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All through the Sunbelt, there's evidence of to become involved in your project in its earliest new growth and prosperity. planning stages-and stay on through to its And Tribble & Stephens are there, helping to successful occupancy. construct, renovate and finish out the buildings For more information on Tribble & that are needed. To house new stores. Offices. Stephens' credentials and past per­ Factories and industrial operations. And more. formance, simply call Kent Leighton We're set up to operate in every state in the at (512) 349-4426. southern United States. And you can already see our work throughout Florida, Alabama, Georgia, North Carolina, South Carolina, Okla­ Th,· P11rl11tNII/' 8111/d,·" homa, Colorado, and in all parts of Texas. This work has given us a reputation through­ out the industry. For quality construction. Corporate Headquarters Unexcelled expertise. An innovative anci money-­ 10610 Haddington Drive saving approach to solving problems. And a Houston, Texas 77043 "partnership" attitude that says we're willing Visit us at booth # 532, 633 CONTENTS lcu:, ,-\r1.-h11l."1."I ;_, puNohr,I ,, c 1tmr1 ,n1,A 1,,-1hr fr••" Sot-it'll' vl.4n hitn IJ , ,effi<wl orgu,11:u1icN1 o{tlw T,-.,,,, R,-1UM0J ilu- .\mrtil. U'f /,011(1'/t· ,,, <IN /r,fr( 0 . I)~.\ REVIEW OF TEXAS ARCHITECTURE rud,•r, /1<,•n .-ti-\ , f .,t't"fluw \i<t' PrrJulr·nt I DITOR. Jr,,r/ " '"'''" 8,lf,W .\IA"I-\Gl!-.G I DITOR lhAu/Bu,,,t_, AS'>OCI A Tl: I l)ITOR R11y t"'-"""t" I\SS0<:11\ Tl' rt Bl 1\111 R Rf,b,t-11 8 . 1-"irlJ ("IR(lJIAIIO', \1-\',AU R 0~1".>ft1lt llri~<r I [)ITORI \I n1,st'l,TA'1 36 lt1c .l. Tu.•l,,lr·. ·"-" IN THE NEWS co-.;TRllll\Tf',G I l>ITORS , n.nrJ Dallas's Bryan Tower, less than a decade old, gets a facelift to Brlltlo, .. I 4U Jalf!H'J <'•"'""• Omkl improve its markewbility; Mies' s Brown Pal•ilion at the Museum l),l/011 , l.6'tf) Pawl f'111/rri /,Dtn G°",J· ,.\/-\; C'lvt-is llr1nr:Jlllll. I .\U lt,.-lao<I ofFine Arts in Houston is cha111!ed to house permanent exhibits. \ti ( ·kllar: l'nrr P,,pudrm,11Hn, , .\I-\, f>cn1J "',..-JaN·l.. RIR.\ 69 l\A l'l'Bl ll',\TIO'i\l'0\1\111111 ABOUT THIS ISSUE (),niJ Ci " '011.iJc·,11 £, c ..llrtt" .~hlllOII t,·ltuirftllurtJ. /-Dff'ilani.Hdr£. ,.\uain, Cirrc1fd \f,••,hrwl, H,,,lflf'lf. n-,11,"'"p,.,./, 1985 DESIGN AWARD_S_ 70 Jr . llot1U1Jff. Ri,hurJ.\t,<·w_ . ,_',.4,1,r Editor Joel Warren Barna and Associate Editor Ray Ydoyaga .\111,.,.;,,. Hcnrtlu1/)•u/. J, ,.A,ntlrf, Afo,,i, lttYl lt C~!SJ' C'"~OUNTIU' (:LlJB RH.•t,1,n. l:ll'uw,. ('r"'-&A'rnlf,J,·. H,uolt>n, profile the winners in the 31st Annual TSA Design Awards ,,.,~,, c ·imn,n,:ltallft , /)Q/1,n 86 Competition: Ct>~t1tltt /1110 ~ -I~ fr1eH .