Page Two EAST CLEVELAND LEADER ________________________________________ Thursday, July 1, 1964 on the cob. At dessert time, Mrs. | Hamilton and Girl Scouts Miller brought forth a delicious Plan For First Union Church School Dave Moore, Star of Week, cake as a surprise and with it Girl Scout Troop 834, of Pros­ served both strawberry and choco­ pect Neighborhood, joyously cele­ Kennedy Trip brated the beginning of summer late sundaes. Tops Little League Batting > vacation with a picnic at the home Badminton and croquet furn­ of their Troop Committee Chair­ ished pleasant opportunity for Edwards Nine man, Mrs. E. W. Miller, 15027 play. Everyone had a truly de­ Average With Nifty .714 Euclid ave. lightful afternoon. The big news in Pony League -i' ^v***^- < * Mrs. James Inmann is troop If' circles this week is the sudden The girls utilized their outdoor ** • \ -> > < cooking knowledge by making leader. s. ; < downfall of the Edward’s Funeral This week’s spotlight beams on a pleasant grin most of the time, sloppy joe’s and roasting corn Home team which lost two straight a Little League “veteran” for his is an avid sports fan. He lists after running up a four-game win­ outstanding performance in last baseball and basketball as his fav­ si ning streak. Its first loss came week’s local competition at Super­ orites but, as a frequent visitor xs; £ at the hands of a revengeful ior Hill and Shaw Field. Dave at the East Cleveland Y.M.CJL., z« “SKa.- a tt Hamilton Insurance nine which Moore, versatile 12-year-old, main­ he has also become adept at table Front End E.95 S> -»»' " „ : O I fashioned a 5-3 decision at Forest stay of the Koenig Sports Goods tennis, pool and archery. At his Hills Park last Wednesday. Once entry, was a vital factor in the home at 8346 Lownesdale Rd., he Adjustment Special 3 K * ' j*Y again it was the Hamilton “Big two victories turned in by his team spends a great deal of time on Three” which came through with last week. his stamp collection and in making CASTER * CAMBER AND TOE IN timely base hits to insure the In­ The talented Kirk Jr. High sev­ model airplanes. Having also in­ surancemen of a victory. Trailing enth-grader pitched a brilliant herited musical talent from his For Appointment Call 3-2 in the bottom of the sixth, one-hit victory over Stonebraker Dad, who is an instrumental music Bob Biscotti, Butch King and Al Drugs in his first pitching assign­ teacher, Dave is a pianist of six Thomson connected for consecutive ment of the season at Superior years’ experience and has been p* singles and each of the talented Hill last Monday. Dave had the taking trumpet lessons from his STANDARD GARAGE diamond performers crossed the situation well in hand throughout father for almost two years. With Cast 142nd and Lake Shore Blvd. IV. 1-5286 plate with the deciding tallies. the contest and appeared headed no brothers (he has an older and King chalked up his third straight younger sister) the strong-armed for a perfect game after retiring 'I: GEORGE MARTINSON MRS. JOHN A. MURPHY victory, striking out 14 to boost the first twelve batters to face his Little League shares his baseball his total to 43 in 22 innings. Thom­ speedy offerings, six of them go­ interests with his neighborhood son, the league’s leading hitter ing down via the strikeout route. buddies and schoolmates as well LET US CONDITION s> ■’*' '' with a .667 average, got a triple The opposing pitcher, Ron Farin- as his busy Dad who was a star and two singles in three trips and acci, leading off in the fifth inning, basketball player in his youth. TOUR CAR NOW FOR VACATION stole three bases to run his base ruined his bid, however, by clout­ The Moore family is looking for­ First of this summer’s union arrangement the family may at­ pilferage mark to 14 in six games. ing a “fat pitch” for a home run ward to a motor trip to California services to be held Sunday, July tend the worship church school The second Edwards’ loss of the to give the Stonebraker nine its in August where Dave will get a We Specialize 4th at 10:00 in Windermere Pres­ hour together. In charge of the week came at the hands of a re­ lone hit of the game. The blow chance to visit his maternal grand­ in byterian Church, Euclid at Win­ Church School will be Miss Edith Koenig and juvenated Kennedy Men’s Shop failed to unnerve the poised right­ mother and an aunt. The Koenig team by a 5-4 count at Shaw Field team, however, will have his serv- « dermere sts. will include a Union Willis. hander who proceeded to retire the Church