For enquiries on this agenda please contact James Geach 020 8547 5062 e-mail: [email protected] This agenda is available at: www.kingston.gov.uk/CommitteeMinutes AGENDA A meeting of the DEVELOPMENT CONTROL COMMITTEE will be held at the Guildhall, Kingston upon Thames on TUESDAY 26 MARCH 2013 at 7:30 pm Members of the Committee Councillor Vicki Harris (Chair) Councillor David Cunningham Councillor David Ryder-Mills Councillor Ken Smith Councillor Chrissie Hitchcock Councillor Richard Hudson Councillor Malcolm Self Councillor Frank Thompson Councillor Derek Osbourne EMERGENCY EVACUATION ARRANGEMENTS On hearing the alarm which is a loud siren please leave the building by the nearest available fire exit and assemble by the triangle at the front of the Guildhall. Anyone requiring assistance to evacuate the building should go to the refuge areas which are situated outside Committee Room 1 and the Mayor’s Parlour where you will be met by a member of the building management team and assisted from the building. RECORDING OF THE MEETING - This meeting will be recorded and the recording will be available on the web site with the agenda and minutes. FILMING - residents and journalists/media wishing to film meetings are permitted to do so but are asked to give advance notice of this and respect any concerns expressed by people on being filmed. A LARGE PRINT COPY OF THE AGENDA can be requested in advance. 2 Speaking on Planning Applications, Enforcement, or Tree Preservation Orders The arrangements for speaking on applications are based on both sides having equal time to make their points to Councillors. To make sure that the meeting runs in a way which is fair to everyone, these arrangements will be followed without any exceptions being made. The full scheme is at http://www.kingston.gov.uk/information/your_council/council_and_democracy/ council_and_decision_making/getting_your_voice_heard.htm Everyone wishing to speak on an application, Enforcement Action or Tree Preservation Order must have registered THREE days before the meeting. Objectors must have responded to the consultation on an application Registration deadline: 10:00am, Friday 22 March 2013 To register please contact James Geach on 020 8547 5062 or e-mail: [email protected]. Time for speaking - FIVE minutes is allowed for each side on each application. This time has to be shared by however many there are on each side. If there are a large number of speakers people must decide amongst themselves on a spokesperson or some other arrangement. The Chair of the meeting has no discretion to extend the time limit. Speakers may find it helpful to have made some notes on what they want to say, so that they make the most of the speaking time. The notes attached to the original consultation letter from the Planning Officer will have explained the things that the Committee can't take account of - loss of view, property values etc. The order of speaking is: 1. Planning applications Enforcement/Tree Preservation Orders 2. Planning Officer to present item 3. Objector(s) (5 minutes) Land/property owner (5 minutes) 4. Applicant (5 minutes) The Council as applicant and/or supporters of the action proposed (5 minutes) 5. Questions from Committee: 6. Objector(s) (5 minutes) Land/property owner (5 minutes) Applicant (5 minutes) The Council as applicant and/or supporters of the action proposed (5 minutes) 7. Sweep up by Planning Officer 8. Questions from Committee to Officers 9. Debate and decision by Committee PUBLIC PARTICIPATION ARRANGEMENTS FOR OTHER ITEMS Questions and contributions to the debate will be accepted at the Chair’s discretion as the meeting progresses on: • applications on which other authorities/agencies have requested views other items in Part 1 of the agenda, falling outside the arrangements for speaking on planning applications. 3 AGENDA APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE AND ATTENDANCE OF ALTERNATE MEMBERS DECLARATIONS OF INTERESTS 1. MINUTES To confirm the minutes of the meeting held on 12 February 2013. 2. PLANNING APPLICATIONS Appendix A 3. URGENT ITEMS AUTHORISED BY THE CHAIR DATES OF FUTURE MEETINGS: 30 April 2013 12 December 2013 12 June 2013 30 January 2014 18 July 2013 13 March 2014 11 September 2013 23 April 2014 24 October 2013 Meetings to be held at the Guildhall, High Street, Kingston starting at 7.30pm. APPENDIX A DEVELOPMENT CONTROL NEIGHBOURHOOD COMMITTEE TUESDAY 26 MARCH 2013 REPORT BY HEAD OF PLANNING & TRANSPORT PLANNING APPLICATIONS INDEX ITEM REGISTER ADDRESS DESCRIPTION RECOMMENDATION PAGE NO NO NO A1 13/10038 Lovelace School, Mansfield Removal of existing temporary PERMIT A2 Road, Chessington, KT9 2RN classroom building and erection of single storey building comprising four classrooms together with a canopy link, cycle store and hard and soft landscaping. A2 