GENERAL CHURCH PAPER OF THE SEVENTH-DAY ADVENTISTS BOB TAYLOR "He leadeth me beside the still waters." Psalm 23:2. VOL. 135, NO. 44 SEPTEMBER II, 1958 110th Year of Continuous Publication Vol. 135, No. 44 September 11, 1958 Lit II) -4 FOR THE WEEK [Based on phrases in well-known hymns.—Ennons.1 GENERAL ARTICLES Page 3 "Our Sweetest Comfort in the Why Worry?—How to Check Losses in Membership, Part 6—Minute Medita- tions—On the Religious Front—Evolution and the Sabbath—Full of Years— Blessings of Today" Parents' Fellowship of Prayer EDITORIALS Page 9 He was a man of big affairs. The industrial The Personal Christ—Fighting With Obsolete Weapons—The H-Bomb and the firm of which he was advertising manager Archbishop deferred to his decisions. His conferences SABBATH SCHOOL ACTIVITIES Page 10 with department heads were matters of po- SABBATH SCHOOL LESSON HELP (For Sabbath, September 27) Page 11 tential loss or gain. His word had stabilized Living Up to the Standard many a critical situation. He was going OUR HOMES Page 12 places in the business world. His family Across the Plains and Beyond; Heritage of the Pioneers, Part 7—All's Well adored him. That Ends Well FOR ADVENTIST YOUTH Page 14 But the shaft of sunlight that touched Marriage—The Jet Stream—Youth in the News with gold the flaxen hair of his little daugh- MISSION STORY OF THE WEEK Page 16 ter as she lay in the casket before the altar Ingathering a la Rwankeri of the church was like an accusing finger that TO YOUR HEALTH Page 18 added shame to his remorse. For all he could The American Health Lag think of was an incident two or three weeks NEWS FROM HOME AND ABROAD Page 19 before, when he had come home with his MV's on the March in Southern Asia—Evangelistic Series Held in Washington, brief case full of business reports that must D.C.—Akron Church Remodeled—New Coffeyville, Kansas, Church—Seeking Lost Sheep in the Armed Forces—Literature Evangelist in Hawaii—A Modern have priority over every other thing that Paul in Colombia—New Church, Fortuna, California—Redding, California, might claim his attention that night. Or so Church Dedication—Wyoming and Missouri Conference Sessions—A Moment of he reasoned. Triumph in Liberia—Leading Lady Literature Evangelist—Michigan Laymen In the midst of his concentration his six- Circulate Petitions—Youth Revivals in the Netherlands Antilles—In Brief— year-old darling had appeared at the door Notices—Church Calendar for 1958 of his den with a new book in her hand. POETRY "Will you read me a story, Daddy?" Jesus Is Calling You, p. 5; Not Alone, p. 6; A Vision at Eventide, p. 6; The "No, dear, not just now. I'm busy." House of Prayer, p. 6; Vacation, p. 6; My Wealth, p. 6; The Shepherd King, p. 6 "But see, there's a lovely picture with it." "Yes, I see it, dear, and it is lovely. But some other time." His daughter stood there for a long while, and then said, "I'll leave the book here, Daddy, so you can read it to yourself; but when you do, read it loud so I can hear you." He had read the story since, but no matter FRANCIS DAVID NICHOL, Editor how loudly he read it now, she could not hear. Bitterness rose in his heart against the RAYMOND F. COTTRELL, KENNETH H. WOOD, JR. Associate Editors R. R. FIGUHR, A. L. HAM, H. L. RUDY, Consulting Editors drink-crazed motorist who had taken his J. L. MCELHANY, Contributing Editor PROMISE JOY SHERMAN, Editorial Secretary daughter's life. The rosy future he had pic- SPECIAL CONTRIBUTORS tured and all his big deals now seemed drab. C. II. WATSON, W. H. BRANSON, FREDERICK LEE, D. E. Ittnox.„ W. R. BEACH, C. L. TORREY, L. K. DICKSON, The words of the minister were blurred, for W. B. OCHS, A. V. OLSON, E. D. DICK, PRESIDENTS OF ALL DIVISIONS the grief-stricken father was going over and "IN BRIEF" CORRESPONDENTS over the words of the story, which began, "There once lived a beautiful princess, and OVERSEAS: AUSTRALASIA: R. R. FRAME; FAR EASTERN: C. P. SORENSEN; INTER-AMERICA: CLYDE 0. FRANZ; MIDDLE EAST: FLORA OSLUND; NORTHERN EUROPE: G. D. KING; SOUTH AMERICA: L. H. OLSON; she ruled her father's kingdom." He was a SOUTHERN AFRicA: W. DUNCAN EVA; SOUTHERN ASIA: J. F. ASHLOCK; SOUTHERN EUROPE: MARIUS FRIDLIN man of big affairs, but he had missed his big- NORTH AMERICAN UNIONS: ATLANTIC: MISS LAURA M. DROWN; CANADIAN: MRS. EVELYN M. BOWLES; CENTRAL: gest moment. H. M. TIPPETT MRS. CLARA ANDERSON; COLUMBIA; DON A. ROTH; LAKE: MRS. MILDRED WADE; NORTHERN: L. H. NETTEBURG; NORTH PACIFIC: MRS. IONE MORGAN; PACIFIC: MRS. MARGARET FOLLETT; SOUTHERN: MISS ANITA MARTIN; SOUTHWESTERN: H. E. SCHNEIDER To OUR CONTRIBUTORS As the chronicler of