at 11052 Lee High- THE STORE has some 130 employees, a Councilwoman Janice Miller called the off the boat daily via Inland Seafood, and way. And Krista Di Iaconi – senior vice presi- 44-seat café and free WiFi. It also donated new store “spectacular,” and Bruno said he about 70 percent of its produce is certified dent of the shopping center’s manager, Re- $3,000 to Inova Health System’s Healthy was “thrilled that Earth Fare selected Fairfax organic. It also offers daily deals through gency Centers – calls Earth Fare “the per- Plate Club to fight childhood obesity. “The City as its Metropolitan Washington out- its Healthy Rewards program to store fect addition to Kamp Washington.” heart and soul of Earth Fare is our food post. This is yet another example of a busi- cardholders. They include $5 whole, roasted “This is one of the most prominent cor- philosophy,” said Aker. “Every product is ness that prioritizes quality, choosing Fairfax chickens; $9.99 family pasta night; and $6 ners in the region, and we wanted a grocer free of artificial colors, flavors and preser- for the strength of its local economy.” take-and-bake, 16-inch pizzas.
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