13/10053 Part of 6 Lenelby Road, 2 Red Application under Section 73 to amend PERMIT A20 Lion Road and 366 Ewell Road, Condition 32 (approved plans) of Surbiton, KT6 7AX planning permission 09/10155/FUL (redevelopment of site to provide commercial units on the ground floor within Use Classes A1, A2, A3 and A4 and 50 residential dwellings comprising 18 x 1-bedroom, 27 x 2-bedroom and 5 x 3-bedroom apartments) to include minor material amendments. Report 282318 APPENDIX A DEVELOPMENT CONTROL NEIGHBOURHOOD COMMITTEE TUESDAY 26 MARCH 2013 REPORT BY HEAD OF PLANNING & TRANSPORT PLANNING APPLICATIONS INDEX ITEM REGISTER ADDRESS DESCRIPTION RECOMMENDATION PAGE NO NO NO A3 13/12022 Land At 1 Penrhyn Road, Redevelopment of site to provide part PERMIT A37 Kingston Upon Thames, KT1 three part four part five storey building 2BT for a mixed use scheme comprising 145sqm (GIA) of D1 (Education and Community Use) with ancillary student accommodation, cycle parking and landscaping and 115 self contained student accommodation units on the upper storeys. A4 13/16075 Christ Church School, Pine Removal of existing temporary PERMIT A71 Gardens, Surbiton, KT5 8LJ classrooms and erection of a single storey building comprising four classrooms and new substation building; installation of a new multi-use games area (MUGA), new cycle parking, creation of new pedestrian access route from Berrylands together with hard and soft landscaping. Report 282318 - DEVELOPMENT CONTROL COMMITTEE 26 MARCH 2013 REPORT BY THE HEAD OF PLANNING & TRANSPORT PLANNING APPLICATIONS All recommendations for planning permission in this section are automatically subject to the condition limiting the duration of the permission required by Sections 91 and 92 of the Town and Country Planning Act (as amended) 1990 unless permission is to be granted for a limited period or unless there is a specific recommendation that the period for such duration be other than the period referred to in the standard condition. All background papers are incorporated into Planning Application Reports. The policies listed are those from the Royal Borough of Kingston upon Thames the Local Development Framework Core Strategy, Adopted April 2012. A1 Development Control Committee Date of Meeting: 26/03/2013 A1 Register No : 13/10038/FUL Address : LOVELACE SCHOOL, MANSFIELD ROAD, CHESSINGTON, KT9 2RN (c) Crown Copyright. All right reserved. Royal Borough of Kingston 2007. Licence number 100019285. [Please note that this plan is intended to assist in locating the development it is not the site plan of the proposed development which may have different boundaries. Please refer to the application documents for the proposed site boundaries.] A2 Ward : Chessington North and Hook Description of Proposal : Removal of existing temporary classroom building and erection of single storey building comprising four classrooms together with a canopy link, cycle store and hard and soft landscaping. Plan Type : Full Application Expiry Date : 05/04/2013 Applicant's Plan Nos : 5118290/A/2000/A - Existing Site Plan Received 08/02/2013 5118290/A/2001/A - Existing Floor Plan Received 08/02/2013 5118290/A/2003/A - Existing Roof Plan Received 08/02/2013 5118290/A/2004/B - Proposed Elevations Received 08/02/2013 5118290/A/2005/B - Proposed Floor Plan Received 08/02/2013 5118290/A/2006/B - Proposed Roof Plan Received 08/02/2013 5118290/A/2007/B - Proposed Site Plan Received 08/02/2013 5118290/A2002/A - Existing Elevation Received 08/02/2013 Design & Access Statement Received 08/02/2013 Planning - Construction Logistics and Management Plan Received 08/02/2013 Planning Statement Received 08/02/2013 School Travel Plan Received 08/02/2013 Transport Statement Received 08/02/2013 BASIC INFORMATION National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) 2012 Development Plan : London Plan July 2011 LDF Core Strategy Adopted April 2012 Policies LONDON PLAN JULY 2012 LP 3.18 Education facilities LP 5.2 Minimising carbon dioxide emissions LP 5.3 Sustainable design and construction LP 5.7 Renewable energy LP 6.10 Walking LP 6.13 Parking LP 6.9 Cycling LP 7.16 Green Belt A3 LDF CORE STRATEGY CORE POLICIES CS 01 Climate Change Mitigation CS 02 Climate Change Adaptation CS 03 The Natural and Green Environment CS 05 Reducing the Need to Travel CS 06 Sustainable Travel CS 07 Managing Vehicle Use CS 08 Character, Heritage and Design CS 15 Future Needs of Kingston University, Kingston LDF CORE STRATEGY DEVELOPMENT MANAGEMENT DM01 Sustainable Design and Construction Stan DM05 Green Belt, Metropolitan Open Land (MOL) DM06 Biodiversity DM08 Sustainable Transport for new Development DM09 Managing Vehicle Use for New Development DM10 Design Requirements for New Developments DM23 Schools Previous Relevant History 07/10322/FUL
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