. NEW TORPEDO CRUISER. A. Powerful and '.edy Vessel for De¬ FOR FAMILY AND MEDICINAL USE ! Two Dollars Two Dollars Two stroying- SklrmUhera. Dollars Two Dollars Two Dollars j The. torpedo cruiser for which bids BALTIMORE CLUB I CLOYER CUB 11 OPPEHHEIM'S CHOICE 111 Two Dollars jtro to be opened at the Navy Dcpart- Prof. Two Dollars Two Dollars Two Dollars tnent is to bo Analyzed by Alken, Univorslty of Maryland, and pronounced absolutely Two Dollars much larger than first- pure. All kinds of jelass torpedo boats, says the New York Two Dollars Two Dollars Two ISun. It will retain many of the char- T77"in.es_ X_ic_*u.ors a,n.ci Clgraors.. Dollars Two Dollars Two Dollars jncteristlcs of the smaller vessels, such Meals at all hours. {as great speed and quick maneuvering, Opponhoim's Best, finost So Cigar in Roanoko, a specialty. Two Dollars to which will be added a OPPENHEIM'S steady gun mar21-3ni EXCHANGE, No. Iii Commerce Street. platform and great stiffness. Her gen¬ eral dimensions are: Length, 240.5 Two Dollars jfeet on deck and 259 feet on load line, iwith 27.5 feet beam and a feet normal SPEOIAL NOTICE TO THE (draught (S feet forward and 10 feet aft). LADIES. Two Dollars |6he is to have twin screw propellers, idriven by direct-acting, inverted, triple- Two Dollars expansion, four-cylinder engines of 3,000 indicated horse power each, with (eight Thornycroft boilers for supply¬ Two Dollars ing steam. The whole machinery plant rweighs only 250 tons, which is much than the IE NEW YORK Two Dollars jless ordinary weight required such BAM, So gain power, boingonly S3 pounds jper I. H. P. NO. 48 SALEM AVENUE, I The hnU 'is to bo built with a doublo Two Dollars under tho {bottom magnzino nnd ma- Will be in with a fine selected stock of (Chinery and framed on the longitudinal opened early April Two Dollars jsystem, the transverse frames being ten feet apart and the continuous longi¬ tudinal girders being eighteen inches Two Dollars apart, which, taken with the bulkheads DRY MILIMRY AND We want new nnd NOTIONS. protective deck, give great GOODS, 2,000 subscribers for the ¦freedom from Two weekly edition vibration due to the Due notice be Dollars high 6peed of tho engines. The pro- will given of our Crand Opening. of THE TIMES, and, in order to secure make Sective deck extends tho full length of mar22-3m ENOCK * thein, tbis ho ship, sloping down to two feet be- BROTHERS, Proprietors'. Two Dollars ow the water line at tho sides. Tho (slopes are to bo three-quarters of an Two Dollars UNPARALLELED OFFER. {inch and the flat deck one-half an inch, jcovering the magazine, machinery {space, electrical appliances, steering Two Dollars The novels are and all the CITIZENS' handsome 12 mo. well vital with NATIONAL books, parts, nnd, I printed (gear, BANK, ithe coal in her bunkers nnd the coffer eoa.3stok:e, and Idams, provide protection from the fire Two Dollars neatly bound, and are delivered postage prepaid (with jof guns. She is to have a rudder of - - - about eighty square feet area, actuated Capital Stock, $100,000. the edition of THE for one J. B. LEVY, President. WM. M. YAGER, 2nd. Vice President. Two Dollars weekly TIMES year) for $2.00. (by direct-acting, oscillating, hydraulic N. 1st. (Cylinders, which will he capable of PARTEE, Vice-Prosidcnt. 11. M. DICKINSON, Cashier. turning her around in about her Own THE CITIZENS' RANK of Roaxokf. has been succocded by THE wanted at CITIZENS' NATIONAL BANK of with a Two Dollars Agents every in and length.a necessary feature for a ves- Roanokk, Capital stock ofS100,000. postoffice Virginia West whose is to catch nnd With increased capital and connections with the largest banks in tho jsel duty destroy United States, wo desire to to or Write for [the torpedo boat flotilla thrown out say any persons corporations wishing to Virginia. terms. by make a change in their account, or to thoso opening now accounts, wo will Two Dollars modern battle ships ns skirmishers. extend every accommodation consistent with sound and conservative banking, Her lines are carried out forward nnd that reasonable will bo left undone us the promising nothing by to pleaso our (aft beyond deck to give easy en¬ patrons. We will appreciate any account, largo or small, with which our Two Dollars friends and tho public may kindly favor us. INTEREST PAID ON TIME DEPOSITS. Two Dollars Two Dollars THE WEEKLY TIMES ONE YEAR VIRGINIA BREWING COMPANY, Two Dollars trance nnd run, thereby making less Brewers and Bottlers of Pure Lager Boor. disturbance in passing through tho wa¬ Two AND EITHER THE ter at the speed of twenty-three knots. 