February 23, 2012 BOWLING NEWS Page 1 California Thursday February 23, 2012 P.O.B Box 4160, Downey,owling CA 90241 • Online: www.californiabowlingnews.com • Email: [email protected] n ews• Office: (562) 807-3600 Fax: (562) 807-2288 What Happened To Bowling: Attitude And Practice England’s Dom Barrett Wins First by Dustin J. Markowitz I had an interesting conversation Tuesday night when league had PBA Tour Title in Scorpion Open ended. Here is a transcript. LAS VEGAS — England’s ond English player ever to win Dom Barrett, in his Ameri- a PBA Tour title. He came into “The Bowler”: Man, the lanes sucked tonight! can television debut, defeated the finals as the top qualifier Sean Rash of Montgomery, and worked his way through Me: They were a little different I guess. Ill., 247-204, to win the Pro- two elimination matches be- fessional Bowlers Association fore throwing his best game at “The Bowler”: How’d you shoot? Scorpion Open at South Point the hard-luck Rash, who was Casino and Hotel. The finals once again plagued by a fatal Me: 673… Low first game but I adjusted to it. Did you adjust? aired Sunday on ESPN. error. The Scorpion Open was the In the opening game of the “The Bowler”: Of course I adjusted and I shot horrible! I am just third of four PBA “animal pat- eliminator-format finals, Rash so tired of the lanes being jacked up. The bowling center needs to tern” championships contested led the four-man field with a just do them the same every time. during the third annual PBA 217 game. Barrett was right World Series of Bowling and behind with a 207. Hometown Me: Well something may of happened with the machine but the fourth straight World Se- favorite Dave Wodka of Hen- sometimes you just have to adjust. Did you try another ball? ries title – including the PBA derson, Nev., nipped Patrick World Championship – won Allen of Baltimore, 177-173, “The Bowler”: Well no. I figured I could play my line. by international players. to remain in contention. Allen, Barrett joined countryman as low man, was eliminated. Me: Did you move your feet at all? Stuart Williams, winner of the In game two, Rash again continued on page 8 Bayer Viper Open, as the sec- led the survivors, using a late Scorpion Open Champ Dom Barrett string of five strikes to post a Rash’s unconverted 2-4-8-10 tions with Stu (Williams) after 221. Barrett advanced to the split in the third frame gave he won his title, and that gave title match with a 214. Three Barrett an 18-pin advantage. me a little insight about what Jason Couch and Gene Stus open frames led to a 164 game Both players converted single was going to happen to me if I and doomed Wodka’s hopes pin spares in the eighth and got this far. for his second PBA Tour title. ninth frames before Barrett “I just wanted to throw the In the title match, Rash doubled in the 10th frame to best 10 shots I could, and I Elected to PBA Hall of Fame and Barrett both struck on six claim the $15,000 first prize think most of them were pretty of their first seven shots, but and a berth in the Round of good,” he added. “The thing to 16-time Tour titlist and 11-time Senior Tour winner to be inducted during 36 for the end-of-season PBA remember is the lane is still 60 PBA Tournament of Champions week in Las Vegas Tournament of Champions. feet and there are 10 pins at the Scott Newell “It’s a fantastic feeling,” other end, and you can’t con- SEATTLE – Sixteen-time Barrett said. “I kind of got to trol your opponent. You just Professional Bowlers Associa- Wins PBA Ricart go through some of the emo- continued on page 4 tion Tour titlist Jason Couch and 11-time PBA Senior Tour winner Gene Stus have been Ford Open elected to the PBA Hall of COLUMBUS, Ohio – De- Bowling news Fame. spite rolling a gutter ball on his HONOR ROLL The 42-year-old Couch is first shot of the opening step- NAME SCORE DATE CENTER the only player in Tour history ladder match, Scott Newell of JOHNNiE ENGLEHArT 300 2-13-12 canoga parK BOwL to win three consecutive PBA Deland, Fla., quickly regained GiLBErT MOSqueda 300 2-13-12 la HABrA “300” BOwL Tournament of Champions his composure to win three MArK knapp 300 2-14-12 miSSiON HiLLS BOwL titles, an event many play- consecutive matches for the MiKE LAMBrECHT 300 2-14-12 tuSTiN LANES ers consider one of the most Jason Couch & Gene Stus PBA Ricart