Featuring thousands of interesting tapes, CDs, and videos by the most dynamic speakers in America and Israel today… Our main library is located at: The East Side Torah Center 317 Henry Street NYC 10002 212-473-1000 Learning Torah Has Never Been Easier! Dear Friend, Every morning and evening we recite in the Shema , "And you shall speak them while you sit in your house, while you go on the way..." This of course refers to the mitzvah of learning Torah. Each weekday we hop in our cars, ride the bus or subway, or walk to and from work. We go shopping, do laundry, or bake a cake. Why not make better or additional use of that time? Why not hear some of the best Maggidei Shiur lecture on Loshon Hara, Emunah, or the Parsha of the week? Not only will you gain chizuk and get the mitzvah of Limud HaTorah, but those hours of drudgery will go by a lot faster. As most of you know, the Lower East Side has an extensive, free Torah Tape Library. We have tapes for men, women, and children from all backgrounds and all ages, on various topics including Halacha, Yom Tov, Hashkafa, Tanach, Chinuch, Marriage, and more, by popular Jewish speakers like Rabbi Yissochor Frand, Rabbi Avigdor Miller, Rabbi Paysach Krohn, Rebbetzin Faige Twerski, Rabbi Yitzchok Kirzner... The list goes on and on! The latest index contains many exciting updates. We have recently expanded to include CDs— among them the entire Mishnah elucidated by Rabbi Nosson Scherman, and a complete collection of Daf Yomi shiurim—and video cassettes from the likes of Rabbi Amnon Yitzchak. Notes Membership is FREE... and we'd like it to stay that way! In order to maintain a library that is a pleasing service to the community, we need your help. Please follow these simple guidelines while using our library. We appreciate your consideration. o With a few exceptions, there is only one copy of each tape in the library, so please be careful with each one . The fee for a damaged or lost tape is $5. o New tapes may not be taken out until all other tapes have been returned. o All tapes are copyrighted. Copying tapes is against the law and is a sin according to halacha, as many of the speakers make their living by speaking publicly and selling their tapes. o Please return the tapes rewound and in their cases . Do not write on them or mark them in any way. If you donate $5 or more, we offer you a choice of 1 free book or tape! (While supplies last.) Contact Rabbi Dov Tropper at 212-475-8595. Tape recorders are available in the Library for your convenience. Some tapes (such as those by Rabbi Reuvain Feinstein H"PQTa ) are 60-minute lectures recorded on 90-minute tapes. On these tapes, the recording on side A will end before the tape runs out. When this occurs, simply turn over the tape when the recording ends, rather than waiting until the end of the side, and the lecture will continue on side B where it left off, at that point. (The last 15 minutes of side A and the first 15 minutes of side B are blank.) Please be kind enough to inform us if there is any problem with a tape, e.g. if it is missing a topic, is mislabeled, etc. If you listen to any of the tapes that are labeled "Untitled," please give us a written suggestion for a