\c•nth· oj Arcltitrcl\ Contr<,llrJ Im .,h,11(•1t ,..,,,c1~f' Frost Building. Houston: Four Allen Cemer, Houston; Negley p.iidu, ,•.,,1,n, ''""" 78701 f'O.\l\lr\.\11-R .\,.,,JaJ,,Jrru,Jtawxn to Paim Company, San Amonio; Woo Residence, Dallas; Village f<'-•h A1ctu10.:·1. 14t•J \ "o,-"'(Jl)r./ lot.-cr Square, Houston; LTV Center, Dallas: Benchmark, Tyler; River Au11,11 . lruu 7X70I frl,plron, ti/11~1., 7 1,_v, Crest Coumry Club, Fort Worth; Allen Doctors Building, Allen; S1,1J.u,,1,tm'9 p,i, c ,~ SS Ofl prr }YUi few 1,-t,,...mb<r1. SIS.'-1.fjor TnwrniJ,·n11 Employers /11 sura11ce, Dallas; Addison Market, Addison: altd SIii ,,.., l"t'Uf ,,., addt(IUJ dllhldf" Trammell Crow Company Offices, Dallas; Robertson Building. fr''" ,onJ Mi1h,11 ,>w, ,,,,.,,,,,,,.,"' t :m,,,I \talr• RrproJm.·1t,»1o/all,irp111tnf Austin; C/111rc/1 of the Good Shepherd, Tomball; and Ferguson's rJ1IQri1J/O,n/r,ttw1lht'*t Mliltrll ,_.,,,.,uf,,,. iJ ,1,i,1h ,.,.,>,,/tard \ '"'-"""' Map and Travel Store, Houston. 98 u.n./ l#IU~J «1/ rrnJ111, h ,mJ trntUj ,tt ,.,,~, ,J,torial o, 1,Ju·rtt'JiflK t/«1 ,..,, n .. u,,.,,runrttJ.-,,.Jr,,1,·n1/,_y T~.\ ,,r, .tl \ 102 nor JOt'i rdllorial n,mm,·111 ,,ro·u,mh TS_A HONOR AWARDS nftt'rt ,.,, 1-J/Kh·1/ ,,pu1i,.,, ,,J-t'ilhtr At TSA 's 46th Annual Meeting three i11dil•id11als and three ,.-,"11,:i.,1i,.,,. J\_\V · t#UIJ4/i'9 organi:ations will be honored for tl,eir co11tributio11s to the quality \1,-,tt/trt H,oittt'J.I Pulo/t, "'""'-S of life in Texas. \uJ11 oiC,rcllk,t,nn, /,,,. lr1u1,-\ult1tt't r11iot.a1ogutJh~ lhc ,-\\C'f) tndc, ul Ar~h11c..1ur-1I Ptnn,.hc;,ll1, CHECKING OUTJl,E.B. 'S ARSEl'IAL 104 •\;,id,)bk- in m.tJllf lihtJflC'\, At1e11tion s!,oppers: Leonard Lane takes an in-depth look at the J'\,\ lU 11( I RS Ju•w11·,,11rr. '~"' 4nto1Uc,, 1•rrJhkn1. Hob /~_\/,vtJ, /.,r, new H.E. Butt Grocery Company headquarters in San Anronio. u·,.,,h, r,,skk111 I Ir,,. ("lttJ,l<1 Ut\'i/1,rr I I l~,1u,. \."i,r r,o;J,-,,t \1,,,. I/au.," l>u!ldJ, \ 1c <' l'rni,lrnt. J,.Jin BOOKS UQ Rr)n,,M,. /fot1f/1wt , \ i. t' J•,,.,icknl. J,m \i,.&I<"'"• l_pntt·;n,. - \ ,, r Pu1itlnt1 The Charlottesville Tapes, re\•iewed by Larry Good; and Ponals at IMrr,· l'nt'JINI)<'. C,,Jlrrr ,\1u11,,,, -~1'1rt"h41.''" JurnrJ •,·J.ala. Abiloar, the Pass, reviewed by Dm•id Woodcock. 1,~,,.,,,,-. J)(.\ l'u\/,., c:AI. II,.,. .~I-\ Ain1i11. / ~-,,-.,,,..,. \ 't<t' Pt1"JIJcnl I 0-I INDEX TO ADVERTISERS 12_2 I,,, IIOAkl>S OI' l)IRI CT ORS c;.,,., f',".Jl/ut, ,-\l,,lrttt' ("hdptcr. c·1""'"' ~~orr A_,,U/o ('h"/"'''• Jumn l'fluft'r, ,-\,-11," 130 c·1tap1u. /,.,,,,._n Cuf/1JII, J, . Hrcr:m DAVE___6_RADEN/MUSINGS c·M{'u,.Ja,rw1., n,,,,.,.,~.,,-,-,("lm,11 Clt,apu·, Juntol,', "'lr,. 