Results Sporting Weimaraners 5 BB/G1 GCHS CH Simpatico Journey of Thrills

Results Sporting Weimaraners 5 BB/G1 GCHS CH Simpatico Journey of Thrills

Colorado Springs Kennel Club Sunday, July 4, 2021 Group Results Sporting Weimaraners 5 BB/G1 GCHS CH Simpatico Journey Of Thrills. SS05569301 Vizslas 9 BB/G2 CH Derby's Finishing Touch By Kai JH. SS04465701 Setters (English) 7 BB/G3 GCHS CH Seamrog Spitfire. SR83127601 Brittanys 6 1/W/BB/BW/G4 Trio's Happiest Place On Earth. SS20150901 Hound Petit Basset Griffon Vendeens 6 BB/G1/RBIS GCHB CH Mirepoix's Dubble Bubble RN FDC BCAT CGCA HP55756801 Beagles (13 Inch) 5 BB/G2 GCHB CH Winston-Del Rey's C.C. Rider. HP57090906 Pharaoh Hounds 5 BB/G3 GCHS DC Bazinga Copernicus The Stargazer SC BCAT CGC. HP53625902 Otterhounds 5 BB/G4 GCHB CH Dekenchar's Howlaway's Leader Of The Pack. HP50839404 Working Samoyeds 27 BB/G1 GCHB CH Azteca's John Denver At Summit. WS60872203 Newfoundlands 9 BB/G2 GCHB CH Beecreeks Evenkeel You'Re Gonna Need A Bigger Boat RN CGC Standard Schnauzers 5 BB/G3 GCHS CH Sentry MoonShadow SonDance v Jordan BN RI PT RATN CGCA Great Danes 27 BB/G4 GCHG CH Whispering Pines Mdt King Of The Pride. WS55066301 Terrier Scottish Terriers 10 BB/G1/BIS GCHS CH Mcvan's Stardust. RN33259801 Miniature Bull Terriers 5 BB/G2 GCHG CH Menusha's Pancho Villa. RN29849506 Staffordshire Bull Terriers 15 BB/G3 GCHS CH Juggernaut's Chart A Course Sulu. RN29075103 Border Terriers 11 BB/G4 GCH CH Ranthorn Rarely Still. RN31447901 Toy Pomeranians 27 BB/G1 GCHS CH Tova's Fast And Furious Flash. TS40992701 Manchester Terriers (Toy) 5 BB/G2 GCHS CH Passport Sunkissed It's A Yes From Me Bonchien. RN31421802 Miniature Pinschers 6 BB/G3 Charkara Sadie In Red @ Sabrie. TS49381002 Poodles (Toy) 19 BB/G4 GCH CH Kali's Deadpool. PR21739301 Non‐Sporting Bulldogs 41 BB/G1 GCHS CH Irresistibull Winter Is Coming Of Danditops. NP54951401 Chinese Shar‐Pei 5 BB/G2 GCHB CH Good Fortune Good And Ready II. NP49245002 Poodles (Standard) 30 BB/G3 GCH CH Lakeridge Pageantry's Spend All Your Money On Me. PR21880603 Dalmatians 18 BB/G4 CH Dal's Alley & Summit Moonshine Music. NP54293901 Herding Old English Sheepdogs 7 BB/G1 GCH CH Bugaboo's Courage Of Conviction. DN50925207 Cardigan Welsh Corgis 21 BB/G2 GCH CH Madhatter's Achilles' Heel BCAT. DN54525507 Collies (Rough) 11 BB/G3 GCHS CH Aryggeth's Shake Down PT. DN46975604 Shetland Sheepdogs 17 BB/G4 GCHS CH Kismet Legendary. DN42193102 Colorado Springs Kennel Club Sunday, July 4, 2021 Owner Handled Group Results Sporting Vizslas 9 OHBB/OHG1 CH Derby's Finishing Touch By Kai JH. SS04465701 Retrievers (Nova Scotia DT) 11 OHBB/OHG2 GCH CH Foxbrooke's The Mountains Are Calling. SS14630402 Retrievers (Chesapeake Bay) 7 OHBB/OHG3 Ocotilla's Country Bumpkin. SS09259603 Spaniels (Clumber) 5 OHBB/OHG4 CH Shogun's Royal Blackheath. SS08310001 Hound Afghan Hounds 15 OHBB/OHG1 GCHB CH Kuhlbreeze Don'T Hate The Player Hate The Game. HP54925402 Basenjis 11 OHBB/OHG2 GCHB CH Sonbar's Justa Grand Torino. HP52595201 Borzois 31 OHBB/OHG3 CH Steppes Oxota Legend SC CGC. HP49066705 Rhodesian Ridgebacks 10 OHBB/OHG4 Rufaro's Naughty By Nature CGCA CGCU. HP55638501 Working Bullmastiffs 6 OHBB/OHG1 GCHB CH T-Boldt's These Boots Are