School. With this new on Saturday. Nick Barile, an out­ next four men to face him before ices for all but the last two schetfaf REPAINTING Getting together to plan for the standing player in the Little giving up the only walk of the uled games. Incidentally, la^; Church School part of the morning Police Lead League last season, pitched and game. week’s pitching victory made St We are equipped with Spray Booth union service were these members, batted Stan Marshaus’ boys to Although he weighs only 85 lbs. four straight for Dave who was*' ' and large Infra ■■ dh F /X their first win of the season. De­ Bake Oven, die R jll who are to be assisted by other and stands a mere 4 ft. 10 inches, moved to the mound from his 2 same as used at W fensive play actually decided the Centerfield position at the end of^Awl-- AUTO LOANS members from the three co-operat­ Dave also proved to be extremely the 1958 season when Manager'll* the factory. JF League Play final outcome as the Edwards’ en­ proficient- at the plate when, on ing churches, East Cleveland Bap­ try committed five errors all of Thursday evening, he drove in no Vem Turner decided to utilize hia^ Infra Red Bake Oven tist, East Cleveland Congregational which figured in the scoring. In Although the East Cleveland Lit­ less than TEN runs with a single strong arm. He will undoubtedly ^ LET YOUR and Windermere Presbyterian. contrast, the Kennedy nine played make the Koenig team a strong^ Shown are: left to right, Mrs. tle League schedule is still in the and three home runs as the strong We Use Genuine MO-PAR AUTOMOBILE “embryo” stage, definite opinions errorless ball to maintain its Koenig squad drubbed the Don title contender if he maintains hisg Fred Grube, Miss Edith Willis, league defensive superiority—only present pace. Parts. Factory 1 Trained Mrs. William Towner, Mrs. Milton regarding the distribution of league Fisher Furnaces, 26-4, at Shaw ACT AS ten errors in six games. Third Field. His three circuit blows Griffin, Mrs. Ray Collier, Mrs. strength have already been formed CORRECTION , || Mechanic Be by rival managers and well-in­ Baseman Dick Barbey drove in came in consecutive trips to the Ernest Kregenow, Mrs. John L. all four of the losers’ runs with SECURITY formed fans. At this writing, only plate, one of them clearing the Property owners desiring any inJJ^Z OUR BODY DEPART­ Lot Us Service Tour Miller, Mrs. Carmen Lane, Mrs. a single, triple and home run. formation relative to the re-" FOR A LOAN Homer Hare and Mrs. Harlan two of the eight teams have es­ bases in a big third inning in which MENT IS CAPABLE Car While You Are At Miller. caped defeat after five nights of Hamilton Insurance took sole his teammates scored fourteen appraisal now being made in East. « LOW RATS play. The current league leaders possession of first place in the runs. He also turned in the field­ Cleveland, are requested to caO ,19 < OF HANDUNG ANY Work. Leave Your Rev. William Towner, minister the office of ths County Auditor,!- [ INCLUDES of East Cleveland Baptist Church are the Koenig Sporting Goods and Saturday night-cap by besting East ing gem of the week by spearing AND ALL DAMAGE Car In the Morning, Police Dept, teams who were sched­ End Nash, 6-2. Four big runs in a hot liner at his third base posi­ CH. 1-7200, instead of East Cleve-i . LIFE INSURANCE will preach July 4th, 11th and 18th. land City Hall. City Hall can onlyl , ta TO YOUR CAR Pick It Up After Work. Due to remodeling and the erec­ uled to meet at Superior Hill on the third inning bent the Nash tion and whipping the ball to first PROTECTION tion of an addition at East Cleve­ Tuesday evening after this was fenders when Bob Biscotti’s bases- for a double play. At this writing, furnish the local tax rate. 1 Or We Can Pick Up Your Car and Deliver Same To You. loaded single and a costly Nash Member Federal Deposit land Congregational Church, there written. Dave sports the best batting aver- Ask Your Friends About Us. Insurance Corp. will be no services there this sea­ The Koenig nine has beaten error cracked the game wide open. age in the league — a nifty .714. son. Through July 4th-August 1st Stonebraker Drugs, 5-1, and Both teams received the benefit of Young Mr. Moore, who displays The LEADER Hu tke kym the services will be at Windermere smothered Don Fisher Furnaces, excellent relief pitching when the ’NORTH AMERICAN Presbyterian Church. Through 26-4. The latter slugfest found the starting hurlers were shelled from THE P.
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