Weather DISTRIBUTION TODAY M* vtfc* Wtfi £ BEDBAM Hi «IM0 23,650 •Mrrar. Wedoeaday tnOdH1 With rain iiaiiiatiiMifai* •** weather, paga 2. DIAL 741-0010 Pild X !Ud But uA a Mdltloni) ViUlaf OlHcti. PAGE ONE VOL. 86, NO. 164 Uiu«l dtllj. HoniMr throaiA mar. SMOBd Clm PI RED BANK, N. J., MONDAY, FEBRUARY 17, 1964 7c PER COPY Ruby Trial Starts Today By RELMAN MORIN has been called in order to from the building where the as Oswald's guilt or innocence is hinged with grief by the death DALLAS (AP) - Jack Ruby qualify 12 as junprejudiced. sassin lurked and then fired at immaterial in Ruby's trial. of the President. goes to trial in Dallas today, Ruby, 52, a/pale, pudgy night Kennedy. The key phrase in the indict- Held 'Wacky' accused of murder with malice club operator1, gunned down Lee Defense lawyers indicate that ment of Ruby charges he His chief defense counsel, in a strange case overshadowed Harvey Oswald, a self-styled they will try to go into the cir "...did then and there with mal- Melvin Mouron Belli, of San by the unanswered questions in Marxist, two days after the cumstances of the President's ice aforethought kill Lee Har- Francisco in an informal talk the assassination of President President was killed in Dallas murder, as an integral part ol vey Oswald by shooting him with reporters Sunday night John F. Kennedy. and Oswald was charged with the case for Ruby. with a gun." spoke of "psychomotor epilep- An unprecedented panel ol murdering him. Immaterial This is equivalent to a charge sy", "psychic shock" and 900 jury candidates — nearly The trial is starting in a court- But Henry M. Wade, Dallas of murder in the first degree in "trauma." He pictured Ruby as double the normal number — room directly across the street County district attorney, says other states. It carries a maxi- a victim of psychomotor epilep- mum penalty of execution in sy, subject to blackouts, which the electric chair. The mini- could be touched off by rage, mum is two years in prison. shock, or a powerful emotion. Wade says he will demand He said he did not know the death penalty for Ruby. Out whether he would put Ruby on Irwin Staying in Race the witness stand, but he said: of 25 murder trials, Wade has obtained 24 convictions. "If he's on the stand a long Ruby's trial, it appears now, time, you'll see a definite dis- will develop into a battle of function. This guy, if you keep For Congressional Seat psychiatrists. him there, on the stand or in His defense will pivot on a jail much longer, you won't have WEST LONG BRANCH - Tru- claim of temporary insanity, to take him any place to show r words were never spoken than the assertion that he became un- he's wacky." 'anything can happen in poll TRIAL SITE — This it Hi* courtroom of Judge Frank Wilton where selection of ju- tics." cors will begin today for Jack Ruby's murder trial in Dallai. Ruby is facing trial in This applies to what hap- pened In the borough hall here murder of Lee Harvey Oswald, accused assassin of President Kennedy. District yesterday when Freeholder Di Judge Joe B. Brown will preside, but Judge Wilson's courtroom will seat more than rector Joseph C. Irwin refused t" Saigon Bomb 200, while Judge Brown's courtroom seats only 42. (AP Wire photo) withdraw as a Republican can didate for Congress in the Thirc" District. With reporters present in tlr $1 Million, 125-Bed Project otherwise empty chambers, Mr. Suspect Held Irwin got a laugh when he hjt the gavel on the desk and SAIGON, Viet Nam (AP) - Softball field near Saigon Airport, cracked "Now we'll pass on the South Vietnamese police held a killing two U. S. enlisted men and budget for West Long Branch." wounded ricksha driver today as injuring 23 other Americans. From then on he was serious. a prime suspect in the bombin; Terrorist Team Plan Nursing HomeHe read his short letter to J. of a U. S. movie theater. Although police declined to dis- Russell Woolley, chairman of the Three Americans were killei cuss the ricksha boy's suspected ATIANTIC HIGHLANDS - A ance for Hie project Wednesday, Mr. SUyker, a pharmacist, is a GOP county committee and and 51 Americans—including role in the bombing, the shooting $1 million ratable in the form of night from the Zoning Board of member of Borough Council. Mr. chairman of the 28-member steer- women and children-were wound- and blast apparently were the a 125-t*d nursing home is being Adjustment. Saling is borough attorney. ing committee. It went like this: ed yesterday in the latest anti work of a highly skilled terrorist -proposed here, The Register Dr. DeRobbio is a physician- Eight Acres 'Careful