FIFTY YEARS IN MADAGASCAR MARTYR MEMORIAL CH URCH, AM BOHIPOT SY, ANTAN.~NARIVO FIFTY YEARS IN MADAGASCAR PERSONAL EXPERIENCES OF MISSION LIFE AND WORK BY JAMES SIBREE, D.D., F.R.G.S. Of the Lond,n Missio11ary Society, Mem/,re de /'A(ad. Malgadze, .Author of "The Great Ajri(an Island," "Madagascar hifore the Conruest," ".A Naturalist in Madagascar," etc., etc. WITH MAP AND ILLUSTRATIONS LONDON : GEORGE ALLEN & UNWIN LTD. RUSKIN HOUSE, 40 MUSEUM STREET, W.C. 1 First published in 1914 {All rights reset'lled) Printed in Great Britain hy UNWtN BROTHltRS, LIMITED, THE GRESHAM PRESS, LONDON AJfD WOKING PREFACE Tms is not my first book about Madagascar, but none of the dozen or so, large and small, which I have already written, take up exactly the points which form the chief subjects of the following pages, nor do any of the books written by some of my brother missionaries. I believe, therefore, that the facts here given will be con&idered interesting, and as throwing light, not only on Christian and Church life among the Malagasy people, but also as a slight contribution to a wider history of missionary effort as a whole during the past fifty or sixty years. The year 1920 was the hundredth anniversary of the commencement of Christian work in the great African island ; and its history during the past century is another proof that the Gospel is still " the power of God unto salvation " wherever it is faithfully proclaimed. I have had the singular privilege and joy of being allowed to labour in and for Madagascar for fifty-two years, and again in this country for more than eight years, so I hope that this record of some of my experiences during that long period may not be unacceptable to those who are doing their part in sending and taking the Gospel message to the unenlightened nations of the world. J. s. BROMLEY, KENT, November 1928. 5 To the beloved memory of my Missionary Brothers and Sisters in Madagascar who have passed within the veil, especially of JOSEPH PEARSE, ANDREW DAVIDSON, CHARLES JUKES, HENRY E. CLARK, JAMES CROSS THORNE, CHRISTOPHER BORCHGREVINK, RICHARD BARON, AND PERCY MILLEDGE, this book is dedicated. CONTENTS P.lGB PREFACE 5 CHAPTER I MOSTLY AUTOBIOGRAPHICAL , 15 Origin and Anoeatry-of a Ministerial Family-Paternal and Mat.ernaJ Grandfathers--Father and Father-in-law-Connection witb dn!erent Church-Family Name-S_pani'lh Huguenot Deacent-Oil'oumst,anc~ resulting in-First gomg to Madagascar. CHAPTER II CHURCH BUILDING AMID DIFFICULTIES 20 Madagascar Memorial Ohurchea--Why built-Intense interest of English Christians in Madagascar-Rev. W. Ellis and his Visits there-Proposal to build Four Churches-Response to hie Appeal­ Inspection of Sites for the Churches-Began work at Ambatona­ kariga-An Historic Spot-Difficulties of my Task-Loss of European help-Interruptions from Native Habits-Laying Top. stone of Spire-Opening Day-Commence Second Church­ Religious Teaching and other Work-Influence of Memorial Church Scheme. CHAPTER III MALAGASY IDOLATRY AND RELIGIOUS BELIEF , 31 Malagasy Religion-No Organized Character, or Priesthood­ Idolatry of Recent Origin-Ancient Beliefs-Embodied in numerous Proverbs-Examples of these-Malagasy Idolatry chiefly Fetishism -Witches and Wizards-Tangena Poison Ordeal-Rise of Four National Idols-Their Na.mes and supposed Powers-A Malagasy Delphic Oracle-Appearance of the Chief Idols-Their Destruction in 1869-lnfluence of ttiis-Lucky and Unlucky Days and Times­ Ordeals-Lucky Stones-The Sikidy or Divination. CHAPTER IV CHURCH AND SOCIAL LIFE IN THE RE-ESTABLISHED MADAGASCAR MISSION 43 Religious condition of Madagascar in 1863-Missionaries' Work in the Capital-L.M.S. Mission Staff in 1863-Primitive House Accommodation-Appearance of Capital-Houses and Church­ Length of Services-Singing and Tunes-Old Christians and old Hymns-The Sacraments-Sermons and Preaching-Illustrations -A Sunday in the Country-Church Organization-Christmas 7 8 FIFTY YEARS IN MADAGASCAR PAGE Observances-Monthly United Services-Malagasy adoption of European Dress-Borrowing English Clothes-Sunday School Work-English Services-Village Chapel Openings-Opening of Mission Hospital-Monthly Magazine commenced-Printing in Madagascar-Madagascar then an Unexplored Country-Evangel­ istic Work in Heat,ben Districts-Mob-law and a Rescue-Religious Liberty secured-Quality of Native Christianity. CHAPTER V LIFE AS A COUNTRY MISSIONARY 71 Events between 1867 and 1870-Great outward Advance of Christianity-Began first Country Station a1, Ambohimanga-Our new Home there-Native Servants-Preaching "Plans "-Bible and Preachers' Classes-Day Schools-Country Classes-Travelling -Crossing Flooded Rivers-My Wife's Work-Difficulties and Opposition-Ignorance of Church Members-First Sunday at our Station-Native Feasts at Chapel Openings-Building a Mission House-Royal Visits to Ambohimanga-Hindrances arising there­ from-A Holiday near the Forest-Mantasoa and its Workshops­ Good Friday Services begun-Deputation from the L.M.S.