University of Nebraska at Omaha DigitalCommons@UNO Kabul Times Digitized Newspaper Archives 4-14-1966 Kabul Times (April 14, 1966, vol. 5, no. 18) Bakhtar News Agency Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalcommons.unomaha.edu/kabultimes Part of the International and Area Studies Commons Recommended Citation Bakhtar News Agency, "Kabul Times (April 14, 1966, vol. 5, no. 18)" (1966). Kabul Times. 1200. https://digitalcommons.unomaha.edu/kabultimes/1200 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the Digitized Newspaper Archives at DigitalCommons@UNO. It has been accepted for inclusion in Kabul Times by an authorized administrator of DigitalCommons@UNO. For more information, please contact [email protected]. t PAGE' ; " Home NewS In:~Bri~f K~~~, .April 13.-':", fimdamee' tal ""bool ·was. opened Monday ,n Bojil Woleswiali· jn' H.rat. 120 stu· d.nlS bepn Ib.ir sChoolini lb.... l1NITEQ NATU)NS, April' 13, Th. land .lInd construction cost of (DPA).-The I~dian ahel Ethiopilil\ lhe building for th. scbool were members of the lIN ',Decolonisation provid.d by th. public. The Scbool Committee demanded Tuesday 'thai was opened by the· govcmor of Ibe the security Countil pass a resoJu. province. lion sanctioning use of force against In Taran district of Kunar pro­ Rhodesia. vinCe a village scbool was opened IIi.dian d~legate C.. R..Gharekhan ~ ' , ..-: "i' "\.- .GI"fJ.,I.>,.~,.... ,.,q;~7-1i.. r:li,,: -Monday 'and 40 students were 'cn­ rJ'~li.~i}.·:"~ '1.j;~'I ~;~~·~1i~:r=4'~~l.W~;&'-, ':nt".~ .~_': (~: "I described ·the April 9 Security CC;lUn. • . .. rolled. • oil's decisions on stopping oil 'sup­ l'jo""~I"'~~~~I~I~I~~,~~.z...~~_n !,. plies gettina to Ibe rebel reaime of ,""K: iIJIl,'i;'\l\ ,U; KABUL, April 13.-The coun­ , :r;."~ !. ,,,hi \.." •.,\•. !o.1:;\\;.11Iil!'.,. ..... Rhodesian Premier Ian Smilb as I,,,,•• ~I)'",,',\.'"",".JJ. 'I...... .,\ 1."1'""-"'1 ,'to?.:!;!Jl" .,'il 1"'"'. 'f".t seUor of the 'embassy of.. the Peo­ ,nadequate, and said' fo(C!' should ,:,I~ "'C'!!' , . seD 1.· .. '3 .. ple's .Rcpublic of ¢hina .Chung be em.ployed· to tOjlpl. the current " !".1·"'"'.·~·'II, d1t~i:lL.. '.' Han-cbin met Abdul Raouf Benawa Salisbury Government t··-.c"k.. .. Tuesday .and discussed with him lb. For Ethiopia. 'resfaye Gebre. '~r(JIitieilf'~~.tlt~{Fotma~on selection ot background' mu~ic. for " \ ',. /', ,,' ,V~-I..:.::;'.,·"olil .•\:':\·.~:";~·'l ••.. " ~.r-:;.r.~IJ~.~;;... 't. J .'.. ,,~, " '. I ..' t, ~:~J", ·~;'l,'!'~f,;.~~ '.. ,:!' r ;,~ ;'.(\. .' '~:lj',!.':h ':'J:" :'; tbc fllm of the visit paid Cbi­ '''y "', ,.J''', ~""~~h .'.." ..:~'i:t~\1"1'".t,\.•. .'i,);~t:'1}:':"~ ; KAB",-,,;"Apru'I4.-- nese President Liu Shao-cbi. to Af· "'~ IiDill.lt'Ii~~Jle{it '.It;~(ljiiij:~I~~iii~,~lf~·, Ii;~·;7·Y-.t.,.~'):' "8eV~~ ·~iiii.Utiei~~(~~.~Ht~~~aira:~ y~1: "" . .. met. ., ..... health ocrvlco, .ID K.bUl, bUt·· olio ghanls.tan ~ aDd 'fIiO ·radio did,nol' 1.0 !dei&ili\o"t'iho ·."'-act~b, pqwer..vi.. to end Kauem's t~r, thi! 'vi:tlou- ,.i.i;.;IeiI ·n,,_'-.A them.. ".,'.. .,',,', in various provincea, .:..• The cmbassy. official also talked , ". ..'. "". .a. ~~'''''bl",t~,' .. '\'~"~~aI'·:«l~'~I'" 'ItII'.. "Ii-h' '01'1' •• .' •..•.~••.,•.-".• "'~!f:.~.-.,""'.~.~"T."" ~". .Jt",~ .'~, ' .. Chiina Accuseslndohesiaris 8:· craab' ··or when"'Jt· bil...