Thought' American violence in Saigon team. psychiatrist with offices in Leo- teamed yesterday. A variance is required because "I respectfully reauest that you Nine Vietnamese also were Witnesses saw at feast two ter- nardo. Atlantic Projects Corporation. the eight-acre tract under con- place my name before the Re- jured. rorists. They said one shot the Mr. Synder, a focal resident, • newly-chartered group whosa sideration is located in a single- publican steering committee for One of the dead was a mili- military policeman at close range. was co-founder with Mr. Wester- officers include Dr. Francesco "P. dwelling residentat zone. consideration for the endorse- tary policeman who was shol Another hurried into the theater DeRobbto as president, James R. lind of the King Construction The undeveloped land is bound- ment or approval to represent While standing guard outside th< with a canvas satohel. A third Soyd«r, vice president, Richard Company, Long Branch. The firm ed on the south by North Ave., the Republican party of Mon- theater. Another was a Marine man—or woman—may also have Sttyker, secretary, and Henry J. is building the King James Apart- on the north by East Highland mouth County for the nomination Corps captain who was crushed been involved. Saline and Kingdon R. Wester- ments off Many Mind Creek here, Ave., and on the east by Sears to congress. under falling debris as he ran A U. S. military spokesman said ltd••J a, •^__treasurers_ , wil«__Mt l see___ik. a_ varj.,J>M1- slated for occupancy in May. Ave. "I do this after careful thought inside to warn the theater's 500 the lone Vietnamese civil police- Situated in the eastern, section and deliberation and with the AT LONG LAST — Standing in the council chambers in patrons. man on duty outside the theater firm conviction that mv years The body of the third Ameri was seen pedaling away on a bi- of the borough, part of the prop- West Long Branch, Freeholder Director Joseph C. Irwin President Selects Stateerty borders on land once pro- in public service have given me can was so badly mangled iden- cycle shortly before the attack. posed for tbe-Hanry Hudson Re- the experience and background makes the long awaited announcement concerning his tification was delayed. The MP was killed by a single gional School.; to adequately • serve the people candidacy for Congress in the third district. He told The U. S. command in South bullet through the neck. At least of this district." • Viet Nam ordered security meas- The one-story colonial style reporters he is still in the running and hopes the Repub- three shots were heard, however, am structure would be of wood and Mr. Irwin stated that soon after ures tightened to protect Ameri indicating the soldier may have brick construction. There would he graduated from Rutgers Uni- lican steering committee will give him due considera- can personnel in the capital from got off some shots. WM that victories in tne neigh- ATLANTIC CITY - PresMent be 50 semi-private rooms and two versity he was elected to the tion when rt meeti tomorrow. The statement added to terrorism by the Communist Vie Earlier Blasts Ijndon B. Johnson will kick off boring states of New Jersey and ward-type rooms, as prescribed council In Red Bank. He served Cong. On Feb. 9, two bombs ex- The movie house was rocked ids nationwide election campaign New York would give him a one- 3 the threat of an April primary. by-the -state. (See IRWIN, Page 3) ploded under the bleachers of by twcj terrorist bombs placed to New Jersey March 14. two punch in his election bid. Application for state certifica- against a wall last Sept. 21, but The Register learned that the That and the fact the state tion will be filed if and when a there were no American casual- President will make his appear- committee is desperately in need variance is granted, Mr. Stryker ties. The theater is on one of ance at the huge Convention Hall of money did the trick. Less than indicated. the most heavily guarded streets here, which will be the site of (25,000 remains in the commit- Say Palmer Fed Up, 'Wants Outi'n Saigon, and only persons the Democratic state committee's tee's till following the party's dis- 108 Jobs who show U. S. Defense Depart- Uth annual flM-a-ptate fund-rais- astrous day at the polls last Occupational and physiothera- By CHARLES A. JOHNSTON time is the uncertainty of the future. ment identification cards are al- ing dinner. November. py facilities would be available Highway commissioners serve at the pleasure of the gov- lowed into it.
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