Wertimer and Associates records, 1982-2008 SCHS# 0608.00 Description: 75 linear ft. (71 boxes + 16 drawers) Scope and content: Collection consists of records pertaining to numerous landscaping projects designed and implemented by landscape architect Sheila Wertimer, ASLA, and later, Wertimer and Associates, Landscape Architects, mostly in Charleston and environs, but also other locations in South Carolina and elsewhere. Records include correspondence, notes, drawings, plans, invoices, and photographs, mostly relating to residential landscaping. Projects include the Calhoun Mansion (16 Meeting Street), the Charleston Riverdogs stadium (Joseph P. Riley Jr. Park), the Gibbes Museum (and Gibbes Art Gallery), the cemetery and social hall of Kadal Kadosh Beth Elohim (KKBE), Marion Square, Millford Plantation (Sumter County), Mulberry Plantation (Berkeley County), Poco Sabo Plantation, Roper Hospital, St. Michael’s Episcopal Church churchyard, Yeamans Hall, White House Plantation (Colleton County), Cypress Gardens, and the Arthur Ravenel Jr. Bridge. Note: An asterisk indicates files with photographs. Cite as: Wertimer and Associates. Wertimer and Associates records, 1982-2008. (0608.00) South Carolina Historical Society. Search terms: Wertimer and Associates -- Records and correspondence. Calhoun Mansion (Charleston, S.C.) Gibbes Art Gallery. Gibbes Museum of Art (Charleston, S.C.) Joseph P. Riley, Jr. Park (Charleston, S.C.) Kahal Kadosh Beth Elohim (Charleston, S.C.) Millford Plantation (S.C.) Roper Hospital (Charleston, S.C.) St. Michael's Episcopal Church (Charleston, S.C.) Gardens -- South Carolina -- Charleston -- Design. Gardens -- South Carolina -- Design. Landscape architectural drawing -- South Carolina. Landscape architecture -- South Carolina. Landscape gardening -- South Carolina. Arthur Ravenel Junior Bridge (Charleston, S.C.) Cypress Gardens (Charleston, S.C.) Marion Square (Charleston, S.C.) Mulberry Plantation (Berkeley County, S.C.) 1 Poco Sabo Plantation (Colleton County, S.C.) Yeamans Hall Plantation (S.C.) Content: BOX 1 1 Ackerman, garden at 8 Tradd Street. 2 Ackerman, garden at 8 Tradd Street: proposal. 3 Ackerman, garden at 8 Tradd Street: invoices. 4 Parcel “A,” a small urban park on Prioleau Street. 5 Adams, 70 Bull Street. 6 Adams, 357 Grove Street. 7 Adams, 369 Grove Street. 8 Adamson, 71 East Bay Street. * 9 Addlestone, gravesite at the KKBE Cemetery. 10 Aiken (William Aiken House), 456 King Street: proposal. 11 Ailstock, 73 King Street. 12 Ailstock, 26 Tradd Street.* 13 Ailstock, 12 Wentworth Street.* BOX 2 1 Allandale Mansion, Kingsport, Tennessee. 2 Allen, 147 Tradd Street. 3 Allen, 21 Longitude Lane: proposal. 4 Allen, 21 Longitude Lane. 5 Allen, 21 Longitude Lane. BOX 3 1 Alterman. 2 2 Andrews. 3 Applegate, 12 Country Club Lane.* 4 Arana, 125 Broad Street. 5 Arizona’s (restaurant), East Bay Street. 6 Arnold, 182 Tradd Street. 7 Ashley River Walk, Lockwood Boulevard. 8 Association for the Blind, building on Mechanic Street. 9 Avery, 2071 Somerton Court, Mt. Pleasant. 10 Bakker, 37 Meeting Street. 11 Ball, 9 Sayle Road. * 12 Barber, 1883 Bowen’s Island Road, James Island.* 13 Barrett, 19 Legare Street. 14 Beck, 33 Broughton Road. 15 Bell, 1 Johnson Road, West Ashley. 16 Belvidere Charleston Harbor (a resort in Mt. Pleasant now known as The Cottages on Charleston Harbor): photographs.* 17 Belvidere Charleston Harbor. BOX 4 1 Belvidere Charleston Harbor: invoices. 