Perfidious Albion Game Index Currently incorporates issues 21-24, 61-104 Rev Review Srev short review (1 paragraph-1page, may not have separate title) Sr short remarks (1 sentence-1paragraph) Pla Play analysis, replay Disc Discussion Hr House rules, fixes (not in 62,70) Var Variant Scen Scenario Udd upcoming design discussion Err errata Fyno For your nostrils only Mbr Magazine & Book Review section Mbp My Back Pages section Wtps What the players say, from #83 Clio Clio nomination, #86, #87. +..nominated for best, -…nominated for worst historical game (left out for now) Obsb Open the box, stake the bunny! Only games with comments on gameplay are indexed, no announcements of publication or arrival or component listings. However, design discussion and remarks indicative of some sort of evaluation will be included. No guarantees for accuracy or completeness. Note that in particular Sr and Srev entries may not have a separate title and you may have to look for them in the magazine. 1st Cavalry 1964 (Vae Victis) 102 (srev/obsb) 5th Fleet 74 (rev), 75 (sr/fyno) 7 Ages 63 (udd/fyno) 7th Fleet 66 (rev) 8th Army (Attactix) 103 (rev) 13: The Colonies in Revolt 61 (rev), 63 (disc/fyno) The ’45 92 (rev) 1630something 91 (srev/wtps) 1812 (Columbia) 93 (sr) 1807: The Eagle Goes East 90 (fyno), 93 (srev,pla) 1815 79 (rev) 1862 76 (rev) 79 (sr/fyno) 1904/05 102 (rev) 1914: Glory’s End 88 (srev), 90 (srev) 1914: Opening Moves 104 (srev/obsb) 1918: Storm in the West 81/82 (rev), 83 (srev), 84 (sr) Across Five Aprils 84 (wtps,srev), 85 (rev/hr), 86 (sr, disc), 87 (sr) Advanced Third Reich 84 (wtps) Aegean Strike 62 (rev) Afghanistan 90 (sr) Africa Orientale 72 (rev) Africanus 89 (srev/wtps) Afrika 86 (srev/wtps), 90(srev) Against the Reich 87 (sr/fyno) Age of Chivalry 85 (srev/wtps) Age of Exploration 88 (sr/wtps) Age of Napoleon 104 (srev) 1 Age of Rifles (SSI) 94 (rev), 95 (sr) Age of Sail (Talonsoft) 95 (srev/obsb) Air Superiority 66 (srev), 78 (disc/fyno) Air & Armor 66 (disc/fyno), 102 (srev) Air War 23 (sr), 24 (rev) Airforce 22 (var), 23 (var) AK47 100 (sr) Alesia (Vae Victis) 98 (obsb), 99 (srev) Alexandros 80 (sr), 81/82 (rev, srev, sr/fyno), 90 (sr), 93 (sr) All Quiet on the Western Front 95 (srev/wtps), 96 (srev) Alpha Omega 24 (rev) The Alma (3W) 88 (sr/wtps) Ancient Conquests 71 (rev) Ancients I 84 (wtps) Anglo-Dutch Wars 98 (udd), 99 (udd) Angola 67 (rev), 69 (sr/fyno), 76 (sr/mbp) Antietam (Command) 86 (rev, srev) Anzio 96 (sr) Arab-Israeli Wars 21 (srev/fyno), 24 (srev/fyno) Los Arapiles 91 (srev/wtps), 94 (rev) Ardennes (Gamers) 89 (sr), 90(sr), 92 (srev) Ardennes ’44 (GMT) 104 (srev/obsb) Ardennes 1944 (Vae Victis) 103 (srev/obsb) Armada (Atari) 77 (rev) Armada (Alea) 94 (srev) L’Armee du Nord 86 (rev, aewc/wtps), 87 (disc) Arnhem 1944 (VV) 98 (rev) Arriba Espana 96 (rev), 100 (sr) ASL 63 (sr/mbp), 81/82, 85, 86 (pla), 90(disc) Aspern-Essling (Gamers) 102 (sr) Assault 64 (sr/fyno) Atlantic Storm 97 (rev,fyno) Attack Sub 80 (rev) Austerlitz (Gamers) 86 (srev/wtps, sr/fyno), 87 (rev), 88 (disc), 89 (disc) Austerlitz (CHV) 86 (udd), 88 (udd) Austerlitz 1805 (Vae Victis) 90 (sr), 91 (rev) Austerlitz 1805 (MiH/GMT) 96 (udd) Austro-Prussian War (S&T) 88 (srev), 90 (srev) Avalanche (GDW) 21 (disc) Balkan Wars 87 (srev) Bar-Lev 22 (srev/fyno) Barbarossa to Berlin 104 (sr/mbp) Barbarian, Kingdom, Empire 88 (srev) Barbarians 90(wtps) Barren Victory 81/82 (rev) Bataille de la Marne 1914 75 (rev), 77 (srev/fyno) La Bataille Series 63 (err), 84 (sr), 85, 86 (disc), 90(disc), 101 (sr) La Bataille d’Espagnol-Talavera 64 (sr/fyno), 66 (sr), 67 (sr/fyno) La Bataille de Friedland (Azure Wish) 99 (rev) La Bataille de Lutzen (CoA) 99 (rev) La Bataille de Matz (Vae Victis) 99 (rev) La Bataille de Mont St Jean 85 (srev/wtps) Baton Rouge (S&T) 84 (sr) The Battle for Dresden (NES) 92 (srev/wtps) Battle Cry 101 (rev) Battle of Alma (GDW) 86 (srev) Battle of Britain 77 (rev) The Battle of Prague 62 (rev) Los Battles des Gringos 101 (srev) 2 The Battles of Waterloo 89 (rev) Battles for North Africa 94 (srev/wtps) Battlegame Armada 67 (rev) Battlegound: Gettysburg 93 (srev) Battleground: Waterloo (Talonsoft) 93 (srev, sr), 95 (srev/mbp) Battlelines 104 (srev) Battles of the Ancient World III 103 (rev) Battles of the Hundred Days 63(rev,disc), 64 (srev,disc, disc/fyno), 65 (disc/fyno), 70 (sr/mbp) Belisaire (Vae Victis) 95 (srev) Bittereinder 103 (fix), 104 (rev) Black Day of the German Army 96 (srev) Black Sea Fleet 88 (srev) Blitzkrieg 1940 (Command) 96 (srev) Blockmania (GW) 96 (sr) Blood & Iron (3W) 85 (rev, srev/wtps), 86 (sr) Blood & Iron (Command) 85 (srev), 86 (sr) Blood & Iron (PacRim) 87 (rev) Blood and Steel 101 (rev,srev) Blood on the Tigris 93 (rev), 95 (srev) Bloodiest Day 91 (rev, srev/wtps) Bloody 110 77 (sr/fyno), 79 (sr/fyno) Bloody Kasserine 84 (sr) Bloody Keren 64(sr/fyno) Blue vs Grey 98 (rev,disc,sr), 99 (srev) Bobby Lee 86 (rev, srev/wtps, disc), 87 (pla, rev, sr, sr/fyno), 88 (sr, sr/fyno), 92 (sr) The Boer War 81/82 (rev) A Bold Stroke 93 (srev/wtps) Bonaparte in Italy 90 (sr) Borodino (GDW) 62 (sr/fyno) Borodino (Eagles of the Empire) 88 (sr/wtps), 89 (srev/wtps, sr/mbp), 90(rev), 100 (srev) Borodino: Doomed Victory 76 (rev), 77 (sr/fyno), 79 (sr/fyno) Bouvines 1207 (Delires SARL) 97 (rev) Brandywine (GMT) 101 (obsb) Breakout Normandy 86 (disc), 87 (srev/wtps), 90 (sr), 92 (obsb), 93 (rev), 94 (sr), 96 (sr) Britannia 71 (rev), 73 (sr/fyno), 88 (sr), 90 (sr) Budapest 1945 95 (srev) Bundeswehr 65 (err) Bunker Hill 90(wtps) Burma (Alea) 94 (srev) Burma (Gamers) 100 (sr), 103 (rev) Byzantium (S&T) 95 (srev/obsb) Cannae 66 (rev) La Campagne de Gettysburg (VV) 95 (rev), 99 (sr) La Campagne de la Loire (VV) 99 (srev) Campaign for Guadalcanal 95 (srev) Campaign for North Africa 21 (udd/fyno), 22 (udd/fyno) Campaign to Stalingrad 84 (wtps), 85 (srev) Campaigns in the Valley 73 (sr/fyno) Campaigns of the Civil War (3W) 83 (srev/wtps) Campaigns of Marlborough 64 (rev/hr), 66 (sr, disc/hr/fyno), 68 (pla), 70 (pla/hr/var) Campaigns of Robert E Lee 75 (rev) Carrier 79 (rev), 81/82 (sf/fyno), 89 (sr) Carrier Battles 102 (pla) Carrier Strike 102 (pla) Centurion: Defender of Rome (EA) 84 (rev) Champs de Bataille 95 (rev) Chancellorsville (CoA) 83 (srev/wtps) Chantilly (Ivy Street) 100 (rev) Chariotlords 97 (udd) 3 Caseros 1852 98 (srev) Chickamauga (West End) 65 (sr/fyno), 67 (sr/fyno), 68 (rev) Chicken of the Sea 95 (srev) Clash of Empires 63 (sr,sr/mbr), 64 (rev, disc/fyno) Clash of Giants 103 (srev/obsb) Clash of Titans 98 (sr) Combat! 