1 2 NHSE Netlib, NHSE and other Sources National HPCC Software Exchange NASA funded CRPC pro ject Jack Dongarra Center for ResearchonParallel Computation CRPC { Argonne National Lab oratory Computer Science Department { California Institute of Technology UniversityofTennessee { Rice University { Syracuse University and { UniversityofTennessee Mathematical Sciences Section Uniform interface to distributed HPCC software rep os- Oak Ridge National Lab oratory itories Facilitation of cross-agency and interdisciplinary soft- ware reuse http://w ww .ne tl ib. org /ut k/p e opl e/J ackDo ngarra.html Material from ASTA, HPCS, and I ITA comp onents of the HPCC program http://www.netlib.org/nhse/ 3 4 Goals: NHSE Comp onents Outreach and technology transition {To the HPCC user community and industry To facilitate an active exchange program for HPCC software and enabling technologies via the National In- Distribution via the WWW formation Infrastructure. Discipline oriented rep ositories Uniform user interface Software review To promote contributions and use by Grand Challenge teams, as well as other memb ers of the high p erfor- { Simple submission mance computing community. { On going review Measurement Hyp ertext road map Software here includes algorithms, sp eci cations, designs, do cumentations, rep orts... Publishing to ols { Rep ository-in-a-b ox Naming & authentication architecture Selective capitalization of emerging technologies 5 6 Physical Physical Repository Physical Repository 2 Repository Bene ts 1 n 1. Faster development of high-quality software so that sci- entists can sp end less time writing and debugging pro- catalog catalog h problems. info info grams and more time on researc ware development e ort by shar- catalog 2. Less duplication of soft info file ware mo dules. request ing of soft 3. Less time and e ort sp ent in lo cating relevant software and information through the use of appropriate index- h mechanisms and domain-sp eci c exp ert retrieved ing and searc file help systems. NHSE verload through the use of lters Search/Browse 4. Reducing information o Interface and automatic search mechanisms. search results search request Virtual Repository Architecture 7 8 NHSE Based on Existing Technologies { WWW Browser Mosaic / Netscap e / etc Intended Audience Distributed / Scalable HPCC application and computer science community URL: http://www.netlib.org/nhse/ { Source of material for NHSE { Netlib Rep ository for math software since 1985 Users of NASA, NSF, DOE and other sup ercomputer centers Rep ositories Currently Available { Go o d targets for NHSE { Netlib, Softlib, CITlib { Natural supp ort organization: sup ercomputer cen- { ASSET - Asset Source for SW Engineering Tech. ter sta { CARDS - Comprehensive Approachto Other users of high p erformance computers Reusable Defense SW { ELSA - Electronic Library Services and Appl. { Current and p otential industrial users { GAMS Virtual Software Rep ository { No natural supp ort organization {STARS - SW Technology for Adaptable, Applicable to other domains Reliable Systems { Many examples related to GC problems Currently Available Information { NHSE currently p oints to 200+ mo dules software catalog tech rep orts and pap ers parallel pro cessing to ols libraries of reuseable comp onents Grand Challenge prototyp e co des 9 10 Netlib - Network Access to Mathematical Software and Data Began in 1985 { JD and Eric Grosse, AT&T Bell Labs Motivated by the need for cost-e ective, timely dis- Requests Made to the Netlib Repositories y mathematical software to the tribution of high-qualit at the Univ. of Tennessee & ORNL community. 8,345,418 total requests to these repositories as of Dec 20, 1995 Designed to send, by return electronic mail, requested items. 4,959,282 Automatic mechanism for the disseminate of public do- ware. main soft 4000 { Still in use and growing 3000 { Mirrored at a numb er of sites netlib2.cs.utk.edu 2000 Requests x 1,000 netlib1.epm.ornl.gov research.att.com 1000 netlib.no unix.hensa.ac.uk 0 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 ftp.zip-b erlin.de Year HTTP Gopher FTP XNetlib EMail Data as of - Dec 20, 1995 at 02:21:52 11 12 The following typ es of software are b eing made vailable: Breakdown of requests to each Netlib library a (an alphabetical listing is also available.) Systems software and software to ols. Data as of 12/01/95 at 02:42:11 Library Name Number of accesses lapack 469,634 { compilers pvm3 375,582 { message-passing communication subsystems linpack 254,992 slatec 245,724 { parallel monitors and debuggers. blas 176,606 clapack 128,081 Basic building blo cks for accomplishing common com- linalg 126,834 unication tasks. eispack 125,404 putational and comm slatec/src 117,374 ks are meant to b e used by Grand Chal- toms 115,825 { Building blo c f2c 96,255 lenge teams c++ 96,182 Research co des that have b een develop ed to solve di- benchmark 85,217 master 69,587 f2c/src 65,913 cult computational problems. minpack 60,158 yhave b een develop ed to solve sp eci c problems fn 59,266 { Man fftpack 58,083 { Serve as pro ofs of concept