13=___port ZEBeer a, Specia,lt3T- Dollars The accommodations for officers and Telephone, No. 104, crew are large, well lighted and venti¬ Roanoke, Virginia. Two Dollars lated. She is to have two masts, rigged BRANCHES.A. Goodman. Pocahontas, Va.; T. Smith, Jr., Lynchburg, fore and aft, and three powerful search Va.; Haaso & Mooro, Shonandoah, Va.; L.II. Whiting, Hen¬ flights, besides a complete electric plant derson, N. C. nnvS-lw Two Dollars ior interior illumination, running lights, etc. The battery is to consist of ithrco four-inch breech-loading rifles, NATIONAL BANK. Two Dollars tfour six-pounders, four one-pounders QITIZENS' and two Gatlings, nn Treasury Department, being exception¬ Office of Two Dollars ally heavy bnttery for a vessel of her Comptroller of the Cl*r- speed and displacement. At her nor¬ RBNCV, mal she will Washington, March 10, 1801. draught carry forty tons Whereas evidence of coal, but has bunker capacity for 100 HAVING REMOVED TO by satisfactory which presented to the undersigned, it has tons, will give her a steaming been mado to appear that "The Citi¬ capacity of 020 knots at full speed or zens' National Bank of Roanoke," in the To the Public! forty hours' steaming, and at ten knots 10 Jefferson Street, city of Roanoke, in tho county of Roa¬ she can steam fourteen days or 3,300 noke, in tho State of Virginia, has com¬ knots. In contrast with some of tho I Am NOW Exhibiting plied with all of tho provisions of the recent efforts abroad she will huvö a statutes of tho United States required Hush deck fore and aft, doing nway a and line to be complied with before an associa¬ with the poop and forecastle nnd cor- large complete tion shall bo authorized to commence Bponding well, which will add the business of banking. "The greatly of and summer of Now therefore the I, Kdward S. South." to her sen-going qualities and make her spring suitings, Lacey. TBV THE WANT COLUMNS Saratoga £ comfortable Comptroller of tho Currency, do hereby and dry craft. and certify that "Tho Citizens' National OF fancyvestings, trouserings Bank of Roanoke," in tho of Roa- FEET A FREAK OF city 2,360 ABOVE THE SEA. NATURE. me noke, in tho county of Roanoke, in the overcoatings imported by State of Virginia, is authorized to com¬ In the Heart of the Richest Coal A Calf with an Almoat forfectly Shaped mence tho business of Mineral, and Timber Region of Ilumiin lloiul. direct. banking as pro¬ Tie the vided Boanote Great in section Times Southwest. A fifty-one hundred and remarkable specimen of nnimal sixty-nino of tho Revised Statutes of malformation has, according to the St. Thanking my patrons for tho United States. BITE5EH3E2 Louis Republic, In testimony whereof, witness my HAS A POPUPLATION OF 4 been found by favors and hand and seal of oflico this 10th day oJ 000, past soliciting a March, 1391. E. S. ( Chris Rrokate, LACEY, And is noted for its climate and rare mineral the meat inspect¬ Comptroller of tho Currency. equable many j or. continuance, marl5-00d and is While In¬ waters, rapidly growing in favor as , specting s o m o I am, very meat at Neucr's truly J. E. Mulcare & Co., -AT. slaughter house A FASHIONABLE a short time Manufacturers of ago lias two systems of fresh water and a valuable mineralRESORT.)water in free, \ his attention was pipes, D. F. on the stroots. Two electric light systems, and has under construction called to n dead GEYER, TIN AND SHEET-IRON WARE j calf, most AN ELECTRIC hideously d e - And dealo'S in all kinds of cooking STREET RAILWAY. \ formed. The calf The Tailor. and heatinp, stoves. and AM A Construction Plumbing ga6 TIME has boon to Company organized build tho and Ken¬ and Btcam done. Tin a Virginia bad been taken fitting rooting tucky Railroad from Madison, N. C:, to and from from n cow specialty. Satisfaction guaranteed. No. Wythovillo, thonco to that had been slaughtered a 115 few minutes before. After looking nt George Steiger, First avenue, Roanoko, Va. nov4-tf the calf Inspector Brokate promptly The Great Flat Top Coal Fields. condemned the carcass of the cow. Tho )RESS WORK. calf's CHEMIST AND Expect to get Cape Fear and Yadkin Railroad dis¬ head, but for its hairy covering, ASSAYER, tance of ten Valley constructed, was almost human. The miles, to Wythovillo, while tho Parkorsbvrg, Little Kanawhaand skull was al¬ Railroad has decided to down most a formed human Virginia lay Its lino via Wythovillo for a South¬ perfectly skull, Noa. 1030 15th St. and 1303 P St. ern connection with Fear and Yadkin at this nnd the eyes, nose niul mouth seemed N.W., Capo Valley point, thus making .IX. Wythovillo a competing railway center. like those of an infant.
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