University of New Mexico UNM Digital Repository 1957 The aiD ly Lobo 1951 - 1960 5-14-1957 New Mexico Lobo, Volume 060, No 90, 5/14/ 1957 University of New Mexico Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/daily_lobo_1957 Recommended Citation University of New Mexico. "New Mexico Lobo, Volume 060, No 90, 5/14/1957." 60, 90 (1957). https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/ daily_lobo_1957/44 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the The aiD ly Lobo 1951 - 1960 at UNM Digital Repository. It has been accepted for inclusion in 1957 by an authorized administrator of UNM Digital Repository. For more information, please contact [email protected]. ·--x&\ ooo;:r· .oo:::s- ., "" ."" SOUTHWESTERN FIESTA DRESSES ARE "'C'> ...~ MOST APPROPRIAT.Iil FOR PARTIES, .. ~ NEW MEXICO LOBO I ""' DANCES, .AND STREET WEAR. ' f$ =· I ... THE VOICE OF THE UNIVERSITY OF NEW MEXICO I ~ .. ::;I ~ . WARNER WOODS. STUDIO ' ~ The Wolfpack baseball tea,m Largest selection of eolol'll • • ~ . For those who insiat upon ~~ meets Wyoming at Laramie today and styles in sheers, ~ordu· Vol. 60 Tuesday, May 14, 1957 No. 90 '1::1• ~ Finest In Portraits in an effort to jump into first place roysand 'R-= 180' Central Ave. SE. Ph. '1-9111 ):il;j in the Skyline conference eastern .novelty I ~ division. ;t,..brica I 6 6 The Lobo horsehiders, currently • tied with Colorado A&M for second -· ~ OKLAHOMA JOE'S ..:I 3 place in the Skyline, play Wyo- COCKTAIL LOUNGE 0 0 ming again tomorrow, travel to Ft. Phone 1esta ect1on 5 omorrow 0 s .... I< Collins for a doubleheader Sunday, WELCOMES ALL OVER 21 TO THE TGIF CLUB 5-8961 r.1 and conclude the series with games a ~ at Denver University Monday and 5~0 Off on all drinks Tuesday. 2:00 to 3:30 p.m. Fridays ~ ~ UNM coach Stormy Petrol said Dorm Serenoders ·11 Coed Hopefuls, z z he would start Lobo ace Ron Glo­ OKLAHOMA JOE'S CAFE OPEN TO EVERYONE Open vetski against the Cowboys today, Friday :li followed by Dick Brown tomorrow. SPECIALIZING IN BARBECUES Evenings Lefty George Balleau and right- 1720 Central SE Phone 3-0051 Will Leave UNM; 10 Men Will Try banderSunday's Jack doubleheader Stobie will atsee Ft. duty Col- in r~~= iii~~~~==============~~~~ lins. FOR YOUR ENCHANTED EVEN lNG- for El Rey, Rei no · Track star Buster Quist, who is SQUAW AND FIESTA OUTFITS FOR Perturbed in Fresno, Calif., this weekend to throw the javelin for UNM in the an elegant MOTHER AND DAUGHTER West Coast Relays, will join the Prom Formal ball club Sunday and will probably JEANETTE'S ORIGINALS pitch for the Lobos against Denver from Monday or Tuesday. Quist has not 4816 Central NE Across from Highland Theater [. seen action with the ball team this season, but is rated a top pitcher, BRIDALS His pitching mate for the two­ game series with the Pioneers will FORMALS $14.95 WEDDING GOWNS $39.95 be Glovetski or Brown. 3310 Central SE Phone 5-2450 Coach Petrol is sticking with his starting lineup,l announcing the Open Tuesday and Friday Evenings PATRONIZE LOBO ADVERTISERS usualaggregationofJoePattersonl~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~----------------------------------------------------- at shortstop, Jim Gassaway at first • ,. • base, Jim Economides in left field, r~- • .. Joe Unterberg in center, George Unterberg in right, Bob Fink at second, Clark Manwarren at third, I and Wayne Gares catching. l-lours Given For Swimming • )1 The University swimming pool . will be open for free swimming 1V8 0 em ... smoke I!M .,., from 4-6 Monday, Wednesday, and Friday; from 3-6 on Tuesday and .- ~ Thursday; 2-5 on Saturday; and 1-6 on Sundays. get full exciting flavor Life guards at the pool are Jim Brooks, Charlotte Stevens and Walter White. An infirmary spokes­ .r man said that health slips dated from September, 1956, will awnit 1 students to the pool. During the Summer Session only summer students will be eligible to use the pool. First and second se­ mester student names will be with­ drawn from the tile. Faculty and staff privileges will remain the rI same. I The infirmary wlll issue health slips to new students and faculty from 8:30-11:30 every day except and 1:30-3:30 Monday throull:h Friday. Students will need ,.,tiviitv tickets to YOAST OPTICAL Prescriptions Filled-Repain Leonard I. Yoa1t, Di1pensing Optician 2608% Central ATe. SB Phone 2·0632 You're Welcome at And this summer .•. get acquainted Central Methodlst Church 1 blk. Weat of the University 1600 East Copper with the modern L&M Crush-proof box Tor. Sundq School that's "taking over" on campus! SMalona: t and 10 .... Get with it! Now you can get your L&M's in the newest, 'l'lro Jlomlq 8c-rf-l 10 ICMI tnost modern box .•. the L&M Crush-proof box that alldll:Ot closes tight ... protects your cigarettes ... or, if you prefer, lltenlll&' s.mo. 'J:IO p,m. enjoy your L&M's in famous packs-King or Regular. 11ot p.lll. ~oath SIX LOVELY LADIES INTERESTED in be• Marilyn Johnson, Alplta Delta Pi. Eleven can­ Yes, get the full, exciting flavor that makes L&M ..