May 20, 2019 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H3999 Although we are facing challenging CONGRESSIONAL BLACK CAUCUS: graphs and biographies of 36 such vic- times and political divide in our Na- HONORING JUDGE DAMON J. tims, including the Reverend Dr. Mar- tion, one thing we can absolutely agree KEITH, DISCUSSING ROLLBACK tin Luther King, Jr. ‘‘By denying the on is this: Child abuse and neglect are OF SAFETY NET PROGRAMS most vulnerable the right to vote, the heartbreaking, immoral, and simply The SPEAKER pro tempore. Under majority shuts minorities out of our inexcusable. the Speaker’s announced policy of Jan- political process. The unfettered As many of you know, the opioid epi- uary 3, 2019, the gentlewoman from the right to vote is the bedrock of a free demic has devastated families and Virgin Islands (Ms. PLASKETT) is recog- and democratic society. Without it, communities across our country, which nized for 60 minutes as the designee of such a society cannot stand.’’ has been a major factor in the recent the majority leader. One of America’s oldest Federal ju- rists, Mr. Keith served in the seg- uptick in child abuse and neglect cases. GENERAL LEAVE regated Army in World War II, cleaned H.R. 2480 assists States in addressing Ms. PLASKETT. Mr. Speaker, I ask bathrooms at the Detroit News, at- this recent increase in child neglect by unanimous consent that all Members tended historically Black under- improving data collaboration between have 5 legislative days to revise and ex- graduate and law schools, and wit- States, strengthening accountability, tend their remarks and include extra- nessed deadly riots in Detroit in 1967. supporting evidence-based services, and neous material on the subject of this developing best practices for reducing Special Order. b 1945 child neglect linked to parental sub- The SPEAKER pro tempore. Is there My colleagues are here with me stance abuse. objection to the request of the gentle- today to discuss his legacy and the Most importantly, it provides par- woman from the Virgin Islands? work of Judge Keith, not just for Afri- ents with parental education and lead- There was no objection. can Americans, but for the American ership skills developed to help keep Ms. PLASKETT. Mr. Speaker, it is people. them and their families safe and to- with great honor that I rise today to I am happy to be coanchored in the gether. co-anchor the Congressional Black CBC Special Order by my friend and Caucus Special Order hour. For the colleague from Nevada, STEVEN We have a duty to ensure that Amer- next 60 minutes, we have a chance to HORSFORD. ican children are protected from mal- speak directly to the American people Mr. HORSFORD. Mr. Speaker, I join treatment and neglect, and the Strong- on issues of great importance to the with my colleague, Congresswoman er Child Abuse Prevention and Treat- Congressional Black Caucus, Congress, PLASKETT, and I am very honored to be ment Act sets us on the right path to the constituents we represent, and all able to join with her as one of the co- do so. Americans. anchors for the Congressional Black Tonight, we will discuss and honor Caucus Special Order hour. f the legacy of Judge Damon J. Keith Tonight, as my colleague indicated, from Detroit, Michigan, and discuss, as we are here to honor the life and legacy CELEBRATING CENTENNIAL OF SE- well, this administration’s, President of a civil rights icon, the honorable CURING WOMEN’S RIGHT TO Trump’s, recent attempts to roll back Judge Damon Keith, who was also a VOTE safety net programs. member of the Alpha Phi Alpha Frater- Damon Keith, a Federal judge in the nity, Incorporated. (Mr. LAMALFA asked and was given Midwest whose rulings championed Judge Keith was born on July 4, 1922, permission to address the House for 1 equality and civil rights, notably in a the grandson of slaves, who went on to minute and to revise and extend his re- landmark Supreme Court decision become an internationally revered marks.) striking down Nixon administration champion of justice. Judge Keith has Mr. LAMALFA. Mr. Speaker, I rise wiretapping in domestic security cases vigorously enforced the Nation’s civil tonight to celebrate the centennial of without a court order, died April 28 of rights laws, most notably in the areas the House passing an amendment this year in Detroit, Michigan. He was of employment and education. granting women the right to vote in all 96 years old. In Stamps v. Detroit Edison Com- States in this country. In one of the Federal judiciary’s pany, Judge Keith ruled the Detroit One hundred years ago, the unrelent- longest and most prolific careers, Edison Company had practiced sys- ing efforts of women suffragists over Judge Keith was a fountainhead of re- temic racial discrimination, resulting the course of a 72-year campaign paid gional rulings with