Vol. 6, No. 6 June 1996 GSA TODAY A Publication of the Geological Society of America 1996 Annual Meeting Denver, Colorado • October 28–31 Colorado Convention Center – Marriott City Center John Karachewski • Abstracts: Due July 9 For a paper copy of the abstract form: (303) 447-2020, ext.161 E-mail: [email protected] For the electronic form: http://www.geosociety.org • Preregistration: Due September 20—Registration and housing forms enclosed • Information: (303) 447-2020 or 1-800-472-1988; fax 303-447-0648 E-mail: [email protected] World Wide Web: http://www.geosociety.org Associated Societies Association for Women Geoscientists • Association of Engineering Geologists • Association of American State Geologists • Association of Geoscientists for International Development • Cushman Foundation • Geochemical Society • Geoscience Information Society • Mineralogical Society of America • National Association for Black Geologists and Geophysicists • National Association of Geoscience Teachers • National Earth Science Teachers Association • Paleonto- logical Research Institution • Paleontological Society • Sigma Gamma Epsilon • Society of Economic Geologists • Society of Vertebrate Paleontology Co-sponsors Colorado Scientific Society • Rocky Mountain Association of Geologists • Society for Sedimentary Geology (SEPM)—Rocky Mountain Section Graduate School GSA TODAY June Table of Contents Information Forum ................................... 27 Vol. 6, No. 6 1996 Abstracts with Programs .......................... 35 Guest Program ........................................... 29 GSA TODAY (ISSN 1052-5173) is published Continuing Education Courses ................. 11 Hotels ......................................................... 36 monthly by The Geological Society of America, Inc., with offices at 3300 Penrose Place, Boulder, Colorado. Convenience Information ........................ 34 Membership ............................................... 31 Mailing address: P.O. Box 9140, Boulder, CO 80301- Earth Scientists on Capitol Hill ................ 26 Registration ................................................ 31 9140, U.S.A. Second-class postage paid at Boulder, Colorado, and at additional mailing offices. Postmas- Educational Programs (K–16 Teachers) .. 16 Special Events ............................................ 28 ter: Send address changes to GSA Today, Membership Services, P.O. Box 9140, Boulder, CO 80301-9140. Employment Service ................................ 26 Special Programs ...................................... 26 Copyright © 1996, The Geological Society of America, Exhibits ...................................................... 33 Technical Program .................................... 3 Inc. (GSA). All rights reserved. Copyright not claimed on content prepared wholly by U.S. Government Field Trips .................................................. 20 Travel .......................................................... 39 employees within the scope of their employment. Per- mission is granted to individuals to photocopy freely all items other than the science articles to further science he theme for the 1996 Denver meeting is Earth System Summit. The Earth is a and education. Individual scientists are hereby granted permission, without royalties or further requests, to Tcomplete system whose processes are complexly interrelated at a variety of scales. make unlimited photocopies of the science articles for We are all inhabitants of this amazing system, and our actions can significantly use in classrooms to further education and science, and impact, or be impacted by, its dynamic behavior. The gathering of scientists and engi- to make up to five copies for distribution to associates in the furtherance of science; permission is granted to neers for the GSA Annual Meeting in Denver, at the base of the Rocky Mountains, will be make more than five photocopies for other noncom- an intellectual summit, focusing on the Earth System. mercial, nonprofit purposes furthering science and edu- Read through the extensive list of symposia, theme sessions, and field trips. Topics cation upon payment of the appropriate fee ($0.25 per page) directly to the Copyright Clearance Center, 27 range from the global scale to focus on the southern Rocky Mountains; something to Congress Street, Salem, Massachusetts 01970, phone interest everyone. Our keynote symposium, convened by E-an Zen and Karen Preste- (508) 744-3350 (include title and ISSN when paying). gaard, considers Linkages Among Dynamic Processes of Oceans, Continents, and Atmo- Written permission is required from GSA for all other forms of capture, reproduction, and/or distribution of sphere on a global scale. The Annual Meeting Committee has also recruited symposia on any item in this journal by