1.-\IA. /),11/"' Cltaptrr ' JulJlr, \I l.1J'1Z/twJ, If P,u,, COMING UP: The January/Febrnary issue o/Texas Architect Chdp1a. Rd"#·t1 c.; AJ..,,..s, /t.,rt n-,,,,.-, C}wptr,. \H/1,offfP (irr/fk.llf llt llPiOlon will examine new demands and oppom111itiesfaci11g architects in c·hapt~r. l(Jlff ~'-"'">· ln111·rr R,a ,;,un,J.­ the health-care industry. \ 'ull.-,- ChiA('lrr; 1,,,,,/>.ou, IJa~ .. , ("ltaptrr, (·1tgrlr1 ll011tti1_. \ ·onh.-1HI lr,c11 Cltaplrr , Altdrr"· Pr,r:. 111. ,.\u1t -\nt,•nitt C"haplrr; Pulill J/uy, .\011thnnt T,,,u ON THE COYER: The Trammell Crow Offices, Dallas, show the Chuptrr ; \\ · ( i/0111 Ru, irr, Wv-,ro design strengtl, and immaculate detailing that won Skidmore, Cltaplr, , \4'gltrr l'"1t'. U'nl lrt,u Cnttplrr, •1,clta1r/A1trt1. \fi,h11ulu/ll Owings & Merrill's Houston office two TSA Design Awards this c·1tu1>1n ; ,,,,,. _\l,A.'m,i,.4., f-"''·IJ,.,,,,.,,. t P1J\I p,,.·JiJrnt I. /)r Rn~lttt' CiOO.b,alJ year. Photograp!, by Nick Merrick, Hedrich-Blessing. ()alla.,(P,J,/K'MrMh,rJ, TrJJ,,nr.1 l .uhbo.-l (_;\,\( 'MIA Rrtionr,I 1'1rrclC>fJ 5 Tt'msArchllt'CI Nol'ember·Decembt'r /985 LETTERS PAVEX MAKES EDITOR: Congratulations to the students of the Texa, -.chools on the clanty of their A GRAND ENTRANCE work (Tew.1 Arclutect, September/ October) The drawings communicate the empha~i of each school, del>plle the rJmbhng and Jargon of the narratives. The l>Uccc,,ful representation of each school hinge, on the ,trength, of past and prel>ent student drawings and modeb, not the ver­ bo\C imagery of educators. A ,1milarcon­ dition exist, after school. David M. Farrell Good. Haen & Fulton Dalla., CORRECTION: In the September/ October is<,ue of Tews Architect, all photograph, for the article on the Un1 ver­ !>1ty of Texa, were by Debbe Sharpe and Fred Ballard. the proJect shown at the top of page 42 wa, deMgned by Michael Conner.. and Jun Iguch1 ; and the proJect shown on page 5 I wa<, designed by Ber nard Bart7en, Samuel Braud, and Kenneth Weldon. WITH EXCWSIVE EUROPEAN DISIGNEDCONCIETE PAVEIS. AICIIIICIUUL APPIAL ,_ T_ Mllllll:IICIII ldd III llllng tllglncecl ~-PM111Dlllldlclpll.Gt,1 ....... poallwlllha..... culllllPMIINIUll:U9d IJrPI\VEX. COIIN1IIIYI con UNCGM ONiiiunun. Dan1 ...tar achb lllbwhln lar I con!plllllll OOll, ,allml~..... ,...bulldl..a 11WD11rallwlllMVEX...,._ MVEXPM11PftMlll•glllftPMll*llllllwl _,.. up ID~lrlllc-iladlllacl nan! calDII ... ..,..l,)C..U.... 11,Wan:Mlcull .........Ill a:l PI\VEX ...-PftMdl ~ 1111 f - L.J ... .......... P.O.._._ Trt,a Ar, h1tt'c t Nmrmbt'r•Drcrmbrr /98.~ There's a DYNAMAG"' Electro­ magnetic Lock with a 1000 pound holding force securing these doors ..
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