Beyond The Valley After 28 Years • REFERS to the world outside this little • TREASURER Curtis F. Randolph has Allegany County village. This new com- left his desk his career at Alfred is a saga mentative column by George Hyams is a of Alfred's progress during the past quart- new feature of the editorial page. The er-century. Read about it on page four. views expressed are his own. Read it on THE FIAT LUX page two. Student Neivspaper of Alfred University VOL. XXVII NO. 13—Z-444 TUESDAY, JANUARY 9, 1940, ALFRED, N. Y. Student Box Holder Texan New Year's Eve Whoopee Houghton to Keeps Students Out of Wreck Tryouts for "Our Town" «A LAST MINUTE change in Alfred in time for the opening of Debate Here plans was the margin by which school. However, they would Garry Smith '42 and W. Blewett have been involved in an Illinois Chenault '42, missed a train train wreck. On Friday wreck in which one was killed The net result of the change in Completed, Casting to be • HOUGHTON COLLEGE de- and thirty injured. plans follows: Smith and Chenault traveled 1.—Smith and Chenault made baters will be the first to meet down to Orange, Texas, for their whoopee in Texas on New Alfred's Forensic Society in its Christmas Vacation. They were Year's Eve. 1940 schedule. They will debate to leave for Alfred on New Year's 2.—Smith and Chenault avoided Announced by Week End Day, but at the eleventh hour they train wreck. without decision on the topic of decided to spend New Year's 3.—Smith and Chenault returned isolation, Friday, at Social Hall, Eve in Texas. The train connec- to school late for the start of Pulitzer Prize Play Chosen as tions which they would have made classes. beginning at^3 o'clock. Authorities if they had traveled as sched- 4.—Smith and Chenault are safe Alfred will take the negative on the Vehicle for Drama Groups' uled would have returned them to and sound. resolution: "That the U. S. should follow a policy of strict isolation to- Crack Down Late February Production ward all nations involved in interna- • MORE THAN FIFTY students tional and civil conflict outside the Alfred Alumni Meet On Bus Rides Campus Photos answered the call for tryouts for western hemisphere." • "STUDENTS who have not the forthcoming production of Keuka debaters will come the fol- On Display in purchased tickets in advance for In Syracuse, Discuss lowing Friday to debate on the same Thornton Wilder's play, "Our the Alfred-Hornell bus which question. Other teams tentatively Alumni Office Town," which will be presented makes the Erie train connection scheduled are Rochester, Nazareth, • CAMPUS CAMERA SHOTS by the Footlight Club and Theta at vacation times will not be al- taken by Clifford Scofield, well- New Arrangements Hobart, Eimira, noughton, and Hart- Alpha Phi in late February. lowed to ride on the bus," an- known professional photographer, • SEVENTEEN ALFRED wick. Veterans and novices vied for parts nounced college authorities today. last spring in preparation for the ALUMNI who are principals of new University prospectus will be on the Alumni Hall stage on Thurs- high schools in various parts of Syracuse Law The move was made as a result displayed in the Alumni Office, day, Friday and Monday afternoons. of the over-crowded bus conditions at the State, attended the annual Senate Sets Wednesday through Friday of this Casting will be announced late this Christmas Vacation. The Registrar's week. week and will be published in next alumni dinner in connection with School Dean Office sold only 57 tickets for the re- week's Fiat Lux. Professor John R. Spicer has the meeting of the Associated Hawkins Week turn trip and on the strength of the "Our Town," which will be directed Academic Principals of New York advance sale hired three busses with more than 200 proofs of action In Assembly photos and campus scenes. Many by Professor C. Duryea Smith, ran for State at Syracuse the last week • DEAN PAUL SHIPMAN ANDREWS a capacity of 71. However, more than many weeks on Broadway and re- After Exams 35 last minute cash fares caused over- of the pictures are interesting in December. of Syracuse University Law School studies of the students at work ceived the most coveted of awards, • WITH THE APPROVAL of the crowding and in some cases lack of In addi'~3n to the principals the will speak in Assembly this Thursday. and play on the campus. the Pulitzer Prize for the best play Student Senate secured, plans for room for those who had made the of the year. group of ",rly thirty attending the Dean Andrews will be accompanied necessary advance arrangements for Orders