any means. GSA provides the geologic development of the southern Rocky Mountains, ecosystems and the role of this and other forums for the presentation of diverse science in their management, and Earth system processes at the last glacial maximum. opinions and positions by scientists worldwide, regard- less of their race, citizenship, gender, religion, or politi- We invite you all to come, listen, and participate. cal viewpoint. Opinions presented in this publication Every geologist knows Denver, founded on mining and still known as the Queen City do not reflect official positions of the Society. of the Plains. Colorado is booming, and Denver, its capital, is more than keeping pace. SUBSCRIPTIONS for 1996 calendar year: The meeting will be at a new convention center in a revitalized, completely rejuvenated Society Members: GSA Today is provided as part of downtown. Lower downtown Denver (Lodo) is an exciting dining and entertainment area, membership dues. Contact Membership Services at with restaurants, brew pubs, and clubs. It’s only a few miles west to the foot of the Rock- (800) 472-1988 or (303) 447-2020 for membership information. Nonmembers & Institutions: Free with ies. There will be opportunities to get out and to enjoy the scenery. Come to Denver this paid subscription to both GSA Bulletin and Geology, autumn, to stimulate your mind, to see your colleagues, and to enjoy Colorado. otherwise $45 for U.S., Canada, and Mexico; $55 else- where. Contact Subscription Services. Single copies — 1996 General Co-Chairs, Gregory S. Holden and Kenneth E. Kolm may be ordered from Publication Sales. Claims: For nonreceipt or for damaged copies, members contact Membership Services; all others contact Subscription Services. Claims are honored for one year; please allow 1996 Annual Meeting Committee sufficient delivery time for overseas copies. STAFF: Prepared from contributions from the GSA staff and membership. Executive Director: Donald M. Davidson, Jr. (From left to right) Science Editor: Suzanne M. Kay Front Row: Lisa Department of Geological Sciences, Cornell University, Finiol, Ken Kolm, Ithaca, NY 14853 Chuck Pillmore, Forum Editor: Bruce F. Molnia U.S. Geological Survey, MS 917, National Center, Katherine McCarville. Reston, VA 22092 Middle Row: Managing Editor: Faith Rogers Kris Zumalt, Greg Production & Marketing Manager: James R. Clark Holden, Doug Peters. Production Editor and Coordinator: Joan E. Manly Back Row: Graphics Production: Joan E. Manly, Adam S. McNally John Warme, John Humphrey, ADVERTISING Ren Thompson. Classifieds and display: contact Ann Crawford (303) 447-2020; fax 303-447-1133 Issues of this publication are available electronically, in full color, from GSA as Acrobat “Portable Document General Co-Chairs — Gregory S. Holden, Kenneth E. Kolm, Colorado School of Mines Format” (PDF) files. These can be viewed and printed Combined Publishers Display Chair — Lisa R. Finiol, Colorado School of Mines on personal computers using MSDOS or MSWindows, on Macintoshes, or on Unix machines. You must use Computer Technology Program Chair — Kris Zumalt, Colorado School of Mines the appropriate Adobe Acrobat Reader, available for Field Trip Chair — Charles E. Pillmore, U.S. Geological Survey, Denver free download from GSA and other online services. The more powerful Adobe Exchange program, available Field Trip Co-Chair — Ren A Thompson, U.S. Geological Survey, Denver from commercial software suppliers, may also be used. Guest Program — Katherine McCarville, Colorado School of Mines Download the issues of GSA Today and/or the appropri- Linda Martin, Jeanne Fuchs ate Readers using the Uniform Resource Locator (URL): http://www.geosociety.org. Issues of GSA Today are Student Assistants Chair — Douglas Peters, Peters Geosciences posted about the first of the month of publication. Student Assistants Co-Chair — Dwaine Edington, Colorado School of Mines This publication is included on GSA’s annual CD-ROM Technical Program Chair — John D. Humphrey, Colorado School of Mines GSA Journals on Compact Disc. Call GSA Publication Sales for details. Technical Program Co-Chair — John E. Warme, Colorado School of Mines Printed with pure soy inks on recyclable paper in the U.S.A. 2 Submit Abstracts Via GSA’s new electronic abstract system, WWW: http://www.geosociety.org GSA Today, June 1996 New for ’96 — Submit Abstracts Via the WWWeb http://www.geosociety.org • Use only ASCII characters in title and contents — receive by E-mail an acceptance notice with the date, no graphics, tables, Greek, or superscripts. time, and place of presentation. • Compose abstract in your favorite word processor. If the E-mail address field is vacant, the acknowledgment This will be your back-up copy. When complete,
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