E PL UR UM IB N U U S Congressional Record United States th of America PROCEEDINGS AND DEBATES OF THE 108 CONGRESS, FIRST SESSION Vol. 149 WASHINGTON, TUESDAY, JANUARY 7, 2003 No. 1 Senate The seventh day of January being the PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE the United States and the laws of the State day prescribed by Senate Joint Resolu- of Texas, I, Rick Perry, the governor of said The Honorable RICHARD CHENEY led State, do hereby appoint, effective December tion 53 for the meeting of the 1st ses- the Pledge of Allegiance, as follows: sion of the 108th Congress, the Senate 1, 2002, John Cornyn, a Senator from said I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the State to represent said State in the Senate assembled in its Chamber at the Cap- United States of America, and to the Repub- of the United States to complete the term itol and at 12 noon was called to order lic for which it stands, one nation under God, caused by the resignation of Phil Gramm. by the Vice President (Mr. CHENEY). indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. Witness: His excellency our governor Rick f Perry, and our seal hereto affixed at Austin, PRAYER Texas this 21st day of November, in the year The Chaplain, Dr. Lloyd John CERTIFICATE OF ELECTION AND of our Lord 2002. Ogilvie, offered the following prayer: CREDENTIALS By the Governor: Almighty God, we are one Nation The VICE PRESIDENT. The Chair RICK PERRY, under Your sovereignty, one body of lays before the Senate one certificate Governor. leaders ready to be led by You, one of election to fill an unexpired term, U.S. SENATE, band of patriots called to love You and two letters of resignation, and two cer- Washington, DC, December 2, 2002. serve our Nation above party or per- tificates of appointment to fill the va- Hon. RICHARD CHENEY, sonal popularity, one family charged to cancies created thereby, and the cer- Vice President of the United States, President of work together in spite of differences to tificates of election of 33 Senators the United States Senate, Capitol, Wash- achieve Your will for our society. elected for 6-year terms beginning Jan- ington, DC Today is an awesome time of dedica- uary 3, 2003. DEAR MR. PRESIDENT: I hereby tender my tion for the Senators-elect who will All certificates, the Chair is advised, resignation as a Member of the United States Senate from Alaska to be effective at make an unreserved commitment to are in the form suggested by the Sen- 3:59 PM, Eastern Standard Time, (11:59 AM You, our beloved Nation, and our cher- ate, or contain all of the essential re- Alaska Standard Time) on Monday, Decem- ished Constitution. Give them a vision quirements of the form suggested by ber 2, 2002. of their potential greatness as leaders; the Senate. Respectfully yours, make them riverbeds for the flow of If there be no objection, the reading FRANK H. MURKOWSKI. Your wisdom. Thank You for the fami- of the above-mentioned letters and the lies that nurtured them, the mentors certificates will be waived, and they STATE OF ALASKA who help them realize their talents and will be printed in full in the RECORD. CERTIFICATE OF APPOINTMENT the power of Your gifts, and the loved The documents ordered to be printed To the President of the Senate of the United ones who now stand by them to uphold in the RECORD are as follows: States: and sustain them. May the vows they There being no objection, the mate- This is to certify that, pursuant to the rial was ordered to be printed in the power vested in me by the Constitution of are about to take engender in them the United States and the laws of the State true humility. Save them from the se- RECORD, as follows: of Alaska, I, Frank H. Murkowski, the gov- duction of power, political aggrandize- U.S. SENATE, ernor of said State, do hereby appoint Lisa ment, and the bogus might of manipu- Washington, DC, November 20, 2002. Murkowski a Senator from said State to rep- lation. With only You to please, set Hon. RICHARD B. CHENEY, resent said State in the Senate of the United them free to speak truth, honed by President of the United States Senate, Dwight States until the vacancy therein caused by study and prayer, to discern what is D. Eisenhower Executive Office Building, my resignation from the Senate, is filled by right and do it regardless of who gets Washington, DC. election as provided by law. DEAR MR. PRESIDENT: I herewith tender my Witness: His excellency our governor, the credit, to be distinguished for their resignation as a Member of the United Frank