Directorate-General for Education and Culture Socrates European Community action programme in the field of education (2000-06) Gateway to education European Commission Gateway to education Cooperation The second phase of Socrates, the European education programme started on 1 January 2000 and runs for seven years. It takes over from the programme's first phase, which lasted five years and achieved very successful results. The figures speak for themselves: 500 000 students undertook a period of study in another European university, 10 000 schools took part in European partnerships, and thousands of projects were developed to promote European languages. The second phase of Socrates will carry on along the same path, while introducing some new features. There will therefore be emphasis on two key ideas: the promotion of lifelong learning and the building of a Europe of knowledge. Opening up access to knowledge, irrespective of age or place, is important for a number of reasons. It makes it easier to get a job in a world in which it is necessary to adapt to increasingly relentless change. It is a way of obtaining recognised qualifications, social skills and personal fulfilment. Lastly, it is a way of discovering other cultures, broadening one's horizons and preparing to exercise active citizenship. The systems and practices in education vary enormously from one country to another. This is a feature of the Europe in which we live. In this context, European cooperation, whether through mobility, pilot projects, European networks or comparative studies, offers huge advantages. It provides a fertile ground for innovation, the quest for quality, and the implementation of new ideas. Surely we will be more creative if we all pull together! Socrates takes account of all types of learning — formal and informal — and all levels, from nursery school to university and adult education, which is becoming increasingly important. Socrates is relevant to all those involved in education: teachers, education staff, administrative and management staff, along with the pupils and students, all playing an increasingly active part in European cooperation projects. With Socrates, school can no longer remain confined within four walls. It is opening up to the various components of civil society which are eager to take up the challenges of education: civil servants and decision-makers, local and regional authorities, social partners, associations, the business sector, etc. Socrates comprises eight actions. The first three correspond to the three stages which constitute milestones of education throughout life: school, university and adult education. The other five are horizontal. All of these actions together have common priorities. The emphasis is on countering social exclusion and under-achievement at school by providing specific support for disadvantaged groups, and promoting equal opportunities for women and men. Special attention is paid to language learning, particularly the languages which are less widely used and taught. There is also emphasis on the importance of studying in a multicultural environment as one of the cornerstones of European citizenship. The new information and communication technologies (ICT) permeate the whole programme, as they have much to offer active teaching methods and contribute to innovation. Lastly, Socrates encourages broad dissemination of information, ideas and good practice, for example through the setting up of networks. European cooperation opens many doors to education. How wonderful it would be if everyone could take full advantage of this! Viviane Reding, Member of the European Commission responsible for education and culture 2 BELGIË ELLAS LUXEMBOURG UNITED KINGDOM LATVIJA (Vlaamse Gemeenschap) IKY Toutes actions Socrates sauf Erasmus et All Socrates actions except Erasmus Academic Programme Agency Vlaams Socrates-agentschap Directorate of Special Programmes and Minerva The Central Bureau for International Valnu Iela 2 H. Consciencegebouw 5C10 International Scholarships Ministère de l’éducation nationale, de la Education and Training LV-1050 Riga Koning Albert II – laan 15 Unit for European Union Programmes formation professionnelle et des sports British Council ෟ (371-7) 22 39 83 B-1210 Brussel Lyssicratous 14 29, rue Aldringen 10, Spring Gardens ∀ (371-7) 82 01 71 ෟ (32-2) 553 95 83 GR-10558 Athens L-2926 Luxembourg London SW1A 2BN @ [email protected] ∀ (32-2) 553 95 65 ෟ (30-10) 372 63 00/323 66 90 ෟ (352) 478 52 10/478 51 90 United Kingdom http://www.apa.lv @ [email protected] ∀ (30-10) 331 27 59/322 18 63 ∀ (352) 478 51 37 ෟ (44-207) 389 41 57 @ [email protected] @ [email protected] ∀ (44-207) 389 44 26 LIETUVA BELGIQUE [email protected] http://www.socrates.lu @ [email protected] ES Socrates programos koordinavimo (communauté française) http://www.iky.gr Erasmus, Minerva http://www.centralbureau.org.uk/socrates paramos fondas Toutes actions Socrates sauf Erasmus Centre de documentation et