UNIT-ED STATES BUREAU OF EDUCATION BULLETIN, 1911, NO. 10 WHOLE NUMBER 456 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF EDUCATION _ FOR 1909-10 WASHINGTON GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE 1911 1:65775 .1-1-1 .JUL6.1.42 stts(6 3°*7-.- . p;c214 19 tc.)IS lq ii CONTENTS. /0-15 Introduction Generalities: .13ibliography 11 New periodicals 15 Publications of associations, t'cietim-conferences, etc. Nat ional 15 State and local °It Foreign 38 International 39 Documents 39 Directories 39 History and description: General 40 Ancient 40 Medieval 41 Modern 41 United States General 41 Public schools 43 Higher or uni vend y education 44 Canada 46 Central and South America 96 Europe 46 Gfeat Britain.k 46 Secondary. ed flea t ion 47 Higher or university education 48 France 48 Germany 48 Higher or university education 49 I lol laud 49 Italy 49 Russia 50 Switzerland. 50 Turkey 50 Asia 50 China 50 India 51 Japan r 51 Australia 51 Iliography Theory Of edlication 54 Principles and practice of teaching: General b8 Methods of study 60 3 4 CONTENTS. Principles and practice of teachingContinued. Par. Educational psychology 61 Child study 62 Child psychology 63 Playa, games, etc .64 Kindergarten.and primary education 64 Elementary or continua school education 66 Rural schools 66 Curriculum 68 Reading , 68 Literature 69 Composition and language milli!. 69 Languages 69 History 70 Geography '70 Nature study and science 7,1 Physiology and hygiene 71 Arithmetic 72 Penmanship 72 Art 72 Occupations and busy work 72 Music , 72 Agricultural training . 73 Secondary education 73 Curriculum 75 Languages 75 Literature 75 English and ciimporAit on 75 Modern language 76 Ancient. languages 76 History Civic 77 E.'cor 78 Geography 7$ Mathematiez. 7$ Geometry 78 Science 70 Physics . 79 Chemistry 80 Botany 80 Biology SO Zoology 80. Physiology and hygiene 80 Agricultural training 81 Business education 81 Education and tigining of teachers 82 Teachere%itsgtitutes, meetings, etc 82 Teaching as a profession 82 Literary material, fiction, et t 82 . Normal schools 83 Pedagogy in universities 83 International exchange of teachers 84 CONTENTS. Principles and practice of teachingContinued. Parc Higher education tit Salaries and pe4siolut 86 Scholarships \ 87 Supervision and administration 88 Organization Wm] methods 88. Standardization. 8c Articulation of high school and college.., 89 College entrance requirements 89 Entrance examinations 90 Curriculum 90 SRecial subjects 1)0 Foreign study 91 Degrees 92 School government:, 'Legislation, laws United States 92 District of Columbia 92 Illlnois 92 Kentucky 93 Maryland 93 Mils/Inch noel ts 93 New York 93 Ohio 93 Pennsylvania 93 Texas 93 Virginia 94 Wisconsin 114 England France 94 Germany 95 llalF 95 Admit) ist rat iona. Supervision and organization 95 National education office 97 Teachers' salaries and pensions 97 School reports; educational statistics s 98 School-book question -- . 98 Centralization of rural schools 98 Administrationb. Management and discipline 99 Rewards and punishment 99 Recreation Classification and grading 99, Promotion 100 Retardation of pupils 100 Attendance; truancy 100 Self-government 101 School architecture and equipment 101 College architecture 102 Ventilation and:lighting 102 Cleaning and disinfecting 102 Schoolroom decoration 102 '6 CONTRNTB. School governmentPont inued. Page. School hygiene 102 Medical inspection of schools. 104 Contagious dimwit; 10.5 Feeding of school children 105 Special subjects Eyes and ears Teeth Tuberculop'. Miscellaneous 106 Open-air school. 106 School garden.. 106 Playgrounds, parks, et.. Physical training ar 105 Public schools , Colleges 109 Special days (ArbOr day, Bird day, Flag day, etc. 11: StudentSt t life and customs 110 College fraternities lligh.scholl fraternities EducationSpecial forms, relations, and applications: I. Forms Self-education 111 Private- school education I I I 11. Siiciolocical aspect of educations Education and society; citizenship I 1 I Education I ife 112 Schools as .111 centers 11;2 'Homo arid . 11 112 Child welfare; child labor and education 111 III. Moral and religious education Corm! - 115 Moral education 115 Religious education 116 -Universities 117 The Sundayilo.' I IS Church and edo..at ion 116 Denominational schools 119 Y. M. C. A 1119)1 International conciliation IV. Types of education: Humanistic education 120 Vocational education 120 Manual training 121 Industrial and trade education 123 Public school 126 Technical edbcation.. Agriculture.... ,125 Domestic kienc+ 130 Proteotional education (professions and oecupatiotai. Architecture 130 Commerce and industry Engineering 331 Fine arts 131 CONTENTS., 1 Education -Special fonts, relations, and applications-Continued. page. IV. Typtv of education-Continued. .. Profoasional Murat ion (profootions and oCcupations1-Continued. I.sw 132 Medicine 132 . Training of mimes 133 Music 114 Theology 134 V. Education of women 134 is Coeducation 136 VI. Special classes of piIrsons- '. , Indians / '136 '1Si MUM 138... .. Orientals .137, Immigrants and childryn of Mimi:et-ants 137 The destitute (orphans, outcast,: paupers. ;de, 't 137 The blind f . 