Made For Walkin. WS61531103 Bernese Mountain Dogs 26 OHBB/OHG2 GCH CH Jura's American Beauty Stella Blue V. Zenith TKN. WS62454801 Newfoundlands 15 OHBB/OHG3 GCH CH Shadrack's Aimn For My Last Shot. WS58752303 Mastiffs 7 OHBB/OHG4 GCHB CH Rocking Oaks Divine Titan CGCA. WS56733506 Terrier Border Terriers 11 OHBB/OHG1 GCH CH Ranthorn Rarely Still. RN31447901 Russell Terriers 5 OHBB/OHG2 Snow Winds Colorado Livin' To The Max. RN35398602 West Highland White Terriers 23 OHBB/OHG3 CH Plum Creek Ghostbuster JE CGCA CGCU. RN33059603 Rat Terriers 19 OHBB/OHG4 CH K2's Easy Money Of Turnabout. RN34342303 Toy Pugs 17 OHBB/OHG1 GCH CH Bit O'Golds Knight Rider. TS32390201 Shih Tzu 8 OHBB/OHG2 Soaring Spirit Sweet Dreams Are Made Of This. TS46227501 Japanese Chin 7 OHBB/OHG3 CH Shadowland Kochou Just Jack. TS36040901 Chihuahuas (Smooth Coat) 14 OHBB/OHG4 CH Firebird Farms Monsters Boss. TS41697002 Non‐Sporting Dalmatians 18 OHBB/OHG1/OHRBIS CH Dal's Alley & Summit Moonshine Music. NP54293901 Bulldogs 39 OHBB/OHG2 GCH CH Mccullough's Mt Sneffels Ute Arrowhead. NP51325703 Tibetan Terriers 15 OHBB/OHG3 GCHG CH Teeshas Cute Chix Dig Baker. NP34755201 Poodles (Standard) 28 OHBB/OHG4 GCHB CH Amethyst Peak Jewel Of The Night. PR20568501 Herding Cardigan Welsh Corgis 21 OHBB/OHG1/OHBIS GCH CH Madhatter's Achilles' Heel BCAT. DN54525507 German Shepherd Dogs 17 OHBB/OHG2 GCH CH Bergtal's Give Peace A Tri BN RI CGCA CGCU TKN. DN50548703 Australian Cattle Dogs 9 OHBB/OHG3 GCHS CH Straight Arrows Feel The Heat With Corral West DJ DN47009701 Border Collies 9 OHBB/OHG4 CH Element's Mystery Spot Reykjavik RN CGC TKA. DN57987302 Colorado Springs Kennel Club Sunday, July 4, 2021 Judge: 97411 Ronald Freeman Barbet Barbet, Puppy (9‐12 Months) Dogs 5 AB Hickory Tavern Carnivale. SS20324306 7/8/2020 Breeder: Judy McMaster Descutner. Sire: Northrock's Athos Pascal Dam: Hickory Tavern Former Child Star CM3. Owner:Kemah Plusk|Judy Descutner. Judge: 97411 Ronald Freeman Brittanys Brittanys, Puppy (6‐9 Months) Dogs 5 1/W/OS Fyrebyrd N Alchemy Entrada Paradox. SS22469906 10/11/2020 Breeder: Ellen Ewart/Sara Taylor/Kellie L Miller. Sire: GCH CH Alchemy N Fyrebyrd's Seams We'Re In Luck Dam: CH Fyrebyrd's In The Redd Zone. Owner:Sara Taylor|Kellie Miller. Brittanys, Puppy (9‐12 Months) Dogs 7 1/R Trio's Splash Mountain. SS20150902 7/25/2020 Breeder: Karen Livingston/Clint Livingston. Sire: GCH CH Sovereign Trio's Despicable Me Dam: CH Trio-Tonan's On My Own. Owner:Justin Myrick|Amy Turner|Karen Livingston|Clint Livingston. Brittanys, Puppy (9‐12 Months) Bitches 6 1/W/BB/BW/G Trio's Happiest Place On Earth. SS20150901 4 7/25/2020 Breeder: Karen & Clint Livingston. Sire: GCH CH Sovereign Trio's Despicable Me Dam: Ch. Trio-Tonan's On My Own. Owner:Clint Karen and Demery Livingston. Brittanys, Open Bitches 8 2 Diamond Creek's Bandit Queen TKI. SS09184601 11/28/2018 Breeder: Amy Budke/David Budke. Sire: GCH CH Diamond Creek's Double Barrel Dan Dam: GCH CH Diamond Creek's Sugar Rush RN JH CGC. Owner:Sarah Hemphill. 10 1/R Millette's Rey Of Sunshine At Autumnglow. SS10291301 1/27/2019 Breeder: Michelle Millette. Sire: CH Millette's Gerstdale Joint Adventure Dam: CH Millette's Sensational. Owner:Maurya Ord|Michelle Millette . 