d’informa- Erasmus (EU Socrates Programme Coordination Ministère de la communauté française ESPAÑA tion pour les études supérieures UK— Socrates Erasmus Council Support Foundation) Cellule Socrates Todas las acciones del programa 280, route de Longwy Research and Development Building Gelezinio Vilko 12 Boulevard Léopold II 44 Sócrates excepto Erasmus L-1940 Luxembourg University of Kent LT-2600 Vilnius B-1080 Bruxelles Agencia Nacional Sócrates ෟ (352) 45 64 64/605 Canterbury ෟ (370-2) 61 05 92 ∀ ෟ (32-2) 413 40 43 Ministerio de Educación y Cultura ∀ (352) 45 45 44 Kent CT2 7PD (370-2) 61 05 92 ∀ a (32-2) 413 40 42 Paseo del Prado, 28 - 8 planta @ [email protected] United Kingdom @ [email protected] @ [email protected] E-28014 Madrid ෟ (440-1227) 76 27 12 http://www.socrates.lt http://www.cfwb.be/socrates ෟ (34-91) 506 56 85 NEDERLAND ∀ (440-1227) 76 27 13 ∀ Erasmus (34-91) 506 56 89 Comenius, ARION @ [email protected] MAGYARORSZÁG @ [email protected] Europees Platform voor het Nederlandse http://www.erasmus.ac.uk Tempus Public Foundation Agence francophone belge Erasmus Place du Parc 20 www.mec.es/sgpe/socrates Onderwijs Socrates Nemzeti Iroda B-7000 Mons Erasmus Nassauplein 8 ÍSLAND Üllõi út 82 ෟ (32-65) 37 36 60 Agencia Nacional Erasmus 1815 GM Alkmaar Office of International Education/ H-1082 Budapest ∀ (32-65) 37 36 62 Vicesecretaría General del Consejo Nederland Socrates National Agency Postal address: @ [email protected] de Universidades ෟ (31-72) 511 85 02 Neshagi 16 H–1438 Budapest 70 Ciudad Universitaria s/n ∀ (31-72) 515 12 21 IS -107 Reykjavik POB 510 ෟ (36-1) 210 97 00/210 97 10 BELGIEN E-28040 Madrid @ [email protected] ෟ (354) 525 58 51 ∀ (36-1) 210 97 01 (Deutschsprachige Gemeinschaft) ෟ (34-91) 453 98 42 http://www.europeesplatform.nl ∀ (354) 525 58 50 ∀ @ [email protected] EU-Agentur (34-91) 453 98 85 Erasmus @ general: [email protected] http://www.tpf.iif.hu Ministerium der Deutschsprachigen @ [email protected] Nuffic comenius: [email protected] Gemeinschaft Dutch National Agency for Socrates erasmus 1, Minerva: [email protected] MALTA Hütte 79 (Bk.28) FRANCE Postbus 29777 erasmus 2: [email protected] Socrates Committee European Union B-4700 Eupen Agence Socrates – Leonardo da Vinci 2502 LT Den Haag grundtvig, Lingua: [email protected] Programmes Unit ෟ (32-87) 56 82 24 Programme Socrates Nederland http://www.ask.hi.is Room 207 ∀ (32-87) 55 77 16 10, place de la Bourse ෟ (31-70) 426 02 57 Administration Building @ [email protected] F-33080 Bordeaux Cedex ∀ (31-70) 426 02 59 LIECHTENSTEIN University of Malta http://www.dglive.be/chapter ෟ (33-55) 679 44 00 @ [email protected] Sokrates-Büro ∀ Msida MSD 06 (33-55) 679 44 20 http://www.socrates-programma.nl Herrengasse 2 @ [email protected] FL-9490 Vaduz Malta DANMARK Grundtvig, Minerva, Lingua Cirius http://www.socrates-france.org ෟ (423) 236 67 58 ෟ (356-3) 290 22 04 Europees Platform voor het Nederlandse ∀ Fiolstræde 44 ∀ (423) 236 67 71 (356-2) 132 38 07 Onderwijs, dependance DK-1171 København K IRELAND @ [email protected] @ [email protected] Bezuidenhoutseweg 253 ෟ (45-33) 95 70 00 All Socrates Actions except Erasmus, www.socrates.li 2594 AM Den Haag @ [email protected] Minerva and ARION POLSKA Nederland http://www.ciriusonline.dk Léargas — The Exchange Bureau NORGE Fundacja Rozwoju Systemu Edukacji ෟ (31–70) 381 44 48 189 Parnell Street Centre for International University Foundation for the Development of the ∀ (31–70) 383 19 58 Dublin 1 Cooperation (SIU) Education System DEUTSCHLAND @ [email protected] Erasmus Ireland Norwegian Council for Higher Education ul. Mokotowska 43 http://www.europeesplatform.nl ෟ (353-1) 873 14 11 Box 7800 PL-00-551 Warszawa Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst ∀ (DAAD) ∀ (353-1) 873 13 16 N-5020 Bergen ෟ (48-22) 622 34 47/629 25 74 ÖSTERREICH Kennedyallee 50 @ [email protected] ෟ (47-55) 54 67 00 @ [email protected] Büro für Europäische D-53175 Bonn http://www.leargas.ie/education ∀ (47-55) 54 67 20/21 http://www.socrates.org.pl Bildungskooperation ෟ (49-228) 88 22 77 Erasmus and Minerva @ [email protected] (Österreichischer Austauschdienst — ÖAD) ROMÂNIA ∀ (49-228) 88 25 51 Higher Education Authority — Erasmus http://www.siu.no Sokrates-Büro Agentia Nationala Socrates @ [email protected] 3rd floor Schreyvogelgasse 2 ˇ Bld. Schitu Magureanu Nr. 1 http://www.daad.de/info-f-d/foerder- Marine House BALGARIJA A-1010 Wien Etaj 2 — Sector 5 programme/eu_programme/index.html Clanwilliam Court Bulgarian Socrates National Agency ෟ (43-1) 534 08 25 RO-70626 Bucuresti Dublin 2 Human Resources Development Centre Comenius, Lingua (Schulbereich), ARION ∀ (43-1) 534 08 20 ෟ (40-1) 311 35 05/312 11 87 Ireland (HRDC) Pädagogischer Austauschdienst der @ [email protected] ∀ (40-1) 311 35 00 ෟ (353-1) 661 27 48 15, Graf Ignatiev St., 4th floor, Kultusministerkonferenz (PAD) http://www.sokrates.at @ [email protected] ∀ (353-1) 661 04 92 BG-1000 Sofia Lennéstr.
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