The Sun Star Vol 34 No 13 ( November 25th, 2014) Publisher The Sun Star Download date 09/10/2021 04:42:27 Link to Item http://hdl.handle.net/11122/7054 The VolumeSUN XXXIV, Issue # 13 STAR Tuesday November 25, 2014 UAF works with Dartmouth in Arctic initiative pg. 7 Adjunct Faculty discuss payment and working conditions by Travis Olsen the lack of employment tracts common for full- ment," according to a search (PAIR) data last gineering student Kyle Sun Star consistency and not hav- time faculty, are required letter submitted in June updated in fall of 2013, Milne, he said, "That's ing offices to meet with to hold office hours for to the University of Alas- UAF had employed 331 way more than I thought, A handful of adjunct students in private. students, as well as attend ka by Pete Ford, regional adjunct faculty that se- I had no idea it was that faculty members met last Adjunct faculty mem- any university required manager of the adjuncts' mester, compared to the many." month with union repre- bers, who teach 35per- training, such as the re- union. Adjunct facul- listed 375 full-time in- Most adjunct faculty sentatives to discuss how cent of credits offered at cent Title IX training. ty are still having issues structional faculty. Many members are paid a flat to address their lack of UAF according to uni- The recently man- getting compensated for students are unaware of rate to teach a course, compensation for train- versity data, are hired dated Title IX training their time. the large number of tem- which includes their ing required by the Uni- on a semester-to-semes- "should be paid work According to the porary faculty employed preparation, teaching, versity of Alaska, as well ter basis rather than the time, outside the ad- UAF Planning, Analy- by UAF, and when that grading and office as other issues such as nine- or 12-month con- junct teaching assign- sis and Institutional Re- figure was heard by en- (continued on pg. 3) Free store opens doors by David Spindler Sun Star UAF’s Office of Sus- tainability opened up a FreeStore this fall during freshman orientation. The FreeStore is where UAF students can donate anything from clothes, dorm and house- hold items like kitchen- ware, movies, books and shoes. It operates under the principle, "Take what you need, leave what you don't," and is 100 percent free to everyone. Currently pursuing a Master's Degree in nat- ural resource manage- ment at UAF, Christin Anderson, came up with the idea for a UAF Free- Store after she attended Oberlin College in Ohio. Her former college had a student-run cam- pus store created to help The days are getting shorter but the sunsets are getting better: Friday afternoon was an excellent time to watch the sun set from Signer’s Hall. - John Moore / Sun Star reduce consumption and land waste. Anderson liked the idea of a cam- pus running a FreeStore Remains of Ice Age Infants Discovered by UAF Archeology for donated items so she and Alexander Bergman, by Eric Bennett and relation of the two that was not strictly for which takes time. "In the importance of hunt- an undeclared sopho- Copy Editor can be absolutely con- survival, according to science, slow and steady ing within their culture. more and staff member firmed, but pre-test ob- Potter. wins the race," Potter The tools were buried at the Office of Sustain- Near where the Ta- servations suggest that Everything men- said. with the infants and were ability, co-authored a nana River and Little they were both females. tioned was discovered This collection of re- not intended to be re- $5,000 proposal to the Delta River meet, the re- Buried along with the in 2013, but only recent- mains reveals a lot about moved, essentially being Review of Infrastructure, mains of two infants bur- children were bone frag- ly was the paper pub- the mortuary and overall sacrificed, Potter said. Sustainability and Ener- ied around 11,000 years ments of animals such as lished detailing what was life behaviors of the peo- His first reaction to gy Board. Soon, they set- ago were uncovered. salmon, bison and wapi- found. Potter said that, ple who lived in the area. the discovery was “over- up the FreeStore in the Found in a pit located whelming,” Potter said. Office of Sustainability beneath a residential “You know the signifi- on the 2nd floor of the hearth, these two infants cance immediately. This Lola Tilly Commons. and the artifacts they is the kind of things we UAF’s FreeStore is were buried with could would love to have un- open from 8 a.m. to 5 reveal aspects of the cul- derstood about this time p.m. Monday through ture and life they were