title. We are looking for volunteers to help us expand our hours. If you would like to help out, please contact Rabbi Dov Tropper at 212-475-8595. Pinchos Tropper Torah Tape Library 2061 Megilas Esther 1 Rav Nissen Alpert 2062 Megilas Esther 2 2070 Bereishis 2047 Haggadah 2071 Bereishis 2048 Haggadah 2192 Bereishis 6024 Haggadah 2193 Bereishis 2858 Haggadah 1 2194 Lech Lecha 2857 Haggadah 2 2089 Vayeira 2854 Haggadah 3 2075 Chayei Sarah 2855 Haggadah 4 2104 Chayei Sarah 6025 Sefiras Haomer & Pirkei Avos 2076 Toldos 2716 Hesped For Rav Moshe zt"l 2077 Toldos 2225 Hesped Shloshim - Rav Moshe zt"l 2078 Toldos 2080 Vayeitzei Rebbetzin Miriam Barkin 2081 Vayeitzei 2925 Preparation for Rosh Hashanah 2082 Vayeitzei Rav Mordechai Becher 2079 Vayeitzei 6851 "The Rabbi Made Me Do It" - The 2084 Vayeishev Accuracy of the Oral Tradition 2085 Vayeishev 6852 Alexander the Great & Chanukah - A 2086 Mikeitz Unique Spin 2087 Vayigash Rav Yisroel Belsky 2088 Vayechi-Shmos 1051 Klal Yisroel in a World of Crisis 2074 Va'eira 9066 Performing the Most Important Mitzvah 2195 Va'eira 9160 B'inyan Bris Milah 2056 Terumah Rav Yosef Ben Poras 2055 Vayakhel 2054 Pekudei 3913 Mada Va'emunah (Hebrew) 2053 Vayikra Rav Yaakov Bender 2052 Shemini 9056 Rachamim - From Our Hearts to His 2051 Tazria-Metzora-Acharei Mos 2069 Acharei Mos-Kedoshim Rav Meyer Tzvi Bergman 2191 Bechukosai 13027 2nd Leil Hisorirus 2068 Bechukosai Rav Ron Berkowitz 2067 Beha'aloscha 1039 Rambam on Metaphysics 2065 Korach 2063 Ki Savo Rav Yitzchok Berkowitz 2064 Nitzavim 1643 Sefer Chofetz Chaim - Shiur 01 2049 Chanukah 1644 Sefer Chofetz Chaim - Shiur 02 2050 Chanukah 1645 Sefer Chofetz Chaim - Shiur 03 2700 Hilchos Chanukah 1646 Sefer Chofetz Chaim - Shiur 04 Page 1 of 43 Pinchos Tropper Torah Tape Library 1647 Sefer Chofetz Chaim - Shiur 05 9147 Mishpatim - Sweet Justice 1648 Sefer Chofetz Chaim - Shiur 06 9144 Beha'alotecha - Look Good 1649 Sefer Chofetz Chaim - Shiur 07 9153 Shelah - Chutes & Ladders 1650 Sefer Chofetz Chaim - Shiur 08 9142 Korah - All Men Are Not Created Equal 1651 Sefer Chofetz Chaim - Shiur 09 9152 Balak - Pleasure Seekers 1652 Sefer Chofetz Chaim - Shiur 10 1160 Hanukah - Nuclear Power 1653 Sefer Chofetz Chaim - Shiur 11 1161 Purim - Beware of Dogs 1654 Sefer Chofetz Chaim - Shiur 12 1162 Shabuot - Little is Big 4235 Sefer Chofetz Chaim Series - 2 1153 The 3 Weeks - Good Mourning 4236 Sefer Chofetz Chaim Series - 3 1156 Elul - Busy Signal 4237 Sefer Chofetz Chaim Series - 3 1158 Alleycat 4239 Sefer Chofetz Chaim Series - 4 1155 Bitachon Part 1 - X-Ray Vision 4240 Sefer Chofetz Chaim Series - 5 1217 Chapter 3: Sleep Tight 4241 Sefer Chofetz Chaim Series - 6 1164 Double Identity 4242 Sefer Chofetz Chaim Series - 7 9149 Emunah - Petty Cash 4243 Sefer Chofetz Chaim Series - 8 1116 Eye See Me 4244 Sefer Chofetz Chaim Series - 9 13006 Jewish Unity: What's Going On? 4245 Sefer Chofetz Chaim Series - 10 1159 Just a Second 4246 Sefer Chofetz Chaim Series - 11 1216 Just for the Music 1059 What is Jewish Philosophy? 