Proc. Helminthol. Soc. Wash. 52(1), 1985, pp. 21-29 Lecithodendriidae (Trematoda) from Taphozous melanopogon (Chiroptera) in Perils, Malaysia JEFFREY M. LoTZ1 AND JAMES R. PALMiERi2'3 1 Department of Life Sciences, Indiana State University, Terre Haute, Indiana 47809 and 2 Hooper Foundation, University of California, San Francisco, California 94143 ABSTRACT: Five species of Lecithodendriidae (Trematoda) were recovered from Taphozous melanopogon (Chi- roptera) in Perlis, Malaysia: Fontius molenkampi, F. klausrohdei, Papillatrium parvouterus, Paralecithodendrium longiforme, and P. ovimagnosum. The genus Fontius is erected for lecithodendriids that possess a bulbous hermaphroditic organ and Paralecithodendrium molenkampi is; designated as the type species. Fontius klaus- rohdei sp. n. can be distinguished from F. molenkampi because F. klausrohdei has the hermaphroditic organ drawn into a permanent nipple-like structure and has a smooth-margined ovary. Paralecithodendrium parvouter- us is transferred to the genus Papillatrium because it has a genital atrium that contains a papilla. Castroia kamariae (type 2) is a junior synonym of P. parvouterus. Castroia kamariae (type 1) and Paralecithodendrium cysticircum are junior synonyms of Paralecithodendrium ovimagnosum. Twenty-five black-bearded tomb bats Tapho- contains seminal vesicle, pars prostatica, and well- zous melanopogon Temmink, 1841, were col- developed prostatic gland. Terminal genitalia lected from a cave 5 km south of the city of consist of a common genital duct surrounded by Kangar, state of Perlis, Malaysia. Five species of a hermaphroditic organ. Ovary submedian in Lecithodendriidae were recovered from their acetabular or testicular zone, lobed or entire. small intestines. Herein we review the taxonomic Laurer's canal arises from seminal receptacle. status of these species and tabulate their host and Vitellaria pretesticular. Uterus occupies most of locality records. hindbody. Eggs small, numerous. Excretory ves- Trematodes were fixed in AFA (alcohol-for- icle V- or Y-shaped. malin-acetic acid) without flattening, stained (Van ETYMOLOGY: The genus is named for Professor Cleave's hematoxylin or Mayer's paracarmine), William F. Font, parasitologist, University of and examined as permament whole mounts or Wisconsin-Eau Claire, USA. 10-/im-thick serial sections. All measurements TYPE SPECIES: Fontius molenkampi (Lie, 1951) are in micrometers with ranges followed by means comb. n. in parentheses. USNM Helm. Coll. refers to the National Parasite Collection, United States De- Fontius molenkampi (Lie, 1951) comb. n. partment of Agriculture, Beltsville, Maryland (Figs. 1, 2) 20705, USA. =Paralecithodendrium molenkampi Lie, 1951. =Prosthodendrium molenkampi: Dubois, 1962. Fontius gen. n. SPECIMENS EXAMINED: Two individuals loaned DIAGNOSTIC CHARACTER: Terminal genitalia by Dr. Kian Joe Lie, Hooper Foundation, Uni- consist of a common genital duct surrounded by versity of California, San Francisco, California a protrusible, bulbous, hermaphroditic organ 94143, USA. (Figs. 2, 8). SPECIMENS DEPOSITED: USNM Helm. Coll. No. DIAGNOSIS: Lecithodendriidae. Body small, 78377. pyriform to oval. Ceca short, widely divergent, REMARKS: Our specimens agree with the orig- end near anterior margin of testes. Acetabulum inal description by Lie (1951) and the redescrip- in middle third of body. Testes opposite in ace- tion by Manning et al. (1971). From serial sec- tabular or preacetabular zone. Genital pore me- tions we determined that Laurer's canal arises dial, preacetabular. Cirrus pouch membranous from the seminal receptacle and opens on the dorsal, surface. We disagree with the use of "genital sucker" 3 Present address: Department of Infectious and by Lie (1951) and Manning et al. (1971) for the Parasitic Disease Pathology, Armed Forces Institute of organ surrounding the terminal genital duct (Fig. Pathology, Washington, D.C. 20306. 2). The structure, as seen in serial sections, is not 21 Copyright © 2011, The Helminthological Society of Washington 22 PROCEEDINGS OF THE HELMINTHOLOGICAL SOCIETY Copyright © 2011, The Helminthological Society of Washington OF WASHINGTON, VOLUME 52, NUMBER 1, JANUARY 1985 23 muscular and because it contains the common 174(132). Cirrus sac membranous 101-160(136) genital duct we prefer "hermaphroditic organ." by 116-240 (161) medial mostly anterior to ac- Dubois (1962) suggested that the presence of etabulum, contains sinuous seminal vesicle, pars the hermaphroditic organ might preclude F. mo- prostatica, and well-developed prostatic gland. lenkampfs assignment to the family Lecithod- Short ejaculatory duct extends from pars pros- endriidae. Nonetheless, we consider F. molen- tatica unites with metraterm to form hermaph- kampi to be a lecithodendriid. A hermaphroditic roditic