­ Literary Work-Bible Revision Work-Journey to Antsihanaka Province-Effort,s to build a School-ff"ouse-Hindrances by Government Officials-A Cyclone in the Forest-Three Months' Journey to S.E. Madagascar-Removal to College in Capital, CHAPTER VI THIRTY YEARS1 WORK AS COLLEGE PRINCIPAL AND TUTOR • 105 Necessity for Native Pastors and Evangelists-L.M.S. Theological College-First Tutors-Twofold Object of College-Work of Messrs, Toy and G. Cousins-My Appointment-Our Malagasy Helpers-College Buildings-Popular Lectures-College requisi­ tioned by French Government-Smaller Building Erected- " Secular " Students-Ministerial Students-Successes and Fail­ ures-Wide-spread Influence of College-Training of Students' Wives-College Curriculum-Medicine and Surgery taught-­ Annual Meetings-Students' Dwellings-College becomes " Resi­ dential "-Its Removal t-0 Ambohipotsy-New Buildings-Results of College Work. CHAPTER VII A MISSIONARY EXPLORATORY JOURNEY TO THE SIHANAKA OR LAKE PEOPLE 122 Objects of the Journey-The Antsihanaka Province-Its In­ habitanta-Early Evangelistic Efforts-My Com:ranions-Anjo­ zorote-Our Sunday there-Our "Black Chaplain '-Appearance of the People-" The Great Dismal Swamp "-Chief Town of Province-.l\ative Officials-Loyal Speeches-Hospitality-The Pastor's Story-Memorial Posts-Sihanaka Houses-Abundant Bird-life-'.1.'he Great Level-A Watery Road-Amparafaravola­ Our Sunday Services-Teaching Singing-Another Pastor's Story­ ., Charity Water-pots "-Native .Bridges--Bull-fi.ghting-Alaotra Lake-Lovely Prospects and Interesting Audiences-Results of Evangelist's Work-Superstitious People of Anororo-Return Homewards-Subsequent Missionary Efforts in Antsihaoaka-And the Tsimihety Province. CONTENTS 9 CHAPTER VIII P.A.Glll CHURCH INSTITUTIONS AND OBSERVANCES AMONG THE MALA• GASY, , • 148 Sociable Character of the People-Schools. of First Missionar~es­ Primitive School Appliances-Schools 1n the Re-es~a~hshed Mission-A School Examination-Early Church Buildings­ Improved Structures in later Years-Mode of raising Building Funds-Analakely new Church;-Sunday _Se;hools-A S.S .. Anni­ versary Day-United S.S. Meetings-A M1sS1onary Entertainment -Christian Endeavour Societies-Dorcas Societies-Observance of Sacred Season&--" Farewell " and " Welcome " to the Year­ Ordination Services-Harvest Festivals-Variety of Offerings­ Church Decorations-Increasing love of the Beautiful. CHAPTER IX CHURCH SYSTEM AND GOVERNMENT; AND SECTS AND PARTIES IN THE MALAGASY CHURCH 162 A Scripture.1 Church Polity established-A State Chur<.>h averted- Our Church System a Combination-And a Natural Growth­ Malagasy Church Union-Subjects of Discussion-Discipline­ Union becomes also a Missionary Societr-Increasing V&lue of the Union-The Women's part in it-The' Four-Monthly" Meetings -Their Value--A "Constitution" adopted-Divisions from Unruly Element-Case of Ambatonakanga Church-A trying Sunday-" The Rush-house "-A Revival-The so-called "Apos­ tles"-" The Disciples of the Lord"-" Children of the Bible" -" Afternoon Assemblies "-My Difficulties at Ambondrona-A Schismatical Communion Service-I undertake all Church officers' duties there. CHAPTER X CHRISTIAN LIFE AMONG THE MALAGASY : ITS REALITY AND PROOFS 178 Reality of the Martyrs' faith-Testimony of First Missionaries­ Courage and Fidelity-An Underground Retreat-Cave for Worship-Belief in Prayer-Prayer among Heathen Malagasy­ Christianity known as "the Praying "-Company of Christian Women-Influence of Prayer on non-Christians-Razaka and his Rebel hearer-Prayer for a Diviner answered-" Doctor Jesus"­ Heathen Rebels' Persecution-Jesuit Persecution-Christian M&lagasy Soldiers in the Great War-Fruits of Christianity in Conduct-Illustrations of Early Church History-How the Malagasy become Christians-Inequalities of Christian Life­ Effects of tha Gospel on the Nation-(1) Evil things put down: Idolatry, Polygamy and Divorce-Open Licentiousness-Belief in Unlucky Days-Poison Ordeal-Divination-(2) Positive Good effected-A Written Language given-Schools-Printing and Books-Social Progress-Industrial Schools-Medical Work­ Training of Doctors and Nurses-Hospitals and Dispensaries­ Leper Asylums-Orphanages. CHAPTER XI THE BIBLE AND ITS INFLUENCE ON CHRISTIANITY IN MADA· GASCAR 201 Its Connection and Influence from the first-Translation work of first Missionaries-No European voice left in 1836-Early R.C. 10 FIFTY YEARS IN MADAGASCAR PAGE Mission on S.E. Coast-Its total Failure-Contrasted with Prot­ estant Mission-Rafaravary and her Idol-Mr. Griffiths' Parting Charge-Rainivelo and his "Scrap of Paper "-Bibles boiled for Charme-Ravelojaona and his "pin-pricked"
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