for these pictures will the much discussed Sadie Haw- The play is similar to a previous dinner included W. A. Titsworth, Reg- to the campus by John Young '37 and seats. be taken.. There will be two sizes istrar of the University; J. E. Whit- kins Week are under way, stated Wilder play presented last year by Lee Hodges '37, now Syracuse Law fiie train connection DUS service, offered, 8x10 and 3J/2 x 4J/2. Since craft, Head of the Department of Student Senate President Richard a large number of students will The Footlight Club and Theta Alpha seniors, and will meet students inter- which has been rendered as a con- Phi, "Pullman Car Hiawatha". Direct- Business and Secretarial Studies of Callista '40. As yet, no definite find their own pictures among the the College of Liberal Arts; G. A. ested in law as a career after the venience for the student body, is run ed by Winnie Winikus '39, and pro- date has been set for the leap by the University with no profit in- collection, a large sale is ex- Robinson of the faculty of the School program. pected. duced with a minimum of stage year event, but it is probable that volved. It will be resumed at the of Agriculture; Dr. A. K. Getman, Di- Dean Andrews, who spoke here two scenery and props, it met with en- rector of Agricultural Education in the open season on men will be Spring Vacation, but all riders must thusiastic approval of the local years ago, has been at the head of purchase their tickets in advance. the State Education Department, who the Syracuse Law School since 1927. declared shortly after the semester theatre-goers. received the honorary degree of Kanakadea to Prior to that he was active as special examinations. There is no scenery in "Our Town," Doctor of Science here in 1933; Irwin assistant to the attorney-general, a The proposed week will be one in and stage effects will be produced by A. Conroe, '23, Director of the Division director in the Department of Justice, Heifetz Star Sponsor Photo lighting manipulation. The specific of Higher Education in the State Edu- which all dating is reversed. The and Editor of the Columbia Law Re-girls will phone the fellows for dates date for the play has not been set, cation Department; and John Reed view, i but it will be in late February. Spicer, Executive Secretary of the and will pay all expenses for the In Forum Movie Competition Alumni Association. evening. However, the men will still • THIS YEAR the Kanakadea is in- act as escorts and call for and con- augurating a series of photographic Conroe Speaks Show Tonight Variety Show duct home the girls. contests to be held annually. Some- St. Pat's Board The program included short talks Plans, still tenative, include a Leap • "They Shall Have Music", the third thing new in Alfred history, the con- by Registrar Titsworth on the sum- Year Dance at which the stag line of show of the Movie Forum, stars test is supposed to attract interest mer session and the arrangements Auditions Soon girls will be the feature attraction. Jascha Heifetz, famed violinist, and in the Kanakadea and general activi- Meets Thursday that Alfred is making for the State's • ANNOUNCEMENT was made today Other special activities of similar na- will be shown in Alumni Hall at 7:00 ties about the campus and the town. • CHAIRMAN Frank Arrance '40, of new five-year teacher-training pro- i of a meeting to be held Thurs- ture will round out the week. o'clock- tonight. The show is a sub- the St. Pat's Board, is losing no time gram; by Professor Whitcraft on the The first prize entry will receive a day at the home of Mrs. John LIFE recently pictured a Sadie stitute for "Land of Freedom" which full page spread in the 1940 Kana- in making preparations for the gala new Department of Business and Sec- Hawkins Week in another college in has- not been released yet. March festival of the senior engineers. retarial Studies; by Professor Spicer R. Spicer, by Harold Edelson, '40, kadea and the Annual Kanakadea Publicity Chairman of the Variety which the girls treed their would-be Other actors in the picture are Photo Contest Award will be pre- The first board meeting of the New on prospective students and alumni; escorts in an attempt to woo them Year will be held Thursday at 7 p. m. and by Director Conroe on the title, Show. As soon as arrangements, can Andrea Leeds, Joel McCrea, Gene' Rey- sented to the winner in the Kanaka- be made a definite time will be set for to the cause. Whether or not the ac- nolds, and Walter Brennan. dea Assembly. in the Ceramic Lounge.
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