2 Belvidere Charleston Harbor: proposals. 3 Belvidere Charleston Harbor: specifications. 4 Belvidere Charleston Harbor. 5 Belvidere Charleston Harbor. BOX 5 1 Bennett, 59 Meeting Street.* 2 Bennett, 69 Barre Street. * 3 Berlinghieri, 1820 Cherokee Rose Circle, Dunes West, Mt. Pleasant. 4 Berlinsky residence. 3 5 Bethea. 6 Blanchard, McIver Street, Mt. Pleasant. 7 Blessing Plantation, Cainhoy: photographs. 8 Blessing Plantation, Cainhoy: invoices and proposals. 9 Blessing Plantation, Cainhoy. 10 Boatwright, 27 Bennett Street.* BOX 6 1 Boatwright, 27 Bennett Street.* 2 Boehm, 1197 Tabby, Folly Beach.* 3 Bouch, 9 Logan Street. 4 Boyd, 3520 Bohicket Road, John’s Island (Iron Horse Farm). 5 Brakenridge, 18 Council Street. 6 Bradsher, 27 Lamboll Street.* 7 Brennan, 2106 Palm Boulevard, Isle of Palms. 8 Brickman, 5 Motley Lane.* 9 Browning, Ocean Green Drive, DeBordieu Colony, Georgetown County.* 10 Browning, 621 West Lucas Street, Hartsville, S.C.* BOX 7 1 Bugby Plantation, Bohicket Creek, John’s Island. 2 Burdick, 60 Barre Street.* 3 Burnette, 41 East Battery.* 4 Caldwell, 67 South Battery.* 5 Calhoun House, 214 Calhoun Street.* 6 Calhoun Mansion, 16 Meeting Street. * 7 Calhoun Mansion, 16 Meeting Street. BOX 8 1 Cannon, 32 Murray Boulevard.* 4 2 Canongate Golf Club, Palmetto, Georgia. 3 Cassique, Kiawah Island. 4 Cassique, Kiawah Island. 5 Catholic Diocese, 119 Broad Street. 6 Cato, 51 East Bay Street. 7 Cato, 51 East Bay Street: correspondence and notes.* BOX 9 1 Causey, 2608 I’On Avenue, Sullivan’s Island.* 2 Cedarwood Development, Furniture Max, Citadel Mall. 3 Chapman, 72 Church Street. 4 Charleston Gateway Center (roof garden). 5 Charleston Place.* 6 Charleston Place, Florida. 7 Charleston Riverdogs (baseball stadium, Joseph P. Riley, Jr. Park). 8 Charleston Riverdogs (baseball stadium, Joseph P. Riley, Jr. Park). 9 Charleston Riverdogs (baseball stadium, Joseph P. Riley, Jr. Park). 10 16 Charlotte Street.* 11 Chick, 75 King Street.* BOX 10 1 Childs, 4 [48] Picard Way, James Island: proposals. 2 Childs, 4 [48] Picard Way, James Island. 3 Childs, 4 [48] Picard Way, James Island. 4 3 Chisolm Street Condominiums: specifications. 5 3 Chisolm Street Condominiums. 6 3 Chisolm Street Condominiums: invoices and applications for payment. 7 3 Chisolm Street Condominiums: photographs.* 8 3 Chisolm Street Condominiums. 5 9 3 Chisolm Street Condominiums. BOX 11 1 3 Chisolm Street Condominiums. 2 3 Chisolm Street Condominiums: notes (2008). 3 Clowney, 140 Broad Street. 4 Clowney, 156 Wentworth Street. 5 Cochran, 13 Deveraux Avenue. 6 Coe, Selkirk Plantation, Wadmalaw Island. 7 Coe, Selkirk Plantation, Wadmalaw Island. BOX 12 1 Coe, Selkirk Plantation, Wadmalaw Island.* 2 Coe, Selkirk Plantation, Wadmalaw Island. 3 Coen, 64 Meeting Street. 4 Cohen, 38 Gibbes Street.* 5 Colbert, 50 Murray Boulevard. 6 College of Charleston. 7 Copeland, 43 Legare Street.* 8 Copeland, 38/40 State Street. 9 Copeland, 13 Orange Street.* 10 Copeland, 2728 Goldbug, Sullivan’s Island.* BOX 13 1 Cordray , 48A Gadsden Street. 2 Croffead, 91 Riverland Drive, James Island.* 3 Crawford, 927 Middle Street, Sullivan’s Island.* 4 Crawford, 1013 Middle Street, Sullivan’s Island. 5 Cutler. * 6 Cypress Gardens. * 6 7 Damman, 222 Molasses Drive, Mt. Pleasant. 8 Darling, 171 King Street. 9 David, 15 Atlantic Street. 10 Davidson, 8 ½ Legare Street. 11 Davis, *6 Murray Boulevard. 12 Derfner, 101 Beaufain Street. BOX 14 1 DesFrancs, 82 Pitt Street. * 2 Diep, 7 Tradd Street. 