100 (rev) Condottieri 62 (sr/mbr), 66 (sr/fyno) Cortes 84 (disc), 85 (srev) Cowpens (Markham) 102 (srev) Credo 88 (sr/wtps) Crete 1941 (Vae Victis) 98 (obsb), 99 (srev,srev) Crimea 65 (rev), 72 (disc/fyno) Crisis 2000 90(sr) Les Croisades (Vae Victis) 97 (rev) Cromwell 66 (sr/fyno) Crossbows & Cannons 81/82 (srev), 86 (sr) Crusader (Gamers) 96 (srev, rev) Crusades Quad 83 (srev/wtps), 84 (sr) Cuba Libre (Sim WS) 100 (rev) Custer’s Luck 63 (disc/fyno), 64 (disc/fyno) CWB (Gamers) 89 (sr) Czechoslovakia’38 (Command) 86 (srev) D-Day 90 (sr) The Damned Die Hard 102 (srev) Dark Nebula 94 (sr) Days of Decision 79, 81/82 (sr/fyno) Days of Decision II 90(rev) DBA 80 (rev), 81/82 (disc) De Bull Run a Appomattox 104 (sr) Dead of Winter 81/82 (sr/fyno) Death Ride – Mars-la-Tour 97 (udd), 100 (rev) Decision in France 90(srev), 96 (srev) Defeat in Burma (Alea) 93 (srev) Denain (Vae Victis) 99 (srev) Desert Steel 74 (rev), 75 (sr/fyno) Desert War 71 (srev) Dicke Kartoffeln 75 (srev) Dien Bien Phu (Vae Victis) 102 (rev) Diplomacy 93 (sr) Dixie 89 (sr/mbp) Down in Flames 87 (rev), 88 (sr) Dreadnought 22 (scen) Dresden 1813 (Broadhurst) 24 (udd) Drive on Paris 101 (rev) Drive to the Baltic 102 (srev) Duel in the Desert 102 (sr) Eagles 92 (rev, srev), 93 (sr) The Eagles Turn East 91 (rev) East Front 81/82 (rev), 86 (srev), 88 (disc, pla), 89 (disc) 96 (sr) Eastern Front Tank Leader 63 (sr), 65 (rev), 65 (disc/fyno) Eastwall 98 (sr) Edson’s Ridge (Gamefix) 93 (srev) Eighth Air Force 91 (srev/wtps), 92 (obsb) El Rey Prudente 90 (udd), 93 (udd) Emperor’s First Battles 93 (sr/wtps) The Emperor Returns 65 (sr/fyno), 66 (sr), 84 (mbp/srev), 90 (sr) Empire of the Rising Sun 92 (srev/wtps) Empires at War 87 (srev/wtps), 89 (disc) 4 Empires in Arms 64 (sr/fyno) End of Empire 96 (sr/wtps) England Expects 104 (udd) English Civil War (Ariel) 66 (sr/fyno) Europa Universalis 90(wtps), 92 (srev) Europe Aflame 75 (rev) Eylau (Eagles of the Empire) 102 (pla/var) Extremadura 1938 (Alea) 93 (srev) Fall of Eagles 93 (udd) Fall of Rome 94 (srev/obsb) A Famous Victory 89 (rev/var), 90(wtps) The Far Seas 70 (rev), 72 (disc/fyno) Fast Carriers 80 (sr/fyno) Fatal Alliances 84 (srev), 87 (srev) Fateful Lightning 92 (obsb) Field of Battle 84 (udd), 87 (udd) Fields of Glory (PC) 86 (rev) Fighting Sail 61 (srev) Fire in Mississippi 100 (rev) Fire Team 66 (srev, disc/fyno) First Day of the Somme 102 (rev) First Team: Vietnam 63 (rev) First World War (SPI) 22 (rev) Flashpoint Golan 84 (wtps), 87 (sr) Flat Top 93 (sr), 102 (pla) Flight Leader 64 (disc/fyno), 65 (disc/fyno), 66 (sr, sr/fyno) Flodden see Flowers of the Forest Flowers of the Forest 74 (sr/mbp), 88 (udd), 89 (udd), 92 (dd), 93 (disc, err), 94 (pla) Folgore! 66 (sr) Fontenoy 1745 92 (rev), 93 (disc), 95 (sr) For the People 97 (rev,hr,wtps, obsb), 98 (rev,disc,wtps), 99 (pla,rev), 100 (disc,pla) Forgotten Axis: Murmansk 100 (rev) The Forgotten War 101 (s) Fortress Stalingrad 70 (rev) Forward to Richmond 84 (srev) Four Battles of the Ancient World 83 (srev/wtps), 84 (rev), 85 (disc) Fox One 95
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