Ford Open pre- JuLiE MArviN 716 2-14-12 uPLAND BOwL demanding to win because a Couch’s career path was has also won 25 PBA regional sented by Columbia 300 title ANDrEw CAPiLi 300 2-16-12 jewEL CiTy BOwL player must win a PBA title to probably a foregone conclu- titles. Sunday at Sequoia Pro Bowl. JASON CArriLLO 300 2-16-12 wEST COviNA LANES yAyA CASTiLLO 300 2-26-12 del riO LANES be eligible to compete. sion as the son of parents who As a competitive bowler The 28-year-old New- GAry DurAN 300 2-16-12 miSSiON HiLLS BOwL In addition to his Tourna- owned a Florida bowling cen- for most of his adult life, the ell won his first Tour title by wiLL HuBNEr 800 2-16-12 wESTMiNSTEr LANES ment of Champions titles, ter. 71-year-old Stus had always continued on page 4 jonathan HuFF 823 2-16-12 keystone LANES which came in 1999, 2000 and “Bowling on Tour has been wondered how he might have BrANDON KrAyE 810/300 2-16-12 LA HABrA “300” BOwL 2002, Couch won a fourth ma- a dream of mine since I was done on the PBA Tour. But JASON NEviLLE 300 2-16-12 keystone LANES jor in the 1993 PBA Touring four years old watching PBA the opportunity to compete in DAviD MAy 300 2-16-12 EMPirE BOwL Players Championship. matthew SCHErMErHOrN 815 2-16-12 gable HOuSE BOwL Tour telecasts on ABC on Sat- Tour competition didn’t pres- LOuiE zAMOra 808 2-16-12 bevErLy LANES Couch, who makes his urday afternoons,” said Couch. ent itself until he was able to EriC SCHMiDT 300 2-18-12 GOLD COAST home in Clermont, Fla., be- “Growing up in a bowling cen- retire from General Motors SHErry wiLLiAMS 723 2-18-12 EMPirE BOwL gan his Tour career in 1992 ter certainly helped, but it took after 32 years at the age of 50 rAy MiNTEr 300 2-19-12 CAL BOwL and earned Rookie of the Year the right combination of hard and became a regular on the KEviN vALMONTE 300 2-19-12 del riO LANES honors that season. work and desire.” Senior Tour. kathy ALLEN 705 2-20-12 morENO vALLEy BOwL “I’m a firm believer in set- Throughout his 20-year Stus’ 11 Senior Tour titles rOBErT BANAAG 300 2-20-12 jewEL CiTy BOwL rOMErO GArCia 300 2-20-12 del riO LANES ting goals along the way in Tour career, Couch had a string rank fourth on the all-time list ALEx TruJiLLO 300 2-20-12 oak TrEE LANES your career, working hard at of winning at least one title in behind fellow Hall of Famers JuSTiN ziEGLEr 827 2-20-12 CLASSiC LANES achieving those milestones six straight seasons (1998- John Handegard with 14 titles, and hopefully you’ll be re- 2004) and won multiple titles and Gary Dickinson and Dale ATTENTION ALL BOWLERS: warded with a great honor like in five seasons. Still active on Eagle each with 12. being elected to the PBA Hall Tour, he has more than $1.6 In 1992, Stus, who cur- BOWL AN HONOR SCORE THIS WEEK & E-MAIL BY TUESDAY NOON of Fame,” Couch said. “I went million in career earnings and rently resides in Taylor, Mich., out and did my best and when was ranked 24th among PBA’s earned Senior Player of the yOur NAME, SCOrE, DATE & CENTEr & yOu wiLL BE ON THE FrONT page. I achieved one milestone, con- 50 greatest players in history Year honors thanks in part to E-MAiL to: [email protected] tinued to work hard and went as part of the organization’s winning two titles. In July of MEN: 300 - 800 & 7-10’S wOMEN: 298,299,300, 700+ & 7-10’S on to the next one.” 50th anniversary in 2009. He continued on page 4 Scott Newell Learn to score.. Enjoy it more.. TOURNAMENT CLUB DAY DATE BOWLING CENTER ABT Orange County Saturday February 25th Linbrook Bowl ABT SoCal Citrus Sunday February 26th Deer Creek Lanes ABTA Sat/Sun February 25th/26th Chaparral Lanes 6 Gamer - $300.00 1st Place Adult No-Tap Saturday February 25th Keystone Lanes JAT Sunday February 26th AMF Bowl-O-Drome check-in SUNDAY, Feb. 26th at 5PM 4:30 • Entry Fee: $50 Scratch 8 Gamer Saturday February 25th La Habra “300” Bowl Oil Pattern Used Six Gamer Sunday February 26th Forest Lanes OPTIONAL - Sidepots $6 - Blocks $4 • Call Alan at (949)770-0055 for more info. “44 Foot Flat” 20 Lane Challenge Sunday February 26th Linbrook Bowl Page 2 BOWLING NEWS February 23, 2012 WCBT EBONITE-BBA SINGLES AT SOUTHPOINT MARCH 10-11by Dick $700.00 Sanders ADDED LAS VEGAS — The weekend of March 10-11, 2012, the WCBT will be at Southpoint Lanes in Las Vegas, NV.
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