137 The deaf * 138 ('rippled children 139 Backward children . 139 Mentally defective children 140 Morally defective truants, etc 141 - Education of royalty . 141 VII: Education extension- Continuation schools 141 Evening Schools. 141 Milliner schools 141 University extension -- 141'' Libraries in education 112 Universities, collect- etc:: United States-. University of Ark:in:41s ... 143 Itarnald college 143 Brown university ' 143 Central high ei hool, Philadelphia re 143 Cornell university .16 144 I tartmouth college . 7.- 144 Harvard university 144 Massachusetts institute of to chnology . 144 ' Miami university 144 New York university 144 Oberlin cellege . 144 Rose polytechnic institute 144 Vatter college 144 Wesleyan university 145 Williams college ,. - 145 Yale university 145 Great Britain- 4, - Cambridgb university ... 145 Edinburgh university Pa 145 4ton college 145 University of Glasgow I 145 Iiaileybury college 146 141.ional university of Ireland... ". 144 CONTENTS. .Universities, colleges, etc.Continued. .4. ., Great BritainContinued; .. -Ng& Oxford univenkity 146 St. Paul's school 147 University college school, liampstead 147, Austria 41 University of Vienna Il v 147 Belgium University of Brussels : 147 University of Louvain 147 France University of Parii 147 Germany University of Leipzig' - Italy 148 Univemity of Bologna India 148 . University of Calcutta Egypt 148 "University of Cairo . 148 Author and subject index 119 se. BIBLIOGRAPHY OF EDUCATION FOR 1909-10 I NTRODUCTION The bibliography of education for 1909-10, as was its immediate predecessor in the series, has been compiled in the library diVision of the Bureau of Education, which has been aided, in completing the principal sections of the list, by criticisms and additions furnished by prominent educational specialists.In addition to these collaborators in special classes, the entire bibliography, in' its preliminary form, was submitted for revision and additions to the librarians of two of the leading pedagogical collections in the country outside of Washington. A period. marked by extensive and excellent literary productivity in education, namely, that reaching from July 1, 1909, to Juno 30, 1910, falls within the scope of this bibliography; but for special reasons a few important titles published earlier or later than these dates have been included. The aim has been to present a thoroughly representative selection from the mftin.classes of educational literature published in English during this period.Of publications in foreign languages, those which were judged te shave special significance for American educators have been mentioned. It is believed that the list there given of current proceedings and reports of educational "associations wilL be found especially compre- hensive.References have also be2m made to -a considerable number of State and city school documents of importance appealing during the year,.Wherever found desirable and practicable, descriptive and critical annotations, either original or quoted from authoritative reviews, have beep appended .to the titles of books or articles. A detailed outline of the classification, which, with a few variations, follows that of the Library of Congress for Class 1,, Education, may be found in the table of contents. 9 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF EDUCATION,Igog-Io [The abbreviations used in periodical and serial references are ordinaryones and easily comprehended. Volume and page are separated by a colon.Thus'a : 3.96-407 means vol. 11, pages 396 to 407 GENERALITIES BIBLIOGRAPH, 1. Austen, Willard H.Educational value of bibliographic training.Library journal, 34 : 427-30, October 19Q9. Read before the New York library association, Lake George, September 20,1900. 2. Adolescence.Hendousse, P.In his L'fime de ('adolescent.Paris, F. Alvan, 1909.p. 303-9. 3. Agricultural education.Davis, B. M. Elementary school teacher, 10: 107-9, 175-76, 283-86, 386-87, 452, November, December 1909; February,April, May 1910. 4. Boy scouts.Haden-Powell, R. S. S.In his Scouting for boys.Rev. ed. 2d impression.London, C. A. Pearson ltd., 1909. Bibliographies intsarspersed. 5. Child study.Claparede, Ed. In his Psycho logie de l'enfant et pedagogicex- pecimentale.3(1 ed.Geneve, Kundig, 1909.p. 274-78. 6. - Stern, C. anti Stern, W. In their Erinnerung,awing() and loge in der ersten kindheit.Leipzig, J. A. Barth, 1909.p. [155)-158.(Monographieen Ober (lie seelische entwicklung des kinder. 2.) 7. College and student
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