LON POST OFFICE LONDON 1036 LO:SDO:S COUNTY & WESTMINSTER B.ANK LT D.-continued. LONDON COUNTY & WESTMINSTER B.ANK LTD.-continued. London Electrotype AFency Ltd. eiectrotypes, engravings, photo- Norman Henry Lubbock, ass~tant manager), 1 St. James' square Metropolitan & Suburban branches. Managers graphs, proceFs blocks &c.; illustrators (H. 0. Bnck- SW (T A. •· Ema11ation "); foreign bmnch (Stephane Kahn, West Norwood, 138 ~orwood road SE , E. H. George worth, mu.naging director), 10 St. Bride's avenue, Fleet str~ manager; J. B. A.ttfield, ac~istant manager), 8o Oornhill E C (T A Westbourne grove, 133 Westbourne rrrove W M. J. Butler E C -TA "A.mbrotype": T N 1941 Holborn "Muscovite"; T N 2533 Central) ; Wimb'edon, 16 Wim blrdon Hill road SW ,.., G. Cull London EmbroideryCo.Ltd.5 Forest. a"t"enue E C-T N 14731 Central .Metropolitan & Suburban branches Managers Wimbledon common, High street SW , G. Cull London Emery & Black Lead Mills (Acton & Bornian Ltd.)(Estab- Acton, 139 tligh street W , • , , J. East Wood street, go Wood street EC • • H. B. Squire lished 1781), 51 Hollowayroad N-T A "A.ctcnery"; TN2oz3North Aldersgute lltreet, 134 Aldersgate st E C • R. D. Boxall W oolwicb, 71 Powis street • , • , N. L. H odgson London Emery Works Co., Park, Tottenham N-T A "Naxillil!"; Bal11li.ID, 12ll & 13o Balha:zp High road SW , E. S. Ellis For Directors &c. see advertisement in "BANKING DIRECTORY" T N 99 Tottcnham P.:!.lham hill, 149 Balbam hill SW . • 0. C. Fl(et London & County Window Cleaning Co. 7 Little Barlow street, London Engine Oo. 26 to 3! Eyre street hill E C Bayswati!r, 74 & 76 Westbourne grove W • W. E. Brown .Marylebone W London Engineering Co. Ltd. 11 St. Hel_en's place E C-T A. "Puo- Berners street, 112 & 114 Oxford street W London Court of .Arbitration,1 & 2 Oxford court,Oannon streetE C coon": T N g.z8 London Wall (corner of Berners street) • , • • H. H. Masscy London Cremation Oo. LU. 324 Regent st W-T A "Crematorium"; London Esperanto Club (M. 0, Butler, sec.), St. B!ide Fol!Ddation Bl&ckheatb, Lee road sE • . • , W. Newcomb T N 1907 Gerrard Institute, Bride lanP, Fleet street E C BloomRbury, 214 High Holborn WC (TA. LONDON CURIO CLUB LTD. ( T. LockP.r, manager); the club LONDON ESSENCE CO. (THE), manufacturers of essences & "Alabamian" • , • • • • P. I. Hart is the mfll'ket of the wcrld for antiques & curios, 107 Regent rusential mls, George street, Camberwell green SE- Borough, 34 Borough High street SE • , S. Hunt street W-T A" Curiesque;" T N 14247 Ce!!tral TA. "Vanillin''; T N 81o Hop Bow road, 161 Bow road E , • , , W. R. Few London Daily Stock & Sh!U'e List (The tmstees & managers of th1 London Estates Co. Limited (W. Bartlett,sec.), 24 Lawrence lane E C Brixton, 36g & 371 Brixton road SW • , T. G. Richards Stock Exchange, pnbli~hersl, f Coptball buildings E C -TA." Estatico "; T N 433 Bank Brixton hill, 5o4 Brixton road SW , , J. Elisha London Day Traini'lg Colhlge Scutba.mpton row, Bloomsbury WC London Etching On. photo mgravers, 3 Holborn place WC-T .A Brompton square, 1 Brompton square SW . S. C. Parker -T ~ S918 Holwrn "Pictandum"; T N 2131 Holborn CamtJen ell, Camberwell green SE , • G. R. Langley London Decorative Metal Works Ltd. 44 & 46 Eagle street WC London Exchange Co. merchants, 5g & 6o Gracechurch street E C Canning town, 51 & 53 Barking road E , T. J. :Muscutt London Devonian .Association (J. W. Shawyer, sec.), St. Bride London Exchange Steamship Co. Ltd. ('£be), 15 Great St. Helen'a Chelsea, 181 King's road SW • , • A. H. ~came Foundation Institute, Bride lane, Fleet street E C E C-T A ''Allow'' ; T N 5g73 A vmue Uhi8 wick, 314 High road W • , , , P. W. R. Murray ! London Diocemn Boy Scout Corps (F. A bel Bloxam, sec.), 23 LondonEJihibitionsLtd.Lillie rdSW-TA''Exhibitory"; TN 732 Kens Clapham, 149lligh street SW , , • T. G. Ricbards . Northumberland avenue WC-TA" Diobride ;" TN 2019 Gerrard London Fancy Box Co. 53 Rastroad, City road N-TA "Ajdaha"j OlaiJhamJunction, 217Lavenderbill SW. T.J. Green LondonDioceshllCburcbBuildingSoc:iety(JohnHenryNeloon,M.A. TN 733london Wall CovE:nt garden, 84Henrietta L treet WC , R. Hemmg ! hon. sec.), 46.A, Pall ma.ll SW London Fashions Publishing Co. Ltd. g5 New Bond street W-T N Cricl!.lewcod, 2 Broad" ay ~W . , • 0. Inkson 'London Diocesan Church Lads' Brigade (F. Abel Bloxam, Eec.), 5311 Gerrard , 5g & 61 Broadway NW , , L. Brown 23 Northumberland av WC-TA" Diobride "; TN 2019 Gerrard London F~male Guardian Society & London Female Penitentiary Crouch End, 45 Topsfield parade N , , T. Pargeter London DioceFan Church Reading Union (Miss Gregory,hon. sec.) (W. E. Page, sec.), 191 High strcd, Stoke Newington N Croydon, High street , , , , • M. N. Coates Church house, Dean's yard, Westminoter SW london Female Preventive & Reformatory Institution (J. F. W. Deptford broadwayS E , , , • , W. Curtis London Diccesan Church Schools Association (John llill, sec.), Deacon, treas.; Wm. J. Taylor, sec.), zoo Euston rrl NW; ~Eden Ealing, The Mall W • , • , , T. 0. Tassell Church house, Dean's yard, Westminster SW rrrove N; 2 Fernshaw rd. l<'ulham rd SW; 5 & 7 Parson's green, , 4 5 Uxbridge road W London Diocesan Council !or Preventive, Re~cue & PenitentiaiJ Fulbam SW & z,3 & 4 Liverpoolst.King'scrss WC-TA".Ave1ted'' (oppo~ite the Town hall) • , • , H. Bremner Work (Rev. Regina.ld Waldram, secretary), Church house, Dean'B london Fencing Club (W. E. Hartopp, sec.), 7 Cltveland row, St. Earls Uourt, 199 & 201 Earl's court rd SW G. W. Castle yard, Westminster SW Jan.es' SW East Greenwich, !85 Trafalgar road SE , H. Wright London Diocesan Council for the Welfare of Lads (F . .A bel Bloxam, London Fever Hospital (Clifford Beards, B.A., M.B., B.Ch. residen~ Eastern, I3o, l3H~a3z Wbitecbapel High st E J<'. H. Panter sec.),Z3 Northumberland avW C-TA '' Diobriue·· ; TN2019Gerrard medical officer; W. L. Goldie, 1' .R C.E'. assist. resident mediCltl Euston road, 2 Hampstead road NW . A. 13axter Londcn Diocesan Deaconess' Institution, 1Z Tavistock crescent, - officer; Major W. Christie, sec.), Liverpool rd N-T ?