• coming La Reina de Fiesta are (1-r) Sue Pfeiffer, didates for Fiesta queen will go before tile male ~!!-~====~ GroDPII Chi Omega; Kay Bennett, Kappa Alpha Theta; population tomorrow for campus Fiesta elec• ••• AMERICA's FASrEsr-GROWING ~IGARErrE Mary Fran Mclnteer, Hokona dorm; Betty tions, A king and queen will be crowned Friday Jte'f', Robert F. Naylor ... Smith, Town Club; Olinda Luna, Pltrateres; and evening, (Stali photo) l 2 . ., r.-. Pre-Law Club to Meet (.1,) ~ I Fiesta Open lobo Trac~ Team:Tri~m!phs A Pre-:r..aw club meeting wlll be 1-3 ~ ~NEW MEXICO LoBO Will By Su~ Pfeiffer lll beld Wednesday night at 8 in the:: i; ~ Published Tuesday, Thursday al)d Friday of the rC~Ninr university year exeep~ during Law building to approve the new 1 li' holidays and examination periods by the Associated Students of the Univeroity of New Delta Delta Delta will honor graduating seniors with a breakfast ·::'I • Mexico. Entered as second class matter at the post office, Albuquerque, AulrUSt 1, 1918, next Sunday at the chapter house, Senior sorority membel'S are Betty In State A'mateur Meet constitution, a spokesman for the ~. I under the act of March 3, 1879, Printed by the University Printing Plant. Subocriptlon With Woterlous Heggie, Lou Ann Clyde, Myrna Floyd, Nancy _Edwards, Lottie Beth club said today. rate, $4,50 for the school year, payable in advance. · , , • Continued from page l Hedgcoxe. The Lobo track team lived up to ----------------- ~ ~" Editorial a11d ~usiness office inthe Journalism Bu1ldmg. Tel, 3·1428. VIII, Scandal with "Cocktails for ----------~0---------- expectations by winning its second YOAST OPTICAL , · . Two" as the music. Craig Houser Members of Sigma Phi Epsilon will raffie a $125 television set AAU track meet at Zimmerman Prescriptions Filled-Repaira '~''-I ~ field Saturday, ,. 0 D~nny Zelf ---------:-----------------------------------;---Ed!tor and Joyce Hankins will swim a Friday night at Fiesta. Chances may be obtained from any fraternity wolfpack thinclads won nine linksmen Sweep Leonard I. Yoast, Bill Heath ---------------------------------------Managmg Ed1tor duet for this number. member. · Dispensing Optician · ·~ Sofia Chmura -------~---·--------------Night Editor Tuesday Issue Lil' ·Abner, Act IX, will be di­ events and bettered seven records len 1 ----------01--------- c T 2608 Ya Central A 't'e. SE ,.' "" ~ Dave Jackson -------------------------Night Editor Thursday Issue rected by Carol Hill. Music for this Chapter dinner Monday night was a farewell for graduating to take the win, notching 82'h olorodo 0 n Phone 2·0632 Julian Wise -----------------------------Night Edito; Friday Issue aspect of the comics is ''Matri­ members of Pi Beta Phi. Seniors are Dotty Harroun, Judy Arnold, points ~o romp to the victory .. High- . ur ey ~~. land h1gh was runnerup w1th 46 ~. Dick French -------·-----------------------------Busmess Manager monial Stomp." Connie Ainsworth, Barbara Brown, Martha Iwaski, Sue Domeier, ~ @ Jercy Gross -----------------------------------------Sports Editor The sport page, Act X, will be a Teddy Dicus, Connie Chavez, Bobbie Utte1·1 Fran Bonnyman, Patty points, foll51wed b,Y the Albuquer- Lobo golfers finished the most ~ Leonard L. Jermain ----------------------------Business Supervisor bull fight directed by Nancy Walter que Athletic Clubs 39'h ':'nd four successful road trip in the annals l=l: Goehring. points by unattached entries. h c Member of the Associated Collegiate Press ' with "Brave Bulls" as the music. --------------10------------ UNM cindermcn figuring in the of UNM golf .as t ey won four E Leilani Hull directs Act XI, Ads, Chi Omega held a Mother's Day tea Sunday at the ch~pter house. new records were Kimmer White, D?atches and. tied another on an ~ ~ to the music of "Gillette Blue Sorority mothers were guests of honot•, who won the 100-yard dash in a e1ght-~ay trip to Colorado and 0 ~ Blades.;; The Ne~d's the Thing •.• ------------0-------------- ' brilliant finish at :10 flat; John Wyommg, . ; , •~ The Finale will consist 1>:£ the President Dick Goetzman will entertain Sigma Alpha Epsilon Cordova in the mile run at 4:36.5; . Coach Dwk McGu1~e ~ crew of The Thunderbird literary magazine has accttied the whole cast and is directed by Lei- fraternity brothers and dates Friday night after Fiesta activities. i lani Hull. , • - 0 . Ray Berube in a walkaway 10:21.5 J1~ B1·een, ~ob Me1ermg, Herb f largest collection of groans in recent UNM campM history. in the two-mile run· and Stan Ba- W1mberly, Bill Swope, and Bob ~ j SWimmers in the show at;e Barb· Pinned: Priscilla Brito, Phrateres, to Ted Martinez, Lambda Chi '· It has become traditional to criticiZe the Thunderbird, SUB ara Lagow, Muriel Ellison, Jane zant in the shot put with a mark Tiano breezed through 54 holes in 'f: Alpha; Sally Matthews, Kappa Kappa Gamma, to Wayne Kempe­ of 52-2.
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