January 2012 Vol. 27 No. 1 TheAbsentee Shawnee News Li-Si-Wi-Nwi www.astribe.com “Among the Shawnee” Inside this issue. Executive Committee Reports . 2-6 Season’s Greetings Resolutions . 6 & 28 Employee of the Year/ Employee of the Month . .7 YTD Tax Collections . .7 Education Department . .10 Elders Report . .12 Health News . 13-15 December Birthdays . 16-17 Title VI Menu . .20 Horseshoe Bend . .24 White Turkey Band . .25 Executive Committee L to R: Representative Jeffrey Gibson, Lt . Governor Isaac Gibson, Governor George Blanchard, Secretary Teri Reed, Santa’s Mini-Me! and Treasurer Kathy Deere AST Children’s Christmas Party - December 4, 2011 Musical Talents of Phil Bradley The children loved their bags Santa stopped in to pose for some pictures of goodies Governor’s 1 . Walk faster LT. GOvernor’s Ki-me-lo Corner Report Greetings fellow Tribal members . 2 . Don’t be late I hope all of you had a Merry All of us at Tribal Headquarters SECRETARY’s Te-ke-ya-na-ki-fe Christmas and a Happy New Year! hope everyone had a happy and safe Christmas and New Year . 3 . Hurry get dressed The Brendle Corner Project is al- Greeting Tribal Report As you will see from the other Ex- most complete . This project didn’t Members: ecutive Committee reports, this has Hi-pa-ge-ni-ni-he- take long once we got it started . been a very busy end of the year They are laying the asphalt this The beginning of the new year is a for all of us . We all think we’ve lo week and setting the bases for the great time to reflect on past accom- done some good things for you, the lighting . The project may be com- plishments, consider the lessons Tribal members with the resources 4 . Everyone will be plete as early as Friday . learned from the past year, and to available to us and we all hope to here soon make plans for a better future . improve on all services this new The next project that we have lined year, 2012 . I’ll be more able to This past year we made a lot of Lo-ge-he ge-yi-ke up is Kings Road . I know you give you all a projection on proj- have heard this over and over but progress on two projects that have we-ya-fi ects for this year after all budgets when you have to go by federal been in the works for quite some are complete, and notification of time . The new casino in Shawnee wa-pe-ya-wa guidelines it takes time . You have funding is available . Rest assured, to go by their time frames and it was opened, and we made a tre- that we, the Executive Committee turns short jobs into long ones . mendous amount of progress on the are committed to moving our Tribe 5 . What’s your name? new health clinic . The grand open- forward in regards to economic ing for the new clinic is scheduled Na-he-wa ke-ta We are assisting Cleveland County viability as well as increasing the with Pebbly Road and this project for the end of March . services to you all . se-fo is moving right along . Thunderbird Entertainment Center, George Blanchard, Governor Inc . is working with a company I know that we have not been able to 6 . I don’t hear very called I-5 Design & Manufacture do any major projects for individu- SHAWNEE ALPHABET well to update the Norman casino in- als; however, we have been able to side and out . The 25 year old fa- PI PA PE PO assist quite a few tribal members (spelling) mi-ti ne-ho-wa-se cility will also be getting a new air in different areas . I’m glad that no-ti-ka handling system to help with the bah bay bee bo we were able to accomplish what (pronunciation) smoke . The new fresh air system we did . The Tribe is on an uphill should be installed by mid-Febru- FI FA FE FO climb, I feel that next year things (F has a TH sound as in thump) 7 . My hearing is bad ary . After the completion of these will even get better . The national thah thay thee tho Ne-ki ke-ya-pa-sa updates, there are plans add a live deficit is making it look tough but SI SA SE SO entertainment venue on the south we are our own sovereign nation sah say see so end that will be open to the public . and if we handle things in a proper 8 . Don’t get your We are looking forward to seeing NI NA NE NO manner we can continue to gain children cold the upcoming changes . Our new nah nay nee no and move forward . MI MA ME MO casino in Shawnee has been open Te-ke-ya about four months and is develop- mah may mee mo I appreciate the staff and their hard ko-se-mi-ke ing a strong customer following . It KI KA KE KO work and dedication, without