PUBLIC NOTICE STATE OF IOWA 2020 16201200100000 FINANCIAL REPORT CITY OF ALLISON FISCAL YEAR ENDED 410 N Main ALLISON IA 50602-0647 JUNE 30, 2020 CITY OF ALLISON, IOWA DUE: December 1, 2020 NOTE - The information supplied in this report will be shared by the Iowa State Auditor's Office, the U.S. Census Bureau, various public interest groups, and State and federal agencies. ALL FUNDS Governmental (a) Proprietary (b) Total Actual (c) Budget (d) Revenues and Other Financing Sources Taxes Levied on Property 416,903 433,245 Less: Uncollected Property Taxes-Levy Year 0 0 Net Current Property Taxes 416,903 416,903 433,245 Delinquent Property Taxes 0 0 TIF Revenues 64,610 64,610 71,190 Other City Taxes 77,016 0 77,016 70,387 Licenses and Permits 12,189 0 12,189 12,354 Use of Money and Property 52,742 11,645 64,387 51,400 Intergovernmental 317,580 123,123 440,703 398,337 Charges for Fees and Service 94,931 497,247 592,178 610,612 Special Assessments 0 0 0 Miscellaneous 155,717 1,685 157,402 146,773 Other Financing Sources, Including Transfers in 1,199,363 369,625 1,568,988 Total Revenues and Other Sources 2,391,051 1,003,325 3,394,376 3,466,808 Expenditures and Other Financing Uses Public Safety 141,817 141,817 181,354 Public Works 135,862 135,862 337,540 Health and Social Services 5,519 5,519 7,000 Culture and Recreation 383,762 383,762 Community and Economic Development 193,929 193,929 General Government 180,709 180,709 Debt Service 331,801 331,801 Capital Projects 1,114,200 1,114,200 942,227 Total Governmental Activities Expenditures 2,487,599 0 2,487,599 2,397,681 Business type activities 939,791 939,791 Total All Expenditures 2,487,599 939,791 3,427,390 3,373,465 Other Financing Uses, Including Transfers Out 0 0 0 Total All Expenditures/and Other Financing Uses 2,487,599 939,791 3,427,390 3,885,006 Excess Revenues and Other Sources Over (Under) Expenditures/and Other Financing Uses -96,548 63,534 -33,014 -418,198 Beginning Fund Balance July 1, 2019 1,475,158 1,483,932 2,959,090 3,230,081 Ending Fund Balance June 30, 2020 1,378,610 1,547,466 2,926,076 2,811,883 NOTE - These balances do not include the following, which were not budgeted and are not available for city operations: Non-budgeted Internal Service Funds Pension Trust Funds Private Purpose Trust Funds Agency Funds Indebtedness at June 30, 2020 Amount Indebtedness at June 30, 2020 Amount General Obligation Debt 1,001,342 Other Long-Term Debt 0 Revenue Debt 1,553,134 Short-Term Debt 0 TIF Revenue Debt 175,658 General Obligation Debt Limit 2,456,133 TJ- 40 / PROCEEDINGS OFFICIAL PROCEEDINGS Bangasser made a motion to approve Butler County Sheriff, Law Enforcement Plastic Recy Of Iowa Falls, Park Board CITY OF ALLISON Change Order #1 for the Cherry Street Services ...............................$15,000.00 Expense .................................... $418.00 COUNCIL MINUTES Resurfacing Project for a decrease of Butler County Solid Waste, September Randy Miller, Labor For Park Roof ......... SEPTEMBER 21, 2020 $1,143.12 for a grand total of the contract Disposal Fee..........................$3,601.50 ..................................................$550.00 Regular Meeting: price being $275,891.92 with Heartland Butler County Treasurer, Taxes On City Ryan Exterminating, Extermination at Mayor Henrichs opened the regular Asphalt, Inc. Second by Davis. Ayes: All. Property ................................. $3,162.00 Shop ...........................................$32.00 meeting at 5:45 p.m. Council members Nays: None. Motion carried. Butler Grundy Dev Alliance, Dues Based Sharon Niehaus, Library Cleaning ......... present: Bangasser, Carlson, Davis, Davis made a motion to approve Pay Es- On Population ........................ $1,029.00 .................................................. $126.00 Henning, Heuer. Others Present: Ran- timate #1 in the amount of $260,083.86 California Street Sax, Park Board Ex- Star Graphics, Park Envelopes .............. dy Moad, Trent Stirling, Kim Miller, Bill to Heartland Asphalt, Inc. for the Cher- pense ........................................$200.00 .................................................. $293.74 Tjaden – city insurance agent, Travis ry Street Resurfacing Project. Second Cardconnect, Park Reserv Credit Card State Library Of Iowa, Library Member- Fisher – Butler County Tribune-Journal. by Heuer. Ayes: All. Nays: None. Motion Mgr ..........................................$1,155.65 ship .............................................$62.00 Present by Freeconferencecall.com was carried. Cardmember City, Credit Card Charges Stirling Lawn Care, Park & Cemetery Joan Moad. Motion by Davis with a sec- Bangasser made a motion to approve ..................................................