1 1086 Keeping Up With the Levi's 1060 Rambam - 3 1166 Nothing But… 1061 Rambam - The Good Man vs. The Wise 1218 The Only One Man - 6 9151 The Total Picture 1062 Rambam - The Wise Man, Intelligence, Emotion, Intuition - 7 1179 True to Form 1063 Rambam - Illogic of Finite Within Infinity - 9 9150 Wax Museum 1064 Rambam - 'Understanding' Infinite & 1163 What's Right is Right Finite - 10 1065 Rambam - First Being - Metaphysics - 11 Rav Reuven Biala 1066 Rambam - What is Evil? 14 1323 Peace of Mind 1837 Teshuvah (Repentance) Rav Yechiel Biberfeld Rav Isaac Bernstein 9081 Haggadah Shel Pesach - Part 1 9163 Shelach Rav Yaakov Bichenfeld 9162 Chukas 1113 9164 Balak Untitled Rav Raymond Beyda Rav Michel Birenbaum 2229 1157 Vayera - Very Reliable Bereishis (Yiddish) 6030 9146 Vayishlach - An Honest Job Vayigash (Yiddish) 6026 9143 Miketz - Under Cover Shemini (Yiddish) 6029 1219 Vayigash - Jacket & Tie Gratitude (Yiddish) Page 2 of 43 Pinchos Tropper Torah Tape Library 6028 Loving Your Fellow Man (Yiddish) 6698 Chanukah - 2 2243 Yahrtzeit of Rav Moshe Feinstein zt"l 6699 Chanukah - 3 6700 Chanukah - 4 Rav J. David Bleich 8014 The Truth About Chanukah 1807 The Agunah Problem 8020 Chanukah Highlights Rav Moshe Bleich 6701 Purim - 1 13024 Haftorah Parshas Yisro 6702 Purim - 2 6703 Purim - 3 Rav Elimelech Bluth 6729 Purim - 4 1185 The Laws of Niddah # 1 6730 Purim - 5 8044 Hilchos Niddah (Week #1) 8046 Purim and Our Times 8054 Hilchos Niddah (Week #2) 8018 Lessons From Purim Rav Borchardt 8019 The Miracles of Purim 8000 Megillas Esther #1 13012 Lessons from the Flames: What Survivors of Churban Europe Want Us to Know 8001 Megillas Esther #2 Rebbitzin Zahava Braunstein 6704 Pesach - 1 6705 Pesach - 2 2711 Shalom Bayis 6731 The Seder Night - 1 Rav Y. Breitowitz 6706 The Seder Night - 2 1814 Mikvah 8002 The Seder Night #1 1826 Nuclear Disarmament - Taste of Torah 8003 The Seder Night #2 1827 Eretz Yisroel & Tefilla 8012 The Haggadah #1 8013 The Haggadah #2 Breslov Research Institute 2901 Shavuos - 1 917 Rabbi Nachman's Wisdom 6707 Shavuos - 1 Rav Shlomo Brevda 2902 Shavuos - 2 6708 6713 English Shiur #2 - Vayechi Shavuos - 2 6709 6714 English Shiur #3 - Vayechi Shavuos - 3 6710 6718 English Shiur #7 - Shelach Shavuos - 4 6732 2138 Eikev Shavuos - 5 3912 2010 Rosh Hashanah Shavuos - 6 922 6696 Rosh Hashanah Megillas Rus 8016 8015 Preparing for Rosh Hashanah Megillas Rus 8017 7023 Preparing for Rosh Hashanah Kabbolas HaTorah 2898 8009 Rosh Hashanah: Returning to the Truth #1 The Three Weeks - Senseless Hatred Stems from Lack of Faith 8010 Rosh Hashanah: Returning to the Truth #2 8004 Elul: Past & Present 8011 Rosh Hashanah: Returning to the Truth #3 1050 Living Emuna (Part 2) 2011 Rosh Hashanah - Hashkafa 2230 Emunah in Action 6697 Chanukah - 1 6712 English Shiur #1 Page 3 of 43 Pinchos Tropper Torah Tape Library 6715 English Shiur #4 1317 Chovos HaLevavos - Sha'ar HaTeshuvah - Perek 4 - End 6716 English Shiur #5 1294 Chovos HaTalmidim #1 6717 English Shiur #6 1285 Shabbos 25 - Maharal - Shabbos Light and 6719 English Shiur #8 Shalom 6720 English Shiur #9 1283 Shabbos 31a, 31b - 4/20/80 6721 English Shiur #10 1291 Shabbos 31a, 31b- 4/13/80 6722 English Shiur #11 1284 Shabbos 31b 6723 English Shiur #12 1301 Kiddushin 31 6724 English Shiur #13 1292 Baba Kama 16 with Mishnah 6725 English Shiur #14 1288 Baba Kama 16
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