period.” Friday year-round. born into, according to a While the discovery The only items that paper published in Pro- is important for the un- can’t be donated are fur- ceedings of the National derstanding of past life, niture, knives or hazard- Academy of Sciences. the process of digging is ous items like gas fluids. “The children have an helping students learn All donated items in opportunity to speak to about the process of un- the store are, of course, us,” Ben Potter, Assistant covering history. free but it should be not- Professor, Chair of the “It’s the intersection ed that no one should UAF Anthropology De- of good science and take any of the shelving, University of Alaska Fairbanks professors Ben Potter and Josh Reuther excavate the burial pit at the racks or coat hangers partment and lead writer Upward Sun River site. UAF photo courtesy of Ben Potter. learning,” Potter said. of the paper on the dis- He wants the dig site to used to help display the covery said, “We want to ti (elk) as well as bifaces "It would be irresponsi- The fact that two infants assist in undergrad re- items. They are clearly learn from them.” (small, pointed stones) ble," to simply announce were buried in the same search and training. The marked to help them be Of the two infants, and antler foreshafts, that they found bur- location over a period of ones who are good at it set aside from the dona- the first died about a few which were likely hunt- ied infants. Much work time tells that the peo- can potentially get a job tions. weeks after birth while ing tools. and analyzing must be ple may have had a more at the site. When arriving at the the second died before More notably, the done to create answers long-term residence at “It helps the univer- FreeStore please be sure being born, which makes antler foreshafts were and careful descriptions the location than previ- sity, the students and the to sign in by putting a it a little more difficult to engraved with a series of the discoveries. The ously thought. public learn and gain tally mark on the sign-in identify its features and of “X” patterns, which paper itself was writ- The remains of ani- world-wide acclaim,” he sheet to help the Office the position it was bur- shows that whoever ten "months ago," but mals and tools suggest said. of Sustainability keep ied. DNA tests will need made them had the idea still had to go through the diet of the people track of how much this to be done before the sex to create something, art, the peer review process, who lived there as well as (continued on pg. 3) Tweet us! @ uafsunstar Like us on Facebook! Find us on YouTube! THE SUN STAR TUESDAY NOVEMBER 25, 2014 2 NEWS ASUAF November 23 senate recap Associated Students of UAF Eric Bennett fits all students and the money requested for the statements to make their Society. Copy Editor bill was passed with full fund is much smaller case.The against side said The against side said The Sun Star majority. than the current avail- that many students are that the ASUAF should able rollover fund. He in opposition of having Volume 34 Furniture for ASUAF relate to the student Senators in Atten- said that money that is money they gave go to- Issue #13 conference room: A bill views and that if a stu- dance: Lachlan Gil- not used for the students wards a scholarship they to donate $2,500 from dent had felt like they November 25, 2014 lispie, Cordero Reid, is wasted by sitting in a may never have chance rollover into buying fur- had a great relationship Amanda Garner, Jona- bank account. to get. The for side de- niture for the ASUAF with Thompson, they than Quinones, Kemper fended by saying that The Sun Star’s mis- conference room in or- Debate was held over still will not be able to Chabotte, Mitchell Da- there are scholarships for sion as a campus der to make functions the fiscal impact state- apply for the scholarship. vidson, Kayleen Hansen, many things, such as be- voice for UAF is possible was brought up. ment and changing it to As well, if the scholarship Allyssia Garcia, Mickey ing left-handed, that stu- to report the news It was sent to the Execu- $15,000 from rollover. is in the honor of a pro- Zakurdaew, Colby Freel. dents aren’t eligible for. fessor, there should be honestly and fair- tive Committee for dis- After much discus- cussion. The against side asked a scholarship for every ly, announce and Senators Absent: Aus- sion, Garner attempted ten Whitney to close discussion since for a recess, which was professor that has passed chronicle events and Smoke and Tobacco voted down primarily by away.
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