12 3 Labyrinth Perchance To Dream. SS15093608 11/11/2019 Breeder: Karen Hanson. Sire: CH Labyrinth Second Chances JH Dam: CH Labyrinth N Illusion Gotham City Siren. Owner:Bill Piechota and Nancy Piechota. Judge: 97411 Ronald Freeman Lagotti Romagnoli Lagotti Romagnoli, Best of Breed 5 AB CH Kan Trace Wholehearted. SS20589801 3/29/2020 Breeder: Sabina Sinkovic Zdunic/Kalecak Sinkovic Zdunic. Sire: Adam Ocrina Dam: Kan Trace Princess Viola. Owner:Jill Korpita. Christina Rangel 6 AB CH Kan Trace Godiva. SS20785817 7/14/2020 Breeder: Elaine Randall/Sabina Zdunic Sinkovic. Sire: GCH CH Kan Trace The Lightning Strike Dam: GCH CH Kan Trace Victoria CGC TKN. Owner:Jill Armstong. Christian Rangel Judge: 97411 Ronald Freeman Nederlandse Kooikerhondjes Nederlandse Kooikerhondjes, Best of Breed 5 BB CH Iron Wild With Delight. SS05295801 9/3/2017 Breeder: Agata Lesniak. Sire: Bacardi Von Czech Meran Dam: Grappa Wild With Delight. Owner:Sonoho Yamada. Colorado Springs Kennel Club Sunday, July 4, 2021 Judge: 97411 Ronald Freeman Pointers Pointers, Puppy (9‐12 Months) Dogs 5 1/W/BW Solivia's Dish The Dirt At Skyhi. SS21158901 7/8/2020 Breeder: Dennis Brown/Katey Brown/Susan L Thompson. Sire: GCH CH Solivia's Nikola Tesla De Borquiz House Dam: CH Solivia's Desiderata. Owner:Jolene Krohn|Dennis Brown|Katey Brown. Pointers, Bred‐By‐Exhibitor Dogs 7 1/R Playlist's Let's Give 'Em Something To Talk About. SS21861901 6/27/2020 Breeder: Kimberly Lourier. Sire: GCHS CH Solivia's Defining Moment At Playlist Dam: Nitelite's Fine Line At Sidearm. Owner:Kimberly Lourier|Parker Lourier |Sebastian Lourier . Pointers, Puppy (9‐12 Months) Bitches 6 AB Monarch's I'M Gonna Gitcha Gitcha Gitcha. SS21812503 7/7/2020 Breeder: Suzzie Bambule/Kim Earle/Rachael Murphy/Laura Heidrich. Sire: GCHS CH Edgehill's Dream Liner Dam: GCH CH Fieldstone Alydar Made In Heaven. Owner:Suzzie Bambule|Kim Earle|Rachael Murphy|Laura Heidrich.Agent: Kimberly Lourier 8 1/R Olivia Z Karczewskiej Zagrody. SS26098101 7/9/2020 Breeder: Magda Karczewska/Kamil Furmanczyk. Sire: Abtei Right By Your Side Dam: Karamel Coffee Z Karczewskiej Zagrody. Owner:Kimberly Lourier|Parker Lourier |Sydney Lourier |Sebastian Lourier . Pointers, 12‐18 Months Bitches 10 1/W/OS Playlist's Something's Fishy At Kalila. SS21861903 6/27/2020 Breeder: Kimberly Lourier. Sire: GCHS CH Solivia's Defining Moment At Playlist Dam: Nitelite's Fine Line At Sidearm. Owner:Kathie Loeffler|Lisa Loeffler|Kimberly Lourier . Pointers, Open Bitches 12 AB Nitelite's Fine Line At Sidearm. SR90007806 9/18/2015 Breeder: Laura Salvatore/Bernard J Salvatore/Daniela Weiner. Sire: CH Sun Creek's Day Off Dam: CH Solivia's Delectable. Owner:Kimberly Lourier. Pointers, Best of Breed 9 BB GCHS CH Solivia's Defining Moment At Playlist. SS06865002 6/7/2018 Breeder: Dennis Brown/Katey Brown/Susan L Thompson. Sire: CH Jared Z Karczewskiej Zagrody JH CA BCAT Dam: CH Solivia's Desiderata. Owner:Kimberly Lourier. Judge: 4579 Mrs. Anne Katona Pointers (German Shorthaired) Pointers (German Shorthaired), Open Dogs 5 1/W Infinity's Trailblazing Go Big Or Go Home. SS09209210 12/22/2018 Breeder: Osvaldo Miranda/Griselda A Gonzalez.

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