Thursday, October 3, 1940 DAILY NEBRASKAN Huskers given Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! light workout Gophers rate Ask Any Flagship Wednesday Huskers on top Pilot About This Raincoatl )'XbumcL On the eve of the last day in Minnesota college paper Lincoln before departing for Min- nesota and the Gopher game on claims themselves as Chosen Over All Others by Saturday, Br Coach Biff Jones sent 'underdogs' for Saturday American Airlines his through light work- for Jim Evinger varsity a out yesterday. By Jim Evinger. Utmost Protection Dummy scrimmage and defense Hear no evil, see no evil, speak against Gopher plays were no evil. Light Weight stressed in the workout Wednes- Huskers! Don't look now, day More but Smart Style fcL-- afternoon. chalk talks from the press notices in the MIN- Tonight, the HuskersJleave for were given by the coaches. Minneapolis NESOTA DAILY, Gopher colle- J for a little argu- The football sendoff rally starts giate newspaper, you are ment with Minnesota's at Union 6:15 fellows Golden the at tonight and going to win that game on Sat- Gophers. ... The Nebraska array the train pulls out from the Bur- urday. of football talent will need all the lington station at 7 p. m. moral support That's an unbelievable fact. that is possible to Workout Friday. They have made "a gather. themselves the The squad will arrive in Min- "underdogs." How do they figure That moral support will be lent that? The national sports by all loyal neapolis on Friday morning and writers Cornhuskers who are are making the fa- in will take a last workout in the Gophers the OR the midst of the huge rally Gopher stadium tomorrow. vorites. ' planned to see the M squad off for An early starting lineup would Gophers sixth. aIiiO mi if the Big Ten university. rank . put Pro-chas- WHERE'S Fred Preston and Roy In the rankiners of Dick Dunkel. OUR SUPPORT? at the ends, Royal Kahler In any kind of undertaking, one noted sports expert, Minnesota is $750 and Game Captain Forrest Behm upper top needs someone to lend support to Schwartz-kop- ranned in the ten teams at the tackles, Eddie f in the nation and Gophers are fire enthusiasm and show that and Warren Alfson at the the rated sixth in Azzi-Rate- m someone is "back there" pulling guards, Bob Burruss at center. the fir for you thru thick system. and thru Bus Knight at quarterback, Harry Yet, thin. Hopp in spite of all this, the and Butch Luther at the Gophers rate themselves the "un- The job of the student body halves, and Vike Francis at full- is to derdogs." Here's what the Minne- ., no need tonight show . our Huskers back. comforubVe. Just how much we are backing sota paper says: There is a possibility that Fred "And Gophers Ne- them. Not only must be the play there Meier, junior letterman from Lin- braska Saturday. may a huge delegation to see the team coln, may That well start at the first string be the first Minnesota loss of off for Minneapolis, but we must pivot post in place of Burruss if shout our loyalty the season, because Nebraska, to the high the latter is not physically fit. Your heavens. according to reports, has a real Get Alligator Raincoat At Burruss has been troubled by a ball team this year. Biff Jones lame back. will be out to make it three out Texas Tech issued a map showing of four over Minnesota, and he where the Red Raiders is favored to do it." have been traveling in their foot- Frosli fAAGEE'S ball gridders There, do you see what you are wars.... The inference is: up against? That all "Come to Texas is just a lot Tech and see of built-u- p ballyhoo to install the America . first". .It's no longer end first squad old "college try" into the Gophers the Big Ten.... Some of the Chi- and to cut down on their over-confiden- cago papers have been referring to the 7-- 7 Western conference as the game in tie Just a little word of warning before closing. The DaDera nn - Coach A. J. Lewandowski sent there are full of how even the Hc pate- his frosh charges thru the first Minnesotans of 1940 compare with ( VJire I scrimmage of the year yesterday those on last year's team. You will STUDENT afternoon on the freshman lot. The