H. Murkowski, and our seal hereto af- integrity. All of the Senators and Offi- States Senate from Texas to become effec- fixed at Anchorage this 20th day of Decem- cers of the Senate join with these new tive at the close of business on Saturday, No- ber, in the year of our Lord 2002. Senators once again in putting You vember 30, 2002. By the governor: and their families first, the good of the Yours respectfully, FRANK H. MURKOWSKI, Nation second, consensus around truth, PHIL GRAMM, Governor. third; party loyalties, fourth; and, last U.S. Senator. STATE OF TENNESSEE of all, personal success. The time for STATE OF TEXAS CERTIFICATE OF ELECTION FOR SIX-YEAR TERM greatness is now; the place for great- CERTIFICATE OF APPOINTMENT ness is here; and the secret of greatness To the President of the Senate of the United To the President of the Senate of the United States: is in constant dependence on Your States: This is to certify that on the 5th day of No- guidance and strength! You are our This is to certify that, pursuant to the vember, 2002, Lamar Alexander was duly cho- Lord and Saviour. Amen. power vested in me by the Constitution of sen by the qualified electors of the State of ∑ This ‘‘bullet’’ symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by a Member of the Senate on the floor. S1 . VerDate Dec 13 2002 05:37 Jan 08, 2003 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A07JA6.000 S07PT1 S2 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE January 7, 2003 Tennessee as Senator from said State to rep- Witness: His Excellency our governor Roy STATE OF IDAHO resent said State in the Senate of the United E. Barnes, and our seal hereto affixed at 5:00 CERTIFICATE OF ELECTION FOR SIX-YEAR TERM States for the term of six years, beginning pm this 13th day of December, in the year of To the President of the Senate of the United on the 3rd day of January, 2003. our Lord 2002. States. Witness: His excellency our Governor, Don ROY E. BARNES, This is to certify that on the 5th day of No- Sundquist, and our seal hereto affixed at Governor. vember, 2002, Larry E. Craig was duly chosen Nashville this 2nd day of December, in the by the qualified electors of the State of Year of our Lord, Two Thousand Two. STATE OF MISSISSIPPI Idaho a Senator from said State to represent By the Governor: CERTIFICATE OF ELECTION FOR SIX-YEAR TERM said State in the Senate of the United States DON SUNDQUIST, for the term of six years, beginning on the Governor. To the President of the Senate of the United States: 3rd day of January, 2003. Witness: His excellency our governor Dirk STATE OF COLORADO This is to certify that on the 5th day of No- Kempthorne, and our seal hereto affixed at CERTIFICATE OF ELECTION FOR SIX-YEAR TERM vember, 2002, Thad Cochran was duly chosen by the qualified electors of the State of Mis- Boise this 20th day of November, in the year To the President of the Senate of the United sissippi, a Senator from said State to rep- of our Lord 2002. States: By the Governor: This is to certify that on November 5, 2002, resent said State in the Senate of the United States for the term of six years, beginning DIRK KEMPTHORNE, A. Wayne Allard was duly chosen by the Governor. qualified electors of the State of Colorado, a on the 3rd day of January, 2003. Senator from the State of Colorado to rep- Witness: His excellency our governor Ron- nie Musgrove, and our seal hereto affixed STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA resent the people of the State of Colorado in CERTIFICATE OF ELECTION FOR SIX-YEAR TERM the Senate of the United States for a term of this 4th day of December, in the year of our six years, beginning on the 3rd day of Janu- Lord 2002. To the President of the Senate of the United ary, 2003. RONNIE MUSGROVE, States: As Governor of the State of Colorado, I Governor. This is to certify that on the 5th Day of serve as witness to this certification and November, 2002, Elizabeth H. Dole was duly affix our State Seal hereto. STATE OF MINNESOTA chosen by the qualified electors of the State Given under my hand and the Executive CERTIFICATE OF ELECTION FOR SIX-YEAR TERM of North Carolina, a Senator from said State to represent said State in the Senate of the Seal of the State of Colorado, this 10th day To the President of the Senate of the United of December, 2002. United States for the term of six years, be- States: ginning on the 3rd day of January, 2003. BILL OWENS, This is to certify that on the Fifth day of Governor.
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