national implica- in fines against the company of $4 mil- off in the passage of the 19th Amend- tions. He attacked racial segregation lion and against the employee union of ment. in education, housing, and employ- $250,000. He ordered the company to in- For example, the first woman to hold ment; conservative efforts to limit Af- stitute an aggressive affirmative ac- Federal office, Republican Representa- rican American voting; and after the tion program. tive Jeannette Rankin of Montana, was terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001, In 2016, Judge Keith wrote a searing actually elected 3 years before women secret hearings to deport hundreds of dissent when an appeals panel ruled were allowed to vote at the Federal immigrants deemed suspicious. that Ohio’s voting rights laws did not level in all the States at the time. She Judge Keith’s tenure spanned more discriminate against minorities by re- went on to introduce legislation simi- than a half century, first as President stricting early and absentee ballots. He lar to what would eventually become Lyndon B. Johnson’s choice for a dis- said in that dissent: ‘‘The birth of this the 19th Amendment. trict court judgeship in Detroit, with Nation was founded upon the radical jurisdiction in eastern Michigan, and principle that we, as a people, would My home State Republican Senator, then as President Jimmy Carter’s se- govern ourselves. And voting is the ul- Aaron Sargent from California, intro- lection for the Sixth Circuit Court of timate expression of self-government. duced the first legislation to amend the Appeals, presiding in Cincinnati over Instead of making it easier for all per- Constitution and grant women the cases arising in Kentucky, Ohio, Michi- sons, unrestrained and unfettered, to right to vote. It failed on the Senate gan, and Tennessee. exercise this fundamental right to floor, but it represented the beginning In a blistering 2016 dissent in an Ohio vote, legislators are making it harder.’’ of an unstoppable movement that cul- case that restricted early and absentee He concluded by saying: ‘‘With every minated in the ratification of the 19th voting, Judge Keith, even in the later gain in equality, there is often an Amendment in August 1920. years, worked tirelessly and accused equally robust and reactive retrench- This Chamber is where it all began. I two circuit court colleagues of scorn- ment. We must never forget that con- am proud to be standing here today ing African American voters and the stant dialectical tension. For every ac- and joining my colleagues from both memory of Black people slain in the tion, there is a reaction. The major- sides of the aisle to celebrate the 100th struggle for voting rights. ity’s decision is a fateful reminder that anniversary of this great victory for In a, frankly, emotional rebuke, he we can never fool ourselves into believ- women and the values of our Republic. incorporated into his opinion photo- ing that we have arrived as a nation.’’ VerDate Sep 11 2014 03:48 May 21, 2019 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00035 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K20MY7.045 H20MYPT1 lotter on DSKBCFDHB2PROD with HOUSE H4000 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE May 20, 2019 That is a statement that is ever so working families. The administration The passing of a civil rights icon like true even today. wants to change the way poverty is Judge Damon Keith is also a time to Judge Keith recalled many of the measured to artificially reduce the focus on one of his priorities: helping civil rights activists and innocent chil- number of people who are considered future generations to succeed. This is dren who were slain to make sure mi- poor. That means fewer people will be also a priority of the members of the norities had access to the voting polls. eligible for programs like SNAP and Congressional Black Caucus. Unfortu- They include: Emmett Till, Herbert WIC and Medicaid. nately, it has not been a priority of the Lee, Medgar Evers, Jimmie Lee Jack- I am disappointed, but I am not sur- occupant of the White House. son, Benjamin Brown, Dr. Martin Lu- prised. The latest attempt to gut the In August 2016, he asked African ther King, Jr., and the four little girls social safety net just goes to show how Americans: What the hell do you have who were, sadly, killed in the 16th out of touch this administration is to lose? It has been crystal clear in the Street Baptist Church bombing in Bir- with the needs of everyday Americans. last few years that African Americans mingham, Alabama. This administration has proposed of all ages have a lot to lose as long as Judge Keith fought on their behalf cutting nutrition benefits for an esti- Donald Trump is in the White House.
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