duct. Ovary 87-215 (130) by 58-107 (82), duct is present in many species of Lecithoden- entire, dextral. Oviduct exits ovary posteriorly, driidae (Richard, 1966, pers. obs.) and the her- unites with seminal receptacle and common vi- maphroditic organ appears to be merely a telline duct. Laurer's canal arises from seminal modification of the tissue surrounding the her- receptacle, courses toward dorsal surface near maphroditic duct. midbody (opening not seen). Ootype surrounded by Mehlis' gland. Uterus occupies most of hind- Fontius klausrohdei sp. n. body. Vitellaria, in two groups of follicles on (Figs. 7, 8) either side of midline, extend from level of phar- ynx to overlap anterior margin of testes. Metra- =Prosthodendrium swansoni: Rohde, 1963. term courses mediad to enter hermaphroditic Not Prosthodendrium swansoni Macy, 1936. duct. Hermaphroditic organ bulbous, not mus- Not Prosthodendrium swansoni: Odening, 1968. cular, contains hermaphroditic duct. Herma- Not Prosthodendrium swansoni: Matskasi, 1973. phroditic duct drawn into permanent nipple-like SPECIMENS EXAMINED: Six specimens from Dr. form that extends into genital atrium. Genital Klaus Rohde, Department of Zoology, Univer- pore large, medial, preacetabular. Excretory pore sity of New England, Armidale, New South Wales terminal. Excretory bladder V- to Y-shaped. Egg 2351, Australia. operculate 22-23 (23) by 10-11 (11). SPECIMENS DEPOSITED: USNM Helm. Coll. No. REMARKS: We have examined nine individuals 78372 (holotype and one paratype from Tapho- of Fontius klausrohdei. Three specimens were zous melanopogori). USNM Helm. Coll. No. recovered from Taphozous melanopogon in Per- 78373 (paratypes collected from Hipposideros lis, Malaysia. In addition, we examined six spec- bicolor (Temmink, 1834) by Dr. Klaus Rohde in imens from Hipposideros bicolor collected in Se- Selangor, Malaysia). langor, Malaysia. These six specimens had been ETYMOLOGY: The species is named for Dr. assigned provisionally to Paralecithodendrium Klaus Rohde. swansoni (Macy, 1936) by Rohde (1963). A study DESCRIPTION (based on three specimens from of the holotype (USNM Helm. Coll. No. 8957) Taphozous melanopogon and six specimens from and additional material of P. swansoni con- Hipposideros bicolor, the measurements of the vinced us that P. swansoni is distinct from F. two lots of specimens were not different from klausrohdei. P. swansoni lacks the hermaphro- each other): Tegument finely spined. Body 531- ditic organ and possesses tiny papillae surround- 944 (751) long by 448-826 (604) wide. Mouth ing the genital pore. F. klausrohdei possesses the subterminal. Oral sucker 58-78 (68) by 78-116 hermaphroditic organ and lacks the tiny peri- (97). Ventral sucker in anterior half of body 78- poral papillae. 130 (99) by 84-122 (98). Oral sucker: ventral Groschaft and Tenora (1971) thought that sucker ratio 0.77-0.95 (0.85). Pharynx 29-32 (31) Rohde's P. swansoni (=F. klausrohdei) was con- by 29-43 (35). Esophagus 35-58 (50). Ceca short specific with Paralecithodendrium brachyurna 130-203 (158) extend to or slightly overlap an- (Groschaft and Tenora, 1971). We do not agree. terior margin of testes. Testes opposite, in ace- Fontius klausrohdei possesses the hermaphro- tabular zone, equal sized, 113-174 (141) by 110- ditic organ and an oral sucker: ventral sucker Figures 1-8. Adult specimens and terminal genitalia of four species of Lecithodendriidae. Figures 1, 2. Fontius molenkampi. 1. Whole mount, ventral view. 2. Terminal genitalia, cross section. Figures 3, 4. Paralec- ithodendrium ovimagnosum. 3. Whole mount, ventral view. 4. Terminal genitalia, cross section. Figures 5, 6. Papillatrium parvouterus. 5. Terminal genitalia, sagittal section. 6. Whole mount, ventral view. Figures 7, 8. Fontius klausrohdei. 7. Whole mount, ventral view. 8. Terminal genitalia, sagittal section. Copyright © 2011, The Helminthological Society of Washington 24 PROCEEDINGS OF THE HELMINTHOLOGICAL SOCIETY ratio less than 1.00. P. brachyurna lacks the her- inversus in the genus. Khotenovski (1974) re- maphroditic organ and has an oral sucker: ven- jected Papillatrium, and placed Acanthatrium tral sucker ratio greater than 1.00. atriopapillatum, which possesses pretesticular Odening (1968) and Matskasi (1973a) report- vitellaria, in the genus Prosthodendrium (junior ed P. swansoni from bats in Vietnam. Their fig- synonym of Paralecithodendrium see Lotz and ures and descriptions indicate a species that is Font, 1983). He placed Papillatrium inversus, much smaller than either P. swansoni or F. which possesses posttesticular vitellaria, in the klausrohdei. In addition their specimens possess genus Lecithodendrium. We prefer Richard's a cirrus sac that is smaller than or equal to the taxonomy.
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