the Messenger Published by the Swedenborgian Church of North America Volume 241• Number 5 • May 2019 Beauty and the Anthropic Principle By Carl von Essen harmonic resonance of atomic struc- It has been said that without beauty, tures. The physicist, Paul Dirac states there would be little point to existence. n a keyboard, other instru- that, “There is a fundamental harmo- What is it? The sensation of beauty is ment, (or a smart phone app), ny connecting the way nature runs and entirely subjective and largely inde- play the following notes: general mathematical principles.” scribable. Beauty is truly in the eyes OMiddle C The concept of a universe in beauti- of the beholder, but also in the ears, Middle C plus C ful harmony has captivated the imag- nose, tongue, and skin. Beauty is a ba- Middle C plus G ination of poets and philosophers sis of sexual selection as well as part of Middle C plus E through the ages. Swedenborg, too, de- the fabric of daily existence not only Middle C plus F scribes a certain most beautiful harmo- by humanity but evidently also by ani- The musical chords you hear were ny, a very lovely wave-like movement mals and plants. The bioluminescence once plucked on ancient lyres, 2500 toward oneness, and the beauty of the emitted by archaic marine bacteria is years ago. It was about 590 BC, in melodic progression ending up in uni- a shining example. This life phenom- the Greek colony of Croton, on the ty being beyond all description. enon is reflected in the sight of our southern coast Calabria where disci- night sky, blazing with light, a cosmos ples of the philosopher Pythagoras had Swedenborg, too, describes that evokes awe and epiphany, its beau- gathered. One of the goals of these a certain most beautiful ty perhaps exceeding all else. Pythagoreans, shrouded in the mists harmony, a very lovely There are also forms of intellectu- of time, was to study the relationship wave-like movement toward al beauty. For example, Bertrand Rus- of musical sounds with each other. By oneness, and the beauty sell wrote that, “Mathematics right- varying the lengths of vibrating strings of the melodic progression ly viewed, possesses not only truth and hearing the relationship between ending up in unity being but supreme beauty—a beauty cold sounds thus created, they found that beyond all description. and austere.” Herman Weyl asserted certain combinations that we now call that mathematics “lifts the mind into chords were pleasing to the ear, what The harmonic studies by the closer proximity with the divine, the we could call beautiful. The lengths Pythagoreans formed the beginnings beautiful, and good than is attainable of the strings producing those chords of the science of mathematics, which through any other medium.” were found to be simple ratios of whole has led to the discoveries of the laws of The creation of poetry and figura- numbers, such as 1:2, 4:3 and 3:2. nature. The Pythagorean belief of the tive and musical art represents forms The Pythagoreans considered that relationship between nature’s hidden of beauty derived from nature but ex- these and other numbers possessed a codes and God’s mind strongly influ- pressed through the power of human function of order and beauty that com- enced Plato’s thought and eventually imagination. For example, recall the posed the laws governing the whole the world of science and religion. The ancient paintings found in incredibly universe. They believed that, like mu- musical harmonies that were pleasing remote parts of caves in France, Spain, sical harmony, there was a harmo- to our ears add further to the under- and elsewhere. What were our ances- ny of the spheres. This belief has now standing that our senses are effected tors trying to create? Beauty? been verified multiple times by science, in a strange and sublime way by some- It is possible that we have tried to for example, by the discovery of the thing we call beauty. Continues on page 74 A Short History of the Swedenborgian Church of North America: Part 1 More Inside FNCA Work Weekend: Lessons in Preparedness and Flexibility Contents: page 66 Resurrection Pageant at Pawnee Rock 66 the Messenger May 2019 would be a minute and woke up the Come to me. Get away with Guest Editorial next morning. My body is trying to me and you’ll recover your life. I’ll tell me something, and I was barely show you how to take a real rest. Surviving Our Walk with me and work with me— Stress Culture listening. Caregivers, including doctors, nurs- watch how I do it. Learn the un- forced rhythms of grace. I won’t lay You proba- es, teachers, and pastors, appear to suf- anything heavy or ill-fitting on you. bly didn’t need fer this stress intensely. In each of these Keep company with me and you’ll the World Health lines of work the demands rarely stop. learn to live freely and lightly. Organization to I have learned as a