$686.80 Mowing & Mosquito Spraying ............... ond by Henning to approve the agenda. Resolution # 20-09.1 – Resolution ap- Cardmember Service, Library .............................................$12,935.00 Ayes: All. Nays: None. Motion carried. proving the Annual Financial Report Books-DVDS-Furniture ............ $513.55 Storey Kenworthy, City Hall Supplies ..... Open Forum: It was mentioned of a trav- (AFR). Second by Henning. Ayes: All. Casey’s Business Mastercd, Gasoline ... ....................................................$35.94 el trailer parked in the City right of way. Nays: None. Motion carried. The report ..................................................$269.94 Sugar Daddy’s, Park Board Expense ..... The Mayor will contact the homeown- will be forwarded on to the State. Cash Withdrawel, Wilder Days Expense ..................................................$850.00 er to see what their intentions are with Davis made a motion to approve a check ..................................................$800.00 Taylor Rose, Cleaning at City Hall & this trailer. Jodi was contacted by a web- be written to Dwight Poppen for sidewalk Cedar Valley Portables, Porta Potty at Park .......................................... $551.00 site designer and she requested that reimbursement in the amount of $500. Cemetery .................................. $160.00 Umb, Paying Agent Fees For Loan ........ it be put on the next agenda to discuss Second by Carlson. Ayes: All. Nays: City Of Allison, Deposit Refund To Be ..................................................$600.00 the updating of our website as it seems None. Motion carried. Applied To Water Bill .................. $75.00 United Healthcare, Health Insurance ..... very outdated. She also suggested that Trick or Treat was set by Council for Oct. Clappsaddle-Garber Assocs, Egineer- ............................................... $4,904.11 we use facebook to post different Ordi- 31, 2020 from 5 to 7 p.m. ing For Cherry Street & Phase II La- US Cellular, Cell Phone Bill .........$50.45 nance items so the word gets out about At this time, City owned buildings will re- goon Project ........................$16,092.85 US Post Office, First Class Presort Fee, the laws of the City that are sometimes main closed to the public. Appointments Counsel, Library Office Supplies ........... Box Rent & Water Bill Postage ............. overlooked. can be made if entrance to the buildings ....................................................$66.77 .................................................. $476.50 Consent Agenda: is necessary. This will again be revised at Crawford-Miller Lumber, Materials For Walmart Community, Library DVDs ....... Bangasser made a motion to approve the meeting on Oct. 26, 2020. Park Roof & Rerod For EMS Parking .................................................... $19.96 the consent agenda with a second by Davis made a motion to not make a do- Lot ..........................................$2,095.27 Waverly Newspapers, Library Subscrip- Carlson with the exception of the build- nation to Visions of Well Being. Second Croell Redi Mix, Cement For Ems Drive- tion ..............................................$89.99 ing permit for Cindie Hamilton Hughes as by Carlson. Ayes: All. Nays: None. Mo- way .........................................$5,549.25 Wix Water Works, Wt Bottle Rental ........ that was not approved by Council as she tion carried. Crystal Crawford Miller, Water Deposit .................................................... $24.00 would be putting the fence up in the City The properties at 407 S. Railroad, 721 Refund ........................................ $75.00 CLAIMS TOTAL ................. $149,551.28 Right of Way and we do not allow fences Locust and 21853 Hwy 3 were discussed Delta Dental Of Iowa, Dental Ins ............ CLAIMS BY FUND over 6’. Those items approved were: in regards to the junk that is present on ..................................................$389.32 General Fund ........................ $87,870.23 Approve Minutes from Meeting on Aug. these properties and at this point Council Des Moines Register, Library Subscrip- Road Use Tax Fund ................$5,946.82 24, 2020 and Sept. 9, 2020 said some clean-up has been done and tion ............................................$345.55 Employee Benefits Fund......... $4,904.11 Approve Treasurer’s Reports they will be keeping an eye on them to Dumont Telephone Co, Monthly Phone Debt Service Fund .....................$600.00 Approve Building Permit for Brian Stan- make sure clean-up is continued. Bills ...........................................$625.44 Farm To Market Rd Fund ......$10,832.56 brough – 608 Maple Street – fence on Henning made a motion to replace the EFTPS, Fed/FICA Tax ............$5,398.86 Street Repairs FY 2020 Fund ................
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