E970 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks July 6, 2018 imposed communism, as well as to find com- ed to the Verkhovna Rada (Parliament), RECOGNIZING JULIE AND BUCK monality between all of Ukraine’s ethnicities. breaking the Communist Party’s monopoly WATERS FOR THEIR COMMIT- It is during these times that we look to his on political power. MENT TO THE DEVELOPMENT OF example of humble, yet powerful leadership. The day after the election, March 5, Drach THE ARTS IN GREATER PRINCE May we remember his sacrifice, and find inspi- and other leaders of Rukh, a number of WILLIAM COUNTY ration in his unflagging commitment to a free whom, like Drach, were members of the and open Ukraine, and his pursuit for liberty. Communist Party, drafted and signed a statement calling for Ukrainian independ- HON. GERALD E. CONNOLLY IVAN DRACH—GIANT OF UKRAINE’S ence, denouncing the Communist Party and OF VIRGINIA INDEPENDENCE calling on the Communist Party to take re- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Ivan Drach, a giant in Ukraine’s movement sponsibility for the 1932–33 genocidal famine Friday, July 6, 2018 to independence, died June 19 in a Kyiv hos- (the Holodomor), deportations, repressions, pital at the age of 81. the policy of Russification, economic decline Mr. CONNOLLY. Mr. Speaker, I rise to com- Drach, a long-time member of the Writer’s and ecological disasters. mend Julie and Buck Waters, the Eighth An- Union of Ukraine, was a respected and nual Hylton Performing Arts Center Awards In early August, 1991, Drach received inter- award-winning poet and screenwriter. With national attention at the time President Gala honorees, for their endless contributions his poem ‘‘Knife in the Sun,’’ he first came George H.W. Bush came to Kyiv to deliver a to expanding the reach of the arts in the into national prominence during ‘‘The speech to the Verkhovna Rada in which he Greater Prince William County area. Thaw’’—a brief period of political and cul- cautioned Ukraine against ‘‘suicidal nation- In recognition of the arts being the heart of tural liberalization under then Soviet leader alism.’’ (Later named the ‘‘Chicken Kiev’’ a civilized society, net proceeds from the an- Nikita Khrushchev. speech by the late New York Times col- Twenty years later, Drach again came to nual gala benefit the Hylton Center’s many ar- umnist Bill Satire). national and international prominence as a tistic performances, arts education programs, political activist during the Soviet Union’s Before President Bush arrived in Ukraine veterans art and outreach initiatives, and the Perestroika period in the late 1980s and then from Moscow, at a Rukh rally in central Hylton Center’s Endowment. These programs during the early years of Ukraine’s independ- Kyiv, Drach surprised the crowd and the help to ensure the continuation of artistic ex- ence. The numbers of young men from media by anticipating Bush’s message and cellence in performances as well as the ac- Ukraine lost in the Soviet Union’s war in Af- repudiating it in advance. ‘‘I am afraid that cessibility to quality artistic programs. ghanistan and the handling of the Chornobyl Bush has come here as a messenger for the Over the short, storied history of the Hylton explosion led to Ukraine’s civil society be- center . We are not a sample of Soviet Performing Arts Center, a series of milestones coming restless with directives from what culture .... Our culture is the culture of was euphemistically known as ‘‘the center’’ Ukraine, the culture of Ukrainians, Russians have been reached due to the support and en- (Moscow) and were increasingly distrustful who live in Ukraine, Jews, Poles. Ukraine thusiasm of Julie and Buck Waters. Through of leaders in the Kremlin. will become independent despite the center. their personal philanthropy and volunteerism, In what began in late 1988 as an initiative Like the United States that cast off the Brit- Julie and Buck Waters have demonstrated of the Writer’s Union of Ukraine, a year ish Empire, Ukraine will cast off Moscow’s steadfast leadership and commitment to later had become a national movement. In Soviet Empire.’’ Prince William County, George Mason Univer- September 1989, at the founding congress of One of Drach’s most important contribu- sity, and the Hylton Center. Their dedication the ‘‘Popular Movement of Ukraine’’ tions was his role during the week between has helped the Hylton Center sustain the en- (Narodniy Rukh Ukrainy), a grassroots oppo- August 19, 1991, and August 24, 1991. In re- tertainment, education, and enrichment of sition movement known worldwide simply as sponse to a coup in Moscow during the early ‘‘Rukh,’’ Drach was elected chairman and an Northern Virginia by providing diverse and ac- morning hours of August 19, under the direc- cessible arts experiences in state-of-the-art Mykhailo Horyn, a political dissident who tion of Drach, Rukh