3 Dingman, 32 Legare Street (Swordgate House). 4 Dingman, 32 Legare Street. 5 Doran, Glasgow Island Lane, Bailey’s Island.* BOX 15 1 Doubletree Hotel, Charleston, S.C. 2 Dougherty, 50 Legare Street. 3 Douglas, Chisolm Street Condos. 4 Dunnan, Yeamans Hall. 5 Easley. 6 Eckhoff, 969 Travers Drive, James Island. 7 Edenfield, 3518 Palmetto Boulevard, Edisto Island. 8 Edenfield, 2 Oyster Park Drive, Edisto Island. 9 Edenfield, 123 Oyster Point Row, James Island.* 10 Edisto Beach State Park.* 11 J. B. Edwards Park, Mt. Pleasant. 12 Ehmann, 134 Broad Street.* 13 Elliott, 112 Beaufain Street. * 14 Ellison, K. K. Beth Elohim Cemetery. 7 BOX 16 1 Ellison, 1597 Fairway Drive, James Island. 2 Church of the Epiphany, Eutawville, S.C. 3 Epstein, 793 Woodward Road, West Ashley.* 4 Evans, 321 East Bay Street.* 5 Evans, 321 East Bay Street.* 6 Ewing, 51 East Bay Street. 7 Fabian, e lifespaces, 1799 Meeting Street Road.* 8 Fair, Fort Sumter House, 1 King Street. BOX 17 1 Faith, 109 Live Oak Drive, Mt. Pleasant.* 2 Faith, 11 State Street.* 3 Farr, Yeamans Hall.* 4 Feldman, 1561 Spinnaker Lane, West Ashley.* 5 Feldman, 9 Wesley Drive, West Ashley.* 6 Fenwick Hall, John’s Island. 7 Ferguson.* 8 Finn, 58 Murray Boulevard. 9 Fire station, James Island.* 10 Fisher, 83 Rutledge Avenue. BOX 18 1 Fisher, 3312 Jasper Boulevard, Sullivan’s Island. 2 Foust, 371 Sweetgrass Creek, James Island. 3 Francis Marion National Forest. 4 Gall, Selkirk.* 5 Galvani, 3 Lamboll Street.* 6 Garden Festival. 8 7 Geer. 8 Robert George & Associates, 1545 Ashley River Road. 9 Georgetown Times Publishing Plant, Georgetown, S.C. 10 Gibbes Art Gallery. 11 Gibbes Museum.* 12 4600 Goer Drive.*. 13 Goer Manufacturing, North Charleston. BOX 19 1 Goer, 206 Hibben Street, Mt. Pleasant. 2 Goer, 206 Hibben Street, Mt. Pleasant.* 3 Grand Oaks.* 4 Grant, 1 Hall Street. 5 Grayson, 421 Greenbriar Lane, James Island. 6 Gregorie, Plum Hill Plantation, Colleton County.* 7 Gregorie, 55 Legare Street.* 8 Gromme, 26 Tradd Street. 9 Gromme, Oakland Cemetery, Atlanta, Georgia.* 10 Gromme, 47 Church Street. 11 Grossman, 2423 Atlantic Avenue, Sullivan’s Island.* 12 Gruca, 154 Broad Street. 13 Gudas, 19 Tradd Street.* 14 Gulf Station, 320 Meeting Street. 15 Gumb, 8 ½ Limehouse Street.* BOX 20 1 Gurney, 16 Atlantic Street. 2 Hagood, 169 Broad Street. 3 Hamrick, 102 East Bay Street. 9 4 Hanahan, 43 East Bay Street.* 5 Handegan, 19 Gadsden Street: proposals. 6 Handegan, 19 Gadsden Street.* 7 Harley-Self, 7 Legare Street.* 8 Harrington, 77 Tradd Street. 9 Hartley, West Carolina Avenue, Hartsville, S.C. 10 Harwood, 46 King Street. 11 Haskins, 15 Mile Landing, Mt. Pleasant. 12 Herbert Hasell pool. 13 Hasty Point Plantation, Georgetown County. 14 Hay, Oak Grove, Wadmalaw Island. 15 Haynes, 4 Fords Court. BOX 21 1 Heino, 156 King Street: proposals. 2 Heino, 156 King Street. 3 Helbig, 727 Virginia Rail Road, Kiawah Island.* 4 Helms.* 5 Henry, 2278 Portside Way, West Ashley.* 6 Hepp, 12 Montagu Street. 7 Hershon, 9 Rebellion Road.* 8 Higgins, 87 East Bay Street. * 9 Hill, 2015 Allandale Plantation Road, Wadmalaw Island: proposals (2001).* 10 Hill, 2015 Allandale Plantation Road, Wadmalaw Island: proposals (2001). 11 Hill, 2015 Allandale Plantation Road, Wadmalaw Island: invoices. BOX 22 1 Hill, 2015 Allandale Plantation Road, Wadmalaw Island: proposals (2002-2003).* 2 Hinson, Dewees Island.
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