na-digest 50,750 eloping general-purp ose reusable soft- port 48,820 { Mo dels for dev slatec/lin 46,232 ware hence 45,103 confdb 42,631 c++/answerbook 37,298 slatec/chk 37,203 13 14 NHSE Software Catalog Review Pro cedure Benchmark and example programs 4 Treat the review and submission as indep endent pro- Data analysis and visualization 22 cesses. Numerical libraries and routines 57 Submissions are \sub ject" to ongoing review. { Computational geometry 7 Review status abstract for each submission. { Linear algebra 18 { Based on author comments { Optimization 4 {Package do cumentation {Partial di erential equations 3 { Our indep endent reviewer testing { Other 25 { Comments from users. Parallel pro cessing to ols { Communication libraries 25 { Execution and p erformance analyzers 31 {Parallel I/O systems 5 {Parallel programming environments 12 {Parallel programming languages and compilers 26 {Parallel runtime systems 10 { Source co de analyzers and restructurers 7 { Miscellaneous 16 Scienti c and engineering applications 66 15 16 NHSE Software Submission Technical and Political Issues Goals How will the naive user nd the right software? Ensure xity of publication le ngerprints, unique name { Answer: Via the NHSE search/browser interface and the Road Map Prevent imp ersonation and unauthorized changes How will authentication, integrity, and version control digital signatures b e implemented? Exercise quality control { Answer: By a publishing system that includes unique review classi cation naming & digital signatures. Promote interop erability Will the NHSE supp ort distribution of software that is RIG Basic Interop erability Data Mo del not free or cannot b e freely distributed? { Answer: Yes, but... only provide classi cation, review, and access use of encryption and separate key distribution NHSE will not have an accounting department Will the NHSE b e resp onsible for supp ort of software? { Answer: NO! Any supp ort will be by author or appropriate agent 17 18 User Pro les Currently pro cessed manually Aliations, Collab orations, and Intimacies { Click on Submit: User Pro le on NHSE home page { Fill in email address, software needs, information needs 3 W3 Consortium aliate member W C { NHSE Librarian sends you search results and keeps you p osted on future items of interest enditemiza Reuse Library Interop erablity Group RIG Member {Future - automate pro cessing Active within IETF Handle larger volume more quickly Interaction with Corp oration for National Research Ini- Intelligent information agents tiatives CNRI Semantic ltering 19 20 Road Map Di erent disciplines will maintain their own soft- ware rep ositories Structured Knowledge Base on Software Comp onents Users should not need to access each of these rep osito- { Similar to a hyp ertext encyclop edia ries separately { Assembled with the help of panels of exp erts NHSE will provide a uniform interface to a virtual HPCC various-p ersp ective catalog software rep ository which will b e built on top of the dis- { Glossaries tributed set of discipline-oriented rep ositories. { Algorithms The interface will assist the user in lo cating relevant { Applications categories resources and in retrieving these resources. { Enabling software A combined browse/searchinterface will allow the user to explore the various HPCC areas and b ecome familiar { Benchmarks with the available resources. { Hardware A longer term goal of the NHSE is to provide users with { Education and training domain-sp eci c exp ert help in lo cating and understand- { Links to other sites ing relevant resources. Prototyp e Currently Available {Topic: available applications co des and their comp o- nent HPCC technologies 21 22 Research Issues Needs for Browsing and Searching Rep ository in a Box CurrentWeb interfaces are dicult and frustrating for the user who is attempting to lo cate sp eci c informa- {Everything required for a site to setup a rep ository tion. and get connected to the NHSE Browsing by following hyp ertext links is slow and can publishing to ols b e disorienting. ftp, http, gopher, email servers Keyword searching su ers from the vo cabulary mis- logging and statistical to ols match problem and is unsuitable for users with impre- integration with replication service cise information and software needs. guidance and supp ort LIFN { assigned to a particular sequence of bytes, { once the assignment has b een made, the same LIFN cannot subsequently b e used to name any other se- quence of bytes. Indexing and Searching { Currently limited to syntatic keyword matching { Harvest system provides a set of customizable to ols 23 24 Capitalization of Emerging Technologies Combined Searching and Browsing Interface Three Levels of Software Development Augment a users mental p erception and knowledge of Pasadena I Workshop sp eci c domains, { Research prototyp e Improve a users understanding of the problem to be { Advanced development prototyp e solved, and { Commercial pro duct Form successively more fo cused and b etter articulated queries.
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