The Wilbraham-Hampden PRSRT STD U.S. POSTAGE PAID PALMER, MA PERMIT NO. 22 SPORTS ECR-WSS Winter LOCAL POSTAL CUSTOMER sports delayed Page 11 Dedicated to Improving the Quality of Life in the Communities We Serve A TURLEY PUBLICATION ❙ www.turley.comTIMESNOVEMBER 26, 2020 www.wilbrahamhampdentimes.turley.com Food Bank of Western Mass. anticipates winter rush The Food Bank of Western Massachusetts has been making a difference throughout the region since 1982. The COVID-19 pandemic has presented the facility its greatest challenge. By Dalton Zbierski The massive 35,000 square- Staff Writer foot warehouse that employs 45 serves as the headquarters HATFIELD – At all times for the entire operation and is The Hampden-Wilbraham Partners for Youth coalition hosted a presentation on Nov. 19 about the trends, of the year, the Food Bank of currently abuzz with energy health risks and ways to prevent teen e-cigarette use. Western Massachusetts serves and productivity. as an invaluable community “People are working dou- resource. With temperatures ble-time, from the pickers who Teen vape use down, but warrants plummeting and COVID-19 pick the food and put it togeth- case counts rising on a regional er for our member agencies to scale, the Hatfield facility en- the volunteers who are in our more education about risks ters the winter prepared to play sorting room who are actually a more crucial role than it ever putting boxes of food togeth- By Elise Linscott national data on current trends, where they’re buying them so the has before. er. It’s really incredible,” said [email protected] health risks posed by vapes ways district can notify local authori- “It is a challenge, but we Baulding. to talk to teens about vape use. ties about sales to minors. do have a warehouse full of One of the greatest ob- HAMPDEN/WILBRAHAM One of the favorite flavors Junior class president Kiel food,” said Lilliam Baulding, stacles that the pandemic has – With thousands of enticing fla- among Minnechaug Regional Williams said having conversa- the Food Bank’s communica- placed before the Food Bank vors, alluring advertising and so- High School students is banana, tions peer-to-peer helps, too. tions and engagement officer. cial use surrounding e-cigarettes, since its scent is more discrete, “I know from my experience, “We have done a lot of pivoting or “vapes,” the Hampden-Wil- said Heidi Drawec, assistant I have seen not all but some of since COVID started and are braham Partners for Youth coali- principal and dean of students. my friends actually using va- meeting the needs. The entire tion said that more needs to be When students are caught pes,” Williams said. “I’ll go up to team has pitched in. A lot of done in the way of prevention. with vapes in school, it’s an op- them and say, ‘come on, that is people are doing work that they The coalition hosted a webi- portunity to talk to them about unhealthy behavior.’ By me say- weren’t doing before. They’re nar presentation on the topic last their use and the potential health Please see VAPE, page 13 taking on extra assignments, Thursday via Zoom, including risks – along with finding out and it’s just getting done.” The Food Bank distributes much needed food to member agencies spread throughout Hampden petition asks voters, not Berkshire, Franklin, Hampden and Hampshire counties. Established in 1982, the Selectmen, to decide on dispatch Food Bank serves dozens of in- Staff photos by Dalton Zbierski By Elise Linscott service is identical to another,” said “As the Board of Selectmen dependent pantries, meal sites, The Food Bank of Western [email protected] Committee chair James Smith. prepare to possibly exercise their shelters and food assistance Massachusetts operates out “This is far from true. There are executive authority to enter into programs in western Massa- of a 35,000 sq. ft. warehouse HAMPDEN – The Hampden significant differences in scope of a contract for police-related ser- chusetts. The operation is a in Hatfield and serves dozens Citizen’s Dispatch Committee last the dispatch services provided by vices, we think it is appropriate member of Feeding America, a of member agencies scattered Thursday submitted a cover and Hampden dispatchers versus what to consider that that authority is national network of more than throughout the region. petition with about 135 signatures we would receive from Wilbraham constrained by the “legislative” 200 food banks. to the Board of Selectmen, asking or Westcomm. spending authorization needed by During the pandemic, the is a dwindling amount of food them not to move forward with a “The Hampden Citizen’s Dis- Town Meeting,” the committee Food Bank’s demand has in- donations. COVID-19 proto- regional dispatch agreement with patch Committee