·,..,l'U'CI uu- . liii /,· ...u.... u; I .W Iraq', .,..... I ,. r ," • .' ,,\, \, Ij_. r'\ J ~d" .~ ~., wllb Bcnawa about getting Afghan ,\,; J.'" ',.f·""'·-:··~·Ik/·li., , Nl'c'· 'n"l ' \ ".,I'·V'·'alr ·." '.\ ,,' .'.'''~'''''." '. '.,'.' ': :j,'-jr··~,T''!,::.Jlil1··~".'1 d "1 ..... i".",',', Interio~ music for Chinese artists wanting to . 00, . e aua'lUcip n., "". u".~1!~."·, "',' ,.'. ".,.•.. ',"., "the 10' ""'" '" 'p II yan evaua.,..,nanmO'mem- \Miriistry Atro~ifies ,~(:~~.~h~j(':~I~iiJ~!l'o:f;tc;ilil'¥J:.\~~)p~ wotk;JDti.~~"'" :~. _hm=:~'.J ~~ 'shiiul!l"~ learn 'A fghan tunes Of· Committing' .iii ; aujicommittee. ~l8tions iio~ sl"n~, il~:"UD,i~lti! Fo~.atIOI\ '\~dl!'~"I'·,.\I~ and.re~.,. l~'.'2the Drat'ts;; "l;:' -;r_~~" O.f.. ' '; ': -. tuu',unity. w,th UnIted '.Aril.b :Repub',c. ihe .Law :on ·of pJ;Oovislbna ~";:l\ />~'''''j' '!:'!r-~~"~:5" _."'~ ,.. .. """III!1l_ I ,:...... \.. ""... , '{p. ;;- ...... Th'e radio:·'iaJd a·.·lll.tion",16 cUi1cw. Are! .....Ulned .' p'ower. 1D' Fobnuuy c~',Pllttlcil Whlcb,'Wil&,,~worliid •• CQmmisslon, . ." ::'.". ,. .. r... F~- PEKING, AprU.13, (DPA)....:.. ·c.=" '~-'" 'Co,-~,,:,,,,OD"\ 'had. been·"Iprtlclauned'. :.0::.,,( 'ubn1ooo,uvll",," ,. ''';"'.r.", local" '1963',,'. &...un'Ucee..raLilttemp/ 'to 'OVOI'-'. .•ou "t·u<u'!J."'::.; .;'fiO..-aDS. ·'li''''''1...on bd'". fn ,wle',.. IUI~I. .on·..',,,FiDaJ'l.. w. Ci4-u.:Jf"··'<"J.... ~H The Peoples RepubUc of China Tuesday accused the IndonesJan 14.~'i1io·~1~" " 'Th'UIaila u'wl.t11"'fUiiiilfiibllce'·:it throw hlmC4melii' SePtiJlilbel in"1965 'WJl~' ·i-oilgfi·.· uiia~ C:Oiia'll1er·· Qn i' .~·cl'a[ ahd Budget .A1fti1r8 "Gl1iiWn KABl;IL; APril mllitarY authorities of shielding atrocities commUted liga/nst ill'-~­ Viial-SbdisiiCs- ~~;:Ih~"~~il,1(;t,\nlfj!f~'·ibjl 'the '.~d'~fs<·~Ori·Prill\. 'Minlitel, . Abdul ..for ·tlie:Brat*lffie.····. '; '.•• " a;:~:,. I·~;ib. awai-Pres.ldent;j"f·t!ieCulitom Interici' bu' draftlld ,a 'ierleI' Chinese 'natlonals, ~er e~ in:~ C!').~)~ ailil~'i\\it~ddd",ill:coillidIJ4lDpb~ M~:RfuakJ eit~li",!' :!:~e ~-( '~. (continued from pare 3) 'of '. 'was rrom the c;omiri\8lllon'\·decIded .. iliati houses ,Wall lIUlJimoned Uoni for bll.... In a note hand,ed.ovu to the. Indo ~,;;~ the USA I am sending you this quested the. 'Indon~inn government Co tiiB'l'" 'Ilihiwla iiiDiy'·"offieen-would .coU!'lIY. .. , ". "'slilce' fho" 1&" nee(lel1:·:jM'tllirt.<!,the,·questlons ·.of~Dlii1Islilon provi!lciu eilla. 'I'bci' nesian amtsasaador in Peking, Djaw'ato. I~ "n.w'~ldent i· .... ) " .', .. ' .• ':", .." ". ".' ., " •• '., mem~ra cuatum'~ M~ letter but no doubt you will re­ i do thc following t'. wltblii one weel, I .... ·· on' raising· the' approved by Iha CoUllCil of the ChlnCae Foreign Mini.try exprClcd o~ve, Th~t1e I. Immediately arrange ship. 10 trans ~,/tic:ord.n~\vlih. and' are n.ow. .. .. fund the postage. waS l 'the .l\OuillIY'.te·m. ". ',l',"" V': -., ..' ·.'ft"· l.cJiarges 011 certaIb. imports and "extreme indianalioo" over the mass ·ti".''''''.' . ed'·." .. "', .' 'A Minlltry·of Interiof·-.IOui& aald washed ashore on thoV),I'At1antic port back to Chin. the aliove laid pomry con.iitlliJii". '.. " 1, j .IlXTPDlirts· . R'ul campaigns against Chinese oationala Ofal AC n9 .. emen.rr.s. .ft" " ~ure side of North Uist in the Outer Chinese nationals who deaihl to ccturn 111' Pr' ident" brothu oenerai •, '. ." .". '.' .... " .' .' .' ."' .. ' .