immediately issued a had survived the Soviet Gulag, was elected venues. ’ statement condemning the leaders of the As a member of the first fundraising com- head of Rukh’s secretariat. The pair com- coup and the effort to return the USSR to bined focused vision with determined leader- hardline Communism, away from glasnost mittee to build the Hylton Center, Buck Waters ship and guided the organization, and civil and perestroika. Rukh feared a reverse in the serves as a member of the George Mason society, through a tumultuous period in his- course of freedom that had been advanced. University Prince William Campus Advisory tory. Rukh called for a special session of the Board. In addition, he is a former chairman of As Rukh’s membership grew throughout Verkhovna Rada to be held immediately in the Prince William Regional Chamber of Com- Ukraine other prominent dissidents, as well order that a strategy be developed to dis- merce, the Prince William & Manassas Con- as representatives of major ethnic and reli- tance Ukraine from the coup in Moscow. Be- gious groups in Ukraine assumed leadership vention and Visitors Bureau, and the Potomac hind the scenes, the leaders of Rukh pres- Business Committee for the Arts. roles. However, Drach, although often under- sured the members of the Communist major- stated in his actions, was the recognized Julie Waters is a past recipient of the Kath- ity in parliament to agree to a vote for leen K. Seefeldt Award for the Arts Excel- leader. With the sensibility of a writer, Ukraine’s independence on August 24, the Drach was eloquent in his expression of date of the special session. Then, by an al- lence-Outstanding Volunteer award for her Rukh’s goals and ideals, particularly empha- most unanimous vote, parliamentarians work helping to implement a program to bring sizing the inclusivity of Rukh. He always passed Ukraine’s Declaration of Independ- children from the area’s public school systems spoke in terms of ‘‘people of Ukraine,’’ and ence conditioning the declaration upon the to the Hylton Center for performances as a not ‘‘the Ukrainian people.’’ vote of the people of Ukraine in a national way to expose them to the arts. Julie currently A recognized tool in the USSR’s system of referendum that was held on December 1, serves on the Hylton Center’s Campaign Com- authoritarian governance was routinely to 1991. Ukraine was the only republic of the create friction between nationalities in order mittee, as the chairman of the Water’s Foun- Soviet Union to condition its independence dation, and as secretary of the Manassas Bal- to weaken opposition. In contrast, Drach and on a vote of the people. Rukh recognized and spoke to the common let Theatre. interests of all citizens of Ukraine—Ukrain- Drach continued to lead Rukh until the au- As avid art enthusiasts, Mr. and Mrs. ians, Russians, Poles, Jews, Tatars, and oth- tumn of 1992, and continued to serve in the Waters supported the launch of the new ers. At the founding congress of Rukh, re- Verkhovna Rada through several more elec- Hylton Center EXTRA! Series. As Leonardo flecting upon the principles of Rukh, Drach tion cycles. da Vinci once said, ‘‘Art is never finished, only underscored the importance of multi-ethnic Born on October 17, 1936, in Enlightens, abandoned.’’ We can take great comfort in respect within Ukraine stating, ‘‘Jews Kyiv Oblast, Ukrainian SSR, Ivan knowing that with the support of Julie and should live better and feel more comfortable Fedorovych Drach is survived by his wife Buck Waters as well as other great bene- in Ukraine than in Moscow, Leningrad, New Mariya and daughter Maryana, who is the York, Tel-Aviv, and Jerusalem.’’ While at Director of the Ukrainian Service of Radio factors of the Hylton Performing Arts Center, the helm of Rukh, he actively supported the Free Europe/Radio Liberty in Prague. His art will never be abandoned in Prince William decision by Rukh’s Council of Nationalities son Maksym, who had worked as a member County. In an effort to continue the advance- to help fund the gathering of the Crimean of a medical team during the aftermath of ment of the Hylton Center, Julie and Buck Tatar Mejlis, the first to be held in Crimea Chornobyl, and later suffered health con- Waters generously named the Practice Room since the group’s mass deportation by Stalin sequences as a result, passed away in 2009 at Suite Anteroom within the new Education and in 1944. the age of 44. Rehearsal Wing. In March 4, 1990, in the first politically contested elections in Soviet Ukraine, 111 Although offered a prominent state burial, Mr. Speaker, I ask my colleagues to join me candidates, including Drach and others from Drach declined and was buried in his native in commending the Eighth Annual Hylton Per- the Democratic Bloc, a political coalition village, next to his parents and his son.
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