- 687 North Finchlcy road, Heath drive, Finchley rdNW W. H. Norman Wet>tbourne park W London Fire Brigade (London Oounty Council) headquirters, 94 Yore street, 12 Fore street E C , • , A. G. R. Walker London Diocesan Girls' Friendly Eiociety {Miss J. E. Magee, see.), Southwark bridge rd S E-TA"Firemaster"; T N Fire Brigade Forrst Gate, 298 & 3oo Romford road E , C. A. Nichols office, 296 VauxlJa.ll bridge road SW Lo:&don Fireproof Plate Wall Co. Ltd. 82B, Leiglton road I'IW- Goodma}es, Ilford, S48 Romford road. • W. :M. Edwards London Diocesan Home Mission (H.ev. Car.on Chrutopher Vmn T N 2148 ~mth Gray's inn, 1 John street, Bedford row WC W. G. Johnston Childe, M.A., LL.D. seuetary), Church house, Dean's yard, London l<'ish Trades Association Subscription Rooms (The) (E. E. Greenwich, 2 Church streetS E , • , H. WrighL WPStminster SW Jo:ucs, sec.), Billingsgate market E C Hackney, 20 Amhurst road NE , , • A. J. White LONDON DIRECTORY (POST OFFICE) (Kelly's Directories Ltd.), London Flambo Fuel Co. Ltd.72&73 The Exchange,Eouthwark st SE Hammersmith, lZ King street W • • , J. F. Long Londrn ]''lour Mi:lers' A.!!l:lcciation (Hdgar Cbatterton, sec.), 6t Hampstead, 106 Fincbley road NW , , F. W. PaiCe 182, 183 & 184 High Holhorn WC ; Mark lane t C Hanover square, 21 Hanover square W • G. Kentfield London Food Products Co. Ltd. 28 Union street, South~ark SE Harrow read, 332 & 3.34 Harrow ro.id W , H. F. Ba:yliss printing works, London Football Association ( Thos. H. Kirkup, sec.). 21 Woodhonsa Berne hill, 140 llerne hillS E , , W. A.. Long grove, Manor Park E-'1 N 5g8 East Ham Highbury, z6g & 270 Upper street N • • E. D.~Pointer .Middle mill, Kingston-on-Thamcs. London & Foreign Hotel Syndicate Ltd. Savoy court, Strand WG Bolborn, S24 & 325 High Holhorn WC , W. J. Woolrich Lisb of Directories on application- London & Foreign Publishing Co. Ltd. 81 Grocechurch street E C- Holborn circus, 8 Holborn circus E C . , T. 0. Roberts · TA "Volkswirt"; T N 1334 London \Yall Holland Parlr, 14 Shepherd's Bush green W G. :F. Wells TA" Directory'' London Foremen Tailors' Mutua.! Eociety (0. H. Yell, seo.),3z Sack· Rolloway, 490 & -492 Holloway road N • T. Pargeter ville street W Hornsey, The Brdwy.Crouch end,HornseyN B. T. Ketchlee By .Appointm8Ilt London Freehold & LcaEebo!d Property C'o. L'mited (The) (Harold llford, The Broadway , , , , • W. M. Edwards London Dispensary, 27 Fournier st. Spitalfields E; secretary'~ offiet: J. Colehrook, sec.), 12 Norfolk st. Strand ~ C-T N 1S212 Centra.l Islington, 4 & 5 Upper street N • . A. W. Lane (Tbos. Whittington, l!eC. ), 5 & 6 Bishopsgate street without E C London Friendly Institution (James H. Hawkillll, secretary), Zl New Kensington High street, 94 & g6 High st W A.. V. Faull Lond( n & Dist1ict Association of EnginE*ring Employers (Joshua Bridge street, Llackfrinrs E C-T A" Frienoed" ' KensingtoJJ, High street W . • . • W.W. Richardson Ledlie Field, solicitor&. ~;ec.), 27 Essex street, Strand WC London Fruit Saleroom Co. Limited (Frederick William Brown, Kilburn, 1o6A, High road, Kilbnrn NW 1 A. B. Eoxer LondonDistlict(Command of the.Army)(Maj.-Gen.Hon.SirF. W.Stop- managing director), Monument buildings E C King's Cross, z66 & z68 Pentonville road N E. Wright ford, K.C.M.G., K.C.V.O., C.B. g~neral officer commanding); head- London Fur Co. (The), 1 Oxford street W (T N Z523 Central) & 54 Kings](md.
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