be praised to the sky but only I teams, the whites and the blues, for your own downfall if you be- ?Aone fhe meter! SEASON battled to a 7-- 7 deadlock. lieve such press raves. Due to the lack of previous Coach W. H. Browne told you I work together the running depart- just how good those Gophers are to Buy . irnc an TICKETS ment of each team was weak and and he was not iokine-- Thev hav as a result both scores were made a very good chance to be unde- via the air-lane- s. Both teams put feated in 1940. And they may do together several nice passing that if they can make themselves ALUGATOtl.' threats but each time the running the "underdogs" in every grid bat- 350 attack bogged down and the points tle this year. were not realized. M. Grubaugh scores. Seven battles Lincoln Symphony The White team made the most 1940-4- spectacular score as they covered 1 Concert some 60 yards on one play. Ray played last nite Series Long threw a 20 yard pass to Merle Grughbaugh who gathered I.M. Football On - the pigkin in to race some 40 Sale Sepl. 30 Oct. 5 vards down the sidelines to pav Intramurals got off to a flying dirt. start, Wednesday afternoon, with University School of three leagues beginning touch The university chapter of the football. Seven games were played, Music Office College, Republican clubs will meet four being reported, three unre- today at '5 p. m. in parlour X of ported and one more was post- the Union. poned. Eeta Theta Pi squeezed ahead of Alpha Sigma Phi by a 7-- 0 score. ine ij-4- u jack Best trophy win- ners started off in league 3's only game on only a one touchdown HO50 margin. A pass. Don Fitz to Fitztnhivit JMiB(With rattour When to Buy a 1 V ' Sll, Frent, I U Mt IEut produced the only score in the I M mm I rarm nouse-rn- i liam battle. The According to our style Farm House Da.s was lust a nhnrt 1 scouts tliis is the "hottest" toss rpUH over the line into the end fashion of the schc .1 year. zone. Alligutor designwl for Kappa Sigs nip it Phi Piis. you and tailored it in the The other league 1 pamt fnnmi new Stormwind an- the Kappa Sigs outyarding the cloth, other Alligat r exclusive, Phi Psis for a "1-0- " vlrtnrv At the end of the regular game, the I)cHndahly water refel-le- n oauie was a scoreless tie. The t ' i n 1 and d ust p roof, most vardaee on the four v.tra Utn. Heavy stiU'hing at downs was consumed by the Kap M;M Ixittom tml cufTs adds pa iigs and they were declared B teA:&-::-- that final touch of distinc- me victors. tion. Ht-tt- r dafh over to id Alpha Tau Omega scored a 10 your favorite store now to 0 win over Beta Sigmi Psi in and get yours for rain or the onlv leaeil 2 frav rphnrto1 thine wear. Other games that were played VIIERE ARE YOU ON THIS CHART? . READ were ueus-sigm-a Chi, AGR's-Acaci- a. SOMETHING ULTIA and Phi Delts-Ph- i Sig bat- THE "UIT1A" . tles. The Sigma Alpha Mu-Zet- a SAMTHUI SPEOAl FINISH Beta Tau tilt was postponed until ttEow to Choose a later Today's m atylc. Tulornl io Alii-tU- r'i tate. slate: iuMl-- lik 6uuh arnUr Imirae 4. rrprllr'lt (nhric. Mrnia Alpha fcpattoa Ti. Mem rkl Another a Slide Rule59 Kpila, 4:1. vklue. Thria XI . Drlta Tbrto Pbl. 1:04. 1 hr aX BEBOLtt IX-1- Ipaltee . n lUppa Alpha, t:04. x The aooocr yom find ibe fifit Stule Rule, Um d 0 fct. mm your USfl will k. Doa Iierold, tao eaa (WM Side fattnm Front, WaA ipUia majihing, baa Ukcn all the mytUry oat SANITONE U Slide Rak ia tfiia haadaoaae new be ok, rich I O Olkee Alligator So'mcoeH V' kith iUiMtritiooa. Ommmoi a Slide Bala is a CLEANED I ti 15.75 to $26.50 aoch wbca) jom do it tlx Don IleroU way. "How to Cfcooae a S&de Bole" M yoara vita CLOTHES AT BETTER DEALERS EVERYWHERE tbe eomplimeoU of the if yo aafc mJ rmI THE AU1GATOR CO, St. Lou it, lot Angalet, Naw York fur it ia tiae. See Joat camput Kt dealer Stay clean longer, always have that fresh, new ap- rrs nuMonors . pearance. ur, IMT IT'S HELPFUL. .' Always send your cleaning KEUFFEL E3SER CO. to the old reliable MSW - HO.OKIN, ah J. t oneaoo . ar.teuta it's mm aM ntowciac. LOf nwaai aa aajaur Hiaiiaaaa, Modern Cleaners 21 & G 8treett v : PHONE 8 2377.
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