• >. ". '.. e Intemal 011 thaI the'blls com)iooy·.....·fCliilid··iQ::.. ganilCd by "1Ddoncsian right-wios re­ of their own will • rib:' also Is- unable to cope .nib' the· JUbUl'.d1l Hebrides. 50 cents is promised to Are!."lI"" M "De,:, F.... ·· '. '14" .. ,.. ··e '1' Sh" 't' ." of the Jlrgah and some. actionary forces." Abdd~ miliU:.";'''d':.''ga~' ssassl~n :sues'rela~ed the sender of the enclosed card, 2. Allow tbem to bring back their h R .::: b " . ·Iesrom S· C) S'. to the affairs of the traftlc u tha numbet 'or 1IuIet';'u:!ftI ea IDg .~ VI Y a .. " .' .'. .. ,... I• ('lnteHor Ministry were debated .hi According to the Pekiog New.' own effects and funds -r... ; ". .. dil»OUl . and ill other reoo_ _ but a small amount of cents is of II .' .. .. ' '" .S~A. ""JltII1f.- '~he. Commission on Uon. h. 'chlef of'stslf or llie army InteriIal nae much use here. The Bank Agency Hsinhua, the Chinese Foreign 3. Ensure their safety on the way to limired ~d has' been coniideted a powblo su", ,~o. Saana ~o~~. Wednesday.. *hat Mlntster. 01 ~. Ad~Aft'8irs. will charge 1/- to cash them. and Ministry said that thousands of' Chinese the ports-provide them with food and In th. meootim, ,then _ 0110,: '.' cessor to his brothu. .. ,·iiiiDistratlon of Yemen, Abdalla alAJrlny, 47, was ·~"ot aNd Wed.l. The Commission on ,"national as the bank is 16 miles'fra here, nationals living in IndonesJa (or genera­ accommodation while they are 'at the controve.ray behreeD ~ !tldIvl4Uai ~ Iraq..has ~ad a ~rle. of ~oJ~1 Jles4Jqby.an ,"sassln who fired tJve shots Into hIa head . 11111 .Detenee Affairs discussed. the it twa hae to be posted, and they tions had been beaten up or arrested ports-facilitate their departure from own..... other btU !'OmpUllaa ,aad jIw enforced gove.rnmen~ upheaval.. In 1958 King .chm. ... oxemption .,f .thCllle from the mill- would send the change back in Many have been murdered in cold ~ Indonesia for China &oviets Celebrate Kolnil BUI ComItO!1Y as to. who alI<iidd the om- ~alsal U,.'Is 1..1 ,-"onarch,. was ...... .A,l A1rlily was also acting Pre- ·'lifter the 'assasillnatlon In whichI ,. liI'P' .service who ~v,e ..liCDil.e opera"; on whldl line. a registered envelope costing 1/­ blood. or even. beheaded, disembowl­ 'J 4. Protect the Chinese officials to be ~d ~or A~ulla slOated.wIJ!' PremIer Nun el sident of 'remen al he· announced a tJu-ee..:daY'b-":i'. patents and no immedjate re.1A... The Minia\I)' so there would nae be much left led, dism.embcrcd or burnt alive'; '1 appointed by the Chinese embasy and or -fatatJor 'aodIe Fifth Anniversary me~bers ;SaIaI th~m. So I would prefer the equi¥alent the Chinese note asserted and other of the royal ramily who IS now m Cairo. tional· mourn]ng' pegbd. .-. Flap ,Uv.e;l to support The eDitI- month. '0'0 _ di'aftln, Iha ...... consulates in Indoneaia for auisting in and anny Bngad.u Kassem took ovu .:rhe. assassin who was saId to will.be floWn at half :mast. 'llili!&lbn in' p&rtictilar diil~ o[ 50 cents in English currency It It complained that the Indonesian the return of the Chinese nationals­ gulatioD!t. UDder thaO reauIalioill'>.ln Of Man In Space power. be an editor of a newspaper kill- The Pr'emier called on'the i)eo,.
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