believes that wrote in the petition cover letter. creased dramatically. Baulding cols prohibit the facility from Wilbraham until after Town Meet- the voters of Hampden should “There is currently no line item detailed the added responsibili- accepting most food donations ing in May. be presented with a clear choice under the Hampden budget 57.0 ty that the facility has assumed from the public. Selectmen have been discuss- between the potential savings of Police for contracted services. over the past eight months. For residents looking to ing the agreement for months and using regional dispatch and the Thus, it is our belief that a new “We have seen an increase contribute, monetary donations could make a decision on the re- commensurate changes in dispatch ‘Contracted Dispatch Services’ in the amount of people who are highly significant and much gional dispatch at the board’s Nov. service,” Smith continued. “To line item will need to be presented have needed our services be- needed. Baulding noted that 30 meeting. this point, there has been no for- to a Town Meeting; and that line cause of COVID,” said Bauld- monetary donations have al- mal presentation by the Board of item will need to be agreed to by a The petition asks for an article ing. “Many people have come lowed the Food Bank to make Selectmen to the town explaining majority of the voters present. to be placed on the warrant and in for the first time. They may up for absence of food dona- their analysis and decision-making “With this uncertain funding, voted on at the next Annual Town have never thought that they’d tions that it had been previous- process.” we believe that it is incumbent Meeting, which is scheduled for ever need assistance from the ly accustomed to receiving. May 10, 2021, letting residents In the cover letter, the com- upon the Board of Selectmen to Food Bank or a food pantry but “It’s critical because for ev- weigh in on the future of dispatch mittee noted that the Selectmen structure any contracts or other they do because of job losses.” have the authority to enter into a obligations associated with re- ery dollar donated, we can pro- services. Baulding credited the com- contract for dispatch services, but gional dispatch in a manner that is vide four full, healthy meals,” “The Selectmen appear to be munity’s support for keeping considering dispatch services as that the budget for those services contingent upon subsequent Town said Baulding. “That means need to be approved by a Town Meeting approved funding.” the Food Bank alive and thriv- one individual could get four a fungible commodity where one ing during a challenging year. Meeting. Please see FOOD, page 5 Page 2 The Wilbraham-Hampden TIMES November 26, 2020 NEWS ABOUT TOWN Wilbraham seeks Hampden Senior Center upcoming events HAMPDEN – The Hampden Se- Senior Services – This lunch time a part of the Memory Café or those proposals for nior Center will be hosting several meal is available Tuesday through who are interested in checking it out. upcoming events: Friday for people over the age of 60 Community from any town, as this is a Title IIIB, Phone Pal Program – Sign up Friends of Hampden Seniors Older Americans Act funded pro- to be a phone pal with a Springfield Fundraiser – Start your shopping gram. Tuesday and Thursday is a hot College Occupational Therapy Stu- Preservation funding early by purchasing a $10 lottery cal- meal and Wednesday and Friday is a dent. Possible Conversation Topics: endar. For each day of January 2021 cold sandwich or salad. Reservations • Share life stories and adventures • WILBRAHAM – The Community Preservation one lucky winner will be drawn and must be made by calling 566-5588 Get advice on using cell phone, tab- Committee will soon begin accepting Project Appli- you can will more than once! The anytime. Please leave a message let, and computer skills • Share each cations for funding consideration at the May 2021 calendars can be mailed to you once with your name, telephone number other’s topics of interest • Talk about Annual Town Meeting. Applications will be avail- payment is received or you can pick and the day(s) you would like to anything that is meaningful and able on the Town Website and applications are due up at the Hampden Senior Center. pick up lunch. If we need additional purposeful to you! Communication in the Selectmen’s Office by close of business on Call (413) 566-5588 to arrange a information, we will call you back. Options Available via: Phone Call, Friday Jan. 22, 2021. The Committee will hold its pick-up time or for more informa- The reservation deadline is 2 p.m. FaceTime or Zoom visits. If inter- Annual Public Hearing on Thursday, Dec. 3 at 5 p.m.
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