the history of the church, the attend and the name of their pastor or local elder. REVIEW is always interested in reports with pictures All manuscripts should be typed, double spaced, of important happenings—church dedications, camp and with adequate margins. Use only one side of meetings, evangelistic meetings, and other news- paper. Carbon copies are never acceptable. worthy events. Please send reports promptly. An out- In harmony with standard editorial practice, un- of-date report is not news, and is not acceptable for solicited manuscripts cannot be returned unless a publication. Also, the REVIEW, as the church pastor stamped, addressed envelope is sent with them. The Mammon is the largest slave-holder in the in print, is interested in articles that make clear a REVIEW does not pay for unsolicited material. doctrine, offer practical counsel on how to live a holy All manuscripts submitted for publication and all world.—F. Saunders. life, et cetera. Copies of manuscripts sent to other communications relating to the editorial department journals cannot be used. Lay members should identify should be addressed to: Editor, Review and Herald, themselves by giving the name of the church they Takoma Park, Washington 12, D.C. Life is a flower of which love is the honey. —Victor Hugo. CIRCULATION DEPARTMENT CIRCULATION MANAGER R. J. CHRISTIAN Subscription rates: one year six months We hand folks over to God's mercy, and In United States and Canada $6.50 $3.40 show none ourselves.—George Eliot. In countries requiring extra postage 7.00 3.65 Make all post office money orders payable at the Washington, D.C. post office (not Takoma Park). Address all business communications and make all drafts and express money orders payable to REVIEW AND HERALD, Takoma Park, Washington 12, D.C. In changing address, give both the old and new address and Few minds wear out; more rust out.— allow four weeks for the change. Bovee. Published by the Seventh-day Adventists. Printed every Thursday by the Review and Herald Publishing Association at Takoma Park, Washington 12, D.C., U.S.A. Entered as second-cics matter August 14, 1903, at the post office at Washington 12, D.C., under Act of Congress, March 3, 1879. Vol. 135, No. 44. The greatest misfortune of all is, not to be Copyright © 1958 by the Review and Herald Publishing Association. able to bear misfortune.—Bias. 2 REVIEW AND HERALD God Is Able-1 Why Worry? By J. ERNEST EDWARDS Everybody seems to be worrying to- He has done it, and that He is doing from village to village, to places where day. Ignorant folks worry because they it. The servant of the Lord states, "He we have no believers, and have don't know any better. Educated folks [Jesus] is all and in all. In trust- knocked at the homes of my people. worry because they know so much to ing faith commit the keeping .of your I first ask them if I may come in and worry about. Old folks worry because souls to God as unto a faithful sing for them. As soon as I get inside I they are coming close to life's sunset. Creator. Be not continually in fear begin singing, 'With Jesus in the fam- Young folks naturally worry because and apprehension that God will leave ily, Happy, happy home. With they are entering a topsy-turvy world. you. He never will unless you depart Jesus in the daddy's heart, Happy, Irreligious folks worry because they from Him. Christ will come in and happy home. With Jesus in the have no faith. Many religious folks dwell with you if you will open the mother's heart, Happy, happy home.' worry because of inadequate faith. All door of your hearts to Him."—Testi- Then I tell them, 'Jesus wants to be sorts of people worry about all sorts of monies, vol. 3, p. 543. your Saviour. He'll move right into things. They worry about their health your heart if you'll let Him. He is and their souls. They worry about the coming back soon. You must be ready pulpit, and the pulpit worries about to go to heaven!' " the pew. They worry about getting With this simple approach this married, and then worry about how happy Indian, secure in Christ's love they got married. and trusting His leading, has had the In grappling with the many troubles great joy of seeing 122 persons bap- of life one questions, Is Christ ade- tized in the past thirteen years. During quate for all of these problems? Can a recent year he won eighteen. Thir- He deal with every phase of human teen new companies of believers have need? Can He heal sick bodies and been organized as a result of the labors minister to physiCal needs? Does He of this one layman.
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