caregiver that Use this summer to find down-time. tell you this, but other people will never really protect Don’t wait for it to happen. Put it on stress from work you; you’ve got to set up boundaries your schedule. It doesn’t need to be an has moved from “burnout” to a “syn- and take down-time. Often, the per- expensive trip somewhere, just find drome” in the book they just released son who lectures me about working too time for yourself and to be with those that categories disease. The reason for much is the person who calls me on va- you love. the change in name is to highlight the cation with “just one quick question.” Happy Summer 2019. growing challenge for humans to han- We can only imagine what it was —Rev. Rich Tafel dle their stress at work. like for Jesus and his team. But the I am a co-founder of the Workplace gospel writers go to great lengths men- Wellness Council of Mexico. What tioning that Jesus slipped away from the Messenger has surprised me most is that Mexi- the crowd occasionally to get some © The Swedenborgian Church of North America cans work longer hours than Ameri- down-time. Published monthly except July and August by the Standing Committee for Communication and cans. And the biggest spike in health The fact that God rested and taught Information of the Swedenborgian Church of issues there are among people under us to observe a Sabbath is another pro- North America (founded 1817, incorporated 1861 as the General Convention of the New Jerusalem thirty-five, who report stress as impact- found teaching. We are supposed to in the United States of America), Rev. Jane ing their health. take time off. Siebert, president. This past week, I did something I love this modern rendition of Jesus May 2019 odd for me. After work, a reception, speaking in Matthew 11:28. Volume 241, No. 5, Whole Number 5440 Editor, design and production: Herbert Ziegler the gym, and then coming home and Copy editing and proofing: Robert Leith, eating dinner, I felt incredibly sleepy. Samantha Johanson, & Trevor I lay down at 9 PM for what I thought To subscribe to Standing Committee for Communication and Information: Kevin Baxter, Elizabeth Blair, & Val the Messenger online, Brugler scan this image with a Printing: Gnomon Copy, Cambridge MA QR reader on your cell Contents Editorial Address: phone or tablet. Herb Ziegler, the Messenger Beauty and the Anthropic Principle ...... 65 2 Hancock Place Surviving Our Stress Culture .................... 66 Cambridge MA 02139 Tel: 617.388.0252 Letter from the President .......................... 67 Email: [email protected] Nominations for Elected Positions Business and Subscription Address: in the Swedenborgian Church .......... 68 Church Calendar The Messenger, Central Office We Are Building, Daily Building!.............. 69 • June 29–July 3: 2019 Annual 50 Quincy Street Cambridge MA 02138 New Publications from the Swedenborgian Convention, Tel: 617.969.4240 Swedenborg Foundation .................... 69 Valparaiso University, Valparaiso, IN Email: [email protected] A Short History of the Swedenborgian • July 13–21: Almont Church Camp, Al- lerton, MI Subscriptions: free online subscription at Church of North America: Part 1 ...... 70 Printed and mailed to US FNCA Work Weekend: Lessons in • July 21-27: Paulhaven Summer Camp, address, $20/year; to Canada address, $30/year; Upper Mann Lake, Alberta, Canada to all other addresses, $35/year; single copies, Preparedness and Flexibility .............. 75 $2.00, Libraries & prisoners, free. Send check The Lord Cares For Us and About Us! .... 77 • July 28–August 3: International made out to “Swedenborgian Church” with Summer Camp for Teens, Purley “Messenger” on the memo line. Other requests, Resurrection Pageant at Pawnee Rock . 78 Chase, England write or call Central Office. Hello Lovely Folks ......................................... 78 • August 3–18: FNCA Family Summer Deadline for submissions is three weeks before the first day of the month of issue. “Reading Swedenborg” Camp, Fryeburg, ME Podcast Debuts ....................................... 78 The opinions and views expressed are • August 28–31, 2020: Gathering Leaves, those of the authors, not of the Messenger, Passages ........................................................... 79 Purley Chase, England the Communication Support Unit, or the Weaving Americans Together .................. 80 Swedenborgian Church. the Messenger May 2019 67 Edwin Reddekopp, is the president of the Western Canada Conference. Rev. Reddekopp served in Letter Edmonton for many years and retired to Kelow- na, British Columbia. His wife, Lisa Reddekopp, from the turned 100 last November and still attends the Edmonton Church. President There remain three churches in the Western Conference: Calgary and Edmonton in Alberta and Okangan in British Columbia.
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