16 - EVENING HERALD. Sat.. June 7. 1960 MANCHESTER New Yorker BUSINESS DIRECTORY GUIDE FOR named dean MANCHESTER AND SURROUNDING MANCHESTER - An educator college. from New York has been selected to Following the interviews, Dr. fill the position of dean of academic Miller held a meeting with ad­ VICINITY Vol. XCIX, No. 213 - MwHiifwiter, Conn., Monday,. June 0. tcto affairs at Manchester Community ministrative staff, at which he in­ College, ending a year-long vacancy dicated that William E. Vincent, in the position. president-select, had influenced both Dr. Robert Miller, acting president the selection, and the timing of the FEATURING THIS WEEK . Got A filming Protlim? Will Hilp! of the college, sent an announcement release of information. CUNUFFE AUTO BODY ^'S•rvtt«tll>ll^^•nttOltl«8llng^out-•ndttl«le«ll)•^ltl^pt^)8lll^»lWllBt to members of the faculty last week, After the official appointment is «mA »Wi you to ItAtp you nMot at* itaM p«lnl Itnltli lor ttwl |ob »ou'r» pitn- thus making public of the selection of made by (he Board of Trustees, a for­ ntng Sot ui tor point tnd totvioo whtn you pitn yout ntxt oroloci. Dr. Robert E. Barde. mal. annduncement will be made as Barde, who is. currently an assis­ to Dr. Barde’s background and T f u r w MINIT-MAN PRINTING tant to Uie president at State Univer­ experience, a. college source said. 643-0016 EA Johnson PAINT CO. sity of New York College of Barde will begin his duties July 11, Technology at Utica, was selected if the board confirms his selection. •COMPLETE COLUSION REPAIR VOUR from a field of 187 applicants. His acceptance of the post means the •FOREIGN AND AMERICAN CARS INDEPENOCNT A final decision on his appointment •RUSTY JONES RUST PROOFING A4D-4501 vacancy created by the retirement a will be made by the Board of year ago by Dr. Robert Fenn will be Trustees of Regional Community filled. (ktlleges,' who are meeting June 16. phont The selection committee, made up Miller has chosen to keep the posi­ 646-0863 of faculty, administration, staff and tion open,ountil a permanent presi­ students, recommended that inter­ dent of the campus could be chosen. 341 Broid St. Manchester views be set up with 12 cardidates, This decision allowed Vincent the Manchester ■■ 191 five of whom were from within MCC freedom to have an impact on the I Professional Perk MAIN ST. and the balance of whom were filling of a position that works closely ' Suite 105 MANCHESTER applying from positions outside the with the president’s office. b,mc Betty Gallagher prop 6 4 3 - 1 9 0 0 WE SERVICE AND INSTAU INDUSTRIAL AHD COMMERCIAL Cummings says AIR CONDITIONING - REFRIGERATION HEATING and SHEET METAL EXTERIOR HOME CLEANING GOP autocratic New England Mechanical Senices, Inc. A COMPLETE SPRAY CLEANING SERVICE Mrs. Starkely could vote in Mrs. Aluminum. Wood and Vinyl Siding MANCHESTER - The Republicans’ selection of delegates Bjorkman's stead. But Mrs. 166 TUNNEL HO. FREE ESTIMATE & DEMONSTRATION for the U.S. Senate race stifles the Bjorkman has since decided to at­ VERNON, CT. 66066 PHONE 646-2198 “one man, one vote” concept, Ted tend the convention. 871-1111 "I rl iis hriu’lilrn it/i \t»iir /iiiriM' ft»i/»n ’ Cummings, Democratic town com­ "Apparently the selections were mittee chairman, said today. made from the top down,” Cum­ Serving Mancketler over 50 yr$. Cummings criticized the alternate mings said. "There was no con­ sideration to the number of P A P a u to selection process that was completed PARTS TWO LOCATIONS last Thursday without changing the registered voters in each district. In Penttand The Florist list that Robert Von Deck, GOP town doing so they shaped the rules to fit "AUTO PARTS FOR LESS’ The winner committee chairman, submitted. their own ends.” 811 MAIN ST. 24 BIRCH ST. HOURS 423 CENTER ST. Sudden ahower "It's an autocratic, not Cummings called the 'party 8 TO 8 MON.-FRI. MANCHESTER MALL MANCHESTER TEL. 643-6247 Steve Sellers of Glastonbury awaits his trophy as winner of democratic, process that was used,” “precedent” that Von Deck invoked 6 TO 5 SAT. A SUN. 643-4444 F .T .D . the senior division in Sunday’s Soap Box Derby competition in Robert Spooner covers his soap box racer with plastic during Cummings said. last week “making an excuse and 3Q7 E. CENTER ST. (REAR) Manchester. At left is Kathy Clark, AAA information a sudden shower Sunday. The rain did not dampen the spirits of The selection of GOP delegates to saying it's ail right.” Low Coal Printing la Only MINUS M ST6 CH6 WORLD WIDE MANCHESTER helicopter reporter and celebrity racer during the event. the competitors in the annual Manchester Soap Box Derby. the July U.S. Senate convention', to Cummings, who said he will sup­ AMES EXPRESP SE6VICE choose between former New York port a state senate candidate that BEHINO LENOX PHARMACY Your MlnlT-MAN Printing (Herald photo by Burbank ) (Herald photo by Burbank) Sen. James Buckley, and State Sen" .pushes for uniting the town into one MODERN JANITORIAL AND We started our business in 1970 as the first quick print and copy center in Manchester. Because of mu Richard Bozzuto, was approved in senate district, believes the sp«ialized high speed Equipment, we are able to print with our photo ready platemaker in just a matter m FLO’S Cake Decorating Supplies Inc. March by the town committee. Republicans should divide the HANDYMAN SERVICE delegates between the senate dis­ Fully liMurad minutes. We also have a valuable new 3-M Bond Copier which makes beautiful copies on bond paper. We c.ih 646-0221 675-3252 The question of alternate selection Name it and we’ll do ill tricts. He said he was "shocked” by Cleaning tsrvice tor profossional buildings also do flyers, letters, business cards, index cards, envelopes, postcards, stag tickets, rubber stamps aii'i « OOMPIETE L K OF m m m w m jm arose when Pete Sylvester, town Storms and screens removed and repdlred engraved name plates and pins of all sizes within a reasonable time, at very economical prices. We are opi ■ Andover talk gap surfaces director, expected to fill the spot of the way the delegates were chosen. 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Monday through Friday, Saturdays 9:30 a.m, to 12:30 p.m. Our facilities also indinli Von D ^k submitted both a delegate Clogged sinks and toilets 191 CRNTIN ST. 7« UNION IT . town committee member Shirley punching, padding, stitching, cutting, collating and folding. We are located in Downtown Manchester ul Hi i ROCKVILU.CONN. list and the alternates to. the town Air-conditioners installed and removed MANCHIRTIII. CONN. By DONNA HOLLAND nine percent pay raise for him. Kravet and what he called Kravet's we had at the school.” Bjorkman. House watching, light moving and dump service Main Street; in the new Manchester Mall, for any information, please phone 646-1777; and 423 Center Strm i Mon. - UL 19-9 HOURO Recent news releases by David "harassing me throughout my Mooney said, “What do you people The chosen alternate for Mrs. committee. The Democrats TlMn.. 19-9 Manchester. CLOSED TUE8. Herald Correspondent (^ttanach, school superintendent, term,” led to his leaving the school. want him to do? Under him the Bjorkman, Gertrude Starkley was caucused for two hours to choose Estate and landlord service DAjLV 10-8 Sutters, yards, windows, cellars, attics, garages (Shown in the above photo, left to right, is: Mary Famham - Printer, Thomas F. Barry - Owner, and Linda Thatcher - ANDOVER — An apparent com­ the Andover School Team and Kravet Malinoski said, "I never met a teachers perform to a high level and eliminated, it was believed, because their delegates. Secretary. Wedding Cakes A Specialty munication problem In Andover that himself have only presented one side principal more dedicated to his job, we have an excellent school.” the two women lived in different Cummings was also surprised tl^at 643-5747 643-0053 has been festering for some time of the story. Cattanach and the but he just doesn't have the feeling Ellen Post, teacher, said, “The last state senatorial districts. the town committee came to a head Sunday night. A two years things have been going "rubberstamped” the selections. OVER 45 teachers praised Kravet for what he for getting along with entire school However, after Sylvester an­ MIWCHES1IR meeting to which a cross-section of has accomplished during his six staff." very well at the school. The teachers nounced, unlike the majority of “The Democratic Town Committee ADVERTISE HERE! YEARS residents had been invited, to discuss years at the elementary school. He said, “The day I met him are happy. We didn’t know about delegates, he supported Bozutto, it would not have stood for that,” he EXPERIENCE the situation with David Kravet, An­ During the meeting Sunday night, (Kravet) I didn't like him and 1 think these problems.” was reported that party rules said. PAP AUTO PARTS MEMORUL CO. dover Elementary School principal, residents not only criticized Kravet the feeling was mutual.” The people at the meeting talked stipulate alternates must be chosen Using the list Von Deck submitted, CALL Opp. Em I CwMtory was held at Andover Congregational for various reasons, they criticized Malinoski said Kravet "in­ about establishing a formal vehicle by the other delegates. seven delegates are from the 4th Church. District, and six from the 3rd. For QUALITY CALL 649-5807 Cattanach, the Board of Education timidates people, harasses people, of communication for problems so But Von Deck stated last Friday NOW IN THEIR NEW LOCATION The meeting, attended by about 35 and the teacher's association as well does not share leadership, they don’t get out of control again.
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