appropriate occasions including active duty for training. They may not be worn while in the active Federal Service. (5) The Adjutant General’s Indivj.d,lal Award will be worn above the right pocket flap on the outer garmet and to the wearer’s left of the Presidential Citation or other Federal Awards authorized for wear above the wearer’s right pocket flap. TEXAS DECORATIONS, S~VICE I.~DALS AND OT~ AWARDS 16. Authorized Texas State Awards. Title 9~, Chapter 3, Article 5789, Revised Civil Statutes of Texas, as amended contains authority for award of Texas State awards. They are as follows: a. The Texas Legislative Medal of Honor. Subsequent awards will be denoted by a bronze oak leaf cluster. b. The Lone Star Medal of Valor. Subsequent awards will be denoted by a bronze oak leaf cluster. c. The Lone Star Distinguished Service Medal. Subsequent awards will be denoted by a bronze oak leaf cluster. d. Texas Medal of Nerit. SuOsequent awards wil! be denoted by a bronze acorn. e. Federal Service Medal. Subsequent awards will be denoted by a silver star. f. Texas Faithful Service Medal. Subsequent awards will be denoted by a bronze cactus leaf. g. Other awards. (I) The Adjutant General’s Individua! Award. Subsequent awards will be denoted by a second white star. (2) The Adjutant General’s Certificate of Commendation. Subse- quent awards will be made by presentation of another certificate. h. ~hen five (5) bronze acorns or five (5) bronze cactus leaves have been awarded, a silver acorn or silver cactus leaf, as appropriate, will be substituted therefor. i. An appropriate certificate will be furnished with each medal or subsequent award. 17. The Texas Legislative Medal of Honor. The Texas Legislative Medal of Honor shall be awarded to any member of the Texas State Military Forces who, by voluntary act or acts shall have distinguished himself conspicu- ouslybygallantryand.intrepidityat the risk of his life. The deed per- formed mmst have been one of personal bravery or self-sacrifice, so con- spicuous as to clearly distinguish the individual for gallantry and in- trepidity above his comrades and mast have involved risk of life. Incon- testable proof of the performance of the service will be exacted and each recommendation for the award of the Texas Legislative Medal of Honor will be considered on the standard of extraordinary merit. 18. The Lone Star Medal of Valor. The Lone Star Medal of Valor shall be awarded to an~member of the Texas State Military Forces, who distinguish- es himself by specific acts of bravery or outstanding courage, or a closely related series of heroic acts performed within an exceptionally short period of time, which act or acts involve personal hazard or danger and the voluntary risk of life, a~d which acts result in an accomplish- part from his comrades, or from other persons in similar circumstances. The required gallantry for award of the Lone Star Medal of Valor, while of lesser degree than that required for the award of the Texas Legisla- tive~edal of Honor, ~st nevertheless have been performed with marked dis- tinction. 19. The Lone Star Distinguished Service Medal. The Lone Star Distinguis- hed Service ~edal shall be awarded to any member of the Texas State Mili- tary Forces, who, while serving in any capacity with the Texas State Mili- tary Forces, shall have distinguished himself by exceptionally outstanding achievement or service to the State in the performance of a duty of great responsibility. 20. Texas ~.~edal of ~erit. a. The Texas ~4edal of Nerit may be presented to any member of the Texas State Military Forces who distinguishes himself for outstanding service, or extraordinary achievement, in behalf of the State of Texas or the United States. b. ~eritorious achievement or meritorious service includes that ren- dered specifically on behalf of the Texas State ~ilitary Forces a~d/or to the United States ~ilitary Forces while on active duty. It also includes acts of courage which do not meet the requirements for award of a higher State decoration. c. Superior performance of normal duties does not, in itself, con- stitute automatic justification for an award of the Texas ~edal of Merit. Awards should be restricted to the recognition of achievements and serv- ices which are clearly outstanding and unmistakably exceptional when com- pared to similar achievements of personnel of llke rank and responsibili- ties. This service or achievement, although clearly outstanding, is of a lesser degree than that service or achievement required for award of the Lone Star Oistinguished ~ervice Nedal. The successful