C. R. Geoscience 336 (2004) 959–961 Perspective Remote sensing studies of impact craters: how to be sure? Christian Koeberl Department of Geological Sciences, University of Vienna, Althanstrasse 14, A-1090 Vienna, Austria After previous studies on impact craters in the While the details of the relation of this largest docu- eastern Sahara, particularly in Chad [2,15] and Libya mented impact event in the recent geological history [1], the paper by Paillou et al. [11] provides a good of our planet and the K/T mass extinction are still be- opportunity to discuss some important aspects of ing investigated, it is clear that these studies, over the impact craters. They are a dominant landform on our past 20 years, have finally led to a more general re- Moon, and on other atmosphereless bodies (including alization that impact cratering has been of profound planets and the satellites of planets) in our solar importance for the biological and geological evolution system. On the Earth, impact craters are far less of our planet (e.g., [6,12–14]). obvious, and only about 170 structures have so far This brings us to the topic of how to recognize been confirmed to have been formed by hypervelocity an impact crater. On the Moon and other planetary impact. The diameters of these terrestrial impact bodies that lack an appreciable atmosphere, impact craters range from less than 100 m to about 200 km; craters can commonly be recognized from morpholog- a couple of these structures have originally been even ical characteristics, but on Earth complications arise larger, probably about 250 to 300 km in diameter. The as a consequence of the obliteration, deformation, or reason why we do not see more obvious impact craters burial of impact craters. This problem made it neces- on the surface is the Earth is intimately connected to sary to develop diagnostic criteria for the identifica- the reason why it is such a suitable place for life: the tion and confirmation of impact structures on Earth Earth is a geologically active planet. The forces that (e.g., [3,10]). The most important of these charac- shape our planet – for example, tectonics, volcanism, teristics are: (a) crater morphology; (b) geophysical erosion, water, and weather – are those that obliterate anomalies; (c) evidence for shock metamorphism; and the traces of even large-scale and devastating impact (d) the presence of meteorites or geochemical evi- scars after geologically short time scales. This is dence for traces of the meteoritic projectile. Morpho- probably one of the reasons why it took geologists so logical and geophysical observations are important in long to accept the reality of impact craters on Earth. providing supplementary (or initial) information. Ge- A clear hiatus in the history of impact-related stud- ological structures with a circular outline that are lo- ies was the realization, around 1980, that Cretaceous- cated in places with no other obvious mechanism for Tertiary (K/T) boundary rocks bear unambiguous evi- producing near-circular features may be of impact ori- dence for a large-scale catastrophic impact event; this gin and at least deserve further attention. Geophys- was followed in the early 1990s by the discovery of ical methods are also useful for identifying promis- ing structures for further studies, especially in the case the ca. 200-km-diameter Chicxulub impact structure, of subsurface features. In complex craters the central Mexico, as the source of the world-wide impact ejecta. uplift usually consists of dense basement rocks and usually contains severely shocked material. This up- E-mail address: [email protected] (C. Koeberl). lift is often more resistant to erosion than the rest of 1631-0713/$ – see front matter 2004 Académie des sciences. Published by Elsevier SAS. All rights reserved. doi:10.1016/j.crte.2004.05.001 960 C. Koeberl / C. R. Geoscience 336 (2004) 959–961 the crater, and, thus, in old eroded structures, the cen- the detection of impact-characteristic shock features, tral uplift may be the only remnant of the crater that or traces of meteoritic matter – so far the only really can be identified. Geophysical characteristics of im- unique and unambiguous criteria for the confirmation pact craters include gravity, magnetic properties, re- of the impact origin of geological structures. flection and refraction seismics, electrical resistivity, There is another danger of remote sensing studies: and others [5]. overinterpretation. A case in point is the BP impact Of the criteria mentioned above, only the presence structure, also in Libya. Early studies noted that the of diagnostic shock metamorphic effects and, in some structure comprises three ‘rings’, at about 0.6, 2, and cases, the discovery of meteorites, or traces thereof, 2.8-km diameter (e.g., [4]). More recently, Shuttle are generally accepted to provide unambiguous evi- radar images revealed an even wider circular feature, dence for an impact origin [3,10]. Shock deformation of about 3.2 km, which was interpreted as the crater can be expressed in macroscopic form (shatter cones) diameter [8]. However, in a very recent field study it or in microscopic form. The same two criteria apply became obvious that the cited crater diameter of 2.8 to distal impact ejecta layers and allow one to con- or 3.2 km, for the outer ring, does not represent the firm that material found in such layers originated in actual crater diameter, as the ‘middle ring’ represents an impact event at a possibly still unknown location. the actual crater rim (clearly identified from structural The 170 terrestrial impact structures mentioned above criteria) with a diameter of about 2 km [7].This have been identified on Earth based on these crite- is also the advantage of working on Earth: ground ria. truth is not only necessary, but also possible. Paillou The study of Paillou et al. [11] highlights an et al. [11] did the right thing: they checked out important problem. Many structures exist on Earth their suspect feature in the field, and came up with that superficially might resemble (eroded) impact some evidence supporting an impact origin. It is to craters. Better remote sensing studies, with better be hoped that these authors will publish their full resolution and more spectral information, help to petrographic and mineralogical studies, and maybe weed out structures that are clearly not of impact return to the field for more structural work. Each origin. Morphological and structural criteria can be impact crater on Earth has its very own and unique applied to high-resolution images taken from space. features, and helps us understand impact processes and More and more dedicated satellites for such work their importance. are now available. A retarding factor, especially for academic work, is still the high price of acquiring and processing satellite images. Paillou et al. have used References a combination of optical, infrared, and radar images to detect a possible double impact crater in southern Libya. This work requires not only the acquisition of [1] B. Abate, C. Koeberl, F.J. Kruger, J.R. 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