them is a great addition to our gaming kah hay kee ko the Executive Committee mem- ke-na-ge-yi ni-ke enterprise and Tribe . WI WA WE WO bers would have a very difficult wah way wee wo 9 . Write your name time achieving their goals . We’ve We have a number of grant oppor- TI TA TE TO all worked together in a positive tunities that we currently taking tah tay tee toe here manner and it has paid off . advantage of, including: GI GA GE GO Ka-hi-we-ki-ti • CCDF Child Care grant: $1 .4 (G has a “J” sound) It has been a busy year but I have million dollars (awarded 2011) jah jay jee jo ke-we-fo-wa enjoyed every bit of it . I look for- which operates the Build- ward to working with all of you LI LA LE LO mi-ti-se ing Blocks Child Care Facility lah lay lee lo next year . and the Horseshoe Bend After HI HA HE HO School Program . Some of this hah hay hee ho 10 .Some one came Respectfully, funding will be used to help YI YA YE YO We-ya-fi-pe-ya-wa construct the building of a new yah yay yee yo /s/ child care facility in Little Axe . Isaac Gibson, Jr . The engineering and design is QI QA QE QO Lt . Governor qah qay qee qo done and we are waiting on con- 2 Happy New Year struction bids . dining/activity hall . The mas- 1 . Health Careers Education Health Services . See Article . • Camp Nikoti — TYP Trib- ter planning phase will have a and Scholarship (deadline • Monthly Volunteering time for al Youth Program: $99,000 lot of community input into the 1/13/12) Reading to two groups of (4-8 awarded which provides an development of the camp from 2 . Big Jim Academic Achieve- students) at Jefferson Elementa- Afterschool Program, Monday parents and youth . ment Award (deadline 3/1/12) ry, Title VII Indian Education on through Thursday in Little Axe • Economic Development - We 3 . Big Jim Athlete of the Year the 3rd Thursday of each month at the Little Axe Resource Cen- are applying for $400,000 to Award (deadline 3/1/12) and encourage them to read on ter for Middle-School and High- hire full-time staff in the area of their own . School youth . The afterschool Job Development . The end re- Information about these new • Monthly Redstone Investment program offers tutoring, snacks, sult of this grant will be remod- scholarships/awards is included meeting and investments are do- and physical activities . The eling of the little white building elsewhere in this newsletter and on ing, as well, as can be expected program also facilitates an AST at Brindle Corner and staff to the website . You can contact the in these up and down times . Youth Council . work on the following types of Education Department for more • Attended All Nations Bank cus- • Violence Against Women Grant: projects for the next two years: information on these scholarships tomer appreciation holiday open $850,000 (awarded 2011) . We developing new businesses at and awards . house in Shawnee . can provide emergency assis- Little Axe near the clinic; ex- • A “Thank You” Luncheon from tance to victims needing trans- ploring the need for senior adult As mentioned in the previous the Absentee Shawnee Housing portation, food, clothing and housing; and a c-store construc- newsletter, I would like to see us Authority other concrete client needs . tion project . This grant will also be more proactive and involved in • Pottawatomie Alliance Toward • Transitional Housing Grant is help AllNations Bank become 2012 in developing some strategic Community Health (PATCH) for victims once they leave an certified to establish a revolv- planning for 5 to 10+ years down breakfast which promotes emergency shelter . The Transi- ing loan fund in Indian Country the road . We are looking at some healthy choices and healthy tional Housing Program is the to help start new businesses by options for making this happen . lives . Working to bring health next step to help victims and Tribal members . You will be provided with more in- to Pottawatomi County and to their children enjoy indepen- formation on this when the details prevent nicotine addiction and dent living . The program allows On a national level, the Obama ad- are worked out . to help people stop smoking . victims and their children to get ministration has been very open to Sponsors Students Working Teri Reed – Secretary help with living costs, financial paving the way for better services [email protected] Against Big Tobacco .
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