accomplishment of a predesignated number of tasks or functions is not a valid basis for an automatic award. However, unusual and extraordinary sustained perform- ance may be used as a point of departure in justifying meritorious a- chievement or service. d. In instances where many individuals are affiliated with an ex- ceot!onally meritorious program, project or ~ission, the Texas Medal of T-,~erit should be awarded only to those relatively few individuals whose contributions clearly stand out from the others, and who have contributed most to the success of the program. e. ~hen awarded for act(s) of courage, a bronze block letter V, 1/4 inch high ~ith serifs at the top of the members, ~ll be included. The V will be worn on the suspension and service ribbons of the Texas Medal of ~erit and will. denote an award made for courage (Valor). Not more than one V will be worn. ~en worn with oak leaf cluster, the device is worn to the wearer’s right. 21. Federal Service Medal. The Federal Service ~edal shall be awarded to any person inducted into Federal service from the Texas State ~litary Forces between 15 June 19~O and 1 January 19~6~ and after 1 June 1950~ orovided that such Federal service was for a period in excess of nine (9) months with the ~Irmed Forces of the United States. 26 22. Texas Faithful Service ~edal. The Texas Faithful Service Medal shall be awa--~-~ teenymembe----~ t---~-TeTexas State ~litary Forces who has com- pleted five (5) consecutive years of honorable service therein, during which period he has sho~n fidelity to duty, efficient service and great loyalty to this State. 23. The Adju~ant General’s Individual Award. The Adjutant General’s In- dividual ¯~ward may be presented by the Adjutant General of Texas to an~ member of the Texas State ~&litary Forces who, while serving in any capa- city with the Texas State ~.!ilitary Forces, shall have distinguished him- self by meritorious achievement or outstanding service, when such action or duty is extremely note~orthy but of a lesser degree than that required for a~ard of the Lone Star Distinguished Service Medal or the Texas Medal of ~Jerlt. 24. The Adjutant General’s Certificate of Cormnendation. The Adjutant General’s Certificate of Commendation may be presented by the Adjutant General of Texas to any member of the Texas State Military Forces or to any employee of the Adjutant General’s Department for outstanding achieve- ment or performance of duty when such action or duty is noteworthy but of a lesser degree than that required for award of the Lone Star Distinguish- ed Service ~edal, the Texas Medal of ~-~erit or the Adjutant General’s In- dividual Award. 25. Description of Texas Medals. Texas medals are described in Appendix V. UNIT~ STATF~S ~ FORCES MEDALS 26. United States ANT/ Medals. Award of the Soldier’s Medal, the Distin- guished Flying Cross and the Air ~edal may be made to members of Reserve Components not in active Federal service by the Secretary of the Ar~r. Award of the Ar~ Commendation Nodal may be made to these members of serve Components by the appropriate CO~JS Ar~y Commander. Award of one of these decorations may be made to recognize acts as singular incidents of achievement related to membership in such Reserve Component or directly related to attendance on occasions of military duty. 27. United States Air Force ~edals. ~embers of the Reserve Components, while oarticipating in authorized periods of training or while in an in- active status, may be considered for all military decorations provided the act, achievement, or service was in furtherance of an Air Force mission or function and meets the established criteria. However, acts, achievements or service which are of principal benefit to private citizens are not the basis for military decorations. 28. Armed Forces Reserve Medal. a. The reverse of this medal is struck in two designs for award to personnel whose Reserve Component service has been primarily in the Organized Reserve or primarily in the National Guard The first design portrays the Ninute Man from the Organized Reserve Crest; the other design ~ortrays the National Guard Insignia. b. Requirements. Awarded for honorable and satisfactory service as member or former member of one or more of the Reserve Components of the Armed Forces of the United States, including the Coast Guard Reserve and the .~,’arine Corps Reserve, for a period of ten (I0) years under the follow- ing conditions: (I